Motorola Droid Bionic :: Data But No Voice Or Text Service
Sep 9, 2011
My old now deactivated phone (Droid X) rang in my bag. I answered it in confusion and it was the wife. My Bionic never rang. So I tried to make a call from the Bionic, for the first time, and I got the "we can not authorize your phone please hold" message.
I have been reading articles about the new iphone and the ability to talk and surf at the same time. It seems that the new iPhone 5 will not be able to do this on Verizon and Sprint. This would really effect any one who may use hot spot sharing. Maybe I am just reading into this to much, or is this a possible move to keep iPhone off the VZW and S off there networks because it is a data hog? I just seems like a step back wards. I hope this doesn't move over to the android phones. It sounds like it may just be a limitation of the new iPhone's ability to work on several different networks, but don't you think a new device would have that covered? Just one more reason not to move over to Apple. I will keep my bionic as long as I can, and then purchase another android. After playing with some new phones the other day like the SIII, I think I will still be getting another Motorola when the time comes. The Motorola phone just flows better IMHO. [URL]
Text messages will use the Default Notification ringtone, and then will speak the texting contact's name. Things I have tried:
Talkback is off (even made sure the setting is off) Accessibility settings are set to "Ring Only" Call settings are the same Not using Smart Actions Cannot find any driving mode, which seems to be the common culprit....
I am on ICS .246, rooted. Hoping that doesnt matter
Im having the same issue as a lot of other people (so i read). Mine has progressively gotten worse. My data connection shows active (sometimes it doesnt) but I cannot transfer data. After multiple restarts/battery pulls, i have data connection but NO app will transfer data except the web browser and dolphin. Even Gmail will not sync. So i can surf the web, but cant check my gmail app, pageonce, etc, etc. Wifi/bluetooth work fine. MOST of the time I can still text / make calls but not always.
I am hesitant to do a factory reset as the last time i did this, it did not change the problem and i was stuck with nothing because i had no data connection to connect to my google account with (nor wifi, i was on vacation).
Just in case anyone is fighting with data connections today (3/2/12), Verizon has a 4G outage going - at least in my area. I'm in the Maryland suburbs outside DC. My service has been down for a couple of hours so far.
The IM service is always running in applications. I have never even opened the IM application or set it up. It usually is using up between 3.1 and 3.7 MB in the memory, which isn't a big deal. It is running one process and two services. Any way to disable the IM app from constantly running in the background. I had disabled it in the Task Manager to shut off two minutes after the screen goes off but whenever the phone wakes it turns back on and seemed to make my data issues worse. I can't say for sure that adding it to the auto kill list directly affected the data connection because it may have just been another bad day for the Bionic.
Is there a way to turn the text-to-speech options on only for caller ID and text messaging? I don't want the phone to tell me every button I push or screen menu that I'm on. I want it only to read me texts and say who the call is from before ringing.
I took the "beta" update to My Motospeak and now I cannot give voice commands to dial from my bluetooth! How do I fix this or get back to the old software? I am using a Bionic with a compatible Mototola bluetooth.
I have had my phone for over two weeks. I've begun to notice that the phone doesn't ring when I get a phone call. Sometimes a particular call won't even register as missed; other times the call just goes to Voicemail
My voice search has stopped working completely! It gives me the error message that it has ended unexpectedly and I have to click on a button that says force close be it in the google search widget or in the gps mode.
The Verizon salesman replaced the new sd card with my old one from Droid 1. I reinstalled the apps and all but 2 are working fine. My "Bookworm" and my "Quick List Free" don't access the information already on the sd card. Astro shows it there but apps say nothing there. I have about 350 books and info on them in the Bookworm. How do I get the app to see the info. I don't want to put them in again individually.
Since 1am (PDT) this morning I've had no data on my Bionic. By that I mean there's been no data symbol -- no 3G symbol at all. I'm not talking about the "white, not blue 3G/4G" issue that some people have reported (and which I've never had). This is no data symbol at all.Regular signal is fine, and I can send texts.I've tried all of the obvious fixes (short of factory reset), including starting in safe mode:no good
So i am on my 4th bionic it seems that my signal is always weak. The signal bar in batter use stats is always yellow and grey rarely green. My battery dies faster after update 50% only 4 hours off charger. The thing getting to the most is when i pull phone out of pocket and unlock it the data never works i tried everything rebooting or airplane mode do not fix it. I usually have to pull battery. I did factory reset twice since update. Does this mean i have get #5 ordered for me?
Well for the past 24 hours and counting I cannot access any data unless i have a 4g signal, which doesnt stay on for more than 5 min before that drops. I spent another hour with tech support with no fix so they finally offered a Rezound which i painfully opted for. It is really a dissapointment that with all the months of delay that they could not get this beautiful phone to work for many of us. I hope the Rezound does not have issues like this phone does. Also hope Moto can get back on top next year and I may come back...
I was in KC over the weekend and was having massive issues with Data drops, but when i am back home in Dallas i rarely have issues. Has anyone else noticed the same?
I bought my first Bionic, on Oct28th, had the data issues from day one. Finally after a month and several hours of phone calls to Verizon and Motorola, replaced handset. New handset, new SIM, still same issues. Loosing data, loosing connectivity,etc. I have always used Motorola from the Startac, Droid X, Droid X2,etc. Really disappointed with Verizon. I am very data dependant with my job.
Starting late this afternoon, I lost all data connections except wifi. Verizon support told me an outage is nationwide for phones with LTE. As I am typing this, LTE is back for now after a 6+ hour outage. Hopefully Verizon fixed the lte/cdma problems that have been a problem for a couple of weeks.
I captured some excel file data on my phone from my Church's computer. I downloaded the file to my personal laptop today and it was corrupted. The file was compatible with Excel versions 97 - 2003. Does anyone know how to recover from this or why the file gets corrupted?
This is something I haven't run across before. I left work Friday phone was connected to our wifi no problem. Over the weekend the Bionic was on/off my home wifi without issue.
I come into the office this morning and wifi connects to the work wifi. The only data I get is LAN network so my exchange email and can access any device via my browser. It shows I have an IP address and everything but I can't get any data connection to the outside world unless I turn off wifi. So the wifi icon is on but it's grey instead of the blue like it should be.
I've cleared all my saved networks in my phone, pulled the battery, 4G sim. Only thing I haven't done is reset the phone. Going to test the wifi when I get home.
None of this makes sense why it connects to the APs, gets an IP and I can get internal LAN access but not external. I have other Android, iOS, laptops, etc all working fine.
i have not been able to get a data connection all day. i lost my data connection near my house this morning right on the border of 4g/3g area. i drove to work about 25 miles away where there is 3g only and still have not been able to establish a data connection. i have rebooted the phone, pulled the battery, rebooted in safe mode, switched to cdma only, switched on an off airplane mode countless times and still have no data connection. i do have a 3g icon with almost 4 bars in the status bar, but no connection. browser not connecting, no facebook, no Internet...nothing.
Over the past week, or so, I have been experiencing intermittent losses of data and phone service. This issue has been magnified over the past few days. Initially, I thought it was a result of an early season snowstorm, that more or less, crippled my state (Connecticut), and since I am a power utility engineer, as you can imagine, I have been on the phone quite a bit. As we moved closer to full electric restoration, I am seeing that this isn't an issue brought on by inclement weather, but by a software/hardware glitch.
Ok yet ANOTHER problem with the BIONIC and moto software.
The camera is not writing all the EFIX data to the pictures. Most importantly Date Taken. The stock google app did this!!! Everyday I find something that annoys me more and more about this phone.
Been having horrendous problems with data connectivity. I take the train from Baltimore to DC every day, and w/my OG Droid, never had problems, even if one or two location only seemed to have 1x available. With my Bionic, however, I am frequently dropping my data connection completely (moreso than it seems when I bought the phone in September -- not 100% sure since I wasn't paying close attention to it those first couple weeks).For the heck of it, I thought I report it on twitter and see what kind of response I would get from @VZWSupport. (I always get better Comcast support from their twitter folks than from my local office).Got a response (see attached graphic).They told me to enable data roaming. Really? Anybody had success with that? I'm worried about running up a huge bill.
So I haven't had any trouble until now with my boinic. I took pictures saturday and I just tried to take one and this is what I got. "Camera is unable to initialize". I have pulled the battery and cleared the data on the camera app and still nothing. I really dont feel like starting over with it but I can if I have to later.
I'm a night owl. So I always wondered why my bionic would not have data after midnight when I first picked it up. Come to find out after digging in the settings that there is battery saver mode enabled by default. I turned it to "performance mode" now I always have my connection.
I've been using my Bionic for about 24 hrs now (pretty heavy useage) and only 3 items show up in the "Battery and Data Manager":
Southwest Airlines App (96%)
Cell Standby (2%)
Phone Idle (2%)
That's it. I've used about 30 different apps and I've had WiFi on and off, I've been on LTE and switched to CDMA only for a bit. I've tried out the GPS, used Google Talk, the browser and a bunch of other stuff that I know takes up battery life and I want to know what is killing the battery? Is there a fix for the Battery and Data Manager or somewhere else on the phone I can look for this info?
I have been using excessive amounts of data 6gig month for an average user. I installed an app to show me whats consuming the data and at an alrming rate, it's a process called Rich ClipboardWhat is this and how do I stop it from using so much data? it's killing my battery!!!