Motorola Droid 4 :: Updated Due To Notification And Not Ics
Aug 12, 2012
I installed update and it is DEFINITELY NOT Ice Cream Sandwich. I have Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS on my Droid RAZR MAXX. After the update to my wife's Droid 4, she has System 6.13.219, Android 2.3.6 (still Gingerbread).
My phone got the update a few days ago. The battery died that night and when I went to charge it it wouldn't turn back on. I left it on the charger to see if that would help. Now it rarely turns on and if it does it will spontaneously freeze and shut down. Sometimes it will turn on and freeze on the M screen. I haven't downloaded any new apps and have taken the battery out numerous times. I just got the phone a few weeks ago from my insurance. It's running on 2.2.3.
The following is especially for the Moto Development TeamFacebook has significantly changed their screen presentation in the last month, with things like large pictures and trending articles, for example.For me and my Droid 4, I am seeing very few to no facebook News Feed updates in the Social Networking App or Widget. I see all of them in the facebook for android app. Twitter, with its simple design, is the mostly the only thing I see updates from in Social Networking.I dug into the software on the phone and found the probable cause.The App Social Networking uses a process called com.motorola.blur.friendfeed.After tracing the path to the resource files for this process, I find this process uses 2 resource files, both located in /system/app/ called FriendFeed.odex and FriendFeed.apk. These files and the other files related them (friendfeed.xml file that crossreferences process com.motorola.blur.friendfeed to friendfeed.jar) all have a date/timestamp of 3-8 16:25 - basically, about when the Droid 4 first came out.
My turbo automatically updated the factory camera app today. So today was the first day I tried recording video and it would not record. I spoke with a verizon tech guy and he had me uninstall the update and now the phone will record video.
Attached is the most up to date battery stats analysis Ive been running since I bought the phone new on 11/10/14.
So far over the life of my phone my average usage is:
By 27% battery left
- 2.23 days on battery
SCREEN - 4.14 hours of screen on time - Screen 30% of battery usage
CELL STBY - Cell Standby 1.61 days - Cell Standby 24% of battery usage - Time without signal 3%
VOICE CALLS - Voice Call Time 40 minutes - Voice Call 8% of battery usage
on the main page if you scroll to the right at the top youll see some simple crunching to compare how many charges less my turbo is getting compared to my old android phones (droid x and gnex) where I charged them every night. I charged them every night because I had too, likewise I only charge the turbo when it needs it. I am open to hearing others opinions on what % its best to charge at but as I know and you should too it is very much debated. There are many surces claiming what is best as for charging habits. i am testing based on charging my phone to 100% once it hits around 25-30% and ever 30 charges I run it down to 7-10% to 100.
After the last update, when ever an app on my sd card gets an update, all of the apps I put on the sd card disappear from the home screen. So, every time I update one, I have to reinstall all of the shortcuts on my home screen. Have already done a couple of factory resets and tried other sd cards.
I use GO SMS as my primary text messaging app. With ICS I had the ability to disable the stock text messaging app but after the Jelly Bean update, the disable button is now grayed out. Disabling the stock messaging app enabled me to access the GO SMS app from the lock screen as well as from the Circle widget.
I just got a Motorola Milestone in the mail today. I liked the Moto Droid that Verizon has but I have no interest in going to Verizion again. (America's most reliable network does not work in my basement or in other parts of my home and yet Sprint, AT&T and T-Mobile do )
So I got the GSM version of this phone.I have always liked that Droid! notification that alerts you to a new email in my mail box.Is there anyway to get that on my Milestone?Also is there anyway to access the apps store for the free apps without having to sign up for a Gmail account?
my LED light will not shut off rendering what should be a "feature" into an "I'm this close to getting a hammer and going to town" incident.Wish there was a way to turn it off entirely.I don't know what else to check.
- gmail - Gtalk - SMS - Work mail - Twitter (only have the twitter app signed in not the other) - Even power off / power on has no effect
Every android phone I've had (Droid, Inc, tbolt etc) has done this. But none has flashed the LED for hours. I'm not sure if it ever turns off.
i tried resetting my phone and removing the battery. The notification light does not work but briefly flashes one time when i recieve an email or text message!
For some reason, I have not received a notification on my X to upgrade to GB. Possibly, it is due to the phone being registered out of MI, with a MI area code, and the phone and myself, are actually located in a western state. Irregardless, I have not received any notification of an upgrade and before I go looking for it, is it really worthwhile at this time, or should I wait until all the bugs I'm reading about are fixed?My X with Froyo, is operating great. No problems other than maybe once a week a freeze up that requires a battery pull. Since I came from the BB world, and I also carry a BB tour for work, battery pulls are no big deal and almost seems natural.I read about problems, not only here, but on a few other forums. I read where people have to take their phones into the local Verizon store for service after GB upgrade. That is not a good option for me, since this involves a 120 mile trip to the nearest Verizon store
When I had a missed call before the update I used to have the led light flash to let me know that I had a missed call. Now I get no led notification. I get other led notifications but no longer missed call. How do I get my missed call led notification back?
I have a Droid X2. For the past couple of weeks, I have lost notification sound at times throughout the day. The phone is not in silence mode and nothing has changed. I will notice it is vibrating without but there is no notificaiton. If I turn the phone off and back on, the sound returns.
Every so often I get a notification in a computer voice that says "Network Extender" - has anyone else had this, what does it mean and how do I shut it off?
I recently upgraded from a Droid2 to a Droid3. My Droid3, when connected, via USB cable to my laptop (running Ubuntu) will charge (lightning bolt on the battery, etc), but no notification sound/icon allowing selection of USB mode. I have a cable I bought from the Verizon store. The same cable works with the droid2 still. I can swap from the droid3 to the droid2 and it would connect and my laptop would mount the sdcard (in usb mass storage mode). I have also tried at different computers at work. I had Verizon send me another refurbished droid3. It wouldn't connect either. Motorola Tier 2 tech walked me through the basic checks again, and had me do many combinations of turning on and off, and unplugging the battery, and factory resets to no avail. I asked the tech support to try it on one of their models and she said it worked there, coming up with a notification.
Next I went into a Verizon store, tested with a new cable and multiple computers there, and had an employee try with their droid3. Still no notification message with either of our phones! They said I should wait for update. I have 90days of warranty on this phone, should I wait for an update or maybe even ICS? or return it with hopes I just have seen three droid3's in a row with this problem, and they are not all like this? Or even possibly a different phone? (i like the droid 3 otherwise).
I've been wakened several times a night by notification tones randomly going off for no reason while phone is docked. Seems a lot of folks are having the same experiences. I expect to hear the initial phone docking notification and the battery full notification is turned off so that aint it. I'd turn off notifications but that's a pathetic fix.
I am having a problem when I dock my Droid X2 I get the notification sound every few minutes. This is very annoying so I muted my phone and this is fine until it time to wake up and the alerm doesnt sounds because I muted my phone. So my question is how to I stop the phone form playing the notificate every few minutes or how do I turn off the docking notification. I see nothing in the dock settings which is where it has been on every other android phone I have owned.
It seems the only time I get notified of a new email is when I refresh my Gmail account. It does not happen automatically. Is there a setting I'm missing to have all new emails sent to my phone with a notification without having to refresh my Gmail account manually?
How do I assing an mp3 to text notification. I have sent 3 mp3's to my phone. If I want to assign one of these to a call (or contact specific call) they show up in my ringtones choices. But if I go to "messaging" "settings" "Select ringtone" only the original phone ringtones are there. NOT one of my mp3's.
I just received my D3 today and this afternoon an icon showed up the in the notification bar.It is located between the clock and the battery icon, it looks like a box with a check mark in it.
There's a notification that pops up whenever the keyboard is open. Selecting it lets me switch input methods. Has anybody found a way to make this notification go away for good?
On DROID 2 I can't seem to figure out how to set a different notification sound for each email account (corporate sync, comcast, etc.). Is it possible to do this without installing a 3rd party app? I swear I had this setup before on the DROID 2 (had to do a factory reset to try to resolve an issue), but can't figure it out. My friend has the same issue on the DROID 3 and can't figure it out. I also already know that Gmail can set up different ones if you filter through that, but that's not what I want.
It's not consistent, but the notification bar is gone on the lockscreen when I power on the phone. If I unlock, the bar comes down, but only after several seconds. It seems to only happen when I have a paused application there, but I usually do with my podcast player, BeyondPod, though it happens with other apps, like the Google Player app. How do I always have the notification bar there? When it's there, I can pull it down to do things even with the phone locked, so I don't see why it should randomly disappear.
I'm noticing that my battery life isn't what it seems to be after the upgrade.asically, I rarely check my battery status other than looking at the icon in the notification bar. Today, it clearly showed about 75%. I thought that was pretty good considering the phone was off the charger for about 20 hours (extended battery).I took a look at the battery status details and I see my battery is actually at 50%. The icon obviously is a limited indicator but I don't recall it being so far off prior to the upgrade. Has this changed or is it just that I'm remembering it "differently"?By the way, 73% was used by Android System and 50% (extended battery) after 20 hours of standby is still not good and not even close to specifications. Clearly this needs more work.
I'm experiencing an issue with seemingly random changes to my nofications and ringtone settings. The email or event nofication is set to one of the stock audio files but gets altered to an audio book chapter or music file on my SD card. It's really weird to wake up to a voice reading chapter 14 of a book to me at 2:47 in the morning or to hear one of my music files suddenly start playing out of the blue. And my ringtone seems to bounce around from the one I've selected to one of the music files.