Low Signal Strength On IPhone 5s
Dec 11, 2014
I bought new iphone 5s and facing huge problem with Signal strength it always show "No service"
But when I change my SIM card to my samsung phone then I am getting the signals properly at same location (My room).
If Samsung can access the signals why iphone can not ? Every time when I need to talk to somebody I have to go out of my room which is very irritating.
iPhone 5s
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May 20, 2011
Recently, I began to have this problem where the phone is showing full signal but the phone is actually not receiving any signal. So calls will not come in at all.
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Jan 31, 2012
I was wondering if anyone knows what algorithm is used for the signal bars on the Photon 4G. I have found that there seems to be no correlation between the signal strength (in dBm / asu) in Settings -> About phone -> Status and the signal bars that are shown. Often the signal bars will shoot from 1 to 5 or 6 even with really low signal ( ~97 to > 100 dBm) that doesn't fluctuate.
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Jul 1, 2010
The first week i had my iPhone 4, i had about 1 bar.Right now i am having 3 bars which is what i usually get and sometimes 5 bars which never happened with my iPhone 3G.I heard that AT&T is enhancing their signal strength because of the overflow of the new iPhone 4 which could make sense but what about you?
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Apr 4, 2012
i have very poor signal with my brand new iphone 4s that i only got yesterday on a contract, improve my signal, as my iphine is normally in NO SERVICE! would i be able to send it back to apple or something?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1, no service
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Apr 17, 2012
My iphone 4 will not pick up wifi signals that it did before at all at various locations. Therefore I dont believe its the router.
I have reset the setting for wifi. It did not fix the problem.
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Jun 14, 2012
How do I improve signal strength
iPhone 4S, iOS 5
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Jul 22, 2010
If anyone is still having problems with the signal strength, try turning off 3G and Location via Settings section. I constantly had only 1-2 bars, but once turning them off my signal has improved massively; now getting 5 bars 90% of the time. I reckon it is more 3G affecting the signal, but try with both off just to be sure. If it works, then turn on 3G only when needed.
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Apr 29, 2012
I am using a new I phone 4s on Straight Talk and I have only 1 to 2 bars maximum anywhere I go and then it will have no service at all.I was a previous verizon customer and had 4 to 5 sitting in my home now I have 1 or 2 and if I walk around sometimes goes to no service at all. Verizon did not have service everywhere I went but that was in hilly areas as I live in central Illinois and have talked to others with AT&T and they are getting better service than this as that is what towers Straight Talk uses. I am getting a Gel bumper cover and have already tried the black tape it did not help. It says I have 4 G sitting in house but cannot make a call and the 4G goes in and out also.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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May 17, 2012
During the last week i've uptated my iphone's iOS from the 5.1 to the 5.1.1 and now when I use it without the bumper or any other cover I can't find the 3G or the 2G signal.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1
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Jun 20, 2012
Signal strength varies from 5 to 0 bars at the same location (home). Drops calls.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
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Dec 8, 2014
I'm using iPhone 5s (32GB) on a 4G network in Singapore.
Ever since I upgraded my firmware to iOS 8 and later, among other frustrations like battery drain, I'm also facing a significant drop/fluctuation in the network signal strength, home WiFi signal, and the Bluetooth range.Â
I'm unable to stream videos like I used to on Cellular Data. I used to get (when the phone ran on iOS 7.1.2) all 5 bars most of the time even inside the lift/elevator, but now it switches to un-browsable (don't know why) 3G mode even at the heart of the city.Â
I really wish I can go back to iOS 7.1.2Â
iPhone 5s, iOS 8.1.1
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Apr 26, 2012
So after connecting to my wifi, (which I have been able to do forever) it gives me the wifi signal strength up in the top left corner, signal strength is good, but internet does nothing.
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1
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Jun 17, 2014
I have been using my iphone 5 since the last 9 months. The wifi just worked fine at home when connecting with the wifi router. It also worked fine everywhere I went where there was a wifi zone. Since the last 7 days or so I am facing a sudden problem. When connecting to my home Wifi, it shows full signal strength, yet the internet connection drops. At times, even whatsapp does not work, cannot send images most of the times. Apple store, iTunes and emails stops working mostly. I have reset my wireless router recenty and still this problem persists. There does not seem to be any problem with the router because other devices like my laptop and other mobile phones are working fine with wifi.
iPhone 5
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May 17, 2011
I have a problem with my signal when I enter my college building, the reception will fall so low that it will show "no service" and if I try to manually connect to my service provider, it says they are unavailable. my sim works fine, I've recently received a new sim, and my phone is updated to 2.1, awaiting the 2.3 update.
I've upgraded from a Samsung Jet and even that had perfect signal in lessons, never went below 2 bars, so why is the X10 so poor at signal strength? is there anything I can do to stop this? is the phone at fault here?
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Sep 13, 2015
Im having a huge problem with my phone. Galaxy s5 is the phone. Sent it to Samsung because it wouldn't charge. So they replaced the battery port and LED screen. Sent it back. I hooked it back up. Starting using it and now i cant get 4g anymore. It will come on then go out and have a X on signal bar. Then i cant do anything no calls no text no nothing. I have to switch over to 3G which really sucks. And even that goes out now. Im lost. What to do??. And this is my signal strength -113 dbm 0 asu. Not sure what it means
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Jun 24, 2011
Does anyone know how to display signal stength in dbm instead of bars on the Pearl 9105 3g. On other blackberrys you type Alt+mnll but my phone does not have an alt key or a qwerty keys to do this.
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Apr 5, 2015
I restarted my router and restored my phone to factory settings and it still wont connect to my home wifi. It will connect at work and everywhere else but home. Every time i try to connect it tells me "Failed to connect to WiFi please check your network connection" or whatever. And when i click on our home WiFi name it says the signal strength is Excellent....
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Feb 22, 2014
So I made the leap from my iPhone 5S to the Icon on Friday and I'm enjoying it thus far. One thing I've noticed; however, is that the Verizon Network signal strength isn't nearly as good and I'm not sure if there's a way to reset it or others can confirm. For example at my house, where I always had 3-4 bars of LTE with my iPhone 5s and the 5 before it - I now can only get 2 with the Icon.
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Dec 28, 2011
In the last month or so I have noticed less bars of 4G when I am at my office.I know Verizon has been tinkering with their network.So what would be a good dBm signal strength within a fairly close proximity to one of their towers?
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Mar 27, 2012
I bought neo v and having 2 issue on that,
1) Wi-fi issue: Wi-fi signal strength is weaker then other phone like HTC wildfire S, i am having another phone wildfire s and in the same room the signals of wifi of HTC is good and in neo v signal is too low/poor which results connection is lost time to time , to resolve the issue i've to delete/forget the connection again n again.
2) Its light sensor is too sensitive , in dim lights its brightness is too low while in gud background lights its brightness is gud.Please provide any solution to switch off that sensor.
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Feb 10, 2010
On occasion I get a 123 symbol in the upper right corner over my signal strength indication symbol. Does anybody know what this is for? I can not locate it in any of the PDF manuals.
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Aug 12, 2010
My Mum bought a Sony Ericsson C510 which has an unsightly "Tesco Mobile" logo on the right softkey. On the first night, I took to 'debranding' by dumping a custom_upgrade.xml in the phone's ROM using A2 uploader and then running Sony Ericsson updater so it fetched a normal firmware ROM (Western Europe C6A, 1209-4774). Afterwards the signal strength was abysmal so I tried a UK custom CDA then finally just went back to the TESCO CDA... (there's however no way of me knowing if it's the exact same CDA though, it was listed on A2 CDA generator). It was showing full-strength for a while - overnight it's back to abysmal strength. There's a chance it was like this before - though I recall seeing it on full bars when she'd just got it out the packaging. Now I'm really unsettled that I've screwed her new phone. Doesn't help that I was like "Dad, I updated the software on Mum's phone and now..." he was displeased as he remembers my motorola modding days. Ofcourse I didn't dare mention that I fiddled with the way it updated. Is it possible I'm just noticing this now? The CDA just changes the region/branding of the firmware SUSE fetches, right. Is there any way to ensure I have the original CDA of the phone?[ This Message was edited by: schmoogrz on 2010-08-12 12:08 ]
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Feb 12, 2012
I get a poor signal indoors at home - on Orange and it's always been the case. I spoke to their customer services and was told to switch the phone from auto select for Network Mode to GSM only. My choices are GSM only, WCDMA only or Auto.
True, having done so, the signal strength seems better though not amazing but, ordinarily, I get then just a "G" for data. I found that switching to WCDMA only, data goes to 3G or even H and sometime H+ but I nearly always lose the standard signal.
I dont understand the difference between GSM and WCDMA nor whether the results I see when choosing each are to be expected or not. I'd welcome any information from those of you who know more about these things than I do.
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Jul 26, 2011
By changing the Singal strength indicator from stock android: When connected to Google services: Bright green for signal, grey for not to When connected to Google services:
Somewhat brighter blue for signal, Somehwat darker blue for no signal
it is impossible to tell if I have a zero bar signal or full bar signal (all in between are kind of visible)....
Ironically the indicator for not connected to Google services is very easy to read - but in most cases only lasts a few seconds...
Suggestion for the next patch: Turn up the level of blue for signal and go to grey for no signal to make the indicator visible.
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Apr 30, 2011
I've seen this before but just got back from a trip to the UK and I noticed battery life was really bad compared to back in the US. Not sure if this is GSM vs CDMA or just I was in a weaker signal area so that the phone was "trying" harder. It's harder to tell because of another issue, the signal indicator!
This time, I made several perfectly fine calls with the indicator showing no bars, only when the phone showed "No Service" did things not work. I probably should have downloaded an app to show the signal strenght, but didn't....
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Aug 2, 2012
I own a Droid Razr MAXX that I purchased in the June timeframe, so it is still essentially new. My phone was updated to ICS when Verizon pushed the update out to everyone a few weeks back. Initially, I was excited to be getting the update to help improve phone performance and functionality. Unfortunately, this has not been my experience.
Over the past few weeks, I have noticed that my phone signal strength has diminished. Since I work a desk job, I sit in pretty much the same exact location each day and it is easy to notice signal strength. Before ICS, I usually had a 4G connection with 3-4 bars. Now, my phone fluctuates between struggling to connect to 4G and eventually connecting to 3G with 1-2, maybe 3 bars. In fact, the signal icon frequently changes from blue bars to white (I'm not sure what it means, but it probably isn't good). The phone seems to run slower and my apps frequently crash a few times per day. In addition, my phone seems to be using more battery now too. Before ICS, I could work a full day and still have 70% battery remaining. Now, I'm lucky to have 40-50%.
I haven't added any new apps, but have a few more .MP3 songs saved to my SD card. In addition, I don't believe there are local issues with a cell tower going down, etc.
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Nov 2, 2011
i'm having connectivity problems in a 3g area, and just wondering what the deal with this is. it's changing colors constantly.
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Mar 16, 2015
I've noticed for the last couple of months anytime I check my "Network type and strength" in the About phone/status menu the 4G varies depending on where I am, but no matter what, the 1x always shows -120dBm.
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Sep 30, 2010
Before the software update to 2.1 I could tell what kind of signal strength I had (i.e. 3G or G etc) now I have a H, but I don't have any idea of what it means.
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Oct 19, 2011
Does anyone have any recommendations to improve the reception (and thus prevent excessively frequent dropped calls) while using my Atrix 4G in a fringe reception area outside of San Diego?Some background info:I had an AT&T Nokia 6030 for almost five (5) years before upgrading my service to the Atrix.I live and work from the same location, which has not changed during those five years.I did not encounter the problems of dropping calls on the Nokia 6030. I routinely call the very same people at aproxmately the very same times and days of the week with the very same phone numbers from the very same locations in my home and shop... sitting in my office desk chair, standing at my shop workbench, seated at my kitchen table, lying on my bed... and as far as I can telI, nothing on my end or on the other person's end has changed... phone numbers, land or mobile, calling patterns... but ever since I upgraded to the Atrix, I've had this problem consistently from the very first day.
I contacted AT&T many times, and they sent a warranty replacement phone; same resulting performance.The signal strength meter on the phone typically reads 2-3 bars in this area, which AT&T says should be sufficient.)It is so touchy and position/orientation sensitive that I can often drop the call from simply turning my head, or if lying in bed at night, switching the phAT&T went through the entire customer service/tech support gamut with me:Power down recycle, remove & reinstall the battery, replace the original SIM card that came with the Nokia (which still works flawlessly under identical circumstances if I put the SIM card back into it!), run network diagnostics on the tower equipment... they even sent out a crew of field engineers to the property to assess the signal characteristics.
After months of evaluation by the engineering department, they finally determined that the San Diego area is very high in signal strength, and the problem is due to the immediate area where I am located... hills, valleys, canyons, etc. There was nothing more that they could do. That was simply the level of performance I had to accept from this phone in this location. (Sorry.)I still don't know why the primitive technology in that old Nokia doesn't miss a beat. I find it hard to accept that the flagship product with advanced technology can't perform anywhere near as well as this dated Nokia.But I like the Atrix so much in every other way, I would even pay for a stationary antenna and/or signal conditioning/amplification equipment at my location to be able to use it here.
I have not found any such equipment offered for sale by either Motorola or AT&T listed on their websites. I know that there are aftermarket companies that sell such items, but I would really like to know if anyone has any specific experience with those items, particularly when used with the Atrix, or at least any reason to advise in one way or another toward a solution.
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