LG G4 :: Camera Coming On And Taking Photos All By Itself
Sep 5, 2015
I was just sitting watching tv and my G4 was on my desk where it had been untouched for a least an hour. I heard what sounded like the camera make that shutter click sound but didn't really pay too much attention to it. Then a few seconds later I heard it again so I got up and saw the phone was on, the camera app was open and it had taken a couple of pictures. I know there are some apps that claim they can access the camera so is it possible somebody has access to my phone? I've only had it a week and bought it brand new. Have I been hacked?
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Sep 14, 2013
I just downloaded the latest operating system update for my Xperia z3 phone and now my camera won't take photos.
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May 19, 2013
I returned my first htc one because it was having some bugs however my new one is driving me nuts... went to dinner with my friend and i was using every mode possible to get a good night outdoor picture (being that the htc was so hyped about being able to take amazing pictures) every single picture came out blurry.
I tried every mode! normal mode, night more and HDR mode. also it took a couple seconds for the picture to take after i tapped on the screen to take it (i had it under the setting to tap to take a picture) HDR lag was even worse. Here is a sample picture of my friend (this was one of the clearer shots). Also every picture looks so pixelated.
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Sep 7, 2015
Galaxy s5's taking blurry photos. I have turned all modes off/on, battery pull,this seems to be a widespread problem .
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Dec 13, 2011
What can I do to turn off the sound of the camera when taking photos?
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May 1, 2014
I experienced freezing while shooting HDR+ after the initial update, but after un/reinstalling the Google Camera, it seemed fine for a couple of weeks, but the problem has returned with a vengeance. I cannot shoot anything in HDR+ without the camera and phone freezing.
Regular photos snap fine, but when shooting HDR+, the progress indicated gets to about 2 o'clock and then image totally freezes. After a few seconds, it will close and pop up a crash box offering to report or acknowledge with OK. (I've reported it.) Sometimes it will put up a notification that "HDR+ photos are processing in the background, but if you tap that it takes you into the Photos app and there's nothing there and then the whole phone freezes. Yesterday, I noticed the GPS stuck on (was in a basement) at the same time and had to reboot the phone.
I un/reinstalled the update again yesterday and HDR+ worked for a couple of shots, but today it froze again. This is clearly an unacceptable way to manage the problem. I'm tired of missing pictures because the camera app crashes. I was at a major event last week and had Camera crash on launch for the first time. Fortunately, I was able to quickly reboot before snapping a group shot, but if I hadn't noticed beforehand, I would've had a crowd looking at me while I frantically restarted my phone because of a buggy basic app.
Rooted, stock Nexus 5, Android 4.4.2, faux123 kernel (to try and fight the terrible battery life), no GravityBox things which I've seen mentioned as possible causes.
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Sep 23, 2015
So I recently noticed that when my flash is switched off on my galaxy S5 and I take a photo l, the photo is great. Then if I turn on the flash and take photo it looks like the photo is in negative, but it's red tinted almost like old photos before you had them developed. The photo after that is perfectly normal.
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Oct 19, 2013
I am loving my new HTC one. The other day I noticed a bug in the camera, when I'm taking photos in dark, the flash don't work while using autofocus. It makes all my photos out of focus. Idk if it's issue only with my phone.
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Sep 18, 2014
The other day I attended a concert and took plenty of photos, but I had a hard time getting any of them to turn out good due to the low light, distance from the stage and the movement on stage. How does one take a good low-light photo with lots of movement without the photo getting blurry on the 1520?
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Jul 3, 2010
My z2 has a camera problem. initially worked fine , then stopped taking photos - they show as broken files and can't be opened. I factory reset the phone and the camera worked for one day. it then stopped taking photos - when you take a pic, it shows the little orange circle going round and round , but then doesn't store the photo. Yesterday I cleared the cache and this appeared to make it work. The camera now takes photos, but I cannot message or bluetooth them - just says could not add item. I tried to transfer them to my computer , via usb and they all show as broken files , but with the .jpg extension , so not the lost.dir problem. Any better camera to download thru playstore that works well ...
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Jul 18, 2011
My defy (Im in Australia) has just suddenly stopped taking photos. It goes through the motions and the flash still works and everything but when you goto the photo in the gallery its just a plain black image, there is no photo!
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Sep 29, 2012
while taking pictures red eye is coming. Also in darker background picture comes not perfect.
OS version:- 7.10.8773.98
Firmware:- 1750.0805.8773.12220
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Jun 21, 2012
So the other day I switched over from an iPhone 4, my gf bought the HTC One X after I recommended it to her since shes not an Apple person and after playing around with it my self I decided to also switch. So far I'm loving the phone but a couple of things that are bothering me are this;How is it that you cannot send DECENT quality videos?! On the iPhone I was able to send high quality minute long videos with no problem. I took a 15 second video in lower resolution and pixel rate and EVERY TIME it would say the file is too large.Next, group messaging.. iPhone did this no problem. Me and 3 other people could send messages back and forth like we were in a chat room, HTC? Nope, sends them individually to each person. I heard some recommendation of apps that do this but they make you sign up for some lame account where my name is displayed instead of my phone number or name listed in THEIR contact list.
Lastly, is there a way to change the keyboard other than the tilt way to make the space bar button bigger? I'm always hitting the period button after every wordAre there any ways to get around these little inconveniences? I'd appreciate any recommendations or suggestions cause I'd hate to have to go back to the ATT store and upgrade to the iPhone 4S.Edit: Another issue.. noticed while in camera mode, taking pictures theres a constant clicking noise coming from the phone. Not sure what it is its very faint but annoying. Anyone else experience this?Another issue I found! Check this out this is definitely strange! So I dropped my phone today and I thought I had broken the three buttons on the bottom of the phone because they would not light up in my room... So I figured I would exchange it at the store on monday and went on with my business. I went downstairs into my gym to work out and those lights magically started working so I thought huh, thats cool maybe its just because it was charging.. but then I went back into my bedroom and the lights stopped working again
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Jan 3, 2015
When I leave the camera app, my phone is apparently accessing my camera and taking a picture. The photo isn't saved in the gallery, but then I go into the task manager, I see a photo of wherever I was when I left the camera app. Is there a way to disable this?
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Nov 2, 2015
The camera light keeps coming on when not using the camera. The only thing that turns it off is re-starting the phone.
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Sep 2, 2014
Why are my photos coming out in duplicates?
iPhone 5s
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Dec 8, 2015
So I tried updating today to the new release but at about 14% it d I don't have enough space. So I looked in Storage and it shows my Photos as 11GB!! I only have like 20 pictures.
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Mar 22, 2012
How do I delete the 1,000 photos on my iphone 4S, but keep them to my computer? I want to start fresh with photos on my iphone and ipad. Remember that I don't want to lose these photos at all, just taking them off my devices. Please help me with that. Thanks:)
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1
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Dec 3, 2014
There are 33 photos on my iPhone, why do they take up 1.3GB of space? It is killing the free space on my iPhone 5s. I've put the majority of my previous photos on my macbook pro, so the 33 are just recent photos and short videos (all less than a minute). Solutions?
iPhone 5s, iOS 8.1.1
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Sep 2, 2010
it's been happening to me a bit recently, eventually the vertical stripes go away but for now they've been coming on. if i take a photo that looks like it has vertical stripes, it doesnt come out when the photograph is taken. Anybody else? is this just a flaw with 4.0, 4.0.1 or 4.0.2 or is something hardware related?
Either way, using my phone unlocked in Austria so it will have to wait before I replace it if it's hardware. Just curious though, don't remember this happening before.
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Jul 25, 2010
I'm having this weird issue with my iphone 4 where when I take a picture, theres a blue tint in the center of the photo. You can really see it when the photo is mostly white. I thought it was the screen at first until I looked at the picture on my computer and could still see it. Anyone else having this problem? Do you think I could get the Genius Bar to fix it?
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Jul 28, 2012
i have a blackberry 8220,when i try taking photos the screen keeps on displaying......."could not start the camera.close other applications and try opening the camera again"...
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Nov 7, 2015
My 2 week old G4 went crazy today, first thing I noticed was hearing the camera taking continuous photos while in my pocket, I took the phone out and watched the volume slider appear on screen and then go all the way down to mute, all three rear buttons were unresponsive and then the slider appeared and volume went up to full on its own.
I removed the battery as the power button was non-responsive. Put it back in and booted up, all fine for half an hour and then it went through the same thing again. I've resorted to a factory reset, fingers crossed.
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Jul 25, 2015
My Nexus 5 will just shutdown when i am taking photos. Esp when the photo is taken in an environment when more processing is needed like low light area. The phone will just switch off. Pressing the power button would not work at all. The only thing that can revive it is a power surge i.e. plugged in a power source. The phone will revive and the picture is not taken at all.
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Dec 6, 2015
I've had the Lumia 950 XL for about a week now. I was a bit concerned about overheating given the past history of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810, but I did not have any problem until today. I was taking photos and shooting short two- or three-minute videos when the phone started becoming hotter and hotter. In the middle of a video I got an "overheating" alert on the screen and the phone rebooted on its own. After that it kept rebooting every 5 or ten minutes for a few times before stabilizing again. Now it's back to normal, but if taking a few videos is enough to bring the 950 XL down on its knees, it's definitely a show-stopper.
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Dec 6, 2014
Why is my iPhone photo gallery taking up 1.3 gb if I only have 9 photos?
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 8.1.1
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Mar 15, 2010
I'm getting very fustrated when wanting to take low light photos using the Flash on the N97. Everytime I use the flash, I get whiteout towards the top left of the picture. I can do nothing about it. I never had this issue with my N82 or N95, which took great indoor/low light photos. This is clearly a fault in it's design, one that should have clearly been rectified during the development and testing of this handset. As there is nothing to deflect the flash away from the camera lense, there is a 2/3mm divider on the N82, & on the N95 the flash is far away enough to not have an impact.
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May 23, 2010
I used to be able to use the trackpad for zooming when taking pictures or recording videos. This has suddenly stopped and I cannot figure out why.
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May 7, 2012
I am Using Sony Xperia Ray mobile. In that while taking photo flash light is not getting switch on automatically. It's required to switch ON manually. Is there any option to enable this?
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Nov 7, 2013
"To quickly switch on the camera when your phone is locked, press and hold the camera key for a couple of seconds." < Nokia site
With my other phones(810, 925), if the phone was locked (with a pin) you could press the camera key and take photos without unlocking the phone.
Has this now been removed from the 1020? Now if i press the camera key I have to tap the pin to use the camera. BAD update or bug?
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Jun 17, 2014
I was wondering if the new iCloud features will allow me to store my photos on the server instead of on my phone. Â
By now, many of us must have an excessive amount of photos on our devices. It would be nice if I could 'archive' or 'keep on server' my photos from 2010 that I rarely access... but still have the ability to download them if I were so inclined. I am using GB upon GB in pictures and have no space for movies and music at this point.Â
Is anything like this possible? what about with iOS 8 and the new iCloud features?Â
I know if I create a stream it gives me the ability to download the whole thing.Â
iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.1
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