just noticed that there is tape spanning all 3...is that on there for a reason?..looks like a corner might be pulling up a little but dont know if I should pull it off or if it is functional.
I am having a problem with the power button on my phone. It's acting like it's stuck getting pushed every couple of seconds. It was just in my pocket when it started doing it. It won't get past the first htc loading screen. It will try too boot up by itself. When it first happened it was on the home screen and the 2 buttons on the bottom were blinking on and off. The only reason I need to get this phone to work is to get all my apps music contacts and everything else off of it.
My power button my my HTC One M7 stopped working. Unfortunately, it is currently powered off. So, even though it has a 100% charge, I can't turn it on b/c that requires that I press down the power button. Here are some of the things I've tried from what I've been able to read online:
1. Starting HTC One M7 in recovery mode: Unfortunately, in order to start an HTC One M7 in recovery mode requires holding down the down volume button + the power button. Without the power button working, this solution won't work to get me started.
2. installing adb and fastboot: I'm running Mac OS X 10.10.5 on a 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 MBP (retina, mid 2012) machine and have homebrew installed. I issued brew install android-platform-tools. I then changed my $PATH to include the downloaded adb and fastboot programs.
Once I had that set up, I tried to connect to my device through the USB cable. Unfortunately, I don't believe I had the developer mode turned on that allowed USB mounting (MTP). The phone is running Android 5.0.x. So, when I try running 'adb devices' in terminal, I get the response that there are no devices connected. I try 'adb reboot' but with no devices detected, i get, 'error: device not found.'
I tried using diskutil list to see if there were a way to detect the device as connected to the computer even if it's not mounting. But that didn't work, either.
I have a problem with my power button with my xperia z3 dual. It isn't working. I tried the troubleshotting using the pc companion but still it isn't workin.
Phone was working fine, then started to not go to sleep when I pressed the power button. It also frequently posts a message informing me about how to restart the phone using the power and volume buttons. It only goes away if I press the volume up or down.
How to prevent it. I tried a hard reset but have had no success with it.
The power button started to become unresponsive to turning the screen on and off. To begin with, it was intermittent. It was a bit of a nuisance mainly because I could not turn the screen off, but enough pushing and it worked. A double tap turns it on, so not real issue there. But as time has gone on, the problem has now reached a stage where its simply unresponsive, and I have had to change the time out for battery. I called HTC and they suggested I start in safe mode. This seemed to work. I had no issues with it, so I began to think it was an app conflict.
So I booted my phone as per usual, and began rolling back my apps. Eventually, the button became useless. It simply failed to respond, at all. I did a full factory reset, a full restore. No difference. Reset again without the restore (factory apps only), still no change. Now, the button must work because oddly enough, if I push the power button and the volume down button, it wakes up. In all, solution maybe something I have inadvertently done has changed the way the hardware is responding, I dont know. It will be better than returning it, going without it when HTC will likely replace it anyway. Other than this issue, I find it to be a great phone. Slightly better than the M7.
The start button on my Sony Xperia Z3 D6603 suddenly stopped working.Also the volyme controls next to it.I have shut down the phone with the reset-button behind the hatch, next to the SIM-card-slot, in hope that it would do some change to restart the phone. But now i can´t get the phone back on.
How do i start my Xperia Z3 when start button / power button does not respond?Is there a way to jumpstart it?
I have 100% power in the battery, and the battery icon shows when i have the power cable connected.I have tried to connect it to my PC with the USB-cable (with 4 treads in it, for data communication, and not only for charging), but PC Companion don't find my phone
Just started happening today. I go to lock my phone and it does nothing. Still powers off if I hold it down, but won't lock screen.
Also all of my quick toggles disappeared from my notification center. Just left blank grey spaces. Tried setting them up again, but no go, still blank spaces. Restarted phone and that didn't work. Hard reset is completely out of the question.
AT&T 1520 with dev preview, cyan.
Just as soon as this posted the toggles were back. Not sure what happened there.
My Nokia Lumia 1520 power button has suddenly stopped working. Things I have already tried are soft reset and hard reset without luck. I don't have the chive app installed which was supposed to cause this issue sometime ago. Also, I can do a soft reset - which means the power button works in some situations, just not with normal on/off operation.
Dont know if anyone else is experienceing this issue but i can no longer use the power button to lock my phone. I cannot even use it to turn the phone off. but if the phone is off i can use it to turn the phone on so i dont see this as being a hardware issue at all. If anyone has experienced this or knows a fix please reply to this thread.
I have a Nexus 5 with Android 4.4.4 and CyanogenMod 11. Like always, it had been working really find untill today, when it started to reboot and entered in a loop. I found out that it was because the power button was broken and with the lightest touch, it would activate. Searching through the Internet I found out that many people happen to have this problem. I tried to disable the power button editing a file that is found under /system/usr/keylayout/qpnp_pon.kl, where I had to simply comment the line where the power button was.
Now, if I click the power button it doesn't happen anything, like I was expecting, but after 30 seconds of clicking it, it shuts down and it reboots like if it was an internal error or someting similar that caused that reboot.Is it possible that disabling it the way I did could cause any type of problem that made it reboot after touching it?
I know it's an internal problem or something like this because when I touch it, it doesn't lock the screen or show the power menu, so the button itself is kind of "disabled", but it keeps causing this problem.
I have problem with waking the phone with power/lock button. Every few hours (for my usage once a day) the phone doesn't wake after locking. I have to press and hold power/lock button for a few seconds to manualy restart it. I know that N5 has notorious problems with power/lock button but as far as I know its problem with phone not going to sleep. I don't have problem with that.
I noticed this after an update to M. I am on XtraSmooth 29.10 build with RacerKernel 28.10. DT2W dissabled. Also i have the usual problem of turning screen on after calls. For me the phone sometimes doesn't turn on until the other person ends the call. Do I need to replace the power/lock button?
I just got my nexus 6p i noticed when i press power button I only see switch off option nothing else (restart or aeroplane mode etc) I scanned through everything and could not find anything,Attaching screen shot.
im using minimalOs as a rom , no modification everything is stock but keep getting lags and the phone does not respond at all the only way to go is a long press on the power button to reboot. i've been experiencing the same issue with many lollipop roms even the factory one is there any solution or hint to shed some light.
I just got this yesterday and am very very happy with the phone. However, something has my OCD going and that is a click from the speakers when hitting the power button to lock the phone or to unlock it. It also clicks if there is no lock screen.
My phone came up with a message asking if i wanted to update to the new software so clicked ok, it seemed to be taking ages and then suddenly went off. Now when holding down the power button and the home button it is still not working and wont restore?
On my Lumia 950, it will reset when I hold down the power button for 10 seconds but this should only happen when holding down both the volume down button and the power button at the same time. My Lumia 920, which is also running build 10.0.10586.29, can have just the power button held down and once I swipe away the power off prompt, it works normally and stays on just like I want.I would like to use my Qi enabled car mount but it needs to push down on the power button, causing it to constantly restart.
When I lock my SGS II i would expect all the buttons to lock! However the power button function remain active and its far too easy to accidently power off my phone or set it into flight mode.Does anyone know how to disable this "feature" ??
home button went out first then power button ive seen and tried the videos on Internet.. some work for about a day then my home button goes back to not working... not sure what to do. my phones warrenty and what not is to no use..
Power button act a little funny? Every 3-4 presses, it does the opposite. For example, when the screen is off and I press the button, it wakes up then turns right off. I don't remember it always doing this, but then again, I use Knock On all of the time.
I did, however, order a new rear piece with new buttons and a new camera cover. I figured the job is easy enough just to swap out the whole back of it.
I have an LG G4 since December 2015 and like many people I found out that "Double tap" to wake the device does not always work.So, I ditched this feature and used only the power button to wake the device.The problem is that even the power button does not always wake the device, many times, a second push being needed to successfully wake the phone.I even called LG support and scheduled a visit to the service center.
Today I think I found the reason why the power button does not always work, at least for my device.I usually leave my G4 with the front facing down, on the desk.When I hear a notification alert or the phone rings, I grab the phone and press the power button while it is still facing down on the desk. Many times in this situation the phone will not wake up.So I started thinking it has something to do with the proximity sensor.To test this, I covered the whole top of the phone (front side) with my palm and pressed the power button. No matter how many times I would press it, the phone will not wake up. At this moment, I will start distancing my palm from the phone while pressing the button every second.Only after the palm is at a considerable distance from the proximity sensor would the phone wake up.I thought about a feature in Android "prevent accidental wake up" but Marshmellow does not have this feature or I could not find it in Settings.
I tried searching the web for other G4 users having the same problem, but found none. Found a couple of posts about the button being defective and a couple of posts about screen protector causing the screen to not wake up after a call or interfering with taps on screen.
So the question is: It is normal for the phone to NOT wake up using the power button if the proximity sensors detects something close to the phone, like the surface of the desk?I could understand "Double tap" not working while proximity sensor detects something and that is why I am not using that feature anymore, but power button?It is working as intended? It is only my device?
I honestly love the phone. I think it'd a great change to having used the LG G4 and past Galaxy phones.I have this issue though and I'm not sure if it's a big issue or if it's common. Sometimes when I press the power button the screen doesn't wake up until I press the power button a second time. Almost as if it didn't recognize the first press and did the second. It's only happened about 2-3 times in the last 2 days I've had it. I don't know if it's that I am not pushing the button hard enough or if this is a common issue? I thought I had seen something about this somewhere else but I can't find that post/article anymore. Should I get the device replaced? I am on T-mobile BTW.
How this is happening and turn it off. But every once in a while when I press the power button to wake up the phone, it will automatically throw me into the camera app. I know Sense has some type of function where if I lock the phone when the camera is active, the power button will automatically activate the camera again. But in my situation, the camera is NOT active at all or has been opened and running in the background. The phone is sleeping. I hit the power button to unlock, and boom I'm in the camera app. I was thinking it might be some accelerometer type action that is initiating it and that might be the case. But if that's the case, then I'd rather disable this function.
I have an htc one max and my power button is broken, it has 0 response or feedback the last few days. at first it was stuck with the power down options continuously popping up, but not its just completely unresponsive, the button itself isnt broken or pushed in but their is just no feedback at all, i had to even get an app so i can unlock and lock my device. and my phone died and i had it on the charger for a few hours and nothing still a black screen..dead. so i connect it to my computer and it just keeps connecting and disconnecting before it can even install the software to recognize it.