LG G3 :: Health App Week View Exercise Stats Shows Yesterdays Date
Apr 24, 2015
I'm pretty happy with the built in LG G3 exercise app, but have noticed that the weekly view of the exercise stats has the wrong date. The app shows that I am recording data for yesterday. Makes me think I'm hearing some twilight zone music.
For example, today is Friday the 24th, it shows no activity for today, but is logging my activity today under Thursday the 23rd.
Yup, twilight zone music. I cannot find somewhere to set the date or such. The daily tracker shows the correct day and date.
Clear data on the app? But then I lose my history. Just seems like a bug in the App software to me.
In Bold 9000 I could see the whole week in the calendar Week View. while Bold 9900 shows only a fraction of the week. In addition, there is a large empty pane in the top of the screen, which further reduces the amont of visible information. Also, even though I selected Sunday as the beginning of the week, this view does not respect this selection and shows the start of the week on various days.Is there a way to see the whole week in the Week View?
I've tried changing the day start & end times but to no avail. When I look at my calendar in day or week view it shows all my appointments (between 9am & 6pm) but it also shows the rest of the time slots in that 24 hour period.
I have an iphone 4 (not 4s) my phone company is chargin me an incredible high number of text messages while I was out of the country, that was 2 months ago. I want to know if there is a way to look for messages by date and not by person I texted, because I really dont remember who do I texted or if I really texted, so I been looking around all my messages for about 2 weeks but I have lots and lots of friends so it is impossible.
After merging to a new email system my Curve has jumbled up all emails with no order by date. I can't find anywhere in the instructions or the machine to select viewing emails by date, newest first.
I have the calendar icon that updates the date. I think it is made by (DMG) It shows the 31st not the 1st. I had this problem back in Jan but the latest update fixed that. Now the problem is back.
Apps and free space Already did security wipe and battery pull but still the date at the text message inbox shows August 31, 2043. No Apps installed since I got the phone last week of October 2011.Never used the browser.Only used the phone for TEXT MESSAGE, CONTACTS, CALENDAR, CAMERA.My text message inbox suddenly shows August 31, 2043. The received and sent items are now messed up due to this date error.
Just noticed that when look at Calendar icon located inside a folder the date is 1 day behind. Today it shows the 2ed. When I click on the folder and the Calendar icon goes to full size it shows the 3rd and still the 2nd on the small view icon. At first I thought the in folder icon just showed a fixed number (like the weather app) but it changes each day and is always behind.
those are my issues: 1) in some applications (such as photos,web...) suddenly quit app. with message internal error application "web or xxx" closed (i flashed my device with emms.
2)sometimes does not open conversation text --->> Internet link: video
3)when i shoot picture with my camera in gallery picture shows up many times(like 10-15 times)in thumbnail view,also in normal view,when i change picture to the next one its again same picture many times.
I have a new 9900, having been on a 9000 previously. The weekly calendar view in the 9000 showed the full day but in the 9900 it only shows 5 hours, so I need to scroll up and down to see spare slots in each day. I know there is an agenda view as well, but if I prefer the weekly view does anyone know if it is possible to show more hours? Changing font size for just the calendar view, maybe? Or another setting I haven't noticed?
The "Activity" column on the topic list shows some random date. For example, the entry for "Where are the MOTOROLA SF700 headphones" shows the most recent activity as being 16 January, but mtwizard posted at 12.26 this morning.
I just updated the software on my Blackberry Tour and now my calendar is behaving as it did two software generics ago! Specifically, when I change and appointment to a future date and then save that appointment, the calendar moves to that future date! This is terrible if you are moving several items out to future dates! Previously, the changed entry would just disappear from the screen (moved to the new, future date) and I would remain on the day I was working on.Secondly, when I open a future day in calendar, the “All Day Events” do not show first (as they used to). Instead you have to scroll up to see if there are any of these type events.Does anyone know of a way to change these settings/defaults.
I have an app, Activity Classifier, that uses the handset accelerometers to provide information on activities and total exercise. It automates exercise tracking, classifies activities by type and quantifies aerobic intensity. Live data streamed from an Xperia Arc using the app is displayed in a blog. While it is possible to use on the Active it is unfortunately more difficult on the Active than the Arc because the Active accelerometers have a fault that is hard to get around. The problem is that the accelerometers sometimes take quite a while to start sampling when either started or the sampling frequency is changed.Occasionally it can take longer than 90 seconds. The problem can be seen with the app Accelerometer Frequency. Switch between sampling frequencies and notice that sometimes it switches instantly and sometimes it doesn't. To minimise battery consumption Activity Classifier acquires data from the accelerometers for 6 seconds out of every 30. If no other app is using the accelerometers they will start and stop every sampling period. On the Active they frequently don't start and the app detects a faulty accelerometer. The app has an option to keep accelerometers on and if this is selected it will work OK but battery consumption goes up a lot. The Active comes with a pedometer app called Walkmate. I can see from the Accelerometer Frequency app that Walkmate keeps the acclerometers running at 50 Hz and running Walkmate at the same time as Activity Classifier will make Activity Classifier work OK as well. Walkmate seems pretty power efficient and uses less than half the power of the market leading pedometer app Accupedo, run in power balanced mode, but it counts a different number of steps.
Why can't I remove the health app in IOS 8.1.1? I do not give Apple permission to record my medical information.  The automated tracking is unwelcome and unacceptable.
I can't figure out why. Using the WiFi connection I sync the S Health app on my S4 to my Samsung account and then sync it on my S6. It remembers my personal biometrics but it doesn't have any record of my workout activity from the past two months. How can I get this information restored on the S6?
I've just downloaded the health coach app, Alellen Carr stop smoking, when I get to the create a profile ,put my name in, it shuts down, Ive re-loaded it, switched my phone off/on.
I got a replacement phone recently and ever since I disabled things and fiddled with my settings S Health pedometer's shoe icon saying "Paused" has been stuck on my lock screen. I don't have S Health or the pedometer turned on or even on my phone. Now my lock screen doesn't tell me what song I'm listening to anymore.
I updated the s-health app today and I can't find hourly slide bar in the new interface. It would give me a small hourly bar chart, but in the previous version I could slide back and forth through the bar chart, and it would tell me "12:30-1PM, 564 steps". I can't find that information anymore. Where to find that data again?
I was wondering if there was a way to sync my Runkeeper data into the S Health app?
I was under the impression that this would happen automatically.
I have checked my Runkeeper settings and under the sharing settings it says it is connected to S Health however no data has transferred over. Have I missed something?
I have entered medical ID info and shared apps links into the Health app on my iPhone 6 (iOS 8.1.1). I am using an iPhone 5s (iOS 8.1.1) to gather sleep data and am sharing it with the Health app. When I open the Health app on that phone (same Apple ID as iPhone 6) none of the data from other apps and medical ID are present on that phone. Is this working as designed, or is there a switch somewhere that will allow me to have one dataset for the Health app across all devices logged in with my Apple ID?
I have an iPhone 6 plus and recently purchased the Jawbone UP Move. The issue I am having is that both my Jawbone and healthkit are writing steps data to the dashboard. This is causing step counts to be extremely high. Additionally, the Jawbone is duplicating steps that it delivers to healthkit. So what I am seeing is duplicate Jawbone + Healthkit steps in my dashboard. Is there any way to turn off Healthkit from counting steps?Â
Right from day 1 the display date of my E52 does not update and reflect correct the correct date. Got the phone replaced once still the same issue. Called the customer service and they say there is no such problem with E52. They asked me to go to the repair center...(isnt that ridiculous to ask a customer of a new phone to do so?). I went to the repair center with a hope that they will replace it for me but all in vain. They also gave me a ridiculous answer that Nokia does not have a replacement policy...and I was like so is it Nokia's policy to sell broken and faulty mobiles? I was utterly dejected. The electronic store where I bought also refuse to replace because they think there is a problem and no matter I get it changed it will recur. I still do not have a solution as all my ways of getting this problem resolved are exhausted. Anyone has a solution or came across this issue which can be solved without repairing?
I have an X6 16GB, which I turn off at night when I go to bed, about once a week I switch it on in the morning and the date hasn't changed from the previous day. The same problem occurs whether I have automatic time update on or off.Also once or twice a week it will download emails with the date 01/01/2000 instead of todays date. I can log into my emails via Outlook Express on my p.c and the date will be correct there.I have software version v20 installed, the same problems still occurred on the previous firmware as well.Any help greatfully received
I have a problem with the heart rate sensor. I don't have no health apps open. I use google fit and some of my apps are connected to it. But while I'm using my phone and i put my finger over the sensor it lights up red! Even a blanket lights it up. I don't know why it started doing this.