IPhone :: Why Does Iphoto Open When I Plug In 4 Instead Of Itunes
Apr 10, 2012Why does iphoto open when I plug my phone into computer? I thought itunes was supposed to open and it wont.
iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Why does iphoto open when I plug my phone into computer? I thought itunes was supposed to open and it wont.
iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
i dont know why but everytime i plug my phone into my mac it opens iphoto how do i get this to stop, i cant seem to figure it out. please help
Pro, iOS 5
Why does my phone (4s) no longer force iTunes to open and auto sync when I plug it into my computer?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
How do I stop Iphoto from opening when I plug in my Iphone?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My iPhone 3G is being recognised perfectly happily by iTunes, but absolutely nothing else. It doesn't appear in Finder and doesn't open iPhoto when I plug it in, so I can back up my photos.
I've tried restarting both the Mac (which is running Snow Leopard) and the iPhone. I've tried several cables. The result is always the same. iTunes spots the iPhone (it did use to automatically open iTunes, but I stopped that) and nothing else. No icon on the desktop, no appearance in Finder and won't show in any searches I do.
How can I fix this, and start backing up photos again?
iphone 4 won't turn on. I press top button and still nothing. I plug it in and there is a pic of plug and itunes logo. I hook it to my computer and itunes comes up and says it has detected a iphone in recovery mode. It asked if I want to restore so I hit restore button and it starts extracting. When done extracting, a messages comes up and says this iphone can not be restored error 1656. What can I do now? I bought this phone new in October. It has not been damaged in anyway. It started one morning after charging all night.
iPhone 4
When i tried to update my phone a message popped up saying it had failed. now my iphones screen just tells me to plug into itunes. i tried resetting and that didnt even work. itunes wont recognize my iphone either
iPhone 4S
My iphone4s will not let me go any further than it saying to plug into itunes....i dont even care about using itunes!! I restored it to its original settings and it still tells me to plug into itunes when i plug it in it tells me that i cant do anything pretty much
iPhone 4S, Windows XP
I have a MacBook Pro (version 10.5.8). I recently installed a new hard drive, battery, and had the Genius Bar reinstall my OS X. Now, iTunes and iPhoto don't recognize my iPhone 4 (version 5.1) when it's attached through the USB port. It simply doesn't show up in the left column of either program. Before the hard drive, battery and reinstall of OS X, I never had this problem.
I have tried restarting my phone and my computer, and looking for my iPhone in Image Capture, and none of these actions have worked.
iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I am a lifelong apple user. I am running the latest IOS software on iTunes and my MacBook uses OS X 10.7.3. All of the software is up to date. I was originally upset because iPhoto and Image Capture would not detect my iPhone 4 but I got over it. Now iTunes won't detect the phone and that is not ok. I searched the forums but I didn't find anything that has resolved the issue. I cannot delete iTunes and reinstall because my computer tells me it is "required by OS X". Therefore, searching finder and deleting then re installing will not work.
iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm on a older MacBook pro running iTunes version 9.2.1. When I plug my iPhone 4s into my comp iPhoto recognizes it and I can transfer photos but iTunes doesn't see my phone at all... Tried following apples suggestions, restart phone and iTunes, reset iPhone, check USB connections... Nothing has worked yet.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
How Synch iphoto events to iphone via itunes
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, Syched to ipad2 then itunes
Running OS X Lion (10.7.3) on new iMac. Not sure what changed recently but now, when I plug in my iPhone, it does not sync with iTunes, nor does it open iPhoto to import photos. In fact, it doesn't recognize that the iPhone is plugged in at all, but the phone does charge of course.
I already ran through these steps on the Apple site a couple of times [URL]
iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPhoto, iTunes
Does the iPhone 3g can sync iTunes,contact,mail,iPhoto...?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I've just installed iOS 5.1.1, discovered that not all photos that I checked in iTunes had been synchronized to my iPhone, noted that Other was taking up lots of space, restored the iPhone from a backup, discovered that it still did not subsequently sync all requested photos, selected to sync no photos and delete those on the iPhone, and am in the process of once again syncing the photos that I selected.
Now I notice that I selected 25,287 photos, but iTunes is reporting "Copying photo ... of 13,320". Why just 13,320? I elected to erase all the photos on the iPhone, so I would expect that iTunes would have to copy all 25,287!
Maybe Apple would be wise to invest some cash in software quality control. iOS 5 and iPhoto '11 are seriously flawed.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.66 GHz Core i7, 17", 8GB RAM
I recently updated itunes, and iphoto and iphone and now the iphone will not connect to iphoto to download pictures. IPhone will connect to flash card thru usb port. I also have photo streaming on but that is not working also. I also have noticed that in Itunes I cannot sync to iphone. I have tried everything except resetting phone.
imac g5, Mac OS X (10.4.8)
how do i re set the phone ?
iPhone 4S
How can I get my iPhone to restart?I have iTunes10 but my computer dont see it when I plug it into it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIt did this after I tried updating my phone. I have tried different USB cables. I have uninstalled and reinstalled itunes. I have did the software interference thing.
iPhone 3GS (8GB)
Plug into itunes is appearing on my iphone 4 but my computer has crashed. What should I do?
iPhone 4
When I plug my i phone into my mac, the phone icon won't appear in itunes.
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5
So I have the Iphone 4 with the new IOS 5.1. Ever since I downloaded the operating system to my phone, Itunes crashes when I plug my phone into my computer. the itunes app on my phone works fine, but is frustrating because I have many movies and music stored on my computer that I cannot get to because of this freezing issue. Before I had updated to the most recent IOS it worked just fine. you would think that apple would have fixed this issue by now because I am not the only one with this problem.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1, itunes freezing issues
yesterday all of a sudden the home button stopped working then the battery dropped immediately and started saying no service in the top left corner, now it's plugged into the charger and is telling me to plug it into itunes and when i do it says that the iphone is in recovery mode and is not recognized. My phone wont even turn on now!
iPhone 4S
When I plug my iphone into my mac book it does not show up in my itunes
iPhone 4S
Why is there a pic of a usb plug with an arrow pointing to iTunes ...
iPhone 5
However, if I unplug my earbuds I have vocal.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1, iTunes
I tried to update my iPhone 4S via wifi and my phone is frozen with the iTunes logo and plug in symbol. Tried to restore settings as prompted, but it times out and doesn't complete the restore. Phone won't turn off,
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1, Restoring phone to original setting
so sense i jailbroke my iphone 3G now i cant restore it and its trash now everytime i turn it on it says plug it into itunes then when i do it says to restore it then when its like 80% complete it says could not restore iphone ((error 1015)
iPhone 3G
After downloading "iTunes app" my iPhone 4 only shows a "plug to iTunes" and I cannot do anything else. How can I restart my phone.
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy iphnone 3gs wont turn on or charge, and when i plug usb for itunes it wont reconise it?
iPhone 3GS
I have the basic 5gb free storage from icloud. I stored my contacts on there and thats pretty much it. My iphone4 got lost so I got a new SIM card and put it into my fiancees old phone (also an iphone4). When i put in the new SIM, it downloaded all of my contacts to the phone immediately. But now, I need to plug into iTunes to get my apps and music. Only problem is, for some reason the last time iTunes did a sync it only copied 60 contacts into my MacBook Pro address book. HELP!!!
iPhone 4