IPhone :: Removing Sim Card From 3 To 4 Will Lose Some Address And Photos?
Mar 26, 2012
I just bought a used iphone 4 and have a iphone3 want to take out sim card and put into iphone 4 but worry if will lose some photos and addresses What can i do?
I like my E72 but I have two problems that really annoy me.
1. In the past when ever I would write a new email I would get list of suggested email addresses in the "To" field. For example, if I would was to write the letter S I would get the email address of the people in my address book whose name starts with an S (sam, Sofia etc). for some reason this feature stopped working on my phone and I can't find how to make it work again. if I want to send an email I need to manually write the email address in the "To" field. The auto suggestion feature works perfectly on my wife's phone (an E72 with the same firmware - 22.007) but on my phone it won't suggest email addresses from my contacts.
2. Another problem is that my Gmail that is synced to the phone, through the Nokia Messenger server is locked on "hide emails older than 2 weeks". Now, I have hundreds of emails stored on my phone that dates to February 1st - the day I got the Phone.
Is there a way to delete these emails automatically, without deleting them on the Gmail account itself? It makes my phone really when going through the emails.
I turned my phone off and when i tried to turn it back on the apple logo came on. Then I kept trying and finally it told me to connect to itunes, and then itunes told me i need to restore my phone to use it with itunes. Will i lose all my photos and videos if i restore it? If i will, what can i do so i won't lose them because the majority of the photos and videos on my phone have not been transferred to my computer!!
Will I lose contacts, photos or text messages when i change the sim from one carrier to another? I am about to move it to Telstra from Vodafone and I'm worried that when I remove the sim card I will lose contacts, photos, music. I use all of this for work and will die if I lose it all.
My wife's iphone 4 takes up 6GB of memory. I cannot figure out how to remove these photos because it is not synced to Itunes. I don't want to risk erasing these precious photos completely. However, she cannot update her phone now because all memory is used up.tell me the steps to safely backup and remove the thousand or so pics safely and free up some space?
I cant seem to remove the AT&T Address Book, and after hrs on the phone with AT&T and RIM seems no one knows how to?! I am pretty proficient with tinkering with Blackberry's but I don't see anywhere in the OS a way to revert the contact list to default and remove the AT&T Address Book completely from the phone. This is really screwing up my back ups and contact list and I would appreciate some input from the true BB knowledge base on the web!
I bought my HTC one 5 weeks ago. I powered off last week and the phone would not come on when I went to power up again a couple days later. Took it to the dealer who said he has not seen this happen and also could not get it to work. I asked him if all my photos, videos etc would transfer over to my replacement phone once I received the new one. He said not if I didn't back them up online! I hadn't done that yet since I have only had the phone a few weeks but I have taken a ton of pics and video of my kids and I am desperately wanting to know if there is a way that I can transfer these things to my new phone. He said because he can't even get my phone to power on there is no way to upload these things now and I will lose them I received my new phone today but before I set it up I need to know if there is any way for me to save my pics, etc.
i tunes said "cannot identify i phone unplug and plug again. to update.It was then downloading software for 17 minutes..and then froze with a usb arrow itunes logo on the screen.I have tried to restore and am getting "cannot restore unknown error has occurred 21"
Changing the SD Card without lose anything...?I had the 8GB card that comes with the Xperia Pro, but I need more space to put my music and stuff. So I'm about to buy a Class 4 Kingston SDcard.But I'm not quite sure of the proper way to change my data from the old card to the new one, considering that I had some apps installed in the SD card.
I'm posting this because I'm nearly going nuts every time I send a captured photo by using my N86's built in photo sending option (I view the image and in the toolbar select Send with the envelope icon).
I choose to send my photo by email, and when I get to entering the email adress, I get 2 suggestions for email adresses - my old email adress and my new one. This is annoying because I quite often by accident pick the old email adress (the adresses are almost the same) from the list and can't understand why I don't receive my photo, until I check and find out I sent it to the wrong address..Is there some way to remove these suggestions?
My phone seems to have run out of memory - it is filled with movies and photos. Those photos have safely synced to my google online account picasa or photos. google .com. How do I remove them from my phone but keep them in Pcasa or google photo?
I have set up the camera settings on my E55 to store pictures on the memory card.Now, after transferring those I wanted onto my computer's HD, I deleted most of the photos from the card (in Windows Explorer). However, when I go to 'gallery' on my phone (with the memory card inside), these files can still be seen - i.e., their names and sizes (but not the images). I cannot seem to be able to delete these entries from the phone's interface.
i have someone problem in phone. automatically they saying to removing my memory card without safty removing. so i have to restart my phone to get back connect my memory card. but i have 9 MB free phone memory. i dont know what is the reason.
The power button seems to do nothing. When plugged in it will show a white screen with nokia logo and show that the battery is charging but it will still not turn on. Tried removing sim and/or SD card and using a different battery but that didn't work as well.Does anyone else have this problem and do you know how I could fix this?
I recently use a SD card in my Xperia Z3 Dual and then send all media files ( images,movie , music ,...) to sd card . So i define a Guest user in my device for my kid, i see that guest user can delete stored files in sd card.Is this my device defect or it is from Lollipop fault .Is the privacy note and aspects didn't consider for ability of definition several users in Lollipop.
My 5800's music library is not working anymore and it cant play mp3 and other sound files but when I remove the memory card it can play the sounds also my picture editor is not working. In my memory card I found many folders namely _PAlbTN. is it a virus? Do I need to reformat my memory card? And what do I have to copy on my PC when I format it? Just the mp3 videos and pictures? Or do I have to copy also the folders like private, sys, etc?
I'm looking for a way to offload photos and video that I take from my iPhone 4S onto an SD card.
I'll be traveling overseas without a computer for a few weeks, with an iPhone 4S. I probably won't have wifi very often and when I do I expect connection speeds will be very slow, so it's really not practical at all to upload lots of large photos and video to any internet-based storage. What I need is a way to transfer all the photos & videos I've shot during each day to an SD card. I have a 500 GB "photo storage device" that accepts SD cards and will be bringing this along. This has proved a great system for offloading lots of photos and large videos on previous trips - at the end of every day, before turning in, I remove the SD cards from still cameras and video cameras, copy the cards' contents to that 1/2 TB storage device, reformat the cards, and pop them back in the camera fresh and ready for the next day's shooting.
Now that I'll be taking along my iPhone, I want to be able to offload photos/videos from that, too, to the same storage device.
I have the "iPad camera connection kit" but IIRC, that's a one-way trip, the other way (copy stuff off a card and onto the iPad - don't know if it even does that with an iPhone, and in any case I need to move files in the opposite direction).
i was able to import my photos/videos from the iphone but now im stuck and cant figure out how to move them onto my old 8gb memory card. it keeps telling me that they're not formatted right or something.
This might sound like a silly question but i've set up facebook on my blackberry which is fine, then my mom brought the same one and asked me to set up hers aswell for her, and somehow on my moms i managed to do something that made peoples facebook pictures come up as there contact photo in her address book, but now i cant figure out how to do it on mine! lolll. I have the curse 8520,