IPhone :: Remove A Computer From The Itunes Wifi Sync Menu On It?
Apr 25, 2012
I setup iPhones with the iphone config utility and after I do the users have my computer listed for syncing itunes in the wifi sync menu. How do you remove this
I had to replace my old computer with a new one and I downloaded the new itunes, but when I plugged in my Iphone and it sync'ed the two, it only transferred the purchased songs, not my long amount of playlists. How can I import all of the music i have on my ipod and iphone into itunes?
My iPhone is telling me to plug it into the itunes on my computer but when I do plug it in nothing happens apart from the sound which recognises that it is plugged into the computer and it starts to charge but stops after about 10 seconds, what can I do to stop this happening and to get the phone to syncronize to itunes?
I got a new computer and a new itunes acct. It trys to access old email from original setup and new email from new itunes acct. I cannot sync this without loosing everything. It won't let me set up and iCloud acct either because its trying old account.
I have two I phones an old 3G and 4S.I use the 4S in the US and I planned to unlock the 3G in order to use it in France.I have itune on my computer and I would like to know if I can sync my two iphones on the same itune?
I have a new computer and have continually had problems syncing. Now it says computer is no longer authorized to play purchases on my iPhone. When I put in password etc. to authorize, it says it is already authorize. Then it syncs up to step 5 and repeats again. I have tried entering my password about ten times. Same thing. It is already authorized. But then when I try to sync, it says it is not authorized!
When working with Itunes and the iphone, the apps syncing checkbox is always on and faded, so I can't sync the music library without syncing the apps. I have several apps downloaded from cydia and don't wanna have to download again. Drag and drop is not working, so it also forces to install every app I have on iTunes (deleting non itunes apps) when I just want to install one. I tried changing store accounts, rebooting phone, rebooting computer but no results.
The system is as follows: Jailbroken iPhone 3g firm 3.1.2 iTunes 9.03 Mac OSx
My windows vista laptop has stopped recognizing my iphone and it doesn't show up in itunes. I can see the phone through windows explorer and I have used multiple cables, but it still won't recognize the device.
I accidentally synced my iphone 4s to my sisters computer and now my computer won't recognize it and allow me to download music and photos etc. Is there some simple setting In need to do to allow my computer to recognize my iphone again?
I have recently change my boss's phone over from a iphone 3 to a 4.He is not techno savvy and has never used itunes before so i set his phone up on my computer and created an itunes account for him and have transfered across all his contacts from his old phone to itunes and the new phone. But he has a separate list of outlook contacts on hs computer that I now need to add. What is the best way for this?
I recently purchased an iphone 4s, and shortly after, my son dowloaded a virus on my computer, and I had to a factory reset (for the 3rd time in 6 months). Now all of my playlists are stuck on my iphone. I have all of the music files backed up, but I really don't want to have to create all of my playlists AGAIN. I read a post online that said that if you create a playlist on the iphone, it will sync back to itunes, so I copied all of my existing playlists on the iphone again, so that they would now be 'new' playlists.
The problem is, when I start the sync to itunes, I get the message that says if I sync with the computer, all files on the iphone will be replaced with files from itunes. Right now, my itunes is empty. If I go through with the sync, am I going to lose everything on the iphone, or will it copy all of the 'new' playlists from the iphone into itunes? I guess it's not the end of the world if I have to recreate the whole library, but it took me about 12 hrs to do it last time, so I really don't want to have to go that route if I don't have to!
how to sync my i phone to a new computer and i tunes without loosing my apps and music etc? i have no access to my old computer i want to back up all my apps, music contacts and pictures off my phone to I tunes on my new laptop?
my iPhone 5s will not connect to the internet via data or wifi. I thought there may be a glitch and planned to check for software updates and/or factory restore at home but iTunes on my home computer (macbook updated to maverick) gives me a message that "itunes could not connect to this iphone. could not connect to the device."Â
I have been syncing my iphone 4s by wi-fi for ages but now it does not show up in the devies list so you can't sync unless I attach the cable. The sync over wi-fi button is ticked my phone/itunes and bonjour software are all up to date and installed but it just does not show in the devices with out the cable. Phone is connect to the wi-fi and working
I am using an iPhone 5 with iOS 7.1.2 and a Macbook Pro with OS X 10.9.4.My iTunes is 11.3.1 - 64 bit..My iTunes cannot seem to detect my iPhone when the latter is in the vicinity via wi fi.However I can connect and sync via the USB cable thus some recent posts that I've read on this message board regarding how Apple has apparently completely obliterated USB and wifi sync (they have allegedly made syncing possible ONLY through iCloud) is not true, at least not on my setup.Â
I've restarted my computer and iTunes but to no avail. I will now restart my phone but I'm not sure that will solve this issue. I have noticed this happening before and on all earlier occasions, deselecting then selecting the 'Sync via wifi' option in iTunes has solved the problem. Alas, this is not the case this time around.Â
Earlier I had a synced an iphone4 to mac A using a apple id X. Afterwards I shifted to mac B with apple id Y. I downloaded all the apps for account Y as well. NowI wanted to check out wifi sync option so I chose the wifi sync option while syncing. When I am using wifi for iphone it starts for sycning with both mac A having apple id X and mac B with apple id Y. How should I stop it for mac A?
I've been struggeling to get wifi sync to work correctly with my iphone 4. I have the newest version of itunes on a Windows 7 PC. When I first open itunes it sees my iphone over wifi and syncs successfully. A couple minutes after syncing completes, itunes loses my iphone.My iphone still shows up under devices, but if I click on any of the tabs in the device it then brings up the dialog box searching for the phone, then it tells me it cannot find it and it disappears from devices. If I close itunes and reopen it the iphone shows up again and syncs
So far in my quest to make this work I have opened ports 5354 and 27015 for inbound TCP. I have also set the Bonjour and Apple Mobile Device services to Automatic Delayed Start as mentioned in other threads.
So the other day, I had plugged my roughly 2 year old iPhone 3GS into my macbook pro to charge, when it suddenly had a strange crash and said it needed to be restored. It took several hours to finally restore after many -1 errors. Now however, it cannot start syncing so I cant go back to the way my iphone was before the restore. Also, I can't use wifi or iMessage - it says that my username or password must have changed when it hasn't at all, and the wifi option is just gray, I cant even open it in settings. Nothing seems to be working, except basic texting and calling.
i have blackberry curve 9220 and the BB software desktop manager is downloaded on my PC and i followed all the instructions to enable the wifi music sync but on my phone the wifi music sync is failed to connect to my computer even though i enabled the wifi connection on my phone and i am connected to my wireless network.
I am not able to sync my iPhone 3GS on iTunes. I keep getting an error "backup cannot be saved on this computer". I have tried to sync my phone to both my old desktop and my brand new laptop running the lastest version of iTunes but I keep geeting the same error. I have also tried deleteing the old backup file from the backup folder I'm trying to backup my old 3GS because my friend game me a new 3GS in perfect condition and I would like to transerfer everything over to it so I can start using it. My contacts, text messages, and photos are the most important things I want to transfer to the new phone. This shouldnt be hard to do but I get the error everytime I try to sync my current phone.
I have synced the music from my PC's itunes library to my iphone. When I try to do the same with the apps I get a warning that the statistics in the apps/games on my phone will be lost. Can I sync my apps without losing my statistics/levels off of the phone?
When I plug my iPhone 4S into my computer, it appears in iTunes and syncs without issue. However, when I go to "My Computer", it no longer appears. I've had my 4S since release day and it has always appeared there until last week. I've been using "Photo Transfer App" or "Dropbox" to upload my photos from my iPhone to my laptop, but it takes much longer and is just inconvenient. (laptop is a Sony Vaio running Windows 7)
I am trying to sync my Torch 9850 organizer data with my computer via WiFi. I have read the instructions but under the Options I do not have an option for turning on WiFi Sync.