iMessaging has been fine until this last week, and now, 75% of the time any imessages don't send to my girlfriend - they don't change to delivered either - they just sit there, in blue, but not sent or delivered.
We have both restored our phones and backed up from icloud - this didnt fix anything.
We both changed our imessage "recieved at" email addresses yesterday - to make our tests weren't sending from the old attached email account, I'd send a message to her, then get her to reply and vice versa - basically to make sure it was the newly setup email (as I believe there's a propogation period when adding a new email to imessage?) - either way, this didn't work.
I've tested via my ipad2 - shockingly enough, this didn't work.
We have no problem iMessaging anyone else with an iPhone however to each other it does not work. On her phone the bubbles are still green despite the fact that we both have wifi on and iMessage on yet on mine it will be blue and say delivered but she doesnt recieve anything? However what I have noticed is that on her phone she has no other options such as the 'Send Read Receipts', 'Sent as SMS' or the 'Receive at' which from what ive tested with on my other iPhone friends do have so at first i thought that would be the problem but it can't be because like I said she has no difficulty messaging anyone else with an iPhone. (Same with FaceTime which i figured wouldnt work because they work the same way..I think?) I've tried everything and somehow it still doesnt work?
Whenever I get a phone call people complain to me that my phone sends 3 or 4 messages to their phone. Is there any way to fix this or does this happen to everybody?
I don't know what's happened, but for some reason my iPhone 5 has stopped sending iMessages to my boyfriend (the person I iMessage the most), it simply just says 'delivered' on my iPhone but they're not actually sending to him. It's working perfectly fine for everyone else.Â
I've reset my network settings and still nothing, what else can I do? Switch off iMessage and back on again? Not being able to text (iMessage) him is going to be a problem.Â
My iMessage has stopped working on my iPhone 5s, but only with ONE person. I have reset it multiple times, i reset the network, and I reset all the setting on the phone. I'm quite confused and need to know what's going on.   Â
Yesterday my messages with my friend disappeared and when I try to text them through selecting new message and literally typing in their number, it will send it to my mother. It's only happening between my friend and my mother. Weirdest thing. I checked their contacts and there is no overlapping information.
when both have their imessage turned on, i can text my gf and her daughter also gets my text and can reply. any text that any of the 3 of us send, we all can see in the same thread. how do we sop this from happening while leaving imessage turned on on all 3 phones? this doesnt seem to happen with any other iphone/imessage users, only me
I just have question about sending an SMS to the same person more than once. I've got OS I'm pretty sure it's been doing this for a while. I can't remember if it used to worked with older OS's.Anyway, here's my problem. When I enter the same person's name 10 times, it seems to work, but then it doesn't show all the names
When I go to text certain contacts, it puts their number in the To: field mulitple times. For instance, I go to text Joe Shmoe, I click okay and it ends up sending 7 of the same texts out! I have tried deleting field, but it wont let me.
A friend in Thailand is trying to use iMessage with an iPad, the iMessage has been working OK up to 2 weeks ago but now it will neither send or receive iMessage. She has: signed out and back in to iMessage checked that the email address is correctly registered turned iCloud off and back on Done a hard reset of the device Has the latest ios installed. iMessages sent to her phone show as 'sent' but no longer as delivered.
I send a imessage to another iphone, a little while later it changes to a regular SMS text message. I have turned on imessaging on both phones. i went to the Apple store and of course it wored when I tested there.
Every once in awhile, i will receive my imessages in my email account. Most of the time it will work properly, but those rare occasions it sends the other party's response to my email account and does not show up in the imessage window at all. like it was not even sent. my apple id is based off a regular email account like yahoo, gmail, or hotmail. how can I make it stop doing this? I want to be able to communicate properly and use my other idevices too. please help... would it just be better to start a whole new apple id with just a specific email acct desginated just for that?
When I send a message to other iPhones it just says "Sending" and nothing goes through.Â
Under Messages>Send&Recieve my phone number is there but not checked off and there is no way to select it. My email IS there and checked, so my messages are only going through to other iPads.Â
I seem to have lost my "IMESSAGE" when I send a text to someone else with an IPHONE. I noticed when looking at my ATT bill which is showing the texts in my allottment.
I upgraded the operating system on my 3gs to the new 5.1. When I imessage my friend Amy it also sends that message to my friend Joe and then their response is also shared.
I have blocked my ex's phone number through my phone service provider, but he is still able to send me messages through imessage as if he is not blocked. Apparently, apple uses it's own server seperate from the carrier. How do I block his imessages without completely blocking the ability to use the imessage feature?
i have been using imessage for months now and then today it is sending from my email address rather than my mobile number. i have tried turning imessage off then back on, turning it off then turning my phone off and back on then switching it back on. anyone know how i can change it to send from my phone again?
Is my wi-fi supposed to be turning on and off all the time? That frustrates me! iMessage won't even let me send messages! i type in the contact name, then type my message but it wont let me click in 'send.'
is there's a way to check the numbers i have been sending imessage too? for example if i send a normal sms it will show up on my bill but what about imessage?
When using iMessage, is it normal for it to be sent as an email? My friends with iPhones will txt me and when I txt back it starts a new conversation entirely with my email as the contact. Is there a way to set it to my phone number? When I recieve iMessages it's never an email.
Whey when I try to send photo along with imessage on iPhone 4s and IPad does it say This iMessage was not delivered. Try again, which doesn't do anything, or Send as Text Message. They are going to iPhones when I send text.
I have read some solutions about the problem of having the SMS one thread issue, but I really have a different problem.My incoming SMS, comes under different person name, as Example when I have to SMSs from two Users User (A) and User (B), the sms sent from user (A) shows up in the thread of User (B) which is a big mess.
More over when I choose options >> View Folders >> SMS Inbox Then I can see the real sender of the SMS but still when I press open or delete, I can't do anything