I found instrustions to call to an emergency when if we have screen lock password but what if we have not set the password. We still need to call faster than we unlock screen, go to calls, dial the number and press call buttom. Its quite long process.
I bought a 3G from the US, which came locked of course. It's on the emergency call screen. The phone was running 4.0.1 as I was told by the seller.
I've tried Redsn0w but using 4.0 as all the tutorials state, no dice. I've tried making a 4.0 firmware in pwnage tool, no dice, iTunes doesn't like me going backwards on the firmware builds.
What are my options? Even if I could get the past activation I could log into safari and get wireless and then go to the unlock website in safari.
I have this problem with my Iphone4 on IOS7.1.1. One fine day without i realize my kid played with the phone while in the locked mode. Since i know the phone is locked, i didn't bother to look what they were doing. Now I realize the potential problem, that when they play with the phone they started to click on emergency button and started to press random number on the keypad. Last month billed it start to hit my pocket. Below picture some of the number that were made.�
Question : How do i disable or get rid of the emergency call on the locked button.
I ran Redsnow and pointed to iphone 1,2 restore and everything went fine but when it restarted it went back to emergency call screen. I want to get this iphone up and running with a tmobile card that I bought to start with and go from there. Is there a way now? before I ran redsnow iboot was 596.24....what do I try now I think I have all on my desktop red ultra etc.
I just got the Z3 and am having an issue with my contacts. When I go to select a contact to call it displays the fax number as default to call. Is there a away to change that? It does it for all contacts that have a fax number, the Phone icon shows up beside the fax number.
When I receive a sms message sometimes, the original text comes through fine.However, a few minutes later I get small bits and pieces of the original message sent to me in about 10 separate text messages ( sometimes more ) from a California telephone number (I live in Mass.). When I call that number from my Bionic, it goes right ot my voice mail voice mail. When I call the number from a landline, it states that the call cannot be completed.
I had to make an emergency call using my N82. I did not know my exact location so I tried to use GPS while calling. The GPS was not working but there was an error messge like "No GPS signal, you should go outside" or something like that.I was already outside and waited about 10 mins for GPS to get a fix (typically the a-GPS find the location in seconds). It did not get a fix at all and I ended the emergency call. Immediately after that the GPS started to work. So I called to the emergency number (112) once again. But he GPS location was lost when I called and worked again when I ended the call. So it seems that the GPS of the phone is not working while doing an emergency call!
I just wanted to inform everybody that in case of emergency, don't waste your time trying to get a GPS fix while making an emergency call.Anyone knows if this is a known limitation or a bug?
Suddengly my LG G3 shows full signal (T Mobile) but Not able to make any call. Always says emergency call only.
Tried factory reset. The sim is working in another mobile. Tried different sim in the LG G3 but not working. The phone didn't fall anywhere. phone works through wifi perfectly.
Tried APN settings too.. Not sure how to reply to the answers..so editing the question....
I've somehow managed to make several 911 calls by accidentally pocket-dialing off the lock-screen. Is it possible to disable this? Once the lock screen (with PIN) comes up, the emergency call button is fairly prominent.
I'm trying Hidden Lock now and it does allow me to remove the emergency call button entirely, but after unlocking, I still have to slide to unlock (so it's a double-action to unlock from the PIN).
This annoying feature is on the lock screen, left of Alternative Password. I put my phone in my pant pocket throughout the day, and accidentally make at least 2 emergency calls per day. I have tried to delete all contacts in my emergency group, but somehow it manages to randomly read them.
Is there a way to disable this feature altogether like unchecking the camera on the lock screen?
I installed a emergency call widget on my phone, but when I press on it, instead of dialing the 911 number, the cell gives me all the phone numbers in my contacts that have the "911" sequence in it. Then I must choose between those the one I want to call. How can I bypass that and have it dialing right away 911?
I have a problem with my nexus to 6p , lose the phone connection and I can not get it back , it says only emergency calls and need to reset the device to return the network....
I recently sent in my Z3 to the Sony repair center for some reception issues. When it came back, My phone is locked with the message on the top left of the screen saying "SIM Is Perso Locked". I now have to enter a SIM network unlock PIN which I do not have. I have called Sony and they could not provide a code. I have received one from my phone carrier (Wind Mobile) but that did not work.Is my phone now locked to Wind Mobile? And how would I receive a proper unlock code?
I upgraded to lollipop yesterday it went smoothly and I have had any issues since. I have seen that I should have access to my dialer via the lock screen. The phone is there but all I can do is make an emergency call without first entering the lock code. Is this how it should be? Also, when charging I read that at the bottom of the screen it should tell you how much time left to charge. How can I make it happen?
When my phone is locked I find on the bottom of the lock screen the emergency call symbol which, if tapped, brings up the option to then dial 999. Problem is with my fat fingers is that I keep knocking this and so bringing up the option to deal. Luckily I've always noticed and then cancelled so no mishaps yet.
I downloaded it yesterday and tried to use it twice and both times I had to do a factory reset to get things working again. Really a shame as I was looking forward to accessing my Synology diskserver from my phone. Other than that - LOVE the Turbo. have not had any problems with it since I got it last November. Even traded in my wife's second gen Moto-X that seemed to have all kinds of problems for a 2nd Turbo for her. How to get DS File working in Turbo?
I currently have a BlackBerry Curve and has been working fine for a while now, but over the last 2 hours i cant send or recieve txt messages! If i try and make a call i get ''Supplementary service error: General error''. I couldnt find much about this on Google except a hard battery pull while the phone was on, which i tried but still no luck. Anyone got any idea's for me to resolve this issue ? I'm also getting 'Phone not allowed MM#5' when i try an emergency call.
Anybody know program that hides your Call ID when number where your calling is not in contacts? need phone at work and dont want to leave phone number to customers.
I have very poor cell reception in my home. Unfortunately, I am a support analyst and work from a home office. I want to forward calls from my cell phone to my desk phone. Problem is, i have an extension that needs to be dialed.
When I put the phone number in the Call Forwarding Screen (Settings/Phone/Call Forwarding), it will not allow me to add a pause. I can add a "+" but this does not achieve my goals of Dial number, Pause, Enter Extension.
One of my contact has two mobile numbers (say, 1234 and 6789). Both are stored in contact as "mobile". When he rign me up, or if I'm not able to pick up the call I see the missed call from him. It just shows "mobile" (his name is there). Is there a way to identify which was the number he rang me from (is it from 1234 or 6789)? I cannot store this number as other than "mobile" as all other fields are already occupied.
I have a Sony Xperia Z3 on the T-Mobile network and as of two months ago now, I have been unable to call or text my girlfriend. She has an iPhone 5 also on the T-Mobile network.
When the problem began, we had been texting for half of the day and she suddenly stopped receiving my texts.
Now the texts show as delivered on my end, but she never gets them and when I try calling it goes straight to voice-mail. She can receive texts and calls from everyone else, while I can also text and call anyone besides her.
We went through both our phones and I'm most definitely not on her blocked list. Tried restarting and re-adding each others numbers but nothing happens.