IPhone :: How To Access My Previous Restore Documents
Mar 13, 2012i have a couple of rstore dates on my itunes that contain lots really importants photos that i would like to recover but i dont know how?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1, pc windows
i have a couple of rstore dates on my itunes that contain lots really importants photos that i would like to recover but i dont know how?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1, pc windows
How can I restore the documents? The documents confirming the purchase of lost iPhone.
iPhone 4
I have a business and a personal life that are both heavily influenced by my Apple products and all stay in sync via iCloud. My only issue is that in order to access both personal and business iwork documents on the go, I have to carry two iphones with me - which really is inconvenient. Of course I could just use the business iphone but then I would not be able to access my family photo stream which is very important to me.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe backup that comes up when I right click is from when I plugged it in today. I need the back up from yesterday.
iPhone 4S
Right away I say that I did not check the forum for answers to my question, so I apologize in advance. The point is that last updated the iPhone 3G to 5.1, but I quickly began towaste the battery .. I think the problem arose because of the update, how to restore the iPhone to the previous version?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1
the itune has updated my application and all my contact and previous data is gone please tell me how i can restore my phone back to how it was before?
iPhone 4, iOS 4.2
I accidentally deleted all my contacts from my cloud settings, prior to backing it up on the computer. I hadn't realized it until I checked my phone again. Now the current backup has no contacts. Is there any way to restore my phone from a previous back up?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
I recently upgraded my I phone 3gs to a 4s and gave the old phone to my father but forgot to turn off i cloud and now all my contacts have been deleted and replaced with his contacts is there a way to restore my contacts
View 1 Replies View RelatedI inadvertently deleted the contacts from my iphone 4s - is it possible to restore the contacts from an icloud backup from the previous day?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
I accidentally updated the iphone to version 5.1.1 without a recent backup!! Now it seems that I have lost most of my data except for my contacts!! Is it possible to retrieve my previous data?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1
I have iOS 7.1.2. I have an iPhone 5 64 GB with Verizon. I wished to restore my phone to a previous time. I have a backup file from December 6th 2014, November 27 2014, and January 1 2014. The backup files are anywhere from 30-35 GB. When I attempt to restore my phone, it takes a long time, typically 4ish hours. I have tried multiple backups and am getting the same error Â
It will run fine the ENTIRE time, then when it gets to 0 minutes left and completes, I get an error. It tells me that the backup is corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone that I am using. All of these backup files were created within Itunes. All of these backup files were created with the same phone I am trying to restore to. I have no other iphones, iPad, or apple devices. I am restoring from a PC with an Intel i7 processor. I am running no other programs while iTunes is restoring and I have updated to the most current version of iTunes.Â
Why are my backups considered corrupt or incompatible and how do I fix this?Would updating my phone to iOS 8 hinder this?Is there a program or way that I can get the data/photos from the backup files.
iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.2
When using Motocast wireless between my XOOM2 and PC (Running windows 7 Home Premium) I can access the music folder, pictures folder and the videos folder ok. But it will access the documents folder. A message is displayed saying the remote computer is not found. But it must be found ok as the other folders mentioned can be accessed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I did the easy upgrade to the new OS, and really can't stand it. How do I restore the previous OS?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIt is very frustrating when you can't access to memory storage in Nokia Lumia 800 and even Can't transfer documents (PDF, Word Excel) to phone.I think Zune is the too fancy tools (software) to transfer and not user friendly.Probably move back to HTC as no point have a good graphic phone without having essential normal functions.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSince ICS is not performing well on the Ray, I would like to restore the "out-of-the-box-state". How do I do that? How do I remove ICS and put the original operating system back?
View 9 Replies View RelatedLollipop added a "Restore from a Previous Device" option to the device setup, but Sony's unnecessary setup app seems to make it unavailable. Â Is there any way to access the default Lollipop setup or at least the restore from previous device? Â Why would Sony replace the onboarding process....Â
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to restore bbm contact back up from my previous device? I have switched to Torch 9810 from Bold 2. I have backed up all bbm contacts wirelessly via an email account. The problem is my Torch 9810 crashed (JVM error 545) which had forced me to wipe out the device and load new OS before I back up my bbm contact wirelessly on the new device. I have also backed up to my pc via Blackberry Desktop Software and Blacberry Protect but when I restore it didn't restore BBM contacts only phonebook contact.I thought I can restore using my email on this Torch but no.its also seems to be linked to my PIN number. Thus, when i try to restore using my email it said "no account linked to this email" :-(
View 3 Replies View Relatedi was happy few days back since my xperia min pro was updated to 4.0. But now i started to hate ICS update because my front camera is not working. If any one planning to update its better you don't update it..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had everything working fine on 5.0.592 for a week or more. I tried to restore some contacts from a prev backup and now all the sudden my email functionality is messed up. I have it linked to my GMAIL acct. Things I noticed since that contact backup is now when i go to delete a message, it will not prompt to delete from device only or device and inbox Also I can hit reply on some, but when I go to send, there is no send option. And lastly when I delete from my phone, it does not mark as read or delete from my inbox. i checked all the settings I can find. But nothing changed.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI get the error "Internal file not found" when I try to access saved word documents. I downloaded e-office but cannot perform the action mentioned.
View 3 Replies View Related3gs phone crashed,unable to restore because phone is password protected,& the keyboard doesn't appear for me to type in the password
View 1 Replies View RelatedI tried to update to 5.1.1. On Windows 7 notebook. Update got stuck, says I have to do a restore. Will the restore delete all music, photos etc? If so, is there a way to unload some photos before I restore?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
I had 2 ringtones that worked fine on my iPhone 4. When I updated my phone and had to restore it, they disappeared as options for my ringer. I bought them again, and they still don't appear as options for my ringer.
iPhone 4
My iPhone 4S works fine but when I plug it into iTunes it tells me I need to restore my phone, but iPhoto can access my pictures with no problem.This is the message that pops up:iTunes cannot read the contents of the iPhone "Josh's iPhone". Go to the Summary tab in iPhone preferences and click Restore to restore this iPhone to factory settings.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
I have lost my BB curve 8520 and I have a backup with BB desktop softwareHow can restore on my BB bold 9000 I can't access to the restore with BB desktop software ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat is the out of the box app that reads .pdf, .doc, .xls and .ppt? Can these types of files be edited with the out of the box app?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
I just upgraded to an iphone6 plus and now in unable to open documents that are sent via email. I used to receive the exact same documents on my other device and had No problem whatsoever. The document appears now as a winmail.dat.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just backed up my iphone 4 into my iCloud account.Are all the applications also backed up in the account along with the documents in it ? I do have some important documents in QuickOffice Pro. If I restore my iPhone, would I be able to get those documents back through iCloud ?
iPhone 4,iOS 5.0.1
Can you Bluetooth PDF documents from the iPhone to the iPad? Is there another way of transferring PDF documents without using the Internet?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDocuments to go won't sync from iPad to iPhone 4s
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy iPhone 4s will not show signed PDF documents or completed forms sent via email. It opens the attachment but will not show Information added by the sender. I know changes have been made because on my computer it shows the filled in document.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1