How do I delete photos off my Iphone 4S? When Iphoto is opened, the photos are not there. Just in my phone, and I need more space on my phone to keep taking pictures.
I read that if I remove my original pictures from my S6, all those pictures will be removed from my google photos as I am interacting with the cloud--instead of just my android phone. But I need to clear up some space on my 64gb phone.
I know I am not using my iPhone correctly, but I am a busy mother and have been stacking up the photos on Camera Roll. I now need to delete some, but want to keep some to show friends.
1) How do you transfer photos from Camera Roll to an album using the phone?
2) When I sync and photos are downloaded from my camera roll I get a pop up asking if I want to keep or delete the photos on my phone. If I choose Delete, will it delete just the photos in Camera Roll, or in the albums too?
3) I have chosen Keep in the past and now have masses of photos on my camera roll. Short of using the curved arrow in the top right and selecting each photo individually, is there a way to delete multiple photos all at once on the phone (not on computer)?
4) Why oh why haven't Apple got a 'protect' button for individual photos so that you can keep a few photos in camera roll and delete the rest, like on a digital camera (yes I KNOW this isn't what Camera Roll is for...)
I have recently purchased the iphone 4s and syncronized it with Apple itunes to import some phots (& contacts).
There were in excess of 1000 photos so decided to import them into the iphone and then once they were on the phone filter through them and delete the ones I no longer wanted, so far so good
BUT I can't delete the photos!! I go onto the photo and normally in the bottom right hand corner there is a 'trash bin' dislayed to delete but on all these photos there is not - the only options are 'arrow message in left corner to email / message/ use as wallpaper etc' and 'play symbol in bottom centre for the slideshow'
I then hooked it back to my PC to see if I could delete that way but can only get access to 4 photos I actually took on the phone, appears to be no access to the '1000 Imported' photos.
Just got a new iPhone 4s (to unnecessarily replace a 2-year old 4s because I switched from Verizon to Sprint) and discovered that in the new operating system it seems impossible to delete individual photos from the Photos file. Also the camera roll from my old phone is no longer visible. (The photos are still on the phone, but now they're in the Years/Collections/Moments organizational structure and I can't delete any of them. What am I missing? Why would Apple eliminate the ability to manage one's photos? Â
I have an iPhone 3gs 32gb. Lately when I sync the phone it will delete some photos and then pop up a message saying some photos and albums couldn't be synced because there is not enough room on the phone. The problem is that I'm not adding anything to my phone when it does this. Yesterday my phone says it had 1.6gb available. I hooked it up and synced it, not adding anything, and it deleted a full album off the phoe claiming it had no space. Anyone have any ideas on a fix for this? I'm running 3.1.2
i have been trying to free up memory on my iPhone and deleted a lot of my photos, however it doesn't seem to work. it says i have only 231 photos left in camera roll (i don't have any other album) but when it's plugged to the computer with iTunes, it says photos taking up 12.8GB of storage... how can 231 photos be taking up so much storage? how can i free up the storage?
I have backed up my photos to my mac, and selected the option to clear them from my phone, but they are still appearing on the phone and my camera roll is at 6.5GB. How do I remove these from my phone?
I'm trying to downsize the storage space being taken up by photos, but after deleting them off my phone in Image Capture, it does not seem to have made any difference. I deleted a large percentage so their should be a noticeable amount of space freed.
I accidentally restored from iTunes backup, and deleted new (unbackedup) photos in my iPhone5. The data recovery tools I've tried (tenorshare and anymp4) are only able to recover from what was restored. Is there any other way to recover ?
For storage reasons, i want to delete photos from my iPhone 5 but, if I read the instructions correctly, it will also lose photos from my other devices.Â
I Simply want them off my phone.Â
TUrning off iCloud won't do it as, when it is turned back on, it will delete photos from other devices.Â
I synced some photos to my iphone 4 ios 5.1 then due to sum privacy i downloaded an app named photo vault and put the pictures in that app but when i deleted the app and then tried to delete the photos from photos they don't show the option to roll pictures do show the option but these pic don't??
I got the phone from a friend of mine, who took off his memory card. I put a new memory card.In the gallery there is over 700 images indexed, which does not exist anymore(they were on the old memory card). When I try to delete them I got the following message:"General: System error"I have tried the following:
- Create a folder named: I:Imagescamera201006201006a0 (for June 2010) and placed an image file with the following name: 06062010085.jpg - unsuccessful
- Delete(rename) some files(folders) located in "Private" folder - I read that these files contains the index data - unsuccessful
- Reset the phone to factory settings - unsuccessful
Now that Samsung in their INFINITE wisdom has taken out the menu button. How to delete photos directly from Gallery? No.. not from File Manager or 3rd party software. Just the standard Gallery App that came default. If I wanted to go through my pictures and delete certain ones, then how? I can hold down on some pics and tag/select. There is a SHARE button on there but nothing else. No editing, No rotate option, no print, no move options. NOTHING.
I use an E73, but searched the forum and know this problem plagues the E72 and maybe other phones, too. In my case, the sequence went like this:1) Receive email with attached pictures2) View each picture3) Press the scroll key while each picture is visible, get a Save prompt, and choose the internal phone memory. A "Saved to Gallery" prompt appears.4) Pictures were written to the root area of C:DataImages and can be viewed in Gallery5) At some later point, delete one or more pictures using File Manager6) Now when running Gallery, placeholders for the images still exist, and trying to delete them results in the a "General: System Error".There is no high level "Refresh" option.
If the pictures were on the SD Card, deleting E:private101ffc31glxmdstn (the card's thumbnail database) would fix this problem, but these pictures are ON THE C: RIVE! Assuming C:Private (which is inacceessible from any file viewer) contains another thumbnail database, my only options appear to be1) Soft reset (Will this work?? Please. no guessing! )2) Hard reset3) Hack the phoneI am using the latest E73 firmware that was released just a couple weeks ago. Does anybody with an E72 (etc.) know if this problem was already fixed for other Nokia phones?I made a short list of E73 bugs here: /t5/Eseries-and-Communicators/Some-E73-044-088-firmware-bugs/m-p/904401#M83905 but this may actually be the worst bug of all because there is seemingly no workaround.
I cannot delete photos from my n97, everytime i try to delete any photos stored I get the message "General system error".I need to delete 127 photos and they seem to be just stuck there.The phone will not even let me sync them to my PC.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Did I miss the memo that says deleting lo-res photos will somehow not allow one to open the hi-res versions? I have the 1520 connected to my Windows 7 PC (via USB) and wanted to keep the hi-res versions only, so I deleted the lo-res ones. The hi-res files still appear as physical files in file explorer with multiple megabytes but no preview/ thumbnail (same as before). I can't transfer them to an empty folder on my Desktop or to Imgur, nothing happens, not even an explanation. I checked my recycle bin and the lo-res files are no where to be found.
Just got a replacement N5 and I'm using the native email app (as I was on my previous N5), with gmail syncing turned on. The problem is when I delete an email on my phone, it's not deleting it from the Gmail server (it's still there if I check email on my PC). Some setting on the phone or in Gmail on the PC that I'm forgetting about?