my wifes apple ID is showing up instead of mine, just got a new iphone and restored it. I am logged in with my user id on iTunes and iphone store. I've logged out and in several times but when I try to update my apps it is looking for here password?
iPhone 4, Windows XP Pro, Replacement Iphone
I recently synced my iPhone 4 to my computer. There are 4 iPhone users on that one computer. Now my iPhone thinks I'm one of the other users and now when I update my apps it uses another's Apple ID and asks for their password I can neither buy or update my apps
I registered my iPhone3gs using the Apple ID on my desktop but it defaults to my wife's Apple ID which is what I started with on my desktop long ago. How do I adjust the setting on my phone to go to my updated Apple ID?
So I just got my replacement 5s and when I try to update an app of mine on the App Store, the email it has is not mine and not one that I've ever used on my phone ever, and I went into the settings to check what my phone was logged into and it had my proper email and Apple ID, and I can't find anywhere in the App Store to change the email
How do I get the wrong Apple ID off my Iphone 5s? In my settings it shows the correct one, but when I go to the app store to do updates the wrong one shows up.Â
My iPhone 5s has the wrong apple ID associated with FaceTime (the Apple ID is old, and linked to an old work email; I created a new apple ID this past year).
I suspect it's why Facetime won't connect. How do I change the Apple ID associated with FaceTime? When it prompts "Sign in to FaceTime", it says "enter apple ID password for ... <old email>".
My step son has been doing something to my husband's phone and somehow his apple id/email address is displayed when trying to update apps through the phone. I've looked at most settings and our proper apple id is still in there in every other spot its meant to be, except when trying to update apps.
Info:iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1, I think its this software
i have set up my iphone 4 but entered the wrong email as my apple id i.e. put rather than .com at the end how do i go back in and change it as i cant get onto itunes or apps
Why iPhone 4S has a problem with Apple ID. When I go to the Apple Store that update any of my apps. It says Apple ID underneath it Browser LBJ but when I type in my Apple ID it always says it's wrong. So I go in and reset the Apple ID and it still does not work on my iPhone.
whille creating my apple id account I entered a wrong email and didnt notice till the verification email was i just made a new apple ID with my correct email, but now i am worried about the other wrong one, cuz it got my credit card info.
i was trying to reset my iphone to factory settings, but when i was going to re-activate the phone it was telling that my apple id is incorrect. i'm the first owner of this phone and that is the only apple id i have and that id also is the one i'm using on my ipad mini.
I had my mother-in-law reset her password as she has not been able to log into her iTunes for quite some time. After we reset apple id, we changed it in settings>store and it took it just fine. It accepted the new id/password in the setting and online; however, we then tried to update iPhone but it doesn't show the correct apple id/email address in the "updated apps" pop up screen, but shows up correctly in settings>store.
I have lost all of my contacts.I was having problems with my iphone and did a restore, not from backup.Now the iphone is working properly but I lost my contacts in the process.I checked my itunes backups but it only says today's date.I did a time machine backup of my whole computer which included iTunes.I am thinking there should be a folder with my contacts in that but I am unable to locate it.All of my contacts where originally added to my iphone manually.Please help,I do not know where to find the contacts and I am very worried about being able to recover them.
I restored my phone and jailbroke it and when I go to Cydia to install my apps cydia says I already have them on but I cant see any of them.Any ideas how to get them back or visible?
I had to restore my iPhone 4 from a very old backup (Oct. 2011), and have been having no Gmail ever since. I've enter in all of my gmail account info into the mail settings multiple times, and gone through the set-up instructions on both Google and Apple, and I keep getting an error saying my account name or password is incorrect. I've signed in online to verify my user name and password and they are, indeed, correct. what can be done to fix it?
I sold my iPhone 3gs as "unlocked" on ebay since my iPhone 4 is coming tomorrow. Tonight I jailbroke it with spirit, then unlocked it with cydia/ultrasn0w. I was about to pack it up when I decided I should "Erase all content and settings" so that the buyer won't have any of my contact's info or anything.I put my phone in DFU mode and it won't restore. "This device isn't eligible for the requested build".I've tried everything. I went into Terminal and edited /etc/hosts to point to cydia instead of pointing to apple, but my gut tells me that its not working because the "Erase all content and settings" removed any traces of cydia.
I've never jailbroken anything before and have limited experience with this kind of stuff. I've downloaded all types of firmware versions (3.0, 3.01, 3.1.3) and nothing will take.The phone is just cycling over and over between the apple logo and a black screen. The phone needs an OS, apple knows I tried to jailbreak I guess and won't let me restore, and since I did an "erase all" I can't utilize any of the hacks to bypass apple's safeguard.I've run blackra1n to no avail as well. Nothing I do seems to reverse this awful mistake I've made.What do I do?
I went from an iphone 4s to 5s; backed up from icloud, but after a full 24 hours, it's not complete- is it stuck? Is there something I can do? Should I just wait?
My IPHONE 5 was freezing and then rebooting itself. Did a restoration this morning and since 15h00, it was rebooting itself repeatedly.Â
I just force a Restoration of it with ITUNES (all the latest versions) and the IPHONE got stuck in the middle of the first restoration phase - where you see a white screen with the apple logo and a status bar. ITUNE stopped the restoration and indicates: UNKNOWN ERROR (14)Â
What is happening? And, yes my IPHONE is not under warranty, it is 21 months old.Â
I've been jailbroken for ab 2 wks now with no users at all. I just now purchased BITEsms license. After installing and restarting my phone, all of my apps except pre-installed and jb apps are gone. I've tried rebooting several times, wut in tarnations has happened!Is this what I get for doing the right thing and buying the bite license!
I formatted the SD of X8 by error ..I recently have recovered each file but without the destination (file and folder names).. the contet of the SD ( folders and its contents).
I was doing a sync after the last BB OS update and when i was done - it had copied every contact twice so i had double the amount of contacts on my BB than on my computer, so i delete one of every pair and the next time i did a backup and a sync, it erased all my contacts on my computer.
I am using blackberry protect to backup data. The backup went well as usual, though I cannot restore my Phone Number/contacts as it says: "This data is wirelessly synchronized with a remote service and cannot be restored by blackberry protect". This has resulted me not having any phone numbers. How do I restore my phone numbers? I have BB a curve 9300(3g)
Thinking of rooting my Galaxy S2 and in preparation I backed up the phone contents (I only have 200 odd photos and my contacts so far) via KIES. I then deleted that stuff from the phone and attempted to restore via KIES just to prove that it would be OK but NO - I got the above message when trying to restore. I don't want to go any further
I have a 5800XM phone and I had apps from OVI that I downloaded. I restored it to factory defaults and updated firmware which were both successful. However, now I can't download apps from OVI that I have downloaded before the restoration to factory defaults. I can download other apps from OVI fine. Only the apps that I previously downloaded have the "Download" button disabled or grayed out.
The story so far: I bought an accessory in Nov 2011 at an Apple Retail Store. (Philips dual-dock speaker) It started malfunctioning in Mar 2012. (Dock not charging anymore) I brought it to an Apple Store (closer to my place), they were happy to replace it on the spot, except that there was none in stock. So I was advised to go to an other Store (the original one), where they had stock. So far, so good for service. I went to the other store, but there I was told that they could not replace it because I had bought it more than 14 days before, so I had to contact the manufacturer directly! So my questions are:
- What is, if any, the actual policy on non-Apple product repair & replacement?
- Why don't all store follow the same policy?
- Should I just try my luck again with another person, until I strike gold and get it replaced?