I've been attaching the cable to my laptop and iPhone 4s. It always gives me the "device not recognized" balloon. How can I make this laptop recognize my iPhone? It will be very hard for me to put in all the songs, videos and other files that I've already put in my old iPod Touch.
I've been using e71 since 1,5 year, yesterday I upgraded to e72.with e 71 I didn't have any problem connecting to my Toshiba laptop still I can connect easily to my laptop. ( Ovi suite ) I tried lot of thing such as lowered security level of BT, checked updates for laptop BT device but e72 can't establish connection.Laptop and e72 found each other but not proceed I get "detection of service failed" error message and thtas all.
For some reason my laptop doesn't read my phone, works on my pc fine but i'm trying to fix it for my laptop. My phone only charges, can't access the files. My USB configuration is set to MTP, it defaults to Charging only but even if i switch it back and forth it does not work
I am having trouble getting my laptop to recognize the device memory or sd card installed in my BB Bold 9000. It is recognized by BB Desktop mgr but not in my Windows explorer where all my drives are listed.
Just updated my iphone 4S and now it doesn't recognize my SIM card.It was bought at Applestore - Madrid and it accepts(ed) any SIM card...I've pulled it out, on-off, sincronized it, reset.
I had tried to upgrade iOS through itunes and it has got errored out and my mobile has got hanged. It just shows Itunes and the USB connector logo... Itunes not able to recognize the device....
My iPhone no longer recognizes when I plug in headphones or any other external audio device. A software upgrade fixed this problem once, but the problem has come back and upgrades won't fix it. No matter what I plug into the headphone jack, audio continues to play out of the phone speakers. I'm outside of my warranty and not near an Apple store.
i have this problem whit my iphone 3Gs 32GB when i plug it on my Lap Top windows doesn´t recognize im pluggin it so i can´t sync my iphone whit iTunes and worst i tried to restore my iphone now i got that screen when you need to restore iphone whit iTunes obviously i can´t restore it cause windows doesn´t recognize my iphone
My first generation Macbook won't recognize my iPhone 4s when I plug it in. Is it because the software is too old? Is there another way to transfer my iTunes music to my phone?
I just purchased 2 iPhone 4s's for my daughters. iTunes does not recognize them. I have an iPhone 4 and iTunes reccognizes it. I think it has something to do with Windows 7. The iPhone 4 is recognized by one user, but not recognized by iTunes for my daughters accounts/users. Also, neither iPhone 4 is recognized on my account. I have stopped and re-started them and also uninstalled and re-installed iTunes, too no avvail. What do I need to do?
When I plug my iPhone into my Macbook Pro, it vibrates twice and charges, but isnt recognized in iTunes. There is no device that says "Sarahs iPhone" like there used to be. I downloaded the latest iTunes and my phone has the latest software, im not sure what to do.
Itunes recognises an older Ipod Nano so I know Itunes is ok.I have done everything, make sure the apple device interface is "started"Uninstalled and reinstalled itunes. Getting ready to do restore, taken photos off phone, can not work out how to back up without Icloud (all work contacts on phone so can not lose them).
Computer doesn't recognize my iPhone 5s, not in photo's, not in iTunes. However it takes immediately my 3s ? Can't use my pictures taken with the 5s nor use iTunes. What to do?
I changed my password/e-mail on apple.com because my old e-mail/password was hacked. I have since deleted the old e-mail address entriely and have registered a new one. While apple.com recognizes the change (as does my iPhone 3, which I use as an iPod) my iPhone4 does not recognize the change, and still has my old e-mail address on it. I've tried both passwords on the iPhone4, and neither work. It's annoying having to use the computer only to download new apps/podcasts/etc.
When I connect my phone to my computer it makes a noise but doesn't show the iPhone under my computer it also doesn't charge the iPhone when it is connected to it except for a few seconds when I reboot my laptop. When I search under Device manager there is absolutely nothing there. I was attempting to restore my phone yesterday and couldn't do it on my phone alone nor when plugged into my computer so I restored it to a back up on another computer. Also every other computer I've plugged it into recognizes it right away but none of the other one's are mine please assist I don't want to lose all my app's and music thats stored on this computer and I'm going off to college in the fall.
I locked myself out, then trying to get in it became disabled, tried to restore but Itunes cant. error1603 I believe, now the computer and itunes don't recognize when it's plugged in
I have an iPhone 4S and I tried to plug it into my micro system today but it doesn't recognise it. It's not even charging. The last time I used it was a few weeks ago, and it worked fine. The only thing that I can think of that's changed is that I updated my iPhone to the most recent update. I tried my friend's 4S too which also has the newest update and it also doesn't work. I'll try another friend's iPhone 4 later today (who also has the same update).
When i plug my iphone into my computer, it doesn't pop up in the devices column in itunes, but iphoto opens automatically asking me to import... I want to get my music off my computer, but this is problematic with itunes not recognizing my device!
My iPhone 3GS it's new i brought from USA on December I'm from Mexico and I lost my original USB cable o bought a generic one and the problem appears the device only when it's turned OFF charges when it's turned ON is'nt recognized via iTunes neither charges...
I am trying to change my apple id on my iPhone 5. The issue is that I have forgotten my password and when I use the iForgot screen the system does not recognize my date of birth. I have requested an email three times but never received anything. I am unable to go through manage my ID and change back to the old email account as this email account is now my rescue account.I have an iTunes account that I can access through my pc with no issues.