IPhone :: Unknown Error (2003) When Trying Update And Restore 3g
Mar 29, 2012
I have an iPhone 3g with ios of 4.1 and I've got an error of The iPhone "iPhone" could not be restored. An Unknown error occurred (2003) after trying to restore my iphone. I'd tried several times but same result appeared. this is my only phone and I need it so badly.
My phone is stuck in an endless cycle of failing to restore and update.� Unknown error (1) keeps occurring. I have done everything on the recommended list.
My iphone 4 says connect to itunes. When i connect to itunes it asks me to restore. When I get to the end of restore unknown error (-1) comes up and it goes back to connect to itunes
I have an iPhone 4 and it says a message that I have to restore the thing for it to receive messages and calls so I followed the warning message and when I restore my iphone the progress bar stuck in the middle and itunes says it could not restore the iPhone because an unknown error occurs error (2). My itunes has the latest version, no problem but that unknown error (2) itunes is saying. I searched the net for solutions but I can't find any.
i tunes said "cannot identify i phone unplug and plug again. to update.It was then downloading software for 17 minutes..and then froze with a usb arrow itunes logo on the screen.I have tried to restore and am getting "cannot restore unknown error has occurred 21"
When I try to sync with Outlook 2003 I get the error 'folder is no longer part of the system data source or the folder could not be found' I have spent the morning updating the BB desktop software which took hours even though the phone is straight out of the box, 250mb worth. The email sync tick box is also greyed out but the wireless sync work a dream no probs at all but I would like to get my contacts on there along with email folders and such.
During the restore from iTunes I get, almost at the end of the restore, the message that iTunes could not restore my iPhone due to an unknown error (1).
Info: iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1, On my Mac as well as on a PC
Just went to update my iphone 4 (32gb) from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 to be greeted yet again with 'update failed, unknown error' followed by iphone in recovery mode.Now, my 3GS did this on 4.0 and 4.0.1, my 4 has done this on 4.0.1 and now 4.0.2.
I dont mind, I have backups but I also have 16gb+ of audio. What is going on? is this something with my laptop or a fault with ios4 updates? Im running latest, 32 bit version of itunes on windows 7.I've tried restoring and updating twice now unsuccesfully.
I am using an iPhone 4 with iOS 5.1 (I believe), I never had any problems with app store before, but recently I cannot update or download any apps. When I put in my password, it says "Unknown error". I tried turning it off, but still didn't work.
I was trying to update my iphone 4 to iOs 5...at the point where my phone should have been restored I received the message "iPhone cannot be restored. An unknown error occured (-1)" I have tried to disable my firewall and restart my computer. I have Windows 7. I have retried numerous times to restore to factory settings...the only change in result is (1) not (-1).
Ovi Store has released new updates for E63. When i try to install the update, i'm getting an error. It says "Unknown Error: -12". i tried few times installing the update but failed.
My 2 week old iPhone 4s dropped out of signal after only 1 week and is continually saying 'searching. so i have attempted to restore my phone and an 'unknown error' keeps occurring, sometimes its a 1 or a 9 after that message.