I just chatted with a premier rep. about my concern that I being 18 with no credits would not qualify to get an iphone 4, so can I buy the phone under my moms name and then get my discount added?. To this, he said no that the line has to be under my name inorder to get the discount.But the good news that he gave me is this----"You would qualify for an iphone 4 with no credits as you would be buying it from premier store using your college email and with premier discount".So what do you guys think about this, was the rep right or was he just running away from the situation.
I am having a problem in N900 when i try to check my credit with *222# it gives me incorrect number, i bought it from UAE and i am using it in brazil can anyone help?
so, yesterday afternoon, i factory reset my dx2. i suddenly started having issues while walking through setup. original ota gb, no hacks, no roots.i was able to successfully set up my google account, opt to skip verizon backup, & then it gives me a connectivity error w/ (3) options of "retry", "setup wifi", & "skip". the setup skips the screen to set up my various 3rd party accounts such as Internet, facebook, yahoo, picasa, etc. when attempting to setup my accounts via "settings" afterward, it only lists (6) of the typical 12-15 options.this just started yesterday for me & did not occur on the previous 5 factory resets performed over the last week.
the error screen presented during setup after electing to skip backup assistant states something about "connectivity is required to complete setup", giving me (3) options. "retry", "setup wifi", & "skip". "retry" & "setup wifi" are still unsuccessful. selecting "skip" bypasses the ability to set up accounts.additionally, once on the home profile, "system update" states that a "motorola service account is required", giving me the same options as during setup. "retry", "setup wifi", & "skip". and trying to "add accounts" via "settings" only displays (6) available types, half of which give intermittent crazy errors about "problems with my clock on this device." or "timed out" & "your account may not be successfully setup".
I redeemed my itunes card but when i tray to by something it keeps asking for my billing information. I've used it before without having to enter my billing information.
I read on the front page how others were having the proximity issue like I was and that if you did a reset of settings then it could fox it. So I went ahead and did that. I went in and started changing all my settings back and I realized that the only option I had for my passcode was to require it immediately and not after 5 min like I usually do. I've done some searching and saw that a google or exchange account could cause this. But I only have mobile me.So that can't be it. The only other option I've seen is to do a complete restore.Whig I'd really like to stay away from. Does anyone have any ideas?
So I ordered mine from Apple.com on about 2:00 PM PDT. The status is now "Prepared for shipment". But my credit card is still not being charged. I wonder if this is normal? I never see any activity on my CC website regarding my order (no pending payment, no pre-authorization stuff). My CC is Chase.
Has anyone here done this on thier iPhone? I thought I'd seen a post or link with some good info, but can't find it now. I'd appreciate any insight anyone has. (Our home business has never accepted credit cards before but would like to start.)
I'm trying to add a credit card to my account and it keeps saying that the service is temporarily unavailable and that I should try later. Well,I've trying for weeks and it never works.
i have an iphone 4 and i want to take my credit card accout off of it so it doesnt charge me for my apps i just want to use a itunes card. somehow i even went into itunes to try and change it and it wont let me do it...
My iPhone 4s, which I've been using for 3+ months, today displayed "activation required". But when I try to activate, it says "Your iPhone could not be activated because the activation server is temporarily unavailable. Try connecting your iPhone to iTunes to activate it, or try again in a few minutes. If this problem persists, contact Apple Support. Needless to say, connecting to iTunes doesn't work - "The software on the iPhone has expired and must be updated to a newer version".
my iPhone has started to lose signal then when you reboot it it comes up with the message activation required. When I unlock the phone it tells me to connect to iTunes. When I do this I have to restore the phone and restart it using my back up, but it keeps happening.
Why am I getting a pop up that says Security info required? I just enetered my password and it asks for it again, then wants security questions filled in?
I have read through all the forums, be it in Apple Communities or elsewhere, tried all means (uninstall and re-install, delete the Common files folder, etc...etc...etc) but I still cannot resolve this problem:
I am currently using ITunes 11.2.2Â 64-bit versionÂ
My iPhone 5c goes into Activation Required mode about 5-10 times per day and always overnight. Therefore my alarms do not work, can't receive texts or calls. I have to be in wifi to be able to re activate the phone. Once in wifi it takes me to the Apple ID log in page. Once I put in the info it takes me right back to the home screen as normal.
How to connect the iphone 5 on my pc i get this message: "You can use this iPhone because the required software is not installed. Run the iTunes installer to remove iTunes and then reinstall iTunes." I have done several times but the problem is not solved, searching on the forum i see that maybe the official version 64 bits, but does not accept me at my computer installation.
For pre-ordering, what do I do? I only have debit cards, but alot of people told me companies treat a debit card the same as a credit card in most instances in the retail world.
Wondering if my cc will be charged when I pre order. Also, would I be able to use my girlfriends credit card instead of mine even though the phone and line are in my name?
I managed to sell my 3gs tonight but the bank is closed so I cant put the money in to authorize the funds. Am I okay reserving it tonight? I would actually pay for it come the 24th right?
So I preordered the iPhone 4 on Tuesday like around 1pm... everything went well and stuff, then I checked my credit card, and it was charged, or at least it said pending... My order status now says "prepared for shipment", and now that I check my credit card statement, I don't see the pending iPhone order there anymore. When will I get charged then? I thought it was already charged...Is this normal?