a friend of mine recently bought an iphone 4 from the US for me but when I put my sim card in it, there is a message at the top of the screen displaying "No Service". I don't know if the phone is unlocked or even if he told the retailer that I would be using it outside of the US.
I've done everything I know to do (reset network settings, hard reset, software update, restore to factory default, replace sim card) still have not fully resolved the issue. It seems to work periodically at random, but only has 1 or 2 bars where I should normally have full service.
Recently, my iPhone has been having some service issue and it is not AT&T's problem. At home for example I always used to have 5 bars, but now the service will show no service and then 10 minutes it will show up all 5 bars then soon no service. This happens to me in many places.
the service goes out all of a sudden, and i have to switch the phone off and on agin to regain service. this happens in areas where i normally have good service
When I'm opening Service Status from "Options and Status" I see the "Blackberry Internet Service" as "Not Connected" although I've Blackberry service and I'm successfully using IM, synchronize my E-Mails, and Browsing the internet without any WiFi connection.
I am using the blackberry service using a GSM service provider, I would like to switch to a new GSM service provider. When I switch the SIM card the handset ask for blackberry ID and password, on entering the details it says invalid Blackberry ID. Can I just use another BB handset and use the new SIM to route all my emails and BB messenger to the new handset.
Please note a couple of minor bugs.1) Date displayn the options of the MotoACTV device you can set the date display format to the ISO unambiguous yyyy/mm/dd format, which is what I prefer. On the motoactv web app Under Display Preferences/Data Format, there is only dd/MM/yyyy and MM/dd/yyyy. Please provide the more sane unabiguous yyyy/mm/dd format so this can be consistent.) Display Units My Display Units are set to Metric. However on the MotoACTV web app when I select Workouts/Latest Workout/Workout Stats, the distance and pacing are recorded in km, but the elevation shows in ft. I am not sure at this point if it is the 'ft' label is wrong, or the actual numeric display and/or conversion is wrong, but you guys I'm sure can figure this out. You can verify this here:
My X1-01 sw version 05.27 ,26-05-11,RM -713, Language: MG
The problem is that it does not display Cell Info display correctly. Only few times it shows, But only for sometime. Is this bug fixed in the latest version 5.44 ???? and it also has the signal problem .. If i put it in my pocket , the whole signal goes away in both sims....
If anyone in the GTA area, in Vaughan Mills Mall there is are a few pearl 3G (9100) on display - NOT a dummy display. An actual working display. Its being displayed for a promotion for I think it was Elle Magazine? They were holding a contest with RIM. Sorry no pics though :-(There was a blue, pink and black version. None of them were the T9 version(9105)
I got my torch 9800 on launch day. i loved this device and definately felt like i was upgrading from my old device (iphone 3g). as much as i love the capabilities of the device i have run into a few issues, specifically network issues. it all started on sunday when all of a sudden i lost connection to the blackberry servers(the little logo in the corner was gone..) i went to at&t on monday and they could not figure it out. apparently my service book for the blackberry internet service got deleted(i didnt even know what a servicebook was lol) so i went home later that night and downnloaded the at&t software and reinstalled the os and this worked. then all of a sudden today, my fb was acting up, so i deleted the app. then i lost the connection again... do you guys have any idea what could be causing this? im currently reinstalling the os as i write this.
For some reason myself , my father and two other friends I know with iPhone4's can't pick up 3G signal anymore since the update.Has anyone else experienced this issue?
I am without service after IOS 5.1. Since the upgrade, my phone can't make or receive any call. I bought it from my mobile operator (Claro Brasil) itself. The odd thing is that when I use the SIM of my brother (from another provider - TIM) the phone works perfectly. I called to Claro and they said everything is fine with my network and that they will open a procedure to see what can be done. I think they don't know what is happening and I can't wait much longer.
My phone has been working perfectly until 2 days ago since when it has had no service. I have tried turning it off and on again, taking out the sim card, resetting it, restoring it to original settings.
My 3GS is linked to Vodafone. Here in Scotland, my telephone always shows 'No service,' while my wife's Nokia, also linked to Vodafone, gets service everywhere.
Why should this happen, and is there anything that I can do about it ?
I just got my iPhone today, and every once in a while, it says no service even though there is always servicre here. It comes and goes. It comes back if I restart my phone.
I have an iPhone 4s I bought in Mexico which is locked to Telcel. I have moved to Argentina and it worked here with Claro, which is a subsidiary of Telcel in Argentina (so I didn't have to change the ultra sim nor my number).
The thing is that it's now been around 2/3 months that it shows "No Service" instead of the carrier. I have tried everything, updating it to iOS 5.1.1
There are Mac Stores here in Argentina but they don't offer any kind of service for iPhone so I'm worried about not getting my iPhone to work before the 1st year of warranty passes, as I'm not traveling to Mexico soon (where I bought it), as to get some Apple help.
If I buy a used iPhone on eBay for the purpose of using it as an iPod, will that work? Or will there be a prompt to add phone service before the phone let's me use its features?
My iPhone 3G with O2 continually displays the 'no service' message making the phone pretty pretty pretty redundant resembling a Curb scenario...having checked out net threads (like Ariadne) there does seem an issue here and no one seems certain if its a service provider or Apple issue or both.
Yesterday I was loading a video from NBC.com and all of a sudden I got the "No service" indicator in the top left. I waited a few minutes for it to find some 3G coverage, only to realize my phone was frozen. I restarted the phone using the home/power button method and when it came back, it hung on the Apple logo for a good 30-40 minutes before finally booting up normally. I thought this might have been a fluke, but then last night I booted up (after I accidentally let my phone run down to zero battery) and the same 30-40 minute Apple logo thing happened. This morning I was browsing Safari again and all of a sudden "No service," freeze, restart, Apple logo, 30-40 minutes.
The only thing that I've done recently is install a few updated versions of apps that I already had. Does this problem seem like an app conflict of some sort? If so, should I just go in and uninstall the apps that I just recently installed?
I guess I wouldn't mind re-JBing if I had to, but wouldn't that mean that I would be forced to go to 3.1.3 which has a more limited JB (no tethering - I confess that I haven't read much about 3.1.3 JB because I wasn't planning on doing it for a while)?
EDIT: It seems as though the Apple logo flashes every 10 minutes or so (as if it's being restarted)
So how does that work? I am most likely going to preorder my iPhone 4 and have it delivered, but I was curious about a smooth transition because my current iPhone uses a regular sized SIM car, and the new one is a micro SIM, I'm sure they come with one in them, but how will I transfer service from my old SIM to the new one when it arrives?