IPhone :: Is GPS Tracking Accurate With 3G On?

May 21, 2010

But Ive just started using an app to track my bike rides. I just start the app, throw my phone in my bag and forget about it till I get home. I've been turning off 3g as the gps alone is a battery hog, however does the 3g signal aid the gps using triangulation or something?

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IPhone :: GPS Is Less Accurate Now?

Sep 11, 2010

Basically I had a previous iPhone 4. The GPS on it was really accurate and always managed to pinpoint my location to within 5 metres. It was also extremely responsive and would update my position the moment I started moving. However it had a dot on the screen so I had it exchanged.On my new iPhone 4 the tracking is still accurate, but just not as good as before. It often shows me quite a bit further away than I really am. On top of that, my position will keep moving even when I'm standing perfectly still, whereas my previous iPhone 4 would just stay locked on to me completely. Furthermore it has a lag issue. Whenever I start moving, it takes about 10 - 15 seconds before it starts updating my position again. Whenever I stop, it takes awhile for it to realize that I have stopped moving as well, and my position on screen will fly further ahead than my actual position. After that it will slowly move back towards me and start jumping a bit again.

Lastly, whenever my previous iPhone 4 managed to lock onto a GPS signal, it would pretty much almost have no blue-circle unless I zoomed in really close. However with my newer iPhone 4, it constantly appears and disappears again. Does anyone know why this is happening? Any solutions? Should I get it changed, again?

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IPhone :: How Accurate Is Mobileme?

Feb 16, 2010

I recently (an hour ago) had my iPhone stolen, so I went to MobileMe and tracked it. It said it is about 26 KM away. My question is, how accurate is MobileMe?

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IPhone :: 3G GPS Becoming Less Accurate Over Time?

Jun 1, 2010

Have had my 3G for almost 2 years now and it seems the GPS is not as accurate as it once was. I find that many times when driving, the blue dot in google maps will be up to 3-4 streets off. My girl friend's GPS on her 3G is even worse. Her's will sometimes take up to 45 seconds longer than mine to zero in on our location. Fresh OS install doesn't appear to make a difference. I feel like the GPS wasn't this bad when I first bought the phone.Anyone else experiencing the same thing?

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IPhone :: How Accurate Is Your Position?

Aug 10, 2010

Please state your phone provider and what app your are using to determine your current location.For me IP4, O2, Google maps, I'm about 1.5 miles away from myself in London.Personally I think it makes a mockery of the find my iPhone/iPad app.I guess with a TomTom app it's using satellites so would be more accurate?

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IPhone :: 1G - Not Showing Accurate Time

Jan 8, 2010

I have one of the original iPhones. It has been working great, despite having taken a dip in the toilet. However, for the past week, randomly, it will display the wrong time. For instance, right now, it's 12:19 pm. My phone says 11:42 am. It's always pretty close to the actual time, so it's not a time zone issue. It is sometimes right, too. It's not a big deal, of course, but I was used to relying on my iPhone for an accurate time unlike my watch, which has a battery that can die without me knowing it. I use it as an alarm clock, but I've learned not to trust the time when I wake up.

Just wondering what the heck is going on with it? Anyone have a similar experience? I've noticed other odd things, like voice mails not showing up for a good amount of time after the phone call is received, text messages seeming to be delayed, and difficulty finding wifi connections.

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IPhone :: How Accurate Is 3 Week Ship Time?

Jul 11, 2010

I'm going on holiday in 3 weeks time, if I order an iphone 4 from the Apple website do I stand any chance of getting it before I go?

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IPhone :: How Accurate Is The Date Stamp On The Photos

Apr 11, 2012

Wanted to know how accurate the date stamp on a picture taken on the IPhone. Meaning does it know exactly when the picture was taken and it that an exact match when it comes up in ITune or is it the date that it was downloaded to ITunes.

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IPhone 5c :: Voice Data Usage Not Accurate

Aug 20, 2014

I Bought an iPhone 5c 2 weeks ago and am with T mobile for the first time. I use my phone mainly for texts, hardly ever for calling. My call history shows approx 30 mins of calls, even rounding up those of less than 1 min. However, the voice usage, shown in my settings is 1 hr 29 mins. How can this be? Are there other things that use voice data that I just don't know about? I have had no voicemail messages so haven't called voicemail. I have made no FaceTime calls. My monthly limit is 100 mins which I have never used before but am at risk of doing so if I can't work out why there is such a discrepancy.

iPhone 5c, iOS 7.1.2

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IPhone :: Who Has UPS / Not Fed Ex Tracking?

Jun 22, 2010

I have UPS tracking from AT&T and I'm curious how many are getting their phones via UPS rather than Fed Ex? I've only ever gotten them Fed Ex from Apple/AT&T before, so this is new.

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IPhone :: How Would The Tracking For My 4 Become Shut-off

Mar 27, 2012

my phone was stolen on the weekend so we tried to track it on another iphone it located it the first day & then lost signal the next day how would that happen?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Tracking Spy Programs?

May 18, 2012

how can I be sure there is no hidden tracking programs relaying my locations to someone on my 4s?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1

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IPhone :: Tracking Number To Appear In Your Inbox?

Jun 16, 2010

So if your one of the lucky ones, when do you expect that tracking number to appear in your inbox?

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IPhone :: Fedex Tracking Number

Jun 22, 2010

I have been wondering why my Fedex tracking number provided by AT&T isn't working. Is there is problem here? I ordered almost as soon as preordering started, jamming Command+R until the "Coming Soon" icon disappeared from the Apple website.There was no change in the order status from AT&T for a while, until (on the 20th) the status suddenly says "shipped" on the 18th. Weird.

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IPhone :: What Is Best App For Tracking IP In Case It Gets Lost?

Jul 21, 2010

I'm just looking for a reliable app, preferably without a monthy charge, that will simply show me the location of my phone on a map. It doesn't have to be uber-accurate -- the closer the better obviously, but if I know its last-known location in a general sense (a mile or less), it's likely I'll remember where it could have been lost that day.I was looking at taptrace, and some others, but all the ones I've seen got mediocre reviews. iHound looks alright, but I don't like the whole monthly fee thing. Also, I'm not going to sign up for mobile me just to track my phone.

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IPhone :: Tracking IP Without Mobile-Me Account / It's Possible Now?

Jul 22, 2010

Itīs possible now to track your iphone without jailbreaking! Go to http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/latit...2&affId=972145 and install "latitudie". Itīs only 2 bucks!

It works with Google Latitude. First of all you need to activatie Google Latitude. You can do this on http://www.google.com/intl/en_us/latitude/intro.html .When you enable Google Location History you can see where your phone was. You can also see where your phone is at the moment.

This application runs in the background on iOS4.

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IPhone :: 3G/WiFi Usage Tracking?

Mar 12, 2012

I have a very limited data plan (100mb/month) and I need to be able to identify what apps or processes are consuming data in my iPhone. How can I do this?I have already reviews all my accounts and turned Push off, although that didn't significantly reduce data usage. Either way, the accounts are responsible for, AT MOST, 2 or 3mb/day considering new emails/new calendar stuff and whatever. I have a lot of Apps too, but I'm always worried to keep every "automatic sync" stuff OFF. I use an application called DataMan Pro to track usage data and keep my data consumption under control. But it does not tell me WHERE the consumption came from. Yesterday I went to check DataMan for my usage and I was surprised to find 9MB of usage and I did NOTHING yesterday, didn't use any apps like facebook, didn't check my emails, anything. Where did that come from?

iPhone 4, iOS 5

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IPhone :: Tracking Multiple 4s With One Account?

Apr 4, 2012

I am responsible for approximately 20 iPhones for our business. Each person buys their own apps and syncs the iPhone to their own machine. I am interested in seeing if there is a way (either via Find My iPhone or some other method) to keep track of all of the phones under one account. We are trying to avoid making that the individual's responsibility, and make it so that one user (me) can locate any of the phones if needed. Or am I going to be forced to set it up 20 times with 20 different accounts, and then keep a master list of the usernames and passwords for each, so I can track each one should one go missing?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Tracking Text Messages On It?

Apr 24, 2012

how to track childrens text messages without them knowing?

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IPhone :: Tracking A Lost 4 After It Has Died?

Jun 21, 2012

My daughter lost her phone and has the "find my iPhone" app, but her phone died. I didn't know if there was still a way to locate the phone?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Apple Error Connecting Tracking Down?

Jun 21, 2010

Just wondering if others are having problems connecting?

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IPhone :: In Store Pickup Tracking Numbers

Jun 22, 2010

Does anyone who preordered for instore pickup have a tracking number that works? Mine says that it is not found. I preordered on the 15th at 8am at the store by my house and have received confirmation.

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IPhone :: Quit Checking On FedEx Tracking?

Jun 23, 2010

Related to the iPhone launch? http://www.fedex.com/us/update.html It looks like the tracking system for fedex is down. Quit checking your delivery status (I am included ) I think we killed it.

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IPhone :: What Is BEST Tracking / Remote Control - Kill App?

Feb 18, 2010

What is the BEST tracking/remote control/kill app out there?

- for non-JB phones?
- for JB phones?

I do not want to JB my phone but if there is better software out there for cheaper that would require the phone to be JB then I will do it.

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IPhone :: Get An Email With A Tracking Number For A Package

Mar 22, 2012

Just recently figured out that if you get an e-mail with a tracking number for a package that if you hold your finger on the tracking number it comes up with a 'track shipment' option. However using this link takes you to the FedEx website.

I was just wondering if I can specify what website that link takes me to?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: How To Prevent Thief From Deleting Particular Tracking App

Apr 6, 2012

Suppose if my Iphone is stolen and the thief 'uninstalls' the "find my Iphone" software, then in that case what benefit does this particular app provide? Is there a way to not allow "Uninstalling" any particular app?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1

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Nokia :: 5800 How Accurate Is Your GPS?

Mar 28, 2010

Anyway, my 5800 had an infamous vertical stripes issue. I sent it to one of my local Nokia service centers. They replaced the screen. The new screen-while doesn't have the vertical stripes-looks worse than the old one (minus the vertical stripes issue that kept coming and going on the old screen). The new screen has a yellow tint to it; it becomes much more apparent when not viewing the screen from a direct angle. (In other words, white appears somewhat yellow.) Also, the new screen is somewhat blotchy (kind of like bruises); the color is uneven -- this becomes very apparent when viewing a solid colour image file. (The worse part is the top portion of the screen-about 0.8 cm in length-which appears noticeably darker than the rest.)There was also a tiny crack (about 0.2 cm in length) on the bottom of the frame surrounding the screen.OK, so I didn't complain about the yellow screen and that tiny crack when I received my 5800 back from the service center. My bad. (I was in a rush to go to a movie.) Those imperfections bugged me somewhath, but I can live with them. What I'm really upset about is that I think the GPS does not perform as well as before I sent it to the repair center.

So here's the question: How accurate is your GPS?Before my 5800 went to the service center, I'm pretty sure its GPS was pretty much spot on. But after it came back, the best it can get in term of accuracy is around 10m on a very very very very very rare occasion and 15m on very very very rare occasions. Most of the times it showed that I was about 100-150m from where I actually was. This is all when the 5800 is not moving.When I used it inside a moving car, before it went to the service center, the GPS was spot on - even without A-GPS. Now even with A-GPS and edge on, it can barely keeps up; it's like it's lagging 500 m behind and sometimes showed that the car was on the side of the road that the car was not. Sometimes, it even showed that the car was somewhere that was actually quite far from the actual position. I went back to the technician; he said that it's not hardware-related. He said it's software, because my phone still detects the satellites. So he basically flashed the firmware again-according to what he told me. He also told me to reinstall the (ovi) maps, which I did. I don't think these really fix the issue. So before I went back to the repair center, I want to know how accurate are your GPSs?

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Motorola Motoactv :: GPS Is Not Accurate?

Dec 12, 2012

When I bought my Motoactv 4 months ago, the GPS worked fine. It was perfect.

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IPhone :: Tracking Lost Device Without Internet Connection

May 5, 2012

Is it actually possible to track iPhone without internet connection? I mean, the iPhone which I am tracking has no internet connection... (Example, has been lost in a foreign country and the roaming data is not On) Anyone has an idea how to do the tracking?

iPhone 4

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Galaxy S6 :: Location Tag For Photos Not Accurate?

May 20, 2015

I noticed the geo-location tag for my photos are quite a bit off from where my actual location is. Even though the pin is properly positioned on the actual location, the street name and house number are quite a bit off. Did they do this on purpose? The actual street that shows up on the detailed information for the picture is about 2 blocks from my house.

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IPhone :: Having A Tracking Number Means Your Credit Card Was Charged?

Jun 20, 2010

I have my tracking number and fede says initiate...does that mean my credit card has been charged?

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