IPhone :: How To Synchronize 4S With Lotus Notes Contacts
Apr 6, 2012How to synchronize iphone 4S with lotus notes contacts?
iPhone 4S
How to synchronize iphone 4S with lotus notes contacts?
iPhone 4S
I bought the Nokia E72 to have a good phone for business and work. Since 1 week my Lotus Notes calendar could not be synchronized any more. PC Suite issues a lot of warnings (item xyz cannot be inserted on the phone's calendar) but these messages are not useful. So I de-installed PC Suite and installed the Ovi Suite, but what is this? I cannot see how to synchronize my Lotus Notes calendar?! The menu items says that Microsoft Outlook is supposed to be installed, but sorry, this is not my company's organizer system.So please tell me how to synchronize my company's calendar with my E72 via the OVI suite because this is a crucial feature.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have problems trying to sync my lotus notes calendar to my blackberry via USB using the Desktop Manager. The error message is: "Lotus Notes Connector returned a Notes Kernel Error (code 16643). See notes API documentation doe more details".
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnyone who knows how to set up the X10 mini to synchronize calender, contacts, notes and tasks with outlook? Are not looking for the full integration with email, but a simple integration on a push/pull basis similar to the functionality available on SE PC suite for the older models using the USB cabel
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have mail in numerous (75+) folders on my Lotus Notes. In setting up Lotus Notes Traveler on my phone, I notice that my inbox looks fine but that none of the mail shows up in those folders. Can someone please tell me:
(1) Do I need to go into each folder and refresh it?
(2) If so, will that mail then always appear, and then it will only need to sync the new messages when I enter that folder?
(3) If I turn push on for each folder (75+ folders) I am assuming I will kill my battery life. Anyone that can validate that point?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
I am trying to configure my Lotus notes mail on Black berry and it doesn't work?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSince the new software update for my E71 (500.21.009) I have a new application called IBM Lotus Notes Traveler. Because I don't need/use it I want to remove it but every time I do it just installs itself and shows me the welcome wizard of that program. I removed it using the app manager. So does anybody know how to remove this or is it 'impossible'?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm using Lotus notes on my work pc and i installed recently the Nokia OVI Suite.For I can see, this program can not synchronize with Lotus Notes, it is truth ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to set up an email account to receive emails from Lotus Notes to my BB; however, I just keep receiving messages that state invalid email address or password, verify your email address and password, if the error persists contact IT provider. I did contact the IT department and was told that they do not support Lotus Notes on BB; however, I was able to set up the account in the past just by using the 'set up another email account' Yesterday, this email account was accidentally deleted and I have not been able to reestablish it.I cannot provide the setting because I do not know the email server name or user name.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have BB Curve 9300 and want to configure lotus notes. It is neither on a enterprise server nor on a IMAP/POP, but on a domino server. Or is it possible to download Lotus traveler.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to syncronize using PC Companion between Lotus Notes and my Goggle calender. Getting 'syncronization failed due to a unnkown error'. Syncronizing contacts works - but not the Notes calender. Notes version is 8.5.3. where to get more information about the 'unnkonwn error' - or to make it work .....?
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor no apparent reason, whenever I attempt to synchronize, the calendar does not synch with my Lotus Notes (the address book does) and Desktop Manager shuts itself down. I am now getting a dialogue box stating "the default service for your device's calendar has changed since the last time you synchronized." I don't recall changing anything. I have attempted to change the default service from Yahoo (my email comes from this account as work doesn't authorize the Lotus Notes email on the phone) to Lotus Notes and it's not even an option.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just updated to the 500.21.009 firmware on my Nokia E63 and now I am regretting that I made the switch.I think this version of the firmware is not stable at all.
The first question is: How do I remove the annoying Lotus Notes Traveler? Uninstalling it doesn't work. I have read the solution is to use YBrowser, but I don't want to pay for using this software, nor do I want to use an untrusted application on my phone. Let's just say that I am paranoid about such things.
What is the next best solution to remove this? I really can't understand why Nokia is forcing this software on its users. Seriously. Not everyone uses Lotus Notes. And if you want to force it, why not provide an easy way to remove it?
I had updated my Nokia 6350 withthe latest Firmware 13.17. For this, I had to install the Ovi Suite 2.0 (don't know if this matters).
I have been updating mu contacts with Lotus Notes 8.5 and it was working fine. After the update, the mobile phone numbers are not synchronized any more. Instead, the fax numbers are transferred.
Note: After the update, I also receive the following error message in the address book "No settings found. Contact your service provider.". I have no idea if this is related or not.
I working with the latest PC Suite ( Windows 7 x64 ) and try to Sync my Lotus Notes Calender nsf database from the Notes Server with the Nokia E52 Cellphone. At the settings I could choose my nsf database an save it. Now I would sync the Notes calender with the PC Suite. Sync is starting and I got the question about the password from the notes nsf and go ahead. Now I got the message, a pop up from PC sync " notes/company/de!!mail/person.nsf, file is missing ". I try it w/wo password access to the notes database.But both not possible.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI haven't found a proper answer to this so posting here. Hopefully I will get a quick answer from some of the experts here.
BB Desktop Manager version:
Device: Curve 8900 4.6.1
Lotus notes version: 8.0.2
I use BIS with tmobile and have my gmail emails delivered to my device.I am doing a lotus notes one-way calendar sync with my BB calendar. I am able to do this successfully. But the alarm & free/busy thing does not sync.Even though I have alarm set in my notes which works perfectly and I see the notification 15 mins before the meeting on my PC. They don't show up in BB calendar. In BB Desktop Manager-> map fields, the notes 'notify me' is mapped to 'device alarm flag' but when I open the details of an entry that BDM is going to make in the accept/reject screen these fields are empty. I am using the default field mapping in the desktop manager.
All reminder works for the entries that I create directly in BB. The device calendar reminder is set properly. No issues there.What should I change in the desktop manager so that I get a reminder in my BB for the lotus notes entry?
I have a Nokia E72 with nevest software and Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1. I have syncrinized my contacts with Notes and then I have assigned some contacts to the phones speed dial. This assignment is removed every time i syncronize with Notes
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just bought a new RAZR XT910 and I'm starting to get a really uneasy feeling that I'm not going to be able to sync it with my Outlook calendaring and scheduling like I used to do with my old Nokia E63.
I was working under the assumption that there would be hundreds of apps on the new Android phones that would be able to do simple things like this? so far I haven't really found anything?
I found Motorola PC Suite 5.1 but I haven't downloaded and tried it yet ... has anyone used this software or can anyone advise some other application that will sync Calendering, scheduling, contacts etc with Outlook and with Lotus Notes?
I need to sync outlook for work , but I'd also like to sync with Lotus Notes at home if possible (far superior to Outlook)
By the way, synchronising with google or having a gmail account is NOT an option, I do not trust these people and besides, I don't need another email account, I already have one at work and one at home.
it is not working anymore since they loaded the ICS update.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I synchronize NOTES between XPERIA X10 mini and Gmail?? Sony Ericcsson specifies procedure which does not seem to work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI tried to configure IBM Lotus notes traveler in my 603, but it went unsuccessful with some odd errors.
View 1 Replies View Relatedcomputers without music and video pictures etc .... without losing information on my iphone .
View 1 Replies View RelatedA little time ago I synchronised my email contacts (hotmail) with my phone contacts. I don't know how to undo this...
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iPhone 3GS
It would be great if iOS Spotlight was able to search through the notes in the Contacts app.
how to get iOS Spotlight to do this?
I cannot synchronise my contacts since January 16.I obtain an error message with codes like 80043aa3 or 80043c93 or 80043bd4.What can I do.what I have done wrong.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI cannot seem to start synchronisation of my email contacts with my blackberry curve , when I put my password in its saying your device encountered a problem with this applications server
View 7 Replies View Relatedi synchronized my contacts with facebook but the photos doesn't show. once a contact is synchronized it should show the profile and pic of a certain contact, isn't it?
View 2 Replies View Relatedcan not synchronize contacts with SincML / / Xperia 8??
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to synchronize my contacts with Google Gmail, but all of my existing contacts say "Synchronize Using: Desktop", while any new contacts that I create say "Synchronize Using: my-email@gmail.com
How do I get my existing 520 contacts to synchronize using: my-email@gmail.com ?
I accidently locked myself out of my phone. It says that it is disabled, and so apparently I need to restore it. How much of your personal stuff gets wiped. Like notes, contacts, pictures, etc
iPhone 3G, iOS 5.1.1