IPhone :: FAN Discount For Family Member

Jun 10, 2010

My wife has a FAN IRU discount code from her employer. I was wondering if that code can be used to get a new IPhone under my name? Or does the phone have to be under my wife's name?

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IPhone :: Giving Family Member 3G / Extended Contract?

Jun 23, 2010

Quick question. I just upgraded to a IPhone 4 and I want to give someone in my family my old 3G. We are all on the same family plan, if they use my 3G and buy a data plan, will their number be in another 2 year contract?

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IPhone :: Contacts Merged With Those Of Another Family Member As We Were Sharing The Same Apple ID?

May 2, 2012

My contacts merged with those of another family member as we were sharing the same Apple ID. How do I unmerge them

iPhone 4

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IPhone :: Distictive Ring Tones For Family Member Calls?

Jun 16, 2012

I am a new I phone user (iphone4s) - my android had the capability to have identifiable ring tones for each family member and now really miss that... does the iphone have the same ability? if so how do i set it up...?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5

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IPhone :: Switching To ATT + FAN Discount / Where To Pre-order?

Jun 14, 2010

I'm currently with VZW and planningto pre-order tomorrow. Since I'm porting + a brand new customer + get FAN discounts (service disc, free activation...etc) through my employer do I need to actually go into ATT to set up?

Should I preorder through ATT and have it delievered to my house/work and then go in to ATT to have it activated/ported/discounts added?I really want to get my hands on the phone ON the 24th. From everything I've read Apple is not the best place to go if you're in my situation.

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IPhone :: Apple Store Discount?

Jun 15, 2010

just got off the phone with Apple Store The Grove (in LA)
the lady told me, just because I have a reservation for the phone, it doesn't guarantee me from getting the phone. I'd still have to go wait in the line. Even the people that don't have the reservation could be in front of me as long as they get there earlier than me.

AND, according to that "genius", Apple store don't give you discount on iphones even with you are suppose to get it with early upgrade. So, if you want to get an iphone from the store, you are paying full price.

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IPhone :: Can The Apple Store Apply My Discount?

Jun 14, 2010

I am setting up a new att line for this phone. Will i be able to have my discount applied at the apple store, or will i have to buy my phone then go get my discount applied at a att store?

Also, since i am setting up a new line of service is there anything i can do now to make it easier for me come the 24th?

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IPhone :: Getting AT&T Activation Fee Waived / Adding Corporate Discount?

Aug 6, 2010

So my original plan was to buy two iPhone 4's under my wife's name since her employer allows her to get a corporate discount of 20% along with no activation fees. The problem was her credit check as she pretty much has no credit. Instead of paying $750 for each line we setup a new account under my name as I have great credit and wouldn't be charged for a deposit.

Since I don't have access to a Premier discount we were charged activation fees. This isn't a big deal but if I can get them waived then that would be great. Is this very difficult to get an AT&T CSR to do? nAlso, would it be possible to go in to AT&T's website (or call in, w/e) later and change my wife to the primary account holder and apply her corporate discount?

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IPhone :: Activation At Apple Store Or At Home With Discount?

Jun 9, 2010

I was planning on going to the Apple store to get an iPhone 4, but my wife just pointed out that when I did that to get my 3G we had a huge headache as Apple couldn't activate my phone since we have a discount on our plan... I had to go across the mall to AT&T to have them take the discount off, go back to Apple to get the iPhone (AT&T didn't have any in stock) then after all that headache we went back to AT&T and they couldn't put the discount back on for 48 hours.so I had to make a special trip to the AT&T store an hour drive.

Anyone experience anything like this last year with the 3GS? Anyone know if the issue is fixed? Or do I just need to get my phone direct from AT&T? On a side note, does anyone know if it's possible to start a new plan or add a line to an existing plan with my 3G so that line wouldn't have a new 2 year agreement?

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IPhone :: Can I Get A Discount On An IPhone At The Apple Store?

Apr 2, 2012

I want to buy an iPhone but the prices are a little discouraging... Does anyone know if there is a way to get a discount on an iPhone (without getting it with a plan)?

iPhone 4S

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HTC One M7 :: Group Messaging - Not Receive All Messages From Each Member

Jan 1, 2014

Whenever my friends start a group message I don't receive all the messages from each member of the group. As a former iPhone user, I believe their phones still think I have an iPhone and keep sending me iMessages instead of normal texts.

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BB Bold :: BBM Chatgroup Messages Not Received By One Member?

Jul 2, 2010

I have a BB 9700 with v5.0.0.656 We set up a new chatgroup (with the same 6 members that have used it for the past year - don't ask WHY the previously functioning group was deleted and a new one established!!))Now one of the members does not see my messages, while all the rest CAN see my messages.I can see all the messages (including those from the chap who can't see mine).Everybody else can see both of our messages.When I look at the members, only the chap who is not receiving my messages has a KEY next to his name (what does this mean?)The other phone says that I am "unreachable", but we can communicate via individual bbm's We can both send individual bbm's to each other.We have both upgraded to the latest version of bbm.We have both rebooted.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: New Member Text Conversation View?

Jul 1, 2010

Just got this phone (Curve 8520) and was told it had conversation view for text.I guess it doesn't.Now I am wondering if there are any programs to get this? If so what is the best/easiest to use?

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BB Bold 9700 :: OS5 BBM Group Chat Message Never Delivered To Member

Mar 13, 2010

I have a problem just have been noticed recently, that within group chat my comment did not get any response from other members. It was then after asking some members about this matter I've just known that any comment I wrote never appeared on their BBs, so nobody ever read any message from me.It happened within Group Chat only. It is completely okay with inter personal chat.

In trying to overcome this problem I have upgraded the OS from the original 330 to 442 and then to 536 without result.Can someone advise me what to do? Perhaps to change any setting related to this matter?

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BB Storm 9530/9500 :: How Long NE2 Discount Lasts?

Apr 29, 2010

My NE2 is coming up next month. I have a Storm and was wondering should I use my upgrade to get a Storm 2 or should I wait for the Storm 3?Do you guys know how long the NE2 discount lasts?Also, if I buy the Storm 2 from someone else and activate it on my account, does that whip out my NE2 and it make it unusable?

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BB Software :: Is There A Common Discount Policy All Around World By Rim Or Carriers

Apr 12, 2012

I live in Turkey. The BIS prices decreased last summer in my country. For example, one of the carrier's BIS price was 32 TL (Turkish Liras) before last summer. And last summer after the discount the same package price was 17 TL. The other two operators also allowed a reduction.What i wonder is: is there a common discount policy all around the world by Rim or carriers?

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IPhone :: New IP 4 Family Needs Help With Mic

Aug 9, 2010

My wife and I have brand new iPhone 4's and think the sound from the ear piece is muffled. I can't figure out if there is something wrong or just how it is suppose to be. Any hints. Just doesn't sound right on both our phones.

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IPhone :: Family Plan?

Jul 30, 2010

I'm trying to get a family plan right now with my friend but my friend lives Ohio and i live in Pennsylvania. If I get a new contract and add a line, is it possible that my friend can pick her iPhone up in her state and I pick my iPhone up in Pennsylvania?

And one more question. In a family plan, does one person have to pay the total bill or is it possible to divide the bill equally?

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Motorola Droid X :: Gingerbread Update - Cannot Edit / Delete Any Member In Account Groups

Jun 1, 2011

My wife and I both downloaded the new Gingerbread update today on our Droid Xs. Everything went smoothly, and love the interface, cut copy and paste features especially. The only problem I'm facing right now is in contacts we both had e-mailed groups set up. I have over 500 contacts with the business I have. I personally needed to have three groups in my contacts: one for personal, business, and business active.

What has happened after updating Gingerbread is all of our contact "groups" are now in what is called "My account groups". I cannot edit add or delete any member in these groups. Any trick to editing or deleting or adding to the groups in "My account groups"? The only workaround I have found is to create a new group and select each and every member in my contact list again which consists of going through almost 500 contacts and splitting them into three categories.

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IPhone :: Upgrade To 4G Through Family Plan?

May 14, 2010

It seems that the new (4G) IPhone according to the leaked prototypes has a micro SIM card. So the usual upgrade plan for many (wife has a free upgrade, gets the new phone, which is swapped with the spouses current iIhone) does not work as the physical format of the cards is different.

Any idea if AT&T can transfer the SIM and change the phone numbers so that this is working again. Is this why Apple is doing this? While there is an adapter from micro to normal SIM one has to physically cut the normal sim card down (gulp). Don't want to know what AT&T is saying if you go to them and say the card doesn't work since it was cut down.

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IPhone :: Family Plan 2GB Limit?

Jun 7, 2010

So if I have two IPhones on a family plan, will both phones have a 2GB limit, or will they share the 2GB? Anyone know how ATT will handle this?

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IPhone :: Using A Family Plan Upgrade?

Jun 7, 2010

Since AT&T seems to be ridiculous with this pushing upgrades back business, my 3GS made it so I can't upgrade myself, but I'm going to be using my little brother on the family plan's upgrade. The issue is, I'll be in California for Camp while my whole family will be in Oregon.

I'm just trying to figure out the best way to do this. Can I order it to Camp with his phone number on it, then when I get it, plug it into my computer and just put my phone number in it, and still pay the $199 instead of $399? Is there a better way to do this?

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IPhone :: Reverted To New Family Plan?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm a current AT&T and IPhone 3G user. My contract is expired and I am eligible to upgrade to the new IPhone 4. My friend and I would like to start a family plan together and both get IPhone 4's. Would I still be able to get my $30/month unlimited data if we start a new family plan? Or would I now be reverted to AT&T new data plan?

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IPhone :: Family Plan / How Does It Work?

Jun 9, 2010

How exactly does it work? Is it different from the family plan with normal phones. Right now I have an IPhone 3g and my wife has a basic cell phone added onto my plan as an extra line for $9.99. Would this stay the same if we BOTH were to get the new IPhone, and the only thing extra to pay for would be an extra $25 a month for the data plan for her phone? I'm just looking for a break down of how the IPhone family plan works, not sure if there is a combined family data plan or if you pay for each individually. Any info on this would be appreciated, AT&Ts site isn't very clear.

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IPhone :: Family Plan Pricing?

Jun 10, 2010

Can anyone provide me with a link to At&t's family plan pricing for the IPhone now that they have the new data plans? I'm trying to figure out whether it will be cheaper for me to get my wife an IPhone or let her keep her crappy phone on another carrier. I can't seem to find it anywhere on At&t's site.

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IPhone :: Family Plan Upgrade For 4

Jun 10, 2010

I apologize for the constant barrage of IPhone 4 upgrade questions, but here is mine, laid out for my needs.
- My dad has himself and 4 other member of our family on a family*Family Plan.
- I am the only person in the family with an IPhone.
- Everyone is available for an AT&T upgrade, except for me (February 2011).

Here is my question:
I would like to get the new iPhone 4 when it comes out. My friend wants to buy my IPhone 3Gs. She is on Verizon. From what I read, I can do family plan upgrade transfers, etc. Could I use her phone to upgrade to an IPhone 4, sell my old phone, have her new IPhone transferred over to my 3G SIM card (I would keep my old number, and she would keep hers), and she would simply put a sim card back into her old phone, with her old number. Essentially, both myself and my mother would like to keep our existing numbers, but I would be using her upgrade for myself. However, I would be willing to change my number if that is the only way it works out. What is the exact process involved with this 'maneuver'?

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IPhone :: How To Get Two 4 On One Family Plan / New Customer

Jun 13, 2010

Me and my fiancée want to get the IPhone 4 but I've been hearing that apple wont sell or activate two IPones to the same family plan. How would I go about preordering? I called apple and At&t and they didn't have a clear answer.

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IPhone :: Cheapest Family Plan

Jun 14, 2010

On At&t's website I can get a family plan for like 60-70 bucks with like 450 minutes. On apples website however the cheapest is 99.

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IPhone :: Family Plan Upgrade

Jun 14, 2010

So me and my sister are on a FAN family plan and we both want to upgrade to the IPhone 4. Shes getting a full discount and im only getting an early upgrade discount since i got the 3GS last year. Is it true that I am only allowed one pre order per household from ATT.com? and if so, how can i pre order the other one? can I pre order from apple and still keep my same voice, messaging, and data plan?

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IPhone :: Creating A Family Account On It?

May 14, 2012

We have just moved from MobileMe, where we had a 'Family account' (and we each have our own @me.com email addresses) to iCloud. We share the Cal and Contacts on our iMac. How do we sync to multiple devices - we each have an iPad and an iPhone, but with different accounts set up for mail. Mine syncs OK to Cal and Contacts, but hers doesn't. There must be a way!

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IPhone 5s :: Cannot Start Family Sharing

Sep 10, 2014

I was Testing out the GM build and had a problem with the Family Sharing. I get the followingÂ

"Cannot Start Family Sharing. An account can start or join a Family group twice a year. This account will be able to use Family Sharing again in 293 days."Â

1. how do i reset this as this was something that i didnt cause and i want to take advantage of this feature.Â

iPhone 5s, iOS 8.0 GM

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