IPhone :: Error 3194 When Updating From 4.3.5 BB 05.16.02 To 5.0.1
Mar 22, 2012
I have 3gs 8gb from (optus australia- Unlocked by them) iphone with ios 4.3.5 and BB 05.16.02, i've downloaded the 5.0.1 and trying to update my phone but i'm getting the 3194. i tried to edit the host file but i got the same?
I got 3 Gs with firmware 3.0.1 , for some reason it went in to recovery mode ,and i m trying to restore to 3.0.1 or 3.1.2 but in both cases it gave me error 3194.
Im getting a 3194 error when i try and update my phone--i have the latest version of itunes and all the on line suggestions and nothing is changing--i just get the aplle logo and the usb cale picture connected to itunes and occasionally I can slide it over and it gives me access to an emergency call.
I'm trying to update my ios from 4.1 to the newest one but each time i try to do it, I get an error message 3194, I tried to trouble shoot by turning off my virus protection as well as delete and reinstall itunes but nothing works which was suggested by the FAQ's from itunes. The last time this happened i got a replacement from apple because i was within my warenty period but now I don't have that luxury. Can someone please help me try and figure out how to resolve this problem??
I try to restore my iphone 4 on ios 5.1.1, but i have error 3194 in itunes and when i try to update my iphone over the air he says that i havn't the internet, but i connect to my wifi network.
my phone went to restore mode by pressing power button volume and central button three at a time and now it is asking to connect to itunes, when i connect the mobile to itunes it is asking to update and restore but while iam restoring the error 3194 is appearing . how to reinstall the software
iphone 4s stuck in recovery mode ,cant acitivate or unlock. 3194 errorn sometime error 14.iam using latest veriosn of i tune.what to do?just can see connect to itune pic on screen.allreaddy tried on/off swith plus home butten trick.nothing happend
i keep getting error 3194 when i try restoring my iphone to a lower firmware and i have tried using two different computers what do i have to do to restore it ?
Info: iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1, trying to get back to 5.0.0
I have tried restoring my phone but in a recovery mode it indicates error 3194 I have disabled the firewalland even the wireless but it still pops up at that level what is the next step now? I have Iphone 5c barely 6 months old.
I'm sure my iPhone 4 is in a reboot cycle. I put it into recovery mode and try to restore but I get the 3194 error. The phone then goes right back to the apple logo, occasionally going back, then reappearing again.Â
My iPhone has no sim card and this arose because I updated my ios to 7.1.1 but couldn't get it past the activation screen (because it has no sim card and for some reason apple won't allow it).
i have tried EVERYTHING to fix this problem. i downloaded tiny umbrella, i added permissions in the firewall,i installed the latest itunes, i added and removed lines from my hosts file, and it still just gives me unknown error 3194 when updating my phone and secure link to itunes store failed when running diagnostics. i have two rules in my firewall at this point and i'm pretty sure apple could steal just about anything off of my computer by now with all the access ive given it. i run as administrator, no cigar. same problem. i've re-started my computer al of 12 times now and still not working. here's what the diagnostics is giving me:
Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) LENOVO 4186 iTunes QuickTime 7.7.1
it says itunes is not enabled on fire wall but i beg to differ. like i mentioned earlier: two rules have been created to allow it.it says "network connection timed out" then says "Last successful iTunes Store access was 2012-03-25 11:56:05." thats only a minute before the diagnostics test. dunno if that means anything to you guys, but to me it means itunes has fallen off the rocker.
I am getting error (-1) while updating my iPhone 4 to iOS 5.1. The phone has gone into a recovery mode. Restore fails every time at "restoring the firmware" stage. Striped bar remains for a long time, then shows "error (-1)" and the restore fails. I have been doing it for last 12 hours.
I'm trying to update my iphone 4. Itunes keeps giving me an error message and the support page said I needed to update itunes. So i did but I keep getting the same error message.
I got an error message saying that my iPhone is unable to update its software. The error message gives me the option to close the message or go to settings, so I click settings but it just goes back to the software update page.
I tried to update my iphone 4 to the latest update for iphone. At first, it started and it was all good, but than appeared the error 1603. I don't know what to do. Moreover, my iphone is blocked with the image of apple and the empty upgrade bar. What should I do? How can make my iphone work?
When trying to update apps, a message pops up saying "An unknown error has occurred". I had no problem the day before updating apps. I cleared all my apps, restarted the phone & it's still happening. Has this happened to anyone else?
Updating my iPhone 4 to iOS 5 and receiving error message: unable to update this iPhone as the disk could not be found'? My iPhone is plugged in so why can it not update it?
I backed up my iphone 4 with iso 5.1.0. Ihave up to date itunes, set up for new update on iphone. Half way through an error message shows 1406 or 1604 I forget which? Now my phone shows the start up screen like when you first start is and is not recognised by itunes.
This is happening to me today, it's forced me to change my password once already as the error seems to be based around my ID... Can't really try it again as I don't want to have to change my password again tonight! It happens when trying to update and trying to install an app from scratch.
my iphone start make Update and in itunes Said UNKNOWN ERROR so it stops but my phone is still open and has the Apple and loading line but it isnt loading and i cant trun it off or restart or smthink and in itunes isnt Show anything
A few days ago my Iphone 5 screen went black and would not turn on or anything but it would still vibrate and if i held down the home button the little siri sound would go off. This had happened once before a short while ago and i just let the phone die all the way then charged it and it worked fine so that's what i did this time. When it came back on this time though, it was still just black but it would also be flashing the apple logo.
I tried a bunch of things that people were suggesting online and watched youtube vidoes but nothing seemed to work, also every once in a while it would go to the lock screen and i swiped and pushed home and stuff and nothing would happen it just said it was searching where it would usually say verizon. Once while the screen was doing this i held power and the home button which is what many of these youtube videos said to do and it worked, telling me to connect it to itunes for the recovery process.
Once it was connected to itunes i tried to update it to ios8 and it seemed to be working at first but then it said unkown error and when i tried to restore it the same thing happened, i tried both of these multiple times with the same result.
While updating to iOS 4 it just errored out with error 14. iTunes said I had to restore before moving on. So I did, when progress bar starts when updating iphone software it errors out all time on error 14. Tried all the solutions under Apple support different USB port, restarting computer, different 32 pin cable,different computer. Nothing works errors out on same error.
Looking into the debug log i do notice why it always crashes always see this come up: decompressData failed with error 1000. I dunno but I am starting to lean towards a hardware failure.