HTC One M7 :: Idle Animations On / Off

Oct 21, 2013

I'm curious and new to Android. My friend has the Motorola Droid Razr and when idling his screen on and off the animation is quite cool. It sort of resembles an old TV's on and off experience. Is there a way to mod the HTC one so that it could do this as well?

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BB Bold :: Can't Play Browser Animations

Jul 30, 2012

Bold 9930
185865052 bytes free

When I try to look at weather animations (i.e. radar loops), the page rebuils quickly and correctly except for where the "looped" image should be. There is either a blank white space(National weather service) or a blank black space (weather .com). Pulling battery made no difference. These loops used to work and I am not aware of any changes/deletions/new apps etc that could have caused the animations to stop working.

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BB Bold :: Disable Animations / Transitions In OS 6?

Dec 20, 2011

I want to find out how to disable the useless animations/transitions that occur between each selection.

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Galaxy S6 :: Speed Up Transition Animations

Jul 6, 2015

Is there any way to speed up the transition animations? I feel like they are just a tad too slow for my tastes. My Galaxy Note 3 has the same TW animations, but they're much, much faster.

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LG :: Env Touch Original Custom Animations?

Jun 19, 2010

Does anyone have the original files for the custom animations for the Env Touch? (light, pattern, etc.)

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Galaxy S5 :: Missing Animations In 5.0 Lollipop - Newsstand App

Apr 5, 2015

Missing zoom, circle animations in their newsstand app? If you uninstall updates to 3.3 they will be there again. The weird thing is on my nexus 4 even with the new version 3.3.1 it has the neat lollipop transitions. Why are they missing on the s5?

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Motorola Electrify :: Turn Off Screen Animations?

Jan 10, 2012

have found a easy save for the battery, turn off screen animations for the device and try it for a day.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Turning Off Animations Makes "snappier"?

Aug 5, 2011

Animations are cool but if you want the atrix to fly, try turning off animations through the display settings.

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Eseries / Communicators :: Memory Use At Idle With E6?

Jul 9, 2012

I have about 170 -190. Need to know if it is abnormal cause recently my background running applications like Gravity have been simply closing down silently.

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Xperia Z3 :: Dual Turns Off When Idle

Jul 28, 2015

I have a problem with my Z3+ Dual when it's in idle it's turns off and doesn't react on the power button. After that I can turn on my device only with using the high reset button or with pushing the power button + volume button both in the same time. It happens 3-4 times a day.

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BB Curve :: High MB Usage When Phone Idle?

Sep 12, 2011

I have a plan with Singtel in Singapore for my Blackberry curve 9300 (Unlimited data roam overseas) and I got a message saying I had 15 MB usage and they explained applications could be running? I just want to receive emails as normal

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HTC One M7 :: Google Play Store Keeps Coming Up After Being Idle

May 18, 2015

My google play store keeps coming up when I go to my browser or contacts after my phone has been idle for an hour or so. It will say "Just for You". Really aggravating.

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Galaxy S6 :: Overnight Idle Battery Drain

Aug 28, 2015

On at&t so no 5.1 yet. All of a sudden my battery plummets overnight. Went from 80% to 33% this morning. Nothing out of the ordinary in terms of app usage I can see. Battery has been on the ok side since launch can stretch to 24 hrs with 4 sot max. Also getting the camera issue when it launches and looks like surface of a lake periodically. Also, seems hotter when charging... Could this be a dud this far along? Bought on launch day...

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Galaxy S6 :: Standby Idle Drain Per Hour

May 15, 2015

I just got an S6 last week. So far I have tried almost all of the tweaks possible and still I find the idle drain a little too high for me.I disabled all google bloats except play service, store and gmail. Have fb, messenger, whatsapp. And have done the usual wifi search off, VoLTE disable, disable smart network switch etc. Also did a factory reset and cache wipe partition. I don't have high cell standby issue. However my battery drains at ~1.5% to 2% per hour idling with wifi. Just curious if this is the norm.

Also, my estimated battery life seem to show 14 hours at 100% charge. Even with power-saving, the estimate adds another 40minutes or so at most. I've seen some screenshots of people having ~18hours estimate. Is my battery defective?

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IPhone :: It Was Sitting Idle And Began Buzzing On And Off?

May 1, 2012

My phone was sitting idle and began continuously buzzing continuously at one second intevals. It won't stop, the screen remains black, and none of the functions work.

iPhone 4

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Idle Battery Information

May 4, 2011

I received my SGS2 yesterday and, as I have not had the chance to transfer all my data over as yet, I have left the phone on idle since it is first charge. I thought some idle battery usage data would be quite rare and potentially interesting to potential buyers.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Its Idle Killing My Battery

Feb 21, 2012

the last few days my battery has not even come close to getting me through the day. No new apps. I look at my battery usage and find that Phone Idle is the largest user of my battery. While researching this I find tons of folks who are like "that's normal", but it is almost always even with cell standby. My usage is as follows right now (and this is what it's been like for the past 3 days): phone idle: 37%. Display: 23%, Voice calls: 15%, android OS 10%, Cell standby: 8%. Those are not the numbers anyone else I've spoken to that is running android is seeing. They are seeing phone idle running even or just below cell standby. I'm off battery for 8 hours and down to 25%. I won't make it home before I have to plug in the phone, and for the last 6 months my battery has been making it all day.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: 12h Battery Life And 50% Idle?

Nov 24, 2011

Usually I unplug my phone in the morning. I use it for listening to music, a little bit of browsing and email. However lately it barely makes it until the evening. After approximately 12 hours the battery is almost dead and phone idle is the worst consumer by far (like 40-50%). Is that normal?

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Cseries :: Nokia C2 Displaying Error Message When Kept Idle

Nov 6, 2011

My Nokia C2 handset is displaying error message whenever I use it or kept idle. It doesn't affect my calls but it displays me error message everytime.

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Turn Off When The Phone Is Idle For Too Long?

Dec 16, 2011

my Xperia mini pro turn off when the phone is idle for too long. when i wake up in the morning my phone is off.. i dont know why. when i on the phone using the power button it will not on instead i must remove and put back the battery again so that it will on again.and i also observe that the date and time of my phone reset.. what could be the possible solution for my phone?

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Lumia 1520 :: Battery Drain At Idle After Cyan And 8.1

Jul 27, 2014

I removed the bloatware by simply uninstalling it. Bluetooth off as well as any app that may drain the battery. I could go 24+ hrs before a recharge with minimal usage, but generally beat my phone up on a daily basis between 6am to midnight using Instagram, Facebook, phone calls, texting, Pandora, camera, and youtube and still have 40% battery life.... But that was before 8.1 and Cyan.... Now, at idle it drained 25% in 4hrs sitting next to me while I'm writing an essay!? I did the hard reset, I scrutinized the background apps, I have turned everything off and still draining as I have described....

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Galaxy S6 :: Why Won't Screen Turn On After Being Left Idle For A Few Hours

Jul 21, 2015

For the past month, my galaxy S6 has been having problems. The screen won't turn on when I press the home or power button. Also when I plug it to its charger, the screen still won't turn on and the LED won't turn red as well. When this happens, I know for a fact that the phone is still turned on because the notification light blinks because of the received notification sometime during its idle time. Here's what I've tried so far:

- I am able to force reset the device by holding the power and volume down button until it restarts. I felt relieved that I am able to restart my phone when it happened the first time but pretty annoyed when it kept on happening.

- I tried clearing cache partition in recovery mode. At first I thought it worked but still...

-I already did a factory reset (twice) but right after the latest hard reset just 3 or 4 hours into it, still screen won't turn on.

- Earlier I thought that it was because of the notifications I was receiving while I was asleep (viber, facebook, sms) since when I woke up in the morning and the screen won't turn on, I had pending notifications. But recently, the screen won't turn on after being idle for a few hours without received notifications.

At first I thought it was a software issue but I'm starting to think that it might be a hardware issue. I'm planning to take it to Samsung in a few days if the problem won't go away. My device is not rooted by the way.

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Nokia Lumia :: 920 Messaging App Keeps Posting Idle Status?

Nov 17, 2012

I added my Facebook account to the accounts on Lumia 920 so I can use the built-in Messaging app for Facebook chat. However, the app (I guess) posts idle status messages to my Facebook timeline in every 1-2 hours. An example message:"I've been away since 15:37."I have now 9 messages like this since yesterday.I went through all the settings but could not find how to stop this. I disabled the Microsoft application within Facebook but then you can't chat and won't get the updates.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Massive Battery Drain In Idle?

Dec 14, 2011

I carged my motoactv to 100% yesterday, took it off charge, havent used it or had it connected to anything. thought id go for a long jog this morning and there is only 20% battery left, i guess you just cant use the device as a normal watch aswell. Keep it turned off untill you need to exorcise or have i just got a dud battery?

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Is This Normal For Data To Drop When Idle

Aug 24, 2011

When I haven't used my phone for a while and I pick it up and take it out if standby mode the 3G icon as well as the antenna indicators are white and then after a few seconds turn blue again. I can get and use data fine it just switches colors.I haven't noticed this behavior until the last week or so.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Silently Loses 4G Connectivity When Idle?

Dec 9, 2011

Proud owner of a Photon for a few days now. For the most part, aside from some minor glitches, I LOVE this phone so far. It's great. However I have one big problem.At work I have a decent 4G signal at my desk. My prior Evo got 1-2 (out of 3) bars and stayed connected all day with zero problems. My Photon connects to 4G just fine, but if I don't keep sending traffic over the network to the point where the 4G goes into what I assume is power save mode -- where the icon shows ZZZ instead of signal strength -- it will often lose connection in a silent way.What I mean is that I can then attempt to use apps, etc and the 4G will not transfer data, but still thinks it's connected. I'm not sure yet whether or not it stays in ZZZ mode or if the icon shows signal strength again, but I know for sure apps do not transfer data. For example when I listen to music, ScrobbleDroid starts queueing messages instead of sending them, etc. Also, GMail and IMAP push stop working, so I stop receiving email notifications. That is a BIG problem for me.

The problem goes away immediately if I either shut off 4G, or toggle 4G (turn it off then on right away). However, it will happen again quite soon after 4G goes back into ZZZ mode.This is a stock, non-rooted phone.System version: 45.3.6.MB855.Sprint.en.USAndroid version: 2.3.4aseband version: N_01.28.07RWebtop version: WT-1.2.0-160Kernel version: dnt648@fl36bld222Build number: 4.5.1A-1_SUN-198_6ERI version: 6PRL version: 51083

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Motorola Xoom :: Battery Is Getting Warm Even In Idle State

Jul 9, 2011

I have a completely standard xoom and noticed that its getting really warm even when in idle. It started happening last week. I thaught it might be an app I downloaded so uninstalled all new apps. Still getting warm and bad battery performance. So I done a full factory reset and still getting the issue.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Phone Idle Eating Battery?

Nov 12, 2011

I'm using Go Launcher Ex and Juice Defender now. My battery life had improved a little but...Even when the screen is off and I'm not using the phone, Phone Idle takes up most of the energy while in that state. Last night Phone Idle was on 6:51:43 while the phone was off of the battery for 7:53:53.On top of this, the phone is awake almost all night. It does drain only a little bit at night.During use Phone Idle still is on much of the time. My phone drains rapidly when the screen is on.The phone has signal all day and night. I'm in a good coverage area.My questions are: Is it normal for the phone to be awake when not in use for most of the time when not in use? Should Phone Idle be on most of the time when the phone has consistent good signal?

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Xperia Ray :: Super Fast Battery Consumption (nearly 8% Per Hr) When Idle/standby?

Apr 27, 2012

The above screenshots reveal that my phone is rapidly losing battery at a rate of 7.3% per hour. This value is sometimes up to 8% per hour. The split is typically as shown in the first screenshot - "cell standby" and "phone idle" account for circa 50% of the loss.what I get with what I consider to be standby/idle (so not even "normal use") and with best (?) battery saving settings:
WIFI - offGPS - offData - offRoaming - offDisplay Brightness - 0Power save mode - onJuice defender - installed and set to advancedThe only app I have installed apart from the usual "bloatware" is avast (as I prefer this over the pre-installed Mcafee)I also have GPU rendering forced to 2DI have max one background process runningWindow & transition animations - offAndroid version: 4.0.3Baseband version: 8x55A-AAABQOAZM-203028G-70Kernel version: 2.632.9-PERFBuild number: 4.1.A.0.562I have made only a single 2 minute call today, No SMS, No MMS and not used the internet nor played any games.The apps/processes running are shown on the above screenshots. Although I updated my phone using PC Companion to 4.0.3 (ICS), this has made no noticeable difference to battery life as I had the problem already before this. In fact I had hoped it might fix the problem! Apps such avast and juice defender also made no difference (good or bad) to battery life - the output I get from the screenshots are nearly always the same - 7 to 8% battery loss per hour.

I've tried battery recalibration (which I understand is achieved by using phone to 0%, taking out battery for 15 mins, replacing it and charging to 100% whilst off, then starting up phone). Again, nothing.I don't think I can get even "normal use" of 12 or so hours and the phone is most certainly NOT meeting the specified values:Talk time (up to): 7 hoursStandby time (up to): 440 hoursMusic listening time: 36 hours The above would be a dream! (I mean, standby 440 hours? That represents 440/24 = 18 days!

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: PC Connection Only Available In Idle - Close Running Applications

Jun 24, 2011

I am trying to connect my Samsung Galaxy S2 to my computer and keep getting that message.

I go to the task manager and there are no applications running.

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Xperia Pro/Neo/V/L :: Battery Draining For No Obvious Reason In Idle State

Feb 29, 2012

During the first month of using my Xperia pro, I was very happy with my battery: while being completely idle, the phone spent only about 1% of battery every 2 of even 3 hours. However, last month this suddenly changed to 5% every hour (in airplane mode!), without installing any applications. Actually, right after charging, the battery behaved well for several hours, and then, for no obvious reason, started the drain. Things got worse lately, and I rarely see the good behavior any more.

I tried using apps like BetterBatteryStats and CpuSpy and noted that during the drain periods my phone does not enter deep sleep state at all (i.e. it is awake 100% of the time). BBS ("Raw kernel wakelocks") reported that bq24185_watchdog_lock was active for the whole time (hours!); no other processes or wakelocks took more than few seconds. This bq24185_watchdog_lock seems to be related to the battery charge management hardware (see [URL]). How to restore the initial battery behavior. Removing the battery for a couple of minutes does not work. I have the official kernel and that my phone is not rooted.

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