Google Nexus 5 :: Spot On All Camera Taken Images?

Nov 8, 2013

Just noticed that there is a spot on all my images, in the same location. I had this on my DSLR a year ago and had to get it cleaned. It was an oil spot on the sensor.

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Google Nexus 5 :: How To Enable Wireless Hot Spot 5GHz / AC

Aug 12, 2014

I use a wireless hot spot now ever since CableOne decided to crash every damn night.

I have a Wireless AC capable adapter on my computer, yet the wireless hot spot on the Nexus 5 only streams at N speeds.

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Huawei Nexus 6P :: Spot On Camera And Pics

Feb 20, 2016

Why I am getting these patches on all pictures that i take. I am able to see it when i am using the camera app as well; although if i zoom the patch disappears.

I have checked that it's not an issue with the screen by opening a white background pic, also checked that the camera glass is clean.

[URL] ....

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Google Nexus 5 :: Images Don't Load Up In Gallery?

Dec 13, 2015

Images don't load up in gallery i just get grey boxes for all pics than i have to open it again and eventually it may just load!.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Converting Factory Images Through Recovery

Jun 26, 2014

I want to try L developer preview with multirom, but I need to convert the factory image to a normal zip which can be flashed through recovery. Any tutorial on how to do that?

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Google Nexus 6 :: No Inline Images In Email On Android?

Jul 17, 2015

I have Nexus 6 with latest Lollipop (5.1.1) running.I have tried many email clients (Gmail, Nine, Blue, Aqua, etc. and found no way to insert photos inline into an email. Only as an attachment.I would love to be proven wrong here, because I want this to work, but the fact that you can't do this is INSANE. iPhone? Easy to do... Long press, "Insert Photo", pick the photo (or take a photo). Done.

Android? Nope, can't do it. Can't even copy a photo into the clipboard from Photos, or any other photo viewer. Best you can do is sometimes copy an image from a webpage and past it inline using Nine Exchange client.This is the type of thing that keeps Android always second best, never quite able to be equal with iOS for usability.

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Huawei Nexus 6P :: Cannot Extract Factory Google Images

Nov 14, 2015

"How To Flash The Factory Images (And Return To Stock)" and it said to extract the factory images but I always get an error from Winrar and 7zip. I downloaded many times from google page.

and leave the bootloader and radio alone, it should put me back to near stock erasing everything so its like from factory state? TWRP doesnt touch some partition even when formatting

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Google Nexus 5 :: Why Is Photos Application Producing Low Quality Images

Dec 30, 2014

I have Android 5.0.1

My Photos application is having problem. Whenever i take a photo with the camera (front or back), pictures are clear in this application when previewed.

But when i take a screenshot in the phone or import a image in the phone, then preview those images or screenshots in the Photos application, it is not clear.

Also, I tried clicking the "settings" button on the top right in the Photos application, nothing is appearing.

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Huawei Nexus 6P :: Camera Notification Processing Images

Nov 8, 2015

So I took the first couple pics with the camera and now I've had a persistent notification (been there overnight at this point) that says "processed 2 of 8 items". Has a progress bar on it and (at this point) yesterdays date.

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Huawei Nexus 6P :: Camera Has Been Producing Unfocused And Blurry Images

Jan 13, 2016

My nexus 6p is now about 1 month old and since yesterday i noticed my rear camera has been producing unfocused and blurry images. It also make a little cracking noise when i open the camera app or switch back to the rear camera from the front facing camera. I tried to clean the lens and I even buy fv camera 5 and try manual focus but it did not work. The images produces from the rear camera are now even worse than the front facing camera.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Manually Flashed 6.0 Stock Images But Only Get Dead Android For Recovery

Oct 7, 2015

I can't seem to get a working recovery after flashing stock images with and without TWRP

I followed these steps to upgrade to Android 6.0 after verifying the md5 checksum of my download:

adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-hammerhead....img [it looks the same as before, but I did it anyway]
reboot bootloader
fastboot flash radio radio-hammerhead....img
reboot bootloader
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash system system.img

I have also tried with and without flashing cache

fastboot reboot

Then I go back into the bootloader and try to access recovery, but I only get the dead android with the red triangle.

I'm having the same problem with my Nexus 7 (2013).

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Huawei Nexus 6P :: Don't Like Google Camera App?

Jan 2, 2016

As we all know nexus 6p has excellent camera hardware, but I am not satisfied with camera app with no functionality and sluggish.

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Google Nexus 6 :: Camera App Settings

Oct 28, 2015

So for the Google camera apps when you taking a picture, do you usually leave a flash on automatic setting or on always setting? I have known as in them settings or sometimes even at night time before you tap the screen wants to manually focus the flash doesn't go off

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Google Nexus 6 :: Camera Not Opening?

Jun 16, 2015

I just picked up a nexus 6 last Friday. The back camera won't open.

It started doing this right before I couldn't open it anymore.

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Google Nexus 6 :: Why Can't Connect To Camera

Jul 21, 2015

Error occurs when I try to switch to panoramic camera mode. To recover camera after that I clear cache and data and reboot phone, then I can use the front and rear facing cameras in snapshot mode.

The error also occurs running other apps such as my bank's app to take a photo of a check to deposit. In that case I need to reboot phone to stop the continuous error message "Cannot connect to camera".

I've had a previous issue where my Nexus 6 would not connect to the camera at all even in snapshot mode, but after a couple of factory resets and a few days, the camera worked again, but apparently not in panoramic mode.

Since the camera works at least in in snapshot mode, I'm wondering if this is software or if it is a hardware issue. Phone is still under 1 year factory warranty.

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Google Nexus 5 :: How Many Megapixels Is Camera

Jun 22, 2014

I've owned the nexus 4 and the nexus 5 now, I've always noticed something funny that happens with people I talk to about my phone (I also work at a phone kiosk).When people ask my opinion and want to know what phone do I personally use I say "The Nexus".. The responses I get are always " the Lexus?? ", "is that better than the galaxy" "is it made by Samsung", " how many megapixels is the camera"

Once a while I get a customer that has a nexus or knows all about it..those customers always have my full respect! But its funny that most people think galaxy is android.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Disabled Camera App

Aug 24, 2015

I was recording with my phone last night and when I went to check back on the video, it wasn't there? I'm on Carbon ROM and disabled the camera app, tried google camera from play store thinking it would be useful, but it hasn't.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Camera Shutdown (won't Boot Up)

Feb 19, 2015

My issue is that when I take a photo on my Nexus 5 and it is under around 60% of battery it shuts down, the screen just goes black (phone is complexly off and dead) and the device will not respond to ANY input until it is plugged into a power source, then it will boot up and function normally.

This issue occurred about two weeks after I installed Android 5 however I do not believe it is related due to factory resets, different roms and the issue is still persisting. When the problem started I had recently (a week or so before) moved to Germany, my initial thoughts were that the battery was the problem as when it first happened the phone rebooted and only had 5% left even though the device had around 50% before I took the photo, from then on the battery life was terrible so I purchased a new battery and installed it.

The battery problem was solved (battery life was normal) and when the phone crashed it didn't boot up with any difference to the percentage of battery that was remaining. I am now thinking that something to do with the change in power supplies damaged the device. I think this is unlikely though as Australia (where I am from) and Germany (where I was when the issue started) both run on 240V, the stock power adapter was used just with a euro adapter. I have tried to collect logcats however I can't see any errors before it cuts off (I'm no dev by any means so I could be missing something)...

Last thing is that this issue NEVER occurs when the device is charging so I'm thinking that it is a hardware problem. And of course the phone is out of warranty.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Lollipop Camera - No Gallery?

Nov 18, 2014

Am I missing where gallery should be? Seems to be gone. I don't use Picasa or whatever since I don't use google+

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Google Nexus 5 :: Camera Slow In HDR Mode

Aug 13, 2014

My camera has gotten slow in hdr mode. Meaning, I hit the shutter and maybe 2 seconds later it begins the process of taking the picture. It didn't use to be this slow...In non-hdr it's fast, as it always has been. I cleared cache on the camera app, no change...

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Google Nexus 5 :: Camera Error On Lollipop?

Nov 16, 2014

So I flashed the final build of Lollipop on my Nexus 5, worked great for the first couple of days, now I'm getting a camera error, saying failed to connect to the camera. This only happens with the front-facing camera, and it works fine after a reboot but problem comes back after a day or two.

Back when I had an S3, the same thing would happen, but with the rear camera, I thought it was a hardware issue but now I'm thinking maybe not, since it's happening right after flashing a new OS this time (can't remember if the problem on my S3 was after an OTA, or maybe after rooting and going custom ROM)

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Google Nexus 5 :: Camera App Continuously Crashing?

Jun 18, 2015

I cannot seem to convince my camera app to operate. As soon as I touch the icon, it produces a window stating that unfortunately the Camera has stopped. Tried to switch off and on the phone several times, but to no avail. My Nexus 5 runs on 5.1.1.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Camera Constantly Crashing

Sep 25, 2014

Camera crashes, doesn't work upon snapchat, camera, anything else etc etc. and then works upon a reset?

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Google Nexus 5 :: Camera Stopped Working

Jan 8, 2016

A few days ago, my N5's camera stopped working and none of the usual solutions (reboot, clean data and cache of camera app, even complete wipe and change of ROM) did anything to fix the problem. So I went on ebay, and bought a replacement back camera, fitted it and all was well...for a day!!! It looks like after just one day (and nearly no use at all) the new camera has already stopped working.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Camera And Lamp Won't Open

Jan 7, 2016

One day (just like this, I don't remember doing anything special with my phone), the camera completely stopped working, along with the lamp. (The situation right now) :

1. Camera doesn't show up in the application drawers
2. It DOES show up in Settings/Applications, and in "My applications" tab from Google Play, but I cannot open it in any way. When I could, however, it would just crash away.
3. I am also unable to access the stock lamp from anywhere (quick settings, etc.)


1. I was running CM12.1 (nightlies) on my Nexus 5, and I beieve it occured after an update, but I don't believe it really has much to do with it. When I tried to open the camera, it would show me "unable to get a link with the camera" (translation may not be exact) and the system lamp had disappeared

2. I tried to downgrade the phone, to an earlier nightly, but it didn't fix it.

3. I've done every kind of wipes : Data, Dalvik, Cache, even Internal Storage

4. After a full Internal Storage Wipe, I reflashed fresh Marshmallow images from the official website, unrooted, reflashed stock recovery, relocked the bootloader and used the system factory reset again on my phone.

5. After this, the problem changed a little bit. The lamp is still impossible to find, but however this time the camera is too. What I mean is, on CM, it used to show up and crash, now I can't find it in the app drawer ....

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Google Nexus 5 :: Android 5.1 - Camera Can't Connect Ever

Mar 16, 2015

It appears this is long-running problem plaguing N5's for some time. I saw sporadical "Can't connect to camera" on 5.0.1 but after update to 5.1 (I flashed the stock image) I literally cannot get the camera working for more than 1 unlock session.

I did have root but I thought it might be a problem so I unrooted and reflashed stock, but no dice. The only other thing I can imagine to do is factory reset, but I have a few security apps that will need some time to be setup again (mostly banking and 2 factor stuff), plus I am not sure if I can restore data w/o Titanium using Google's new 'Restore', so I'm keeping the factory reset as last option.

The only apps which *may* be accessing camera are Trusted face unlock, Whatsapp and Hangouts.

Acknowledged bug by google [URL] ...

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Google Nexus 5 :: Camera And Flash Will Not Work - Lollipop

Oct 20, 2015

I've been having issues with my rear camera on Nexus 5 (my front facing camera works fine). Currently the camera and the flash will not work and basically stopped working some time around the upgrade to lollipop. While on lollipop, I tried uninstalling the app updates, restarting, clearing the cache... Now, I'm currently running 6.0 and still the camera/flash are not working. Tonight I tried wiping the phone and reverting all the way back to kitkat 4.4.4 to see if that would fix it. I tried this multiple times, wiping and reflashing to various versions ranging from 4.4.0 to 6.0 to see if any would somehow fix the camera issue, but none worked.

At this point, I'm back on 6.0 and its still not working. My phone doesn't even show the default camera app in the app drawer. I have to access it through the shortcut on the lock screen and when I do I get the "Can't connect to the camera" message. I'm assuming its a hardware issue at this point. From what I can tell, the flash is not part of the camera module, so if the camera itself broke, it seems like the camera flash should still be recognized and functional (its not in my case, not even an option for the default flashlight on the taskbar pull-down screen). I am wondering if its worth buying an oem replacement camera module and installing it to see if this fixes the issues.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Why Camera Panorama Option Disappeared

Dec 24, 2014

Just checked my camera and the panoramic and sphere options have gone. I had them before but seem to be missing. On a Nexus 5. Tried clearing the cache via Recovery mode but still no luck.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Cannot Connect To Camera Error Pops Up

Aug 22, 2015

The native google camera app 2.5.052 (2005148-30) stops frequently. "Cannot connect to the camera" error pops up. I have to restart the mobile to use the cam.

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Google Nexus 6 :: Video Calling - Camera Is Unavailable

Jun 19, 2015

I can easily LTE call another volte customer. Sounds great. However when I try to enable video calling it says my camera is unavailable.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Camera Freezes When Taking HDR+ Photos Only

May 1, 2014

I experienced freezing while shooting HDR+ after the initial update, but after un/reinstalling the Google Camera, it seemed fine for a couple of weeks, but the problem has returned with a vengeance. I cannot shoot anything in HDR+ without the camera and phone freezing.

Regular photos snap fine, but when shooting HDR+, the progress indicated gets to about 2 o'clock and then image totally freezes. After a few seconds, it will close and pop up a crash box offering to report or acknowledge with OK. (I've reported it.) Sometimes it will put up a notification that "HDR+ photos are processing in the background, but if you tap that it takes you into the Photos app and there's nothing there and then the whole phone freezes. Yesterday, I noticed the GPS stuck on (was in a basement) at the same time and had to reboot the phone.

I un/reinstalled the update again yesterday and HDR+ worked for a couple of shots, but today it froze again. This is clearly an unacceptable way to manage the problem. I'm tired of missing pictures because the camera app crashes. I was at a major event last week and had Camera crash on launch for the first time. Fortunately, I was able to quickly reboot before snapping a group shot, but if I hadn't noticed beforehand, I would've had a crowd looking at me while I frantically restarted my phone because of a buggy basic app.

Rooted, stock Nexus 5, Android 4.4.2, faux123 kernel (to try and fight the terrible battery life), no GravityBox things which I've seen mentioned as possible causes.

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