Galaxy S6 :: What Does Sync Button In Notification Center Area Actually Do
Jul 7, 2015
So i don't fully understand what the sync toggle button in the notification center of the galaxy s6 does. What does it actually do? And if i turn it off what happens?
Out of the blue my iPhone 4S home button and notification centre has stopped working. I used the phone and switched it off. The next time I turned it on they weren't working. The phone wasn't dropped on banged around.
When I am on the home page and I quickly press the center button the "app drawer" used to open up but that has recently changed for me. When I quickly press on the center button and I am at the home screen now nothing happens. get the previous functionality back?If it makes any difference I am using Solo Launcher and I have KitKat 4.4.4
The screen has an area of brighter backlight in its center. Looks like a brighter horizontal line, especially on white backgrounds. So the most material apps are very uncomfortable to use!
How to clear the system update notifications for Lollipop on both the lock screen and in the notification area at the top left of the screen. I'm not really wanting to update just yet.
so on my iphone 5 at the bottoms of the screen I can usually pull up a thing I think is called the task center and at the top when you pull it down I think it's called the notification center . I'm dot sure what I did but I accidently pushed something and I don't know what it was but I can't pull those things up anymore.
I own a Blackberry 9300 and recently I have had this weird looking icon in my notification area. It looks like some sort of sundial (the clock replacement we used when we did not have clocks) with a red star and 1 written before it. Tried every app, message, etc. etc. but to no avail. I would upload the picture (I have munched the screen using an app), were it not for my knowledge of how to upload pictures on.
My network / operator name is constantly displayed in the notification area. How do I remove it? None of the previous Android phone I've had have displayed the network name here.
I'll try to explain best I can. Lately (last week or 2) I get the new message icon displayed, but when I open my messages folder the red asterick goes away but the envolpe icon still is there and the count goes up. Currently it says 4 but I do not have any unread emails, nor any unread facebook messages. The only way to 'reset' this is a battrr pull. But then it starts generating again. I just updated hoping this would help but sstill the same problems. If any other info is needed please let me know.
Recently I was prompt to update my OS6 to 6 bundle 2475 when I did so my notification area on the device like mess up in mail section, if I have a lot of mail the mail section will show black color title instead of white and some times overlapping.
I have a sony xperia mini pro running on android 4.04 and I am not able to drag down the notification area when I am holding the mobile in portrait mode. If I shift to landscape mode (by sliding the qwerty keyboard out), then when I press at the top status bar, I can drag the notification area down. I already tried reformatting my phone and update but still the same.
I recently purchased Xperia X10 mini pro handset, however I am facing with one problem. I am not able to drag down the notification area when I am holding the mobile in portrait mode. If I shift to landscape mode (by sliding the qwerty keyboard out), then when I press at the top status bar, I can drag the notification area down.
In notification area - there is shown signal strength per sim card + number of sim card. This is worthless because everyone know which sim card has which number. Also in locked screen there is in notification area, which one is first and which one is second. It's all about sparing place in notification area.
I started to download the daily free app from amazon when for some reason it failed. Now the amazon icon is stuck in the upper left part of the phone in the "notification" area. How do you get rid of this. I even went back and downloaded the app again then deleted it. It annoying the heck out of to remove the icon?
All of a sudden today my notification bar... or rather that top portion of the touch screen has gone mad.When Im on a vertical screen... the notification keeps trying to pull down.When it is a horizontal screen, whatever icon, or keys if its the full screen keyboard, just start typing away like crazy.I had it on landscape texting onscreen..... it typed out wqasdddddwwedaaad. So it must be something "stuck" on that portion of the touch screen.How do I fix this.I dont have any new installed apps in the past week. I had very few issues when I got the gingerbread update, and they all smoothed out. The only thing recent was 5 days ago I changed from a 8gb microsd to a 16gb, but I doubt that would have any impact on touch screen function.
i tried a search but i could possibly have the terminology of what im looking for all wrong, so i would like to ask for help browsing thru these forums i noticed someone had what looked like a temperature icon in the area of thier screen where the time, date, signal strength, 3g, alarm & battery icons were this looked interesting to me and wanted to know more about that anyone familiar with what i am describing and able to tell me more about how i could possibly achieve similar on my storm?
I saw notification area settings while I was surfing via menus when I bought the phone newly. Then I couldn't find it again. I want to put e-mail notificatons into the notification area like missing calls and incoming messages. I remember there was a settings like that.
This has happened like... 7 times since I updated (I may had happened before, but I think it was the update). It just don't work. I get a message or some push from any app and I can pull the banner down; else, I can't get to make appear the notification center, even with notification pendings. And this last untl I reboot the phone (hard or simple way).
Info: iPhone 4, iOS 5, iOS 5, iMessage, Not Delivered
just got an Iphone 4s.. and literally can't pull down the notification center, couldnt find any settings to change this and i could have sworn you cant even turn off the slide down notification center.. am i missing something? i havent seen anyone else with this problem so i am starting to think its my phone itself thats actually messed up..
I have the latest version of Lync installed (4.2.6609.0000). When installing the app (I have tried deleting and reinstalling several times) the app does not ask me if I wish to receive push notifications. Therefore I assume this is the reason it does not appear in notification center and therefore unless actually in the app I do not see chats if in screen lock or another app etc. On the previous version of Lync I had the same problem. However, I found that if I loaded Lync, powered off, powered back on again and reloaded Lync I could get it to appear in Notification Center and it worked in the background/screenlock etc. Is there a way to force it into Notification Center so it will work in the background? When deleting I use app center via 3G so do not connect to a PC etc.
I just updated my galaxy s6 via OTA software update this early afternoon. I just realised that my mobile data icon/button in the notification panel suddenly disappeared after updating to the new software update.
Below are attached images of the screenshot of my firmware and notification panel.
I've recently changed my iPhone's e-mail settings so gmail is IMAP instead of Exchange. This is so Mail can use all my email aliases without crazy workarounds. However, I'm no longer seeing any new emails coming in via the notification center, e.g. on the lock screen. I see them come in with another account that's remained exchange. are new emails only shown in the notification center if they come from an exchange account?