Galaxy S5 :: Necessary To Factory Reset After Lollipop?
Jun 2, 2015
Is it necessary to factory reset after lollipop ota? i have not been having issues and no battery drain. Yes there is a little bit stutter here and there but no app crashes, battery drain or my device getting hot.
I installed the lollipop update and now get constant "unfortunately, the system UI has failed. This happens for a variety of reasons and has rendered my phone pretty much useless for anything other than making a phone call. Most of the other accessories, apps and program either only have limited functionality or are unstable and shut down.
So, What is the best method/process to reset my phone to pre-5.0 and/or to reinstall 5.0
I am another dissatisfied user who just upgraded from 4.4 to lollipop. I am having problems with the autowiz prompt coming up often like other users, how to back up this configuration before i do a factory reset. If I backup with kids, will I lose anything we. I recover the backup onto a fresh lollipop system?
Verizon Samsung S5 with Kit Kat and want to update to the latest Lollipop. The question is about restoring all the apps and data after a factory reset after the upgrade.
1. I have moved a lot of programs to the SD card- do I need to move them back to Device Memory? 2. If I sign in with my Google account after the Factory Reset after the OS upgrade, will all the apps automatically be restored/installed? 3. I have the Google backup set automatically and restore automatically- will the data and settings be restored as the apps are restored once I log into my Google account? 4. What about all my internet email accounts (Comcast, GMail, etc.)- will they automatically be restored for the messages that are on the S5 and automatically connected to the accounts or do I have to reset these up again? 5. The S5 is also my work email, which is an Exchange Server- will the Factory Reset mean that my IT dept. needs to reestablish the connection between the S5 and the Exchange Server or will that happen automatically (if emails are part of the automatic restore?) 6. I have Keis 3 installed on my computer- should I use this as a backup and restore instead of relying on the automatic Google backup and restore?
I'm an early adopter of Android (coming from iOS) and this is my first android phone. I've been reading and some posts suggest that I should do a factory reset after the update.
I wanna hear your thoughts about this, is it necessary? Knowing that android doesn't have a good backup system unlike iOS, it's time consuming to move everything back where it was. Do the benefits outweigh the cons? My G3 has never been rooted btw got no intentions to do so.
I have an unlocked One M8,EMEA variant running stock sense 6.Yesterday,i got the lollipop OTA and did install it today.Now, I heard a lot of people complaining about performance issues and overall lesser stability on lollipop compared to kitkat, on reddit and a few other sites
Factory reset recommended after the update, especially considering the change of runtime to ART and all those system level changes? Have any of you done it on any of your devices and Is it worth the hassle? Will the performance or battery life be any better?
There's been several folks recommending a factory reset after an OS upgrade. As an editorial comment, that shouldn't be required with a "mandatory" upgrade.
When you do a factory reset, doesn't it revert back to the version of Kit Kat that the phone came with? If so, you still have to upgrade to Lollipop.So what's the difference between the upgrade I just did and a factory reset followed by an upgrade anyway?
My boss has a GS5 and yesterday evening he was on his phone and all of a sudden it turned off. He didn't know what was going on but said it took an hour to boot back up. When it finally came back on it had done a factory reset and cleared his micro SD card. .
I have done backup all of my data...I have to factory reset my doubt is when I restore the data... is my private mode pics are also restored or not.
I have rooted using PingPong, can I unroot and receive OTA updates without Factory Reset? Also how can I find which firmware my phone has an download it via Samfirmware?
If I use smartswitch to back up my phone, will it restore my phone the way it was after I do a factory reset? Or will I have to manually restore my settings or home screen or anything like that?
Is there any way to save sms and MMS messages before a factory reset? I usually use mybackup pro but wasn't wanting to use a backup program due to hearing your battery life may be better if you don't use any backup programs or sign into Google to download apps.
I did a full factory reset but am not seeing any different results. In fact, I think that my battery drainage is a bit higher than normal. I added all my apps and tweaked the settings last night. It DID tell me that my battery should last over a day and a half (which it never has before) but that is quickly falling today. I can post some screen shots but I really am not sure if it is just the apps and way I use my phone or if the phone is defective...
I had some issues with my snapchat notifications not showing up on my task bar and didn't know if/when i had new snaps. So i did some research and tried everything besides a factory reset. Unfortunately nothing worked so i had to resort to doing the factory reset. After that my notifications worked like normal. The only issue I"m having is when i add my facebook in the accounts and click sync nothing shows in my contact list.
I have quite a few people on my personal contact and fb contact that i enjoy merging their respective information with both profiles for said people. How to resync them while the phone says it's already synced. I've also tried the "show only facebook contacts" and it says i have no contacts to display.
Updated my phone when Lollipop came out. A lot of stuff started happening. My battery gets hot, battery drains fast, the GPS fails, and other odd things.
So I reset my phone and reseated my SIM card. Restarted my phone and now it won't reactivate on the Verizon network.
I recently factory reset my S5 and restored it. Ever since the phone can become unresponsive. It randomly goes to a black screen the multi window light and back up light both come on as if it is still powered up. Sometimes it comes back on but mostly I have to pull the battery. This happens quite a few times a day so annoying.
I have a few problems with my galaxy 5s and I want to reset the factory settings but I want to back up my app data first. Is there a way to do this? I know I can just reinstall each app but I want to save the app data first, if it is possible.
I am stuck with issue of not being able to complete the google account verification on my s6 edge phone after i factory reseted it.the fact is that whenever(laptop, ipad,desktop browsers) i am login-in to my google service using my account credentials it works just fine.i keep getting the message "Please sign-in using one of the owner's accounts for this device. Well,last time my s6 edge was exactly synced to the account i am using right now. Nothing's changed.
I have a Verizon S5 and am currently still on Kit Kat (intentionally I might add).
I was just curious if doing a factory reset as my phone is currently configured would automatically upgrade me to lollipop or if it would do a fresh Kit Kat upgrade and prompt me that an update is available?
I am not really having any issues with my phone I just like to do a factory reset every once in a while.