Cseries :: How To Use Handwriting Recognition

May 13, 2012

i am using C2-03 pls tell me how 2 use handwriting recognition in it.

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Cseries :: What Is Handwriting Recognition In C2-03

Nov 24, 2011

i want to know that What is handwriting recognition in C2-03 ?? & how can i use it ?

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Cseries :: Nokia C2-02 Has A Feature For Handwriting Recognition

Mar 25, 2012

I have heard that Nokia C2-02 has a feature for Handwriting Recognition.Is it just a Rumor on the net or if its true, then how do I use this feature

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Eseries / Communicators :: E7 - How To Turn On / Use Handwriting Recognition

May 29, 2011

The Nokia tech spec sheet clearly states that there is full screen handwriting recognition on the E7-00. How can this be turned on and used? I am used to an old N97 where this could be done easily with fingers, fobs etc ... no standard implement I try appears to be detected by the E7. Is there a special stylus required to input handwriting on the E7-00? If so as nothing listed under E7-00 accessories.

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RIM :: Get Chinese Handwriting On A 9800?

May 25, 2011

I am using a unlocked Telus 9800, wonder if that is possible to install the software from SP from Hong Kong to get chinese handwriting function

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BB Torch :: 9810 - Chinese Handwriting Input?

Aug 19, 2011

Just had my Torch 9810 and realized that the older OS in Asian does have Chinese handwriting input method. My carrier is Bell?Have RIM able to provide this same software to Canadian User?

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Nokia :: X6 - No Fullscreen Handwriting Function To Write Chinese

Jun 7, 2010

I bought an X6 during mid May, fully expecting to be able to use the "fullscreen handwriting for Chinese" function to write chinese. However, after weeks of researching, there seems to be no such function! What's even worst, Nokia (AU) totally removed this description from their X6 specifications 2 week after I bought this phone! I did, however, save a bookmark of the older specs just to serve as evidence that they did mention the X6 had chinese input capabilities. Help! is there anyway that I can get around this and allow my phone to type chinese??? Did nokia make a big mistake and try to cover this up by deleting the specs on their website? I've emailed them but they have yet to reply. I feel ripped off and that my phone did not serve its intended product purpose.

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Motorola Xoom :: Degrading Performance With Handwriting Applications?

Nov 18, 2011

I can't remember where I saw the comment, but another Xoom user mentioned that his handwriting application(s) seemed to degrade in performance the longer he used them (per reboot, I believe). Until today, I thought I was imagining it, but the same thing seems to be happening to me. I was taking notes with Writepad and about one-half hour into the meeting I experienced significant lag between strokes of the stylus and appearance on the screen, and I needed to revert to the keyboard. It's happened with other handwriting applications as well.

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Nokia :: 5800 XM - Use Handwriting For Website Password Boxes - Delete Extra Connections?

Mar 13, 2010

This is my first smartphone to boot.

1) Where can I get the Adobe Reader for free? Or is the only one from the Ovi store?

2) I created an extra WLAN...profile for my phone (so I have MyNetwork and MyNetwork(01) in my connection manager), how do I delete extra connections?

3) Can I set it up so I don't have to use the phone lock on the side? I still want to put in a pin, I just hate using that switch...I don't understand why I can't just tap the screen.

4) How do I use handwriting for website password boxes?

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Nokia :: X6 And Music Recognition

Aug 23, 2010

I've just bought a X6. First thing to do - fill the 16Gb to the max with music .....Accesing the Playlist DJ is ok ..... in a couple of hours it had found the name of all songs. But I don't wanna use the DJ thingie .... (apparently it makes playlists of 24 songs each) I wanna be able to hear my whole library in random order.

And here comes the problem

The musicplayer have absolutely no idea of tracks, artists or albums. According to the musicplayer I have 1800something unknown titles on my phone. I would like to have the abbillity to find a specific album, artist etc .... and I don't wanna tag the files by hand. Is there anyway to get the information from the DJ thingie to the player?

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IPhone :: Having Voice Recognition On 4?

Mar 13, 2012

Is there Voice Recognition on my iPhone 4 as well? I have updated to iOS 5.1

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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LG G3 :: How To Turn On Contact Recognition On Phone

Dec 30, 2014

Love my LG 3. Just bought a LG G Watch for Christmas. In trying to get it to work it says I need to turn on contact recognition on my phone.

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Galaxy S6 :: Why Does It Have A Continual Bluetooth Recognition

Jun 15, 2015

My new S6 doesn't recognize my Bluetooth in the car each time. I can easily pair it but each time I turn the car off, I have to re-enter the pairing code. Doesn't seem right. My S4 was paired once and then each time I got in the car and put it on Bluetooth, it connected.

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IPhone 5 :: Voice Recognition Not Being Picked Up

Aug 25, 2014

My iPhone 5 has quit picking up voice commands.

It appears like it just cant pick up my voice.

Tried a reset check that siri was on. What should i do next?

iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2

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Xperia X10 :: Turn Off Face Recognition Services?

Dec 27, 2010

i've turn off the face recognition services. how do i turn it back on?

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IPhone :: Face Recognition - Use Camera To Unlock 4S?

Mar 18, 2012

Is there a way to use the camera to unlock your phone

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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Motorola Droid 2 :: No SD Storage Card Recognition

Sep 7, 2011

Got mystery autoupdate to 2.3.3 from Verizon other morning - phone now has no SD card recognition -, i.e. no camera, music etc... - Scandisk 8gb card - data on card is intact when viewed from computer and file structure

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Xperia X10 :: Media-scape Performance And Face Recognition?

Nov 9, 2010

For some time ago I updated my X10 to Android 2.1 and today (a week later) I noticeed all the sudden that Mediascape has linked alot of my pictures stored in my phone to some of my Facebook contacts automatically. Of course Mediascape got it all wrong, linking my children to old friends I haven't met in several years etc.

1. First - how do I disable Face recognition service entirely. I find this very unuseful since I have found it not that good at identifying persons even when trying to learn.

2. How come that Mediascape did this automatic link between my Facebook contact and my pictures?

3. Is there a way to clear this linking data that Mediascap does. It's pretty time consuming to have to go through all Facebook friends and select the image and Delete the link between the photo and the friend.

I guess Mediascape must have downloaded images from my frieds facebook galleries and analyzed them somehow. However this isn't something I want my phone to spend time doing. The battery time of my X10 is poor already, it doesn't need to do image processing - at least I should have the option to turn this off?Overall I find Mediascape pertty crappy. Mostly because it's performance. I guess the ideas behind it is good, but the implementation isn't near good enough.For example, slow browsing between images. Compare with iPhone, Samsung galaxy, HTC phones, older SonyEricsson phones such as W715 or C905. All these perform much better. Is there a way to remove this or use another media viewer?

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Xperia Z3 :: Voice Input-offline Speech Recognition Is Gone

Jun 25, 2015

I could download offline speech recognition on my old phone, but can not find the same function on Z3+.

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Lumia 950 XL :: Prompted By Hello Iris Recognition When Waking Phone

Feb 6, 2016

Just got my new windows 10 phone, and so far really liking it. I use the Hello feature to login, however it still prompts to scan iris even if the phone is unlocked already and I'm just waking up the phone.I can just bypass it by swiping up the screen, is this normal can it not be disabled when just waking the phone?

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Lumia 1020 :: Speech Recognition Stopped Working

Jun 3, 2014

The Speech recognition on my Lumia 1020 has stopped working. I can use the phone (so I don't think it's the mic) I tried with a headset also but I just get the message "Sorry couldn't hear anything, try saying....." - everything is set in Settings, but it just won't hear me..

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IPhone :: Telephone Number Recognition In Text Message?

Apr 23, 2012

With my previous smartphones, I had the possibility to dial tel. numbers directely from a text message or from the agenda. For my client visits, I alway put the complete address and contact info in the subject of the agenda item. When I have some traffic problems and will be later then forseen, I can contact my client directly from the tel number in that agenda subject, without havng to put in the number again. Also from text messages. Whan someone speeeks a message into my voicemail, I receive a text message from my provider with a short phonenumber to listen to the message directly. I have now an iphone, but it doesn't recognise the number in the agenda or sms as a phone number, and I can't mark them. Is this an option that has to be set on or so? Or is it just not integrated in the OS? Would be handy, I had it in all my other phones, Nokia, HTC,...

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Contacts And Voice Recognition Settings?

Jul 3, 2011

The following questions are probably more Android-related in general, and not SGSII - specific. But as the SGSII is my first Android smartphone, please bear it with me and try to explain everything in layman's terms 1. In Contacts, what exactly does the "Merge with Google" option do (apart from displaying that little "g" icon next to a contact)? Also, after using it, I don't see to be able to revert the action - is it still possible?. Is it only possible to synchronize my Contacts with my Google account after the above mentioned "Merge with Google" action has been applied, or are they completely separate? E.g. if I add a new contact to my Phone, will it get synchronized with Google even if I don't Merge it with Google first?

3. Is it possible to also synchronize other contacts (like those from Facebook, LinkedIn, etc) in order to store them on my Google account for safety reasons4. Does the Google contacts synchronization work also the other direction, i.e. after I edit My Contacts on my Google accont, can I just use "Synchronize" in the SGSII to update the Phone contacts? Or do I need to delete all Contacts from my Phone first, and only then synchronize to the current Google version?5. I write messages/emails in English as often as I do in Polish. When I set Polish as the input language in Voice Recognition settings, and happen to compose a message in English using voice recognition, it often happens some Polish words are generated (and vice versa). I thought it would be logical if - apart from the global input language setting - the keyboard input language settings (changeable via the Space bar) - would eliminate the problem (ie. the VR engine should expect and use only English words when the keyboard is set to Eng, and so on) - but it doesn't seem to work.

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Voice Recognition Language Toggle

Aug 8, 2011

I would like to toggle between different languages without having to select "Settings / Voice Input and Output / Voice Recognition Settings / Language". This would allow me to easily toggle between English and German, for 'voice to text' recognition. Is there a toggle action/application that allows the selection of more then one language and swapping between them similarly to swiping the space bar on the keyboard?

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Voice Recognition - Poor Quality?

Oct 12, 2011

My photon is my first Android phone. I'm generally happy but have to say that voice recognition is atrocious. It's effectively unusable. It can't even recognize me saying "yes".My previous phones were a WinMo Treo Pro, preceded by a Palm OS Treo 750. Both had decent voice recognition. I was actually impressed with the WinMo recognition quality, although the functionality was limited.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Face Recognition Unlock?

Nov 10, 2012

I've been using the face recognition unlock feature on my table (ASUS Transformer Prime) since it got ICS early this year, and have been pretty happy with it, so I was excited to have the option on the Bionic. I've been disappointed, however, as it doesn't recognize me the majority of the time. I've tried the "improve facial recognition" function, but have difficulty getting it to "lock" on my face

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Swipe Voice Recognition Engine?

Jul 11, 2011

Is it possible change the voice recognition engine on the swype keyboard from Vlingo to google? For some reason it is not working after I updated my Vlingo to the latest version.

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LG G4 :: Inconsistent Screen Unlock With Face Recognition And Trusted WiFi

Nov 1, 2015

I'm trying to use the trusted face and trusted location methods for keeping the phone unlocked but it's been very inconsistent (title of post is wrong - shouldn't say WiFi, should say location). I can sort of understand the face one not working well (although I've tried the "improve face recognition" option many times), but I don't understand why the location method won't work when I'm at home. Does it take a few seconds for the phone to recognize my location?

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Lumia 1520 :: Windows Hello / Facial Recognition To Unlock Phone

Jan 15, 2016

Will the 1520 ever get Windows Hello or some other form of Facial recognition to unlock out phones? We don't have Biometrics hence the reason I ask.

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Galaxy S5 :: Downloading English Offline Speech Recognition Data?

Dec 21, 2015

I've gone into the "app info" and force stopped, cleared the cache, and turned my phone off and back on; it just starts right back up again.

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BB Storm2 9550/9520 :: Face Recognition Screen Lock Not Worrking

May 4, 2010

I had my first storm replaced because the screen stopped clicking, and now I am having never ending problems with the screen lock. Ill be in the middle of the call and the screen will be locked but then suddenly it will unlock and ill hit a button and end the call, or flash, or mute. I have prematurely ended hundreds of calls now.

I got a new one, and it is having similar issues. I know that the face recognition works off of heat, so i don't know how the Texas weather is affecting it, but this is getting pretty ridiculous. I have been counting and I am up to 2 out of every 3 calls either get muted, flashed, or ended unintentionally.

I tried using storm lock, but it does not lock the end key of course, so i can still end the call, which I do often. Has any one had any problems with theirs? Any ideas how to fix?

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