BlackBerry :: Cannot Access App World With Playbook
Apr 21, 2011
I am trying to access App World with my playbook. I do not have wifii but have successfully connected to the internet using the blackberry bridge and tethering feature.
My smart phone - the bold 9000 - is tethered to the playbook; I can access app world from my phone; My phone is on a 3G network.
The message I get is that I am not connected via Wifii and cannot access app world. But, if I can access the internet, why can't I access app world?
I have tried several times to access to bb ap world and everytime appear a message "an error occurred,please try later".it has appeared three weeks ago.i have even created a new id and changing the password but nothing seems to work.i have a plan data in spain.
I have a playbook which i registered my blackberry ID with. However I just purchased a torch 9810 and I am trying to sign into my Blackberry ID (to register) and it keeps telling me invalid username or password, but I can sign in on my pc and on the playbook.
I have two laptops by HP with Windows 7. I am using them as development machines.On one I can connect the playbook but on the other one I cannot connect it. It always goes into driver installation mode. No matter how many times I have reinstalled the driver, it doesn't detect the playbook. WiFi connection works though. The USB connection fails.
My playbook just decided not to connect to the wifi. I have my friends playbook right beside it, I checked to make sure all the settings were the same, yet it won't connect.
The bars are not illuminated.
When I goto to setup I can connect, and it appears to connect, then when I goto the main screen it is not connected. My playbook is a few months old (and I have connected to many Wifis) and I recently updated (mid-feb) to the new operating system, but it has been working fine until yesterday.
Im not able to turn on my playbook. I have it pluged in and it is not charging no light is comming on, I have tried pluging it into my computer and to the charger, nothing works?
i got a new BB Playbook but cannot connect to my Laptop. I have upgraded to the latest software and my laptop has Windows 7 Service Pack 1 in it. Why is this so difficult? I have followed all steps i know and advised in the threads but still it's not straight-forward.
I've just updated the OS to 2.0 and all the apps just crashes on me and the playbook would not do anything. Tried to restart it three times already and still the same problem. Now, after a 4th restart, the machine would not even let me log in.
In App World, Under "My World", I am unable to see a delete button for the app "Resistor Ohm".I've upgraded to the latest OS version. I suspect the disappearance of the button is due to the app not being declared compatible with my OS version.While I can understand not being able to install the app anew, there should always be a way to delete an installed app.
I purchased recently a second hand Blackberry Playbook and the first thing I did was a software update. After the update the device booted normally but it couldn't detect any of WiFi (802.11b/g) access points that I have home and in my work (3 different hotspots in total). I searched on the support site for the problem and I saw that some others have faced the same issue and they fix it by doing a full wipe out (factory reset). So I tried the same with no success, now my device boots and I am unable to complete the first registration that can only be done via WiFi. I also tried to re-update the device several times using the latest Desktop Software, but the result is always the same no Wifi detected.I contacted the Greek subsidiary of the store that the device purchased and they told me that I must contact with RIM central branch because the RIM support policy about this product (Playbook) is that customer gets support directly from them. The store that the Playbook originally purchased is Expansys France and I have scanned the invoice as evidence of legal purchase and valid warranty.Please advice me how can I get support for the product because I sent an email and the reply tells me that I need to submit BlackBerry inquiry via approved channel Blackberry Playbook wifi problem.
I bought my Play about a year ago, and it was fine until last month, when after upgrading my Playbook, the front face camera stopped working. Now, after a month, the back camera has stopped working as well. I have tried upgrading to the latest software, but it hasn't worked. What should I do?
I purchased a Playbook a week ago, have tried three times to do the initial download which I guess has to happen before you can do anything else with it. I was following instructions correctly to the best of my knowledge but everytime it says "download failed." I am very concerned that I register my new Playbook in time to get the warranty. I use a local ISP, DSL connection.
Work Machine issue - Windows XP: I have installed, removed, shut down and re-installed the latest Desktop Software 6.0.2 B45, but cannot get the Desktop to recognize my Playbook. Also the system does not recognize the machine as a mass storage device either
Home Machine Issue Windows XP: I have done as above and now not only does the softare not recognize the Playbook but it reloads 6.0.2 B45 each time it is connected. The computer recognizes the Playbook as a mass stoage device, but at 570 MB 100% full (its a 64 G machine)
I have just downloaded all the new Blackberry Desktop updates and it still won't synchronise my outlook contacts with the Playbook. I have made a similar post before but got no answer that worked, come on guys please tel;l me how to get my Outlook (2010) contacta copied to my Playbook. Thjis problem is so frustrating . When I purchase the curve you were sble to swiftlt solve the problem telling me to use Synchamatic software but they have not got a similar solution for the Playbook, I have over 400 contacts please assist, I've waited over 6 months for a working solution.
I'm not familiar with purchasing phones in Canada but I've been asked to get a Playbook 4G LTE. If I walk in to a Rogers or Bell store and buy a no contract Playbook is it carrier unlocked? Or do I have to request an unlock at time of purchase in store?
I have just spent ages on the support line talking to someone who didn't seem to know any thing. How do I copy the contacts from my bold 9900 to my new playbook? When I try to sync with my laptop it only offers media sync and the gives a message that I have not selected media to sync.
My BB ID works on the Blackberry website, but I can't use the BB ID on my new Bold 9900 (it says 'unable to log into your Blackberry ID account'). Vodafone suggested I cleaned the memory (options, security, advanced security, memory cleaning), and then tried to delete my old BBID (the one that worked on my old Bold 9700) and set up a new BBID, but that didn't work either. After looking online others have tried security wipes but many say they haven't worked. I'm unable to access Blackberry protect and 'my world' in Blackberry App World, or do anything that involves using my BB ID on my phone
my PlayBook's screen colours mess up when light pressure is applied to back of the device.
[URL] The first image is what the issue looks like (this is when I lift it off a surface). 2nd - supposed to look like. There is also a video that shows the problem in action.
I have a blcakberry curve 9300 and I only have 8 apps which only take up about 7 mb and I only have 39 mb availble from 256 mb where has all the memory gone?
Now I cannot log into app world, protect or anything that needs the BB I D on the phone. Error message says cannot login at this time and on the login screen it says I D needs to be verified.
While I was updateing the BB App world, There was an Issue with my WIFI and the installation was not succesful.But after that when i was tring to go to App World its not visible in my phone.
I had updated my blackberry world application & after the installation is complete the device rebooted , the problem is that I can't find the icon , I found the app in the application management , but can't find the icon & I can't run it at all