BB Torch :: Its Getting Extremely Hot?

Jan 31, 2011

my BB Torch has started getting extremely hot when in use, particularly when making or receiving calls. The phone then also starts to "Call Fail" when it gets so hot. The phone gets so hot it almost burns your skin if you put the phone in your pocket. If I don't use the phone at all, it then cools down again, but as soon as I start to use it again it heats up. Also when I charge the phone it starts to charge then stops, then when you pull the charger out and plug it in again it charges again normally.

It does not get extremely hot all the time. It might work half the day normally, then all of a sudden it will just start heating up and start "dropping" the calls.I took it in to my Service Provider today and they sending it off to Blackberry for them to look at the phone to see what is wrong.

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BB Torch :: Battery Life Extremely Low?

Jan 16, 2012

the new bb torch 2 battery life isn't making me happy. i've been charging the phone for the enitre day now, and the only thing that's opens or being used is the bbm service...i charged it for the entire night, and i used the bbm service once this morning, and the battery is half its life now...what do i do to make sure the battery life last longer?

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BB Torch :: Battery Is Draining Extremely Fast?

Aug 5, 2012

My Blackberry Torch's battery is draining extremely fast. It is giving a back up of less than 24 hours. Just seven months old. I have checked, nothing is running in background and kept the phone at optimum performance levels.

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BB Curve :: Internet On The 9360 Is Extremely Slow And The Download Speed Is Extremely Slow?

May 27, 2012

my internet on the 9360 is extremely slow and the download speed is extremely slow?

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IPhone :: Its Extremely Hot During Use

May 8, 2012

Okay, so the past month or so my iPhone 4 gets extremely hot if its plugged into anything at all. Headphones, charger, car adapter. It seems like its getting worse. Went to AT&T and they told us we would have to go to Apple. Went to Apple and they said everything looks fine, no water damage etc. My phone is out of its one year warranty. They said they would replace it for 149.99. However, I am due for an upgrade in 4-5 months and would like to upgrade to the 4s then.

I'm not sure what to do. Like I said it gets dangerously hot and could burn your face if you hold it to it when its hot.

Info:iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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Nokia E75 :: Extremely Slow Typing In It?

Apr 5, 2010

Since about a week, my telephone is extermely slow by typing. Whether I'm wrting a SMS or Active notes, the words in the display come long after I typed them in the keyboard.What coul it be the reason for it? Is there anyway to solve this problem?

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IPhone :: BiteSMS V. 4.98 - Extremely Laggy

Sep 6, 2010

i have BiteSMS version 4.98and it is almost un useable.. so before i remove it and go back to quickreply... i want to see if you have any ideas!

I have biteSMS version 4.98, and a replacment icon, that changes it to the stock messages icon, when i click on the bitesms icon to open up my messages, it pops up to a white screen (i see header with all the menu and compose button and edit button... but my messages list is blank then about 10-20 seconds later... it pops up and works ok, when i am txting someone, and i get a txt while typing it gets really laggy and slows for about 10 seconds then everything comes through (i hear the sound but get no message for about 10 seconds (sometimes it just crashes right back to home screen)

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BB Curve :: 8520 Going Extremely Slow?

Mar 16, 2012

I got a new Blackberry 8520 2 months ago, ever since I have got it, it has been going so slow. I have no idea what has happened, as I had the exact same model before, just a different device..I have tried clearing the event log, and using the memory cleaner..I have no apps, other than facebook, and BBM..

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Xperia Z3 :: Speakers Volume Are Extremely Low?

Mar 5, 2015

For some reason my speakers volume are extremely low where the lower speaker doesn't function at all. Headphone jack not plugged in, did not go into or even near water either. Tried shaking and blowing the jack, still max volume is extremely low.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Extremely Hot And Won't Turn On At All

Oct 8, 2015

So i dropped my nexus 5 from about 2 ft accidentally and now it wont turn on, and it is extremely hot.

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HTC :: Mytouch Extremely Disappointed With Repair

Aug 27, 2010

A few weeks back, my HTC Mytouch (Magic)'s headphone jack stopped working. I had called them up and had an RMA set up to have it fixed.In the box, I had included a typed note stating the problem, stating the phone is unlocked and that I would like it returned unlocked, and a simple request to remove dust from under the screen (since they would have the phone apart anyways)

Anyways, when I get the unit back, they changed motherboards (new IMEI number), re-locked the phone and didn't clean the dust out from under the screen. I called HTC support on Monday and explained how the phone was unlocked when sent in and because it is a different IMEI number than the one that I purchased, T-Mobile wouldn't supply the unlock code. The woman on the phone said it could take 48 hours for them to get back to me with the code.I called HTC and they said it could take up to 72 hours to get the code. Called yesterday. Was told that the guy had emailed the support team directly and I would have it by this morning. Called and they said it would take 7-14 days and it would be text-messaged to me. I'm really, really ****ed off. They didn't read the note I included and wrapped the phone in and they are taking forever to get the code to me. T-Mobile isn't any help because I had initially bought the phone and used it as a pre-paid. Closed the account there a few months back.

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IPhone :: Calendar App On It Extremely Slow?

May 4, 2012

since i made the transition to iCloud, whenever I open the calendar app and press "+" to add a new calendar item, the app is unresponsive for 30 to 50 seconds, before i can make a new entry.I have an iPhone 4, with iOS5.1 with a G3 connection in the German Telecom network. However, the same is true, if I am in a WLAN network at home or other places. I suspect it has something to do with iCloud syncing, since the little clock symbol is rotating.

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IPhone 4s :: Battery Won't Charge But Gets Extremely Hot

Jun 2, 2014

After changing the screen and upgrading to the new upgrade, my iPhone 4s won't charge? When plugged into the charger the charging icon appears, but it dosen't charge. But it does get REALLY HOT. Like smelling of burned something hot.

iPhone 4S

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Nokia :: N96 / Bluetooth Sync Extremely Slow

Mar 26, 2010

Synchronizing my N96 with ovi suite via bluetooth is horribly slow.Transferring only a single photo for example takes about 10 minutes.Even when I only sync contacts and messages, I can wait like 5 minutes or longer.Is there any known issue about syncing an N96 with ovi suite via bluetooth?I cant imagine why it would take so long.When I use direct file transfer, and not ovi suite, to transfer the same photo to my PC, it works at normal speed. (less than 10 seconds)When I use the usb cable to sync to ovi suite, its working at normal speed as well.Any ideas about this?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Fakebook Is Extremely Slow

Jan 12, 2010

For some reason the facebook application is almost unbearably slow. I've tried clearing the cache, doing a full reset yet to no avail. I have full service and the internet is extremely fast when tethered but on the fb app it takes like 2-3 mins to load pictures and about 15 seconds to refresh updates. Any reasons for this? Btw I'm on vzw.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Starts Extremely Slow?

May 5, 2010

I have a new BB bold. When my device shuts down, it takes ages to re-start the device. Literally speaking it takes around 7-8 minutes to have it started. Sometimes on/off button do not even react, I have to press multiple times and hold for a long time as well.

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BB Bold :: 9900 Extremely Slow After OS Update?

Sep 13, 2012

I updated the OS on my Bold 9900 to 7.1 Bundle 1149 (v. Platform and it's now extremely slow. The phone does not react quickly and it takes up to an hour to restart after battery pull.

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BB Curve :: 8310 Extremely Slow And Low On Memory

Jun 6, 2011

My blackberry has been running slow and crashing since I got the phone, I've only got 2 apps and my download memory is 10mb.

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IPhone :: 4s Battery Draining Extremely Fast?

Mar 19, 2012

iphone 4s battery draining extremly fast, how annoying is that, Battery will be drain out within 12 hrs and I just usually watch 30 mins video (not using 3G/wifi) and 10mins on Phone . I always turn off my Siri, Auto Detect Time Zone, 50% Brightness, NO background Apps are running and Mail is manually updated.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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BB Bold :: Extremely Low Ringing Tones With 9000?

Jan 17, 2012

Since buying my BlackBerry Bold 9000 phone I have had problems with the ringtone volume. Despite setting the volume to maximum I still miss my calls because you can barely hear the ringtone when a call comes through.Is this normal with this model or am I just unlucky?

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HTC Desire HD :: Extremely Poor Wifi Reception?

Jun 13, 2011

Ive had my Desire HD for around 5 months now and from day 1 I've noticed that the wifi reception of the handset is terrible, I literally have to be within 5 metres of my router in order to get a signal, if I move to another room the signal drops to 1 bar pretty much straight away and then once I begin browsing drops completely and reverts to 3g. As I say this has been pretty much from day 1 and since then the handset has been treated with great care so are these phones that bad for signal?

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Fingerprint Scanner Getting Extremely Hot?

Jan 21, 2012

I've been noticing lately my fingerprint scanner getting extremely hot lately. Almost too hot to touch. I've wiped the phone and reinstalled the OS (Gingerbread 2.3.4) and all updates. I've cleaned the scanner with a q-tip and a small amount of rubbing alcohol. I'm not sure what else to try, or if I even should try anything else. Should I just file a claim or is this something that's not covered?

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Motorola Motoactv :: Portal Extremely Slow?

Jun 19, 2012

For the past few days, the motoactv portal has been extremely slow. At times completely unresponsive. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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IPhone 5 :: Battery Is Draining Extremely Quickly

Jun 28, 2014

Ive tries to preserve my after life by turning off most apps, location services, etc. I also stopped the "background app refresh" to preserve my battery a few months ago, but recently my batter life has gotten worse. I used my phone for a total of 56 minutes (since last full charge) and my battery was down to 18%. Crazy!! after every 15 minutes, I would wake my phone and it would be 10% down. I don't think I can do anything at this point, but set up an appointment with the Genius Bar. I've had this phone since Septemberr (less than a year).

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IPhone 5 :: Call Sound Extremely Quiet

Aug 25, 2014

I've had my iPhone 5 for about 6 months and its worked fine but the last few weeks the call sound has been really quiet. I can barely hear what the other person is saying. The sound plays fine for everything else though like music, ringtones, alarms etc. It definitely hasn't got the protective film on it still it doesn't have a screen protector on it either and the sound bar is up to the highest volume possible

iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.2

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Huawei Nexus 6P :: Extremely Low Bluetooth Volume

Nov 2, 2015

I swapped from a Nexus 5 to the 6P, and I'm finding bluetooth volume to be incredibly low. I basically can't hear my audiobooks in the car with it being as low as it is. This is a serious problem for me. I have the volume maxed and it's like a whisper.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Battery Draining Extremely Fast?

Mar 31, 2010

I've only had my tour for about a couple months now. The other night I had left my Tour on my desk like I do every night and locked the phone and left it there uncharging like I always do when going to bed. ( I charge my phone in the morning) Well the other night and today I noticed that the battery is draining really fast. It went from about 80% charge to 15% overnight. I had no programs running and nothing that would drain the battery. Before this happening, my batter would only use about 10-15% just over night, and it seems weird that my phone is starting to almost die on me overnight. Any suggestions on what to do? I dont have any programs running besides the 5 that show up when you hold the home button.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Extremely Rapid Battery Drain

Mar 29, 2010

I have recently started experiencing rapid battery drain on my 9700. If I charge it to 100% and unplug it from the charger when I go to bed, when I wake up its on critical battery (no bars left). During the day it lasts from morning to about 4pm.I first tried a security wipe to get rid of all my apps. No luck.

I then updated my OS to the latest version (.545) and I'm still having the same problem.I have no apps running, apart from the default five. I only get about 10 emails a day and make 1 or 2 calls.So, is it the battery or the phone itself?

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IPhone :: Phone 3gs And Ios4 - Extremely Slow And Freezes Up Often

Jul 29, 2010

Since I update my iphone 3gs to ios4 it has been extremely slow and freezes up often. Any suggestions or ideas as to why this might be?

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BB Bold :: Extremely Slow 9700. Spinning Clock?

Feb 10, 2012

My BB Bold 9700 is getting slower and slower by the day. Today it got so bad that the spinning clock just kept coming on and on and eventually I had to take out the battery.v6.0.0.666, Platform Storage: Free Space: 45.1 MB?Media Card Storage: Total Space is 1.8GB and free space 940 MB.

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BB Bold :: Water Damage - Extremely Weak Signal?

Sep 5, 2011

Three weeks ago, I received a Bold 9000 which was accidentally placed in the washing machine (along with a blanket) a few days before. Before the phone was given to me, it was dried and in working order. Up until the past couple of days, I've been using the phone without any problems.Now, the phone does a horrible job with picking up my carrier's signal. When I'm indoors, I would get no reception at all ("No Service") when I would get reception using any other handset. When I'm outdoors, I would get either "No Service" or 1 bar of reception. Once in a blue moon, I will get full reception, but that does not last long. I've tried reinserting my SIM and turning the handset on and off, but nothing would fix the reception issue.The water damage sticker (visible after removing the battery) is red.Even though it was a gift (it was decided that the phone would be a gift BEFORE accidentally placing the phone in the washer), I'd still like to continue using my BlackBerry.

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