since i made the transition to iCloud, whenever I open the calendar app and press "+" to add a new calendar item, the app is unresponsive for 30 to 50 seconds, before i can make a new entry.I have an iPhone 4, with iOS5.1 with a G3 connection in the German Telecom network. However, the same is true, if I am in a WLAN network at home or other places. I suspect it has something to do with iCloud syncing, since the little clock symbol is rotating.
i have a new Nokia E7-00. I experience the calendar function to be VERY slow. It takes seconds to open, then more seconds to load the calender entries, then to move from one date to the other, even closing the function is slow. What can I do to make it respond faster?
I never had the issue with the 2G/3G/3GS, but once I got an iPhone 4 at launch and then the 4S, the issue has always been the same. It doesn't matter which network I connect to. Websites load incredibly slowly, apps download slowly, and it's impossible to stream anything or install an iOS update via wi-fi.
I connect to the same networks on my iPad 2 (as well as multiple laptops, both PCs and Macs) and it's always very, very fast.
The funny part to me is that the router is an AirPort Extreme, though I have the same issues with both Cisco and Netgear routers (haven't had any others to try).
This was the first video I ever converted. The video came out great, but the audio is super slow-mo. I used "AAC (faaac)" audio encoding, and I chose 128 bitrate. For video, I used average bitrate: 1000. The only other choice of audio is "AC3 passthrough", and that is only at 32/kbps? Can you guys help me out here?
Since updating to the latest (5.1.1) my phone is barely usable for anything mroe than 'just' a phone and basic texting. Web browsing is terribly slow - regardless of if using data network or wireless connection at home. Apps are slow to respond and often the touch screen doesn't even register being touched or registers the touch incorrectly (wrong position for ex.)
Since about a week, my telephone is extermely slow by typing. Whether I'm wrting a SMS or Active notes, the words in the display come long after I typed them in the keyboard.What coul it be the reason for it? Is there anyway to solve this problem?
I got a new Blackberry 8520 2 months ago, ever since I have got it, it has been going so slow. I have no idea what has happened, as I had the exact same model before, just a different device..I have tried clearing the event log, and using the memory cleaner..I have no apps, other than facebook, and BBM..
Synchronizing my N96 with ovi suite via bluetooth is horribly slow.Transferring only a single photo for example takes about 10 minutes.Even when I only sync contacts and messages, I can wait like 5 minutes or longer.Is there any known issue about syncing an N96 with ovi suite via bluetooth?I cant imagine why it would take so long.When I use direct file transfer, and not ovi suite, to transfer the same photo to my PC, it works at normal speed. (less than 10 seconds)When I use the usb cable to sync to ovi suite, its working at normal speed as well.Any ideas about this?
For some reason the facebook application is almost unbearably slow. I've tried clearing the cache, doing a full reset yet to no avail. I have full service and the internet is extremely fast when tethered but on the fb app it takes like 2-3 mins to load pictures and about 15 seconds to refresh updates. Any reasons for this? Btw I'm on vzw.
I have a new BB bold. When my device shuts down, it takes ages to re-start the device. Literally speaking it takes around 7-8 minutes to have it started. Sometimes on/off button do not even react, I have to press multiple times and hold for a long time as well.
I updated the OS on my Bold 9900 to 7.1 Bundle 1149 (v. Platform and it's now extremely slow. The phone does not react quickly and it takes up to an hour to restart after battery pull.
My BB Bold 9700 is getting slower and slower by the day. Today it got so bad that the spinning clock just kept coming on and on and eventually I had to take out the battery.v6.0.0.666, Platform Storage: Free Space: 45.1 MB?Media Card Storage: Total Space is 1.8GB and free space 940 MB.
I previously had a bb curve 8520 and recently upgraded to the curve 9320. I have noticed that the 9320 is downloading a lot slower than the 8520 and now the downloads fail as well.I was just wondering what i possibly do to solve these problems?
I've been experiencing this problem for the past 3 days and went to my provider today to ask about.My phone has been running extremely slow, the hour clock thing is forever running, and as a result my phone dies in about 3 to 4 hours with no real use. I was told it was because i need to update my OS but when I came home and plugged it in it says that my phone is up-to-date and there is no OS upgrade available. i bought a replacement battery to see if that was the problem and it is not. this is becoming quite frustrating. it has even gotten to the point of when i lock the phone i cant unlock it over even get the screen to turn on. the only way to turn it on is to pull the battery out
Is the Hotmail server down because my NM is online, but won't sync the new emails to my inbox even though I know there are new ones there. Not only is the syncing process extremely slow, but it will often go offline on its own accord. And I'm never notified of new emails in my inbox unless I manually sync it.
And the Inbox is sync enabled, I made sure I checked that before I posted anything. Has this happened to anyone else before? I've tried going offline, rebooting my phone and then starting it all up again but it still continues to do the same thing.
I'm using a Storm 9530 on the T-Mobile network. When I first unlocked the phone everything was fine and dandy, but I found out that I needed to update my APN to a TMO friendly one, so I did. After that, everything was still fine and dandy. But EARLY this morning I started having this problem with my BB trying to retrieve my Yahoo! mail. Sometimes it takes a minute or so and other times, most of the time, it takes around 15 to 20 minutes! It wasn't doing this before and it's kind of frustrating.
What's even worse is that my Hotmail and BB Mail get updated instantly, but not the Yahoo! one.
A similar thing is happening with my Facebook updates. I'm not getting them as often as I used to be...
I've tried doing several battery pulls. I've tried removing the sim card and placing it back in. I've tried resending the books. I've tried deleting the Yahoo! mail and setting it back up again, but I still have this problem.
The T-Mobile APN that I'm using is
The internet connection on my 1020 is extremely slow when WIFI is connected (every other device I own is fine and can easily clear 30 meg download, 5 meg up.) When I use search, the phone screen times out and shuts off before returning any results (times out after 1 minute). I have reset the phone this morning to start over but the problem remains. The speed is perfect using Data and WIFI off, but once WIFI is enabled, the internet comes to a near halt.
When connecting my Droid Bionic to my laptop via USB cable for charging purposes, the phone will charge very slowly. I have left the Bionic on the cable for 3 1/2 to 4 hours and only see an increase in the charge of the phone of about 10%. I have installed the Motorola mobile drivers, and still no better performance. I have used multiple cables, and tried different USB ports to see if ther was any change. I have attempted while the laptop is conneced to power, and when it is running off battery, no difference.
I replaced myself the screen (preassembled screen+digitizer+frame). After the replacement everything worked perfectly for like two hours when i rebooted it, from then on it is extremely laggy and stutters from boot animation, and when I press the power button (or when the screen shuts down), the phone itself shut down. In bootloader it doesn't seem to have problems.
I checked every connection inside the device (I've disassembled ad reassembled it several times).. thinking of a software problem, I've flashed marshmallow stock rom frist, and kitkat 4.4.4 then... but it's the same with any factory image.
with a lot of patience I set up a google account and downloaded cpu-z to see if maybe temperature sensor where giving wrong information to the system, but they're fine and everything seems to work propely aside from the stutter.
Recently sometimes my Nexus has been charging extremely slowler than usual. Its so bad now that while in use and plugged into charge, its losing battery. Was 19% when I plugged it in now its 16%.
I tried rebooting to see if it was a bug showing the wrong percentage on the bar but that didn't work.
I bought the device mid December last year, direct from Google. Is this something I should seek a replacement over?
I have been using SII ( GT I9100, Andriod ver 2.3.5;Kernnel since more than a year its been working fine until I got it upgraded to Ice although due to various problems I got it resorted to its previous version however sine then its extremely slow when I open any contact it takes some time to display the numbers saved in the contact moreover it takes several minutes to open play store furthermore some time callers complaints that your phone was not responding however I was in normal coverage area
I have just upgraded from a Nokia X6 to an N8. I use the calendar function a lot but have noticed that when using it it is very slow to do anything. If I create a new event it takes a few seconds after I press a key for things to happen. The X6 calendar didn't have any issues of this kind.Also, on the X6 if the calandar alarm went off and I didn't touch the phone it would keep going off every 10 minutes, the N8 calendar alarm goes off once and that's it!
Almost everything about my BB is perfect - for now BUT: I noticed that since a few weeks? ago my agenda view is acting weird. It's very slow when opening (-20sec delay). I read about a few other people having this issue but neither of them got the issue resolved. A few facts I noticed:
- when I enable "Show free time in Agenda" it gets a lot snappier, but it ruins the whole view for it fills the whole display.
- I have 4 calendars ("Default", Facebook, >>BIS-email-address<<, >>normal email-address<<)
- I keep the appointments forever, but there's only about 200 of them
- All other views work flawlessly
I hope you guys have a few suggestions as to how to resolve this - for me - huge problem.I can't tell when this started exactly but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the OS I'm running (.509), otherwise most of you guys would have this problem, too
I already tried to: - delete all the calendar data and resynchronize completely (I actually reflashed the whole phone) - delete all the recurring appointments (birthdays etc.)
The agenda view is fast and responsive if all the calendars are empty
Symptom: Calendar takes ~5 seconds to load. Upon loading, another ~5 seconds till it will respond to any activity. I have it default to Agenda view, as I always have. Prior to v5.0.0.607 this was NEVER an issue. Work-around: If I turn "show free time" to ON, then it works perfect. Loads instantly, scrolls instantly, etc. However, turned OFF, it reverts to issue above.Problem is that I really don't want to show the free time on my view. Whom else has this issue, anyone? Does anyone know how to resolve this?
Okay, so the past month or so my iPhone 4 gets extremely hot if its plugged into anything at all. Headphones, charger, car adapter. It seems like its getting worse. Went to AT&T and they told us we would have to go to Apple. Went to Apple and they said everything looks fine, no water damage etc. My phone is out of its one year warranty. They said they would replace it for 149.99. However, I am due for an upgrade in 4-5 months and would like to upgrade to the 4s then.
I'm not sure what to do. Like I said it gets dangerously hot and could burn your face if you hold it to it when its hot.