Need to occasionally refer to about 500 Microsoft Word documents and now that I have the Storm 2, is there a good app at the Crackberry store that can organize the document files for easy selection?
Presently using Documents to Go but if anyone can suggest another app on the Crackberry store that can do better, I would like to know. I don't need to edit, just need to be able to read the documents easily.
When I put my micro Sd card into my PC I see there is a file within Blacberry marked "E-Books", however if I put any e-books into that file and put the card back into my Blackberry, I cannot no longer find that file in the various icons on the screen to even try and read the e-books.
Just having some problems uninstalling apps. I tried going through the aplication list on the phone and deleting from there, and even through desktop manager. Problem is, desktop manager doesn't list all the apps, and when tried it from there (ie; Beweather so I can get the upgrade), it just archives it!! How do I get rid of the fr as I know, the archive still takes up space in memory, and when I tried installing new versions of the software (ie; Beweather), it just loads the old version!! Geese this is annoying!! I would hate to wipe my phone and start from scratch again adjusting everything to how I like it.
Im trying to download an ota link directly from my phone, the result is .jad file and when i tried to install the .jad file, its failed. said that there's no .cod file. how can i resolve this?
How did you guys get the Opera Mini install file? Did you use the generic installer? Or one specific for the Storm 2? They don't list any of the 95xx models on their site.
There are some mobile launchers in a back up file from my days of using a BB 8320.The launchers are no longer available from the respective web sites, for whatever reason.The mobile sites are still running, just the launchers are no longer offered. I have looked at various master list of mobile launchers and what I seek is not there either.So is there a way to extract these applications/modules out of my old back up files?
I have scrolled through the forums reading about both these phones and i have a few questions
1.What i am still unsure of is which phone is better suited to Canadian phone companies neither will get 3g coverage but will one work better than the other like will they both get 2.5g coverage?
2. Also i have read that possibly the 9520 will be comin to rogers but i havnt heard anything recent on it does anyone have news on a release date or anything?
3. Right now i am thinkin of buyin the storm 9550 from telus and either goin with fido or terminate my contract with them and stay with telus or move to rogers. Is there a company that is better suited to the storm 2 or will either giv me 2.5g?
607-based download here 9550/9520. instructions: 1. install to pc.
2. install this over folder
2a. shrink your os if you want
3. install to phone this hybrid includes: - .732 in about screen - 150+ .748/.732 files including browser - the rest .689+ - latest: app world, bbm, docs2go, facebook, twitter - bbhybrids launcher (optional) - shrink-a-os (optional, but recommended) - bbsak (optional, excellent tool) - blackberry master control program (optional, another excellent tool) - multi-language support download here
517-580-based download here 9550 instructions:
1. install to pc
2. install this over folder
2a. shrink your os if you want
3. install to phone 9520 instructions: 1. install to pc
2. install this over folder
2a. shrink your os if you want
3. install to phone download here this hybrid includes: - .608 in about screen - 120+ .748/.732 files including browser - the rest .580 files/6xx - latest: app world, bbm, docs2go, facebook, twitter - bbhybrids launcher (optional) - shrink-a-os (optional, but recommended) - bbsak (optional, excellent tool) - blackberry master control program (optional, another excellent tool) - multi-language support both hybrids: added apps: - bbhybrids theme (by rellims) - bbscanner - berryblab (vbulletin client) - bolt/opera5 browser choices - google maps - poynt - quickpull free - ubertwitter - Internet
I guinea pigged this, and can confirm it works...partially !!! Install .451, replace java folder with .497, then copy and paste .484 java over that... (NOTE: you may experience an app error reset, just let it reboot and you should be fine!)
I've been thinking of getting a Blackberry for quite some time now and decided to get the storm2 due to it's larger screen.I m located in Canada and using Fido (or Rogers). So I could get either one right? But why do I hear some rumors that 9550 is not so good on GSM as the 9520? Should I get 9550 or 9520? I wont be using the CDMA at all, but it seems that I could get 9550 a lot easier than 9520 in Canada.
For those checking to see if the 713 java works, the answer is yes. A raw drop of the .713 java on the 607 radio does work. No crashes yet but I'll let you know.
First I would like to say hello to my fellow berry folks. This is my first post on this site. I was a regular on but I see there is a greater following on crackberry, so I'll share my story here...... I have AT&T for my carrier and I was up for an phone upgrade. A few months ago I purchased a brand new 9550 (had the Pearl2 before that and the original Pearl before that!) that was unlocked and I loved it!!! Since this was a Verizon phone, I could not use AT&T's 3G network so I decided to go with the "next best thing", the Iphone. Well, 24 hours later I was returning the phone back to the story. I was unimpressed. Here are the reasons why, though they may seem petty, was enough for me to give it back.........
1. No LED status indicator. I didn't realize how much I actually depended on this. For example, if you get a text or better yet miss a text, you MUST push the home button to turn the screen on to see if you received a text or not. With the Blackberry, a quick glance at the status indicator LED would let you know that. This will never be capiable with any current Iphone as they do not have any such "bulb". There are apps that can "flash" the screen but I can imagine that would play a big part in the battery life. I've read on a few Iphone forums that the users wish they had an LED indicator, while other said that it would be annoying to have this feature. But as annoying as it may be, it is an OPTION with the Blackberry.
2. No sound profiles. Well, it actually has two. Silent, which you only have the option to change vibrate to on/off. The other option is just a general option where you can change the loudness on the ring via a slider. There is a Sound Profile app that'll cost you about $7.
3. You cannot use any apps outside the Apple App store unless you "jailbreak" it. Jailbreaking will void your warranty. We all already know Blackberry is open to all outside apps.
4. Home screen does not "flip" when turned to landscape. May be an app for that.
5. Scary to think what happens to this phone when the battery actually dies, since you can't replace it (not a reason to totally ditch the phone but worth noting).
A few things that were pretty sweet on the Iphone........
1. Safari. Very nice and extremely user friendly. Was very fast but I don't have anything to compare it with since my Blackberry could not use the 3G network. Hopefully RIMs new browser will be up to par.
2. A trillion apps..........Nuff said........It'll be quite awhile for Blackberry to catch up in that department. But my guess it that 95% of Apples apps are pretty useless.
3. No clicking. This is bitter/sweet for me. For typing, clicking is a MUST for me and I missed it dearly. But for larger "depressions" like icons and such where mistakes are minimal due to the fact of the larger area to push on, a simple tap on the screen was very nice. I wish a "tap not click" was an option on the Blackberry, as I would be tapping icons and clicking text.
I just got a replacement Storm 2 dated Mar 6, 2010. My old Storm worked pretty well but sometimes the bottom row buttons would stick, especially when using the Seidio extended battery with the plastic battery cover. I have a week or so to try both out before sending back the old one.
The new screen feels more... buttery. Its smooth. Buttery smooth. The old screen is clickier. The bottom row buttons on the new screen are a little sloppy compared to when you press the middle of the screen. Does anyone else notice this? I don't like that.But so far the new screen hasn't locked up on the bottom row as much, especially when trying to use it while the Storm is lying on a table.
For typing, the old screen seems just a bit faster, maybe just a bit less pressure required. New screen is a bit harder to type on but smoother.The old screen has a warmer white color than the old, but that is OK the old was fairly "blue".I don't know for sure yet which I like better! But will update here as I find more. If new screen prevents "hard button" syndrome than that's probably enough.
I suppose no one has yet tried to load the java from .741 (9520) with the 713 radio for the 9550 yet. If someone gets to this before I do, please post your findings (most importantly the issue with making and ending phone calls on the previous radio versions not functioning properly). Once I get to work, I'll load it up and let you know my findings if no one has done it yet. It'll be several hours though.
I am thinking of buying a used BlackBerry Storm. I originally was just going to buy one and use it on Page Plus Cellular, but with what is going on with Page Plus Cellular I am now wondering if I should just use this in T-Mobile prepaid. Does this need to be unlocked to use it on GSM in the US?
I am wondering if it is possible to install an OS designed for the 9520 on to the 9550. I need to do this in order to have Chinese input (unless someone else knows a way to do this?) enabled on my 9550.
This is the entire .643 Java folder with a few 612 files to make it all work. Will show .643 in the Help-->About screen 9550 - Install 607, replace the files in the .607 java folder with the hybrid files and install.9520 - Install 612, replace the files in the .612 java folder with the hybrid files and install. Links:URL... 517 radio/ 580 radio version - Should show .580 in Help-->About screen 9550 - Install 517, replace the files in the .607 java folder with the hybrid files and install.9520 - Install 580, replace the files in the .612 java folder with the hybrid files and install. Links:URL...
This is the entire .669 Java folder with a few 612 files to make it all work.Will show .669 in the Help-->About screen 9550 - Install 607, replace the files in the .607 java folder with the hybrid files and install.9520 - Install 612, replace the files in the .612 java folder with the hybrid files and install. Links:URL... Alt Links:URL...
Will show .692 in the Help-->About screen 9550 - Install 607, replace the files in the .607 java folder with the hybrid files and install.9520 - Install 612, replace the files in the .612 java folder with the hybrid files and install.
Links: URL... Alt Links: URL...
517 radio/ 580 radio version - Should show .580 in Help-->About screen 9550 - Install 517, replace the files in the .517 java folder with the hybrid files and install.9520 - Install 580, replace the files in the .580 java folder with the hybrid files and install.
Here is another installment of another great Hybrid for you. Please feel free to download and enjoy! I must apologize for being delayed on the forum if there are any questions that need to be answered. This is a 517/553/586/591 Hybrid. Enjoy ! - Seanren78 95xx v8.5
I read that Opera Mini was much faster browsing internet comparing to the default bb browser.i run opera mini Beta 5.2 but is by far more slow that browsing with the BB default internet browser...Which is the best and faster internet browser for BB storm2 - 9520??i´m running the .497
Now I've never had this problem on my Curve, but i recently bought a Storm 2 and the phone does not detect the 16Mb memory card. I have tested several other memory cards and still nothing. I have used my Curve to format the card and it worked fine for the Curve but still didn't work in the storm. Any suggestions or fixes for this problem?
i just got a storm 2 9550 unlocked originally verizon. m unable to bet teh browser working it gives me the error msg " this is a wifi service"plus i have no idea what settings i have to do it shows edge.. but i dunno how to work it.. using it in india.. have vodafone as well as an airtel sim.... dont mind using either if someone can help me wit the settings.
i just got my storm2 a few days ago and was wondering if there is a way to transfer my address book from my curve to my storm2. Can it be done through the desktop manager on a computer? a friend of mine said she went into best buy and they have a special system that connects both the phones and transfers the info. I just dont want to take a special trip to BB just to do this if i can do it my self on a computer.
My storm 9550 is currently running .320 which is not the newest release. Everytime I download the OS onto my computer (.517 and .607) I do the whole downloading process delete the vendor, go to application loader, it says new updates available for your phone, it does the whole downloading process but my phone still ends up with .320 --no changes. Am I missing a step, am I not supposed to delete the vendor.xml file or something.
I have Verizon 9550 Storm 2. Before the unlocking the 3G and WiFi both have worked fine ! After the unlocking the Internet on my phone did stop work ! The WiFi connection pass fine but when I start the browser and try to open some site there is appear the message:
Does anyone know if there is a shortcut to change my Blackberry 9520 profiles? I want a quick button that puts my phone onto silent. I've owned a Blackberry Bold 9000 before and it has it's own dedicated silent key. Is there such key/shortcut for Storm2 9520?
When i first installed bbdm 5.0 it said under menu "use BB to connect to the internet" (something like that) but now that icon disappeared. How do I get that back and use it?
I'm looking at getting my wife a S2 as she doesn't like other BB's (she currently uses a 8220). We are on T-Mobile here in the Twin Cities (MN) and wanted to know if anyone here has used a S2 on the TMO network here locally. I know 3G won't work on it, which isn't a big deal since she's not a big downloader.How's the network coverage? Any weirdness to the phone at all? I'll be selling my 8900 and possibly her 8220 (it's pretty hacked) after we buy this one so I want to make sure this phone works for her.