BB Storm2 9550/9520 :: Media Device Not Detected On Storm2
Jul 30, 2010
Now I've never had this problem on my Curve, but i recently bought a Storm 2 and the phone does not detect the 16Mb memory card. I have tested several other memory cards and still nothing. I have used my Curve to format the card and it worked fine for the Curve but still didn't work in the storm. Any suggestions or fixes for this problem?
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Mar 12, 2010
I just picked up a Storm 9550, unless I'm missing something on previous Blackberries, when you went to Media and pressed the option key (or whatever they call it) you would have a menu entry called Explore, that option is not there just Move, Move to Folder and Full Menu? Is there something I'm missing?
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Jan 12, 2010
Lately I have been getting an error message when I select a movie to play on my storm 2 - it reads:
Uncaught exception: application net_rim_bb_medialibrary(341) is not responding ; process terminated
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Sep 9, 2010
I am using Lyricidal's .862 Hybrid for my Storm2 and LOVE IT. I recently paid for and downloaded Hypoxia media player and the application freezes at the splash screen. I emailed the company and the Lead Developer got back to me and said: "the hybrid version of an OS means that the required library files have been added or removed which is not how the OS was meant to be run. In your specific case the version of the OS you have has the Database Access Libraries Removed. So not only will Hypoxia not work, any application that tries to create a database will not work. You have limited options and should install a RIM approved OS or try to get a hold of the Database Libraries and but them in your OS. Its impossible to support all the different Hybrid OS's when the people are taking out and putting in whatever they want".Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get this to work without changing OS's?
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May 10, 2010
Here is what I am seeing/getting...
1. My work pc (Win XP) sees the BB and the media card. I have been able to move photos etc to it at work. This pc only has 1 hard drive.
2. My step-son's PC (Win XP) is the same as above. It sees it and can access it. This pc only has 1 hard drive.
3. My home PC (Win 7) cannot see the media card either with windows explorer or the BB software. This pc has 1 sata drive, broken into C: and D:, 2 IDE drives E: and F:, DVD-rom is G.
5. My home PC can see the media card in disk management console, plus in the device manager
6. People at work (Win 7) have no problems seeing their cards.
7. When I plug in the BB, it grabs drive letter H:, but no media card
8. Mass storage mode, media card support and auto enable mass storage mode when connected are on
9. All of my hard drives on the home pc are formatted as NTFS, and the BB is FAT
Just got the storm 2 last week.
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Apr 22, 2010
I dunno about that pic, if it is running OS 6.0 it doesn't look like the OS is taking up that much memory. I don't see why a device with 256 couldn't run it. Yea it wouldn't boot up with 130 like it is now, but still. 256 should be enough.
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Apr 11, 2010
Ok so i just recently took apart my storm 2 due to cracked the process i broke my media card in half...oops. Ok so i tried to superglue it back together and a message popped up on the scree "media card cannot be accessed due to fatal errors" i put it another media card in my storm 2 and i got the same message.
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Jan 15, 2010
I got a new or rather refurbed phone when my 6 week old 9550 lost its ear/headset speaker. i have the lastest desktop software for os x and the lastest os on the 9550. I am also running the latest 10.5 updates for my powerbook. i got everything straighted out accept for the music sync. i had about 10-11 gigs of music on it. syncing just fine. since the new phone no matter what i do it ties to sync my entire library everytime i try to sync it.i have an itunes playlist just for it, i have renamed that. i always set it to sync just to that. i even knocked the playlist down to about 1.7 gigs. so no no matter if i delete all music, select and un select the playlist i want and only that, turn music syncing on, try, clear, wipe turn off sync, on try again nothing.point is no matter what i do. i set it to sync to one playlist and it ends up trying to do my entire library has been this way since the new phone. please someone help. everything else seems to work just fine with the syncs. contacts are a little dumb but it sends one way from the comp. that im fine with and was a problem on first pohone.
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Mar 17, 2010
I just got a replacement Storm 2 dated Mar 6, 2010. My old Storm worked pretty well but sometimes the bottom row buttons would stick, especially when using the Seidio extended battery with the plastic battery cover. I have a week or so to try both out before sending back the old one.
The new screen feels more... buttery. Its smooth. Buttery smooth. The old screen is clickier. The bottom row buttons on the new screen are a little sloppy compared to when you press the middle of the screen. Does anyone else notice this? I don't like that.But so far the new screen hasn't locked up on the bottom row as much, especially when trying to use it while the Storm is lying on a table.
For typing, the old screen seems just a bit faster, maybe just a bit less pressure required. New screen is a bit harder to type on but smoother.The old screen has a warmer white color than the old, but that is OK the old was fairly "blue".I don't know for sure yet which I like better! But will update here as I find more. If new screen prevents "hard button" syndrome than that's probably enough.
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Apr 14, 2010
What the heck do you use it for? I know what it can be used for, but what do you use it for? So far mine is empty, and I haven't run across anything to use it for yet. Just wondering if there is something obvious that I am missing that people are using it for.
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Feb 26, 2010
I read that Opera Mini was much faster browsing internet comparing to the default bb browser.i run opera mini Beta 5.2 but is by far more slow that browsing with the BB default internet browser...Which is the best and faster internet browser for BB storm2 - 9520??i´m running the .497
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Jan 4, 2010
i just got a storm 2 9550 unlocked originally verizon. m unable to bet teh browser working it gives me the error msg " this is a wifi service"plus i have no idea what settings i have to do it shows edge.. but i dunno how to work it.. using it in india.. have vodafone as well as an airtel sim.... dont mind using either if someone can help me wit the settings.
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Jan 28, 2010
i just got my storm2 a few days ago and was wondering if there is a way to transfer my address book from my curve to my storm2. Can it be done through the desktop manager on a computer? a friend of mine said she went into best buy and they have a special system that connects both the phones and transfers the info. I just dont want to take a special trip to BB just to do this if i can do it my self on a computer.
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Mar 10, 2010
You've probably all been asked this loads and I've read some forums posts and tried software but ive not been able to find a solution or answer.Basically Ive just got myself a Storm2 and was told by my provider that I could sync my emails from outlook to my device and back like a windows mobile device. As ive found out this isnt the case, I really like the phone and dont want to hand it back over to swap for another device but if I dont find a solution then I wont have a choice.My question is, is there any software available that will sync my device to my computer the same as a WM device does through activesync?I have tried Astrasync and Notifysync both which throw errors up and dont work
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Sep 15, 2010
I am trying to use my Storm 2 as a Wifi only device as I have switched to another phone. I have set up the Wifi connection to my router and disabled the mobile network. The problem is that only some applications are able to connect to the Internet successfully. I am able to send message through Blackberry Messenger and Pandora streams music but I cannot receive e-mails, load anything in the web browser or use the Facebook app. I am getting an error stating that the device could not connect to the Internet. Does annyone know what might be causing this and how to fix it?
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Jan 31, 2010
Any recommendations on programs for the storm2?
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Jun 19, 2010
I'm a new user here, also a newbie to BB, I really love that something like this site exist, and I was reading thru the forums and I can see alot of expertise and experience in posts, I hope that someone will help me with my issue.
I've got a BB Storm2 9550 from Verizon, that was working fine until I accidentally dropped it and it cracked the whole screen, but the device was working NP. I decided that I will buy a new replacement part display and replace the damaged one with the new one. So I do have a new display and I take apart my damaged 9550 removed the display and replaced for the one I ordered, It turns out its a display from 9920 not 9550, the phone symbols looks a bit different, both red and green are sharped on ends and facing down and the BB logo and the back button on the new display is smaller. That would not do anything else then a slight change in the look that i absolutely dont mid at all....
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Apr 5, 2010
Title explains it all after mulitple battry pulls my lock button only locks the device untill I hit the unlock button. The screen to enter the password doesn't show up. it just says " screen is locked press power button to unlock". I need my device to have a password.
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Mar 23, 2010
I just got my Storm 2 this afternoon (I had a Storm 1 for 1-1/2 years). After I restored my files from Desktop Manager I went to Application Loader to see what I wanted to take off or put on. I removed all the foreign language stuff and added a few items. When I clicked next I got an error message saying there was not enough memory in my device. This is crazy since I have 117 MB of free application memory. I am using Desktop Manager v. 4.7 that worked fine for my Storm 1. Do I have to use v5 for the Storm 2, or is it some other problem.
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Mar 26, 2010
I always thought that the code files when you do a backup are pin specific and you can only use them on one device at a time. But the other day I transferred a premium theme. I paid for to my roomates s2 from one of my backup folders and it works perfectly fine. Does this mean that we could just share any app between storms as long as they don't ask for a reg code? Or was this just a fluke and it shouldn't have worked?
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Jun 12, 2010
Got an unlocked 9550 (VW) activated but I am not getting emails (have BIS plan). I went to tmobile to change the device (PIN and IMEI) but tmobile says "The information you have provided is not valid for this provider."Also, I can't update the host routing table. It's blank and registering doesn't do anything. APN is set to
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Jan 20, 2010
what color would you like your storm2 to come in? i wish they had a platinum type of storm 2. wouldnt that be cool.
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Apr 19, 2010
I'm considering getting the Incredible (terrible name) when it comes out but I really don't want to pay the $600 retail. What are my options to lower the cost? How much can I sell my S2 for assuming I make an insurance claim on my current cracked one and receive a nice new one? Is there any way VZW will let me upgrade?
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Mar 19, 2010
BBSAK IS NOT DOING THE JOB...I'm trying to load the backup file that bbsak produced through desktop manager application load and i get this error
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Jun 2, 2010
Like many have done, I've got a replacement S2 on its way to me and have to consider how to treat it when it get here.Are there any known memory resource issues or corrupt files issues when using Device Switch Wizard within Desktop Mgr? I could certainly build it up from scratch, but the Switcher could make life easier, if it doesn't bring its own unique set of problems with its use.Any insights from those who have used both methods on the same model device?
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Feb 10, 2010
I've been a Blackberry user since November '09 and have a Storm 2.I am very aggravated and at my wit'send.I read all the threads about moving pics from your device to your media card, but nothing is working.I moved them all individually.What I am attempting to do:When I take a pic with my camera, I'd like it to save automatically to my memory card.
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Feb 3, 2010
My ex 9550 (which had this problem when i had it, and now went to my brother), gives me the error from the title. its a verizon unlocked storm 2, on a GSM argentinian carrier.
I guess its the exact same thing as:
I post this here just in case the CDMA phone has some extra weird thing..
This happened on .320, hybrids older than .428, and now on current hybrids
If there is a better place to post these 2 as one thread.
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Mar 19, 2010
I have scrolled through the forums reading about both these phones and i have a few questions
1.What i am still unsure of is which phone is better suited to Canadian phone companies neither will get 3g coverage but will one work better than the other like will they both get 2.5g coverage?
2. Also i have read that possibly the 9520 will be comin to rogers but i havnt heard anything recent on it does anyone have news on a release date or anything?
3. Right now i am thinkin of buyin the storm 9550 from telus and either goin with fido or terminate my contract with them and stay with telus or move to rogers. Is there a company that is better suited to the storm 2 or will either giv me 2.5g?
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Jun 8, 2010
607-based download here 9550/9520.
1. install to pc.
2. install this over folder
2a. shrink your os if you want
3. install to phone
this hybrid includes:
- .732 in about screen
- 150+ .748/.732 files including browser
- the rest .689+
- latest: app world, bbm, docs2go, facebook, twitter
- bbhybrids launcher (optional)
- shrink-a-os (optional, but recommended)
- bbsak (optional, excellent tool)
- blackberry master control program (optional, another excellent tool)
- multi-language support download here
517-580-based download here 9550
1. install to pc
2. install this over folder
2a. shrink your os if you want
3. install to phone
1. install to pc
2. install this over folder
2a. shrink your os if you want
3. install to phone download here
this hybrid includes:
- .608 in about screen
- 120+ .748/.732 files including browser
- the rest .580 files/6xx
- latest: app world, bbm, docs2go, facebook, twitter
- bbhybrids launcher (optional)
- shrink-a-os (optional, but recommended)
- bbsak (optional, excellent tool)
- blackberry master control program (optional, another excellent tool)
- multi-language support
both hybrids: added apps:
- bbhybrids theme (by rellims)
- bbscanner
- berryblab (vbulletin client)
- bolt/opera5 browser choices
- google maps
- poynt
- quickpull free
- ubertwitter
- Internet
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Feb 15, 2010
I guinea pigged this, and can confirm it works...partially !!! Install .451, replace java folder with .497, then copy and paste .484 java over that... (NOTE: you may experience an app error reset, just let it reboot and you should be fine!)
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Mar 8, 2010
One is $4 and one is $15,One has alot more features and one doesnt.One has alot of bugs and one doesnt. Compare the 2 and post your thoughts.Advanced Device Locks for BlackBerry - Business & Finance BlackBerry Apps - Crackberry BlackBerry Apps Store .New App! Ultimate Lock | The Ultimate Lock for the BlackBerry
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