BB Storm :: Setup Wizard Only Allow To Setup Exchange Email?
Mar 20, 2010
I recently re-activated my old Storm for my wife (her first smartphone). After reactivation, I tried to set up email so she could check her Hotmail, but the setup wizard only shows one option - enterprise email through Exchange. I know when I use to use the Storm myself, I had both Hotmail and a POP email account set up with no problems. Is this a device issue or a carrier issue? I had Bell activate the Storm on a minimal (200MB) BlackBerry data plan and the phone seems to work fine (as a phone, at least!)
I bought my first BlackBerry (Curve 3G 9300) on Friday and tried to setup a personal email account on the phone via the setup wizard earlier today.The phone said that an update to 6.11...... was needed in order to do this. I let it update, now the phone is just hanging after starting up. If I do a start up after removing the battery it comes up with a black screen with the BlackBerry logo and a progress bar below it. The progress bar moves along until the end, this takes around a minute. It then shows something like a little clock over the logo for about a second. Once this disappears the phone says with the logo and the completed progress bar - and just hangs there.
I changed the password on my email account online and when I went to change the password on BB Storm2 - I kept getting error. So I deleted the account and restarted the process using BB Email setup wizard. Now I keep getting "update failed" and doesn't go far...tried it several times.
Here is the additional information about the BB: BB9550 - v5.0.0.1015 (Bundle 1656, Platform
i can not find the setup wizard or setup for that matter. the folder that should have setup reads "extras" and inside reads calculator and currency converter.
My N97 was in for repair recently - it totally froze and wouldn't boot up. That has been fixed and firmware v.20 has been flash installed as well. So far, so good.
BUT, I now find that the Nokia E-mail Setup wizard keeps cutting in and asking to connect to the internet. How can I stop this? Uninstall the e-mail widget? I have incidentally set up my e-mail boxes so I don't need that setup wizard.
We were give an unlocked 8520. In the Setup Wizards group there is no email setup wizard, only a corporate mail setup wizard. Is there a way to recover the email setup wizard?
i had an email set up on my BBerry 9700?wanted to try it out so he popped his virgin simcard in the phone. When i returned my sim card in there, everything but my Email wasn't showing up.I try and go into the Email setup wizard and it wont even allow me to do so.I get an error that says "There was an error trying to access the service. Please Try again. Contact virhin Mobile at 1 888 999 2321 or 611..
On my set up folder, I only have three icons; setup wizard, set up wi-fi and set up bluetooth. Email set up application is lost. And when I go to Setup wizard - Email setup, the only option its giving me is to use a work email account with a blackberry enterprise server.I was able to use it before to set up my yahoo email account. But when I deleted my yahoo email address, the set up was lost too.
and cured it? I downloaded the Nokia mail (for S60), set up 2 accounts with no problem and can use the mail with no difficulties. However, every time I start my phone, the question "Allow application to use network to send or receive data?" comes up. If I reply "No" then everything continues as normal. If I say "yes" the email setup wizard starts for setting up a new account. Does anyone know how to stop this startup behaviour?
I bought a 2nd hand 8900 but it doesn't have the wizard to set ip my email I've looked in all options and menus but there is nothing for email. I set up blackberry in my company and I wonder if this device is set to enterprise activation instead of other activations. I called my carrier o2 but the weren't helpful and said it was because I was on the wrong tariff and didn't have an o2 email address. I've wiped the device could updating the software out this back? It doesn't show a carrier when I start it up I think it was originally purchased as a sim free device. Any thoughts?
I can view the person who had this phones email account, but I can't set my new one up. I use the "email setup wizard" go into it, connect, and then it asks me my email address, I enter the CORRECT one and that's as far as this thing will let me go. I don't even get to the part where it asks me for a Password. after I enter my email address it tries to connect to the server (which is yahoo mail) and then I get the message "Unable to connect to server. Try again later."....And that's all it keeps doing. I have no clue how to set up an email on this phone. I use it with my WAN connection and with my providers internet and get the same message both times.
One of our clients recently changed from Android to the new BB Bold 9900, but we can't seem to get any exchange email to work. I believe the problem lies with the setup requiring OWA address, while our OWA is only internal only.With Android, all we had to do is put domain, exchange server and username. Is there hope still? Perhaps a thirdparty app?
I am trying to configure bold 9700 to receive my work emails. server info: Service: Exchange 2003 Protocols: https (443) Authentication : Certificate & Network logon Currently using owa to access email using this url: It will require certificate to access the main page of OWA. Once authenticate then use network logon to access mailbox.
My Blackberry is frozen on the setup wizard screen--trackball/pad is inoperable. I recently downloaded LifeinPocket App, did the restarted and that was the end.
i have been using email service for more than a year now through my BB storm 2 (9520) recently i got a message that i need to verify my email password and as i did that through email set up i got the pop up msg as " email address and password do not match " however when i use my mail on laptop it works with the same password. i formatted my phone also still it wont work?
I just got Blackberry storm 9550 phone with unlocked, I bought this phone from verizon wireless, but I use different SIM card in order to travel around the world, the phone is working very well, but I can not setup the email account, the system does not allow me to set up email account.when I select an email setting option, the system ask me provide my Enterprise activation password, I do not know how to get password, also I just only want to use the personal email box, do not want to use the enterprise emailbox.
Ok just switched from a storm 9530 to the bold, after doing a restore of all my backups i now have the call log on my phone from my previous phone. Is there a easy way to delete the call log history.
Yesterday and today my email accounts will not re-validate (if thats a word). I read all the messages about passwords being "incorrect" which affects validating email accounts and this is my problem. I have done the same thing: changed passwords, tried logging in through the computer and showing the password so i know its correct etc. I have even waited hours before attempting to validate my email again.
I would like to know if it is possible to bypass the setup wizard on my nexus 5 running marshmallow as my touch screen won't work (Because I dropped it) and the setup wizard won't allow me to use a mouse and keyboard using otg.
I got a 32gb Nexus 5 today. I don't have a sim in the phone yet, but I wanted to set it up. I went through the setup process, skipped the sim setup, added my google account, etc.
When it started automatically downloading things, this message popped up saying Setup Wizard has stopped working. I hit ok, and did see the error again. No other issues yet, but just curious about that one.
Is it a google app that needed to be updated? Or is it the fact there is no sim? Like I said no other issues (for the 10 minutes I've used it). Just curious.
Oh and a quick edit - I've done a factory reset and cache wipe.
I've been using my blackberry bold for quite some time and suddenly I just can't connect to the wifi. I mean whenever I check the box for turning wifi on, it wont turn on and when I do wifi setup wizard it says "unable to turn wifi on". I did clean reload of BB OS, I even did a downgrade for BB OS, I erased all the data and set everything to default but yet no results. I am already subscribed for BIS plan, its just frustrating to watch myself upgrading and downgrading and erasing datas for the past 4 hours just for turning on the wifi....
Somehow I do not have the "I want to create or add an email address" option but only the bb enterprise server option. Thus am not able to setup my gmail account as my address on my bb.
I need to update my password for my email address on my phone. However, I have no Email Settings option in the Setup folder.What do I need to do to edit my settings?
While configuring my Gmail account in my Xperia X10 Mini, I am constantly getting this message The application Setup Wizard (process has stopped unexpectedly, and I am unable to go any further. What could be the reason for this?
Ok this is my situation. I have a blackberry curve from tmobile. My sister got a new phone so she gave me her blackberry storm 9350. I went to a cell phone shop around my area and they unlocked the storm so i can use it with my tmobile sim card. I put on the sim card and i thought everything was working perfect but then i found out that i have multiple problem.
The good: I can make calls, i can use the internet.
The bad: when i place a call my sister number appears in the other person phone (not my tmobile number), i cant call my voicemail, cant setup my email, cant receive calls and more problems i still havent discovered lol.
After changing network I had to re register my new sim for the blackberry service for my email. When i entered the email set up program it prompted me to update from 6.10.1119.1125 to 6.11.0324.1701. After this i rebooted the device and tried to setup my email. When I enter the email setup program it "hangs" on "checking for updates" or sometimes "checking settings" . It will not go past this screen and I am unable to set up my email. I have contacted Three Uk customer service and they have no resolve. Can you help as I cannot use the email service on my blackberry. I have also tried to setup on the website but it says I must setup on my device for the 9800 phone.
I have a problem setting it up to connect with my works exchange server.
- I put in the email and the password, it wont connect
-I then key in my username, it still wont connect
- I Press Advanced
- Then I key in the Server (Webserver) without the "https://"
- The Sign in button is gray and it wont connect
- I uncheck the SSL option, no cange
- I've mailed the SSL Certificarte, and tried both with SSL on an SSL of, still the Sign In button is gray.
Since it is Windows on the phone, there should be no problems connecting with MS Exchange i should think.This have been working quite easy with my iPhone and HTC with Android.there I just keyd in Mailadress, username, password and server.