BB Storm :: 9550 Auto-Correct Or Suretype... Can't Turn It Off?
Jan 25, 2010
lackBerry 9550“ Storm2Smartphone (3G, CDMA, Wi-Fi)V5.0.0.320 (Platform4.2.0.124) {17}I am thoroughly frustrated by trying to type on my new Blackberry Storm2.Even when using the full QWERTY keyboard (either portrait or landscape) if I type he software gives me a choice of If I dont choose one it corrects my typing automatically and often makes the incorrect choice.have found information on turning off Suretype and using a full QWERTY keyboard in the portrait mode but that hasnt solved the problem!
I was looking in my backups in Desktop Manager and noticed a file called CustomWordsCollection. I suspect this is the SureType "learning" dictionary. I want to wipe it out and start over.So I loaded this up in advanced and selected the line and clicked "clear". But it won't clear. So then I thought I might try to find an earlier back up with only a few words (my current one has 200+) and overwrite the existing one. So I found one with 37 records. I double arrow clicked to move the older backup from the left to the right, and it ADDED those words. I can't figure out how to just wipe out the existing 200+ customwordscollection. I thought I was supposed to be able to clear these and it would basically "delete" the number to 0. Am I doing something wrong or misunderstanding the functionality? Please help. I'm pretty confident this is the file that needs to be wiped out to get me to a start over place.
is there a way to turn off auto correct while still having it make suggestions? you could on previous builds but in mm it appears as though you either use spell check or not... there's no option to turn off auto correct.
how on earth I turn off the autocorrect word thing in messaging?I like the word suggestion line but I don't want it to auto-correct my words in the message.I can't seem to find anything in the Settings to do it.I have updated my phone this very morning to get the latest firmware so it's not that.
Is there any way to turn off Suretype on the Storm2? It is a real pain in the a** to be typing and have this list of suggestions constantly in your face/in your way. I'm trying to help my companion with his set up (I went to the Tour - hated th touch screen, I prefer the physical keyboard). I haven't found any way to turn off suretype, but thought I would ask here.
anyway to get the suretype keyboard in landscape. I am having horrible trouble trying to use the full keyboard in landscape. Or maybe a bigger full keyboard in landscape
My blackberry storm automatically downloasds apps like Bing, My verizon, nfl mobile and when i delete these apps it re-downloads then. I need to shut off the automatic download feature.
Is there a way to make the icons bigger on the scene? My suretype keyboard used to be able to see without squinting, but not anymore. I've tried changing the font but it stays the same.
I originally posted this in the "Storm2 Problems" thread, but I've gotten no responses so I was hoping I might be able to find my answer somewhere else.
This is kind of a general Suretype question, I've searched and searched, and used the options that it gives you when you're making a new thread, and still don't have an answer.
Anyway, here's my question:
This isn't the only word, but this is my example as it is probably the most common. When using Suretype, I was trying to type "serious" I accidentally typed out a word "seei". I hit the first four letters then accidentally hit enter. Now whenever I type "are" or "see", which many of you know you commonly have to figure out which one you want of the two, or anything after that, I get an option for "seei", which is not a word. It has not been added to my custom dictionary, but it is there when I'm typing. Is there anyway to get rid of this word so I don't have to scroll past it (and sometimes I still accidentally click on it)?
Lets say my phone is set to turn off at 9PM. If I turn it back on between 9:01 and say, midnight, will it turn itself off when I've stopped using it for some prescribed time, or will I have to manually turn it off myself If I want it "off" for the remainder of the night?
I have a storm 2 which my office insists on being password protected. The keyboard defaults to suretype and my password is 4356. However I changed my keyboard settings to full qwerty for a bit and then forgot to change it back before the phone locked. Now I don't know which letters correspond to the numbers of my password!
My screen on my storm 9550 wont turn on the screen just stay black but some time it come on for a second and im able to press the SMS then it freezes three line pop ups then turns white or grey then back black but when I press the sleep button on the top of the phone the lights for the (phone, menu, back, and hang up) light up but the screen still black you can some time seen my screen at night or when you outside but the screen stays black and you can't do any thing.
Not sure if thats what its called, but everytime i am typing a word, a box pops up with letters that its suggestion to finish do i shut that off?
When im typing on the phone by itself remove the space between common symbols and letters, a clear example.. i want to mean im at some restaurant, i try to type it as "@ dogan's" but my phone as soon as i type the first letter after the blank space.. removes it.. and i end up on "@dogan's". i want to know if it is a MotoBlur issue, or a Android 2.1 (Eclair) Issue.
Not sure why but all of a sudden for the last 2 days, the ios auto-spelling correct feature keeps changing the word "me" to "mr". I don't want to turn the feature off because it's useful for correcting all my other mistakes but that one is really annoying because I never use "mr" (all lower case) and often use "me" Does anyone know how to edit the "dictionary" its using to make the corrections. I've got a jb ip4. It's been jailbroken for awhile and this problem is only recent so I know it's not tied to having just been jailbroken.
Just noticed that iPhone will auto-capitalize its own name, and Satan, but not God. Any way to make God also auto-capitalize?And for that matter, how do you reject an auto-correct decision? When you hit Space it puts in its suggestion, then you have to backspace and type it again. Helpful when it's right, but pretty annoying when it's wrong.
This is the one thing that consistently drives me nuts! I don't want to disable it completely as most of the time it is helpful unless you try to type out "be" and "BR" pops in.
Just a suggestions for Moto, auto-correct should not automatically correct proper nouns. It is impossible to have every name in any database, so if I capitalize a word, it should just leave it alone. I have typed so many things on fb and elsewhere only to see a name of a person or place coming up something ridiculous after I put it up.
won't say it on here, but you have got to see what my iPhone suggested when I accidentally hit a wrong key spelling right. I can't get it to do it again, but it was hilarious when it did!
So at one time or another I typed "tge" instead of "the" but I hit the little X when the iPhone suggested "the" (accident) and now the iPhone recognizes "tge" as a word and never corrects it.Where is the iPhone User Dictionary so I can remove the word "tge"? I've searched and searched but there isn't much out there.
I have a Nokia 1520 and I love the phone. I have been curious about the autocorrect function and have tried looking for these options myself but I can't find answers.
1. my phone recognizes that cant and dont (without apostrophes) are misspelled words, but it still does not autocorrect them. It does pop up with word replacement and I can tap on the can't or don't suggestion, but why does the phone not automatically change it out?
2. is there a way to set which words I want replaced with something? I know the iphone has an option to switch out words but I can't find anything like that on my windows device.
I do not want to reset my dictionary as I have had the phone for a while, it is inconvenient and it seems like there would be an option to fix it.