BB Storm 9530/9500 :: Deleted Videos Still Show Up On Media Card
Jan 8, 2010
Whenever I connect my Storm to my laptop to transfer videos on to the media card in my Storm, when I disconnect it, and go to media:video, every video that I have ever had on my phone is listed. A battery pull refreshes the list, and it then only shows the videos that are actually currently on the card. Is there any way I can refresh the list without rebooting?
When I connect my Storm to my pc and open My Computer then open the blackberry drive then click video folder, then copy files to pc all my videos on my Storm disappear. I can access them on the pc but can't find them on the phone. I pulled the bat and disabled/enabled media card but still nothing.
For the past 3-4 days I've been having problems with emails being deleted from my handheld that I didn't actually delete. I have it set to keep messages for 30 days but emails I got on Thursday and Friday are already gone. When I deleted something else today I noticed that the saved messages I had are no longer on my handheld. I saw on another thread to increase my memory but it's currently at 39 for applications and 866 for the I need more and how do I get it? If not is there something to do to?
I have noticed this problem for awhile now. I did a search on the forum and noticed that others are having the problem but I don't see a solution. When I set the volume on the track I am playing either to a low setting or a high setting it always resets itself to what sounds like about 65-75% of the max volume.For example, if I set the volume at max with audio boost, it will lower the volume. If I have the volume set to 30%, it will increase to the "standard" setting.This only seems to affect the headphones (aux jack), I tried it with the external speaker and it stays the same. I have tried it with audio boost on and off, and have enabled and disabled enhanced audio.This is a terrible problem, it renders the media player almost a hazard, especially if you are riding a bike or driving a car and have to play with the volume between every song.
Does anyone remember seeing a app or program that allowed you to check the time by just pressing the menu button and it showed on the list, instead of coming out of the program you are in to check the time?
I bought my storm a few months ago and always assumed that the 8gb card it came with, worked. Recently, I started getting apps and themes, and went to my memory and my total memory is 879.2 MB. There is an 8 GB card in it but says there is not one inserted and everything is enabled...
I've searched high and low for people posting about a similar experience, but after trying several different suggested methods, nothing seems to work.First off, I have a Napter-to-Go membership that I use exclusively on my Storm.This type of setup requires that I plug my Storm in and sync it to Napster every month or so in order to validate the DRM on each song. I noticed about a month ago that even after plugging my phone in and syncing that some files were not being validated (they won't play at all).
I was told that my best bet would be to reformat the card (specifically remove the music file) and start fresh.Unfortunately I've attempted doing this on several levels, including:
- Manually deleting every song via Napster (didn't work)
- Accessing JUST the memory card and attempting to delete the music folder AND after that failed (told me something about write protection) I attempted to reformat the entire card, which also failed.
- Using Blackberry Desktop Manager and attempting to delete said music via the Roxio program, which only froze after I attempted to access a listing of my music.
I have a 9530 that is unlocked, that I am trying to use in Colombia, South America. It shows I have a signal, but there is that red triangle at the top of the screen, showing that I have no service. I know it is unlocked because everything says security disabled... I also changed the phone number to the SIM phone number, but still am getting nothing...
I had a question about the 9500. Im currently using the 9530 from verizon and was thinking about selling it and getting a 9500 cuz i have t-mobile and im tired of the EDGE/edge problem.....I was just curious if any of you happen to know if the 9500 has the EDGE/edge problem that the 9530 has with T-Mobile.
I wish there was an easy way for me to portray the amount of disdain I have for my Storm at this time, however, that won't do me any good!I'm just looking to get some insight to my problem and whether or not it can be resolved! It would be really unfortunate if I had to replace my lump of a phone as I am a college student that just moved away from home and am in the middle of my two-year contract.My phone is still in operating order minus the faulty touchscreen, it still receives messages, emails, and even phone calls. All the side buttons work, in short, the screen is just dead.I did not drop it nor spill any liquids on it and I've performed a plethora of battery pulls. I'm at a loss!Let me describe the events that occurred before (seemingly) death of my touchscreen. I was at a friends house preparing for a 9/11 5k race when I noticed my battery was running low so I left it in a safe place to quietly run out of steam because I had no need to carry a phone during a race. At this point it was still fully functional. After the race, I check my phone to see if it was out of power yet which it was. I get home later that night and charge it only to rudely surprised by an inoperable screen. I cleaned the screen and did a few battery pulls afterwards in hopes it was only a minor problem to no avail.
A little hardware information that may be of use:
Verizon Carrier
OS .328
I was also in a moderate car crash the day prior so perhaps that may have caused some problems? Externally, my phone is in mint condition. I suppose this just hasn't been my week!
According to bbleaks, it sounds as though there insinuating that an OS leak for Storm 9500/9530 will be coming within the next week or so. If its true then sweet! Can't wait!
as above. blackberry storm sorry if this is duplicated but i cant find anything when i search. I had this problem previously not sure what i did to fix it.
My Storm 1 crashed Sunday night with message on screen stating 'Reload Softwares 552'. I called Verizon Tech Support and they just ended up giving me a brand new Storm 2 for free! All I had to do was re-sign my contract for another two years. Gonna miss my Storm 1 but the Storm 2 is sweet! Just got it today. Anyone wanting to upgrade, try using that excuse.
My browser and email stopped working about 3 days ago and I spent almost a whole day on the phone with support, no help. They had me do everything including delete all my service books and now there is nothing in the host routing table. They finally said, we cant help. My phone is stuck on lower case edge and I cant get data.
i have a unlocked blackberry storm for tmobile i can send and recieve texts and the internet works fine, however when i try to call it says no channel/circuit avaliable. i went to india for a few weeks and calling worked just fine there is there any way to fix this problem?
I'm having is when I go to send the service books to activate email I keep getting update failed I tried the diagnostic test and manually sending the books. I was wondering if I can replace the verizon email service books with att's books also if that is possible what books will I look for in crackutil any help is appreciated
Has a Storm and it just shut off on. When I pull the battery, the red light comes on for a few seconds and the screen and buttons light up. Then, it starts over. 20 minutes later and it's still in that same cycle.
It's rocking Verizon's official 5.0 and she doesn't do anything to modify or hack it. I've never encountered this before.
I'm wondering if the OS became corrupt, but we're @ Red Lobster and there's nothing I can do now.
Somtimes when reading a text or using camera my Storm will re-boot and when it comes back up it will say the battery is dead. This happens after its been on the charger all night. The only way to fix it is to use quickpull. Which i have set to re-boot everyday at 5am.. Could my battery be going bad or what?
So my old, wine covered Storm is gone and I got a brand new replacement from Telus today. Hurray! I backed up the old phone and restored it backup on the new one, but all my third party apps are gone (Telus told me that they should transfer, but I was skeptical). Is there anyway to get these back without having to re-download them all? There's two or three that I actually paid for... it would suck to have to re-buy them!
I'm looking at BlackBerry Desktop Manager, and there's an option to import 3rd party apps from the old phone to the new one, but you need to have both phones at the same time I think. Not too handy!
For the past 4 or 5 days I am waking up to find my 4 E-Mail accounts wiped off my Storm. I add them again and by the nex day they are all gone again. I went to a Verzon Service center and they were at a loss as what to do. They suggested I go home and call a Verizon tech to walk me through a hard reset. I insisted on calling from the store which clearly irrritated the employees there. When I spoke to the tech at the 800 number she was incredulous that they wouldn't help me at the store. She asked to speak to the supervisor there. They had a short conversation and he hung up and said I need to do a hard reset but the store policy is not to do that.
So, I went home and calle dtech support again and did the hard reset and reset my 4 email accounts. This was last night. This morning 2 of my accounts were deleted from the phone and the other two, while there were non-functional. The E-Mail setup function was gone from my phone. I had to do a restore to get it back and reset my accounts again. I'm guessing my only recourse is to go back to a verizon store again and insist on yet another replacement? I'm really beginning to hate Verizon.
I'm having trouble with video playback on my Storm. I put movies on that I have used and have worked before, and now will not. When I play movie it gets the green loading alert in corner then starts to play the audio only with no video. I am on .419 shrunk, is it possible it removed something to play video. My recorded movie from camera do playback.
I have had my Storm since it came out. I take great care of it, only update with official revs of the BB OS. I only have a few applications. I turned it on a few days ago and got a white screen that had a JVM error 102. Called VZ tech support and they told me I had a corrupt file in the OS and asked me to unistall and reinstall. I have done this 5 times and still I have a white screen that has reset on it. Even doing a cold boot, nothing changes.
I am having trouble trying to use the Voice Dialing feature on my phone.It used to work fine, but now any time I try to access the Voice Dialing, it goes to to the Voice Dialing screen, and it starts Initializing/syncing, but it just backs out back to the main screen.I've tried using convenience keys and the touch screen to access Voice Dialing.Nothing works.
I have looked everywhere and i cant seem to find any drivers. the blackberry website seems to say that they are on windows update and I can find them but i don't know how to extract them. Basically, i have a custom built pc and windows 7. All usb ports have been tested with other devices. I tried the desktop manager 5.0 and 4.7 and that doesn't recognize my BB. Windows says that i have connected an unknown device. I tried rebooting the device and pc and removing the battery from the device. All to no avail. Someone please tell me where to find it, give me steps to get it working, or where to find a self extracting driver. Also I downloaded the RIM blackberry smartphone driver from the windows update site and it still says it didn't install correctly
I'm looking to remove voice dialing from my storm but can't find a device software download that works. When I tried to get it from verizon's site it would not let me download the mr3 update to my computer.
could anyone please help me out i wanna delete all the pictures on my storm but dont want to do it one by one.Is there anyway you can delete them all at once?