BB Device Software :: Error Updating Device Software To 5.0?
Jul 28, 2010
I have a BB 8900, and I am trying to update the BB Device software to the latest 5.0 version, but everytime I connect my device to the computer and attempt the update through Internet Explorer, it shows that I have the latest software (4.6). How can I update this?, is this device software not yet for the Devices in Latin America?, I am located in Panama.
I'm trying to update my iphone 4. Itunes keeps giving me an error message and the support page said I needed to update itunes. So i did but I keep getting the same error message.
I was updating my Blackberry device software and after the update had finished was prompted to restart my system and the phone but my phone has since refused to come on. it keeps showing 'App Error 200' reset
The issue is that my blackberry is loading when the battery is removed and inserted again, but won't log in. After a while a white screen is displayed with the following message: App Error 200 and Reset just below it.When I select the reset option, the above mentioned process just repeats itself.
My Blackberry desktop application does not even recognise up my phone once it is plugged in again.
After updating my device software to v from v, I encountered the following issues: The keylock key on the top left of my device intermittently does not work. Sometimes, nothing happens, other times it switches the screen off but does not lock the keypad.When hitting the green phone button, the list of recent calls is displayed but the most recent call (at the top of the list) is hidden by the input field and you cannot read the number.I tried a battery pull but this did not help. File free = 120MB. I have since reverted to v but would like to do the upgrade again if these issues can be fixed? Does anyone know anything about this?
I have serious problem can't flash any rom via odin 3.10.7 I tried yesterday and flash G920FXXU3COI9_G920FOXX3COI6_XEO Today I tried install BTU and odin giving me sth like that. Cant update any new oryginal rom... Softbricked
<ID:0/003> Added!! <OSM> Enter CS for MD5.. <OSM> Binary Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable.. <OSM> Please wait.. <OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully.. <OSM> Leave CS.. <ID:0/003> Removed!!
I have made 3 attempts to update the device software on my Blackberry and every time I get an error message part way through the update then my Blackberry turns itself off and reboots. Error message: A fatal error has occurred while updating your device's software. Please try again. This happens at the same point every time - task 6 of 12 - reconnecting jvm.
Device: Nokia 5230 Provider: 02 Pay as you go (Text and web, unlim text and internet)
First problem:Updating my device;When I try to update my device, it hangs for a few seconds on 'connecting', then I get a connection error. I can connect to the net easy enough, but not update my device.
Second problem.Installing Ebuddy;I've downloaded the popular social networking application to my phone, but when it comes to installing it, i get the error message saying "CONNECTION FAILED! Your internet settings must be activated for Java applications, or try again later.
After upgrading iOS to 5.1 on Iphone 4, battery is dying every 2 hrs... I know at least 2 of my friends having same problem. We tried every thing.. like terminating the running apps by clicking on home button twice and disabling blue tooth.. turn off WiFI...But still not able to get the battery more than 2 hours..
I am trying to set up Find My Phone, which requires iCloud, which requires iOS 5. The instructions for upgrading to iOS 5 say to just follow the iTunes instructions. I have my phone connected, I click on the iphone bar, I click on the update button, and it tells me that I'm up to date with version 4.2.1. How do I update my iphone to iOS 5? Or is it even possible?
had 3gs unlocked from 02 to a three sim card,worked until i connected to laptop,then asked to update and restore now tells me to insert sim,sim in iphone already,what the ****??
My safari app won't open itunes apps page & the apple apps which are already downlaoded on the 4iOS when I purchased it have disappeared and can't download them again because safari msgs pop up reading "the site addy is incorrect!" please help
I am an owner of a Blackberry Bold 9000 device currently running OS v.4.6. I would like to update my device software to OS 5 so that I could have accessibility to new features and applications. BUT when I connect my device to my PC(running WIN 7) and check for updates through the website I get a pop-up window saying that there are no updates available...In addition, when I check from my desktop manager for updates again I get the message that no updates are available... Since I searched this issue a lot on blackberry forums I found out that I might be able to update my device software through wi-fi. But my device does not have an option for a wireless update...
so is there any way I could update my device software to OS 5? ACTUALLY, is this possible for Bold 9000 or I'm just chasing rainbows?
I was updating and my latop turned off.I tried to update it again but my software 'update install' button won't work when i click it..and it my signal bar says off now.
I have the Touch Diamond and with the first handset I got I was able to update windows from the device with no issues. I had to return this unit and received a refurbished one which I've been using for about 10 months with no issues but the windows update doesn't work.upon calling my carrier (Rogers), the guy told me they recommend I not update it from the handset rather I should do it through the PC.How important is updating the device? And where could I find it online?
I have an application installed on my iPhone iOS 5.1.0. I updated my iOS to 5.1.1 and tried to run the same app. It crashed after i clicked the icon.I deleted the app and reinstalled it again this resolved my problem but i want to know what may be the possible reason of the Crash.
When I delete videos from my media card, the playlist on the device still lists the deleted videos. How can I update the playlist to only reflect currently loaded files?
Every time I try to update my device software it backs up Ok and the gives me the following message: An error has occurred while downloading software for your device. Please verify your Internet connection or try again later, if the problem persists. I have an internet connection through my desktop. Does it need to connect through my Blackberry device or does my desktop connection suffice.
How long does it take on the average to update a Touch 9800 software. Mine seems to be taken too long, wonder if its still loading, its says connecting to device (This might take up to 30 minutes), but its been here for like 50 minutes now.
I've just bought my 9700 and when i was updating the app in my device the device suddenlly turned off and i cant turn it on no matter what ive done and the red led on the right top is keep blinking ( blink 2 times in a pause)
Blackberry Maps missing after updating to device software 5. Tried reinstalling from Blackberry website, it shows that the software is installed but cant find it on the phone.