BB Curve 8500 :: Phone Not Compatible With App World - Updated It To Latest Software Using Desktop Manager
Mar 15, 2010
I dont understand why my blackberry is not compatible with the app world iv updated it to the latest software using desktop manager and nothing works also blackberry messenger doesn't work aswell can anyone help me out?
I have Verizon Wireless 8530 Cruve, I am running Windows 7. When I open the desktop manager and plug in my phone the computer shows it but not desktop manager. I have uninstalled desktop manager and reinstalled it, I have also rebooted the computer still nothing. I plug my husbands pearl in and it connects just fine.
I just installed Blackberry Desktop Manager to my Mac. It looked like it synched up the phone to the manager just fine. I selected the two-way option for my Contacts. But I can't seem to find any support or help as to how I can view the synched up/backed up contacts. Can anyone offer support with this?
Been updating the OS on my 8530 using the pc Desktop Manager software v5.0.1 and the usb connector to the phone. I started at 11:00am this morning. It is now almost 3:00pm.It is still showing 346 of the 528 modules in the Download device Software part of the process. At this point it's a fail... But it says Do not disconnect your device... or else. What now? Very disappointing.
I just recently got a blackberry. I was wondering which desktop manager is best for the curve 8530 through sprint. because i see i can download older versions too. just wondering any input would be greatly appreciate.
I have this error code on start up. I read the other forums and have tried safe start up (by holding the back button) does not work, tried to erase the lastest 3rd party app via bb desk top but will not connect, and tried to download BBSAK but I cant seem to download the free app, the site is not letting me register. What can I try next? Can anyone email me the BBSAK app?
I've spent a week trying to get the desktop manager to detect my curve 8530 to no avail My pc windows xp professional detects it but not the manager Ive tried what i could find on blackberry forums as well as my providers support forums and nothings worked is there anything else i can do.
So I had an older Curve, and now I have a brand new Curve 3g. The older phone has malfunctioned, and I can't use the keypad, but it still recongizes the software when plugged in, and i can charge it - this is why the data couldn't be transfered from my old phone to the new one at the Verizon store. So, I want all the contacts, my to-do lists/memopads, etc transfered into the new phone using Blackberry Manager on my PC (Vista). So i selected the 'Device Transfer Wizard" from the main menu, and followed instructions - i get an error message that tells me, basically, I "need to remove some applications from my existing device because there is not enough space on the new device to accomodate them:" I don't get this - the new phone has 256mb memory compared to 32mb in the old phone, and I don't even have apps on there except facebook (I tried to delete my apps on the old phone and all it showed me as having was Facebook.So, I tried un-checking various boxes on the screen that asks what i want to transfer, and even with them all un-checked it still tells me there is not enough room to transfer.Am I doing this wrong? i just want my contacts and to-do lists transfered to the new phone - I don't know what this thing about the "applications" and such is about but I just want my data transfered.I will say that the Blackberry Manager application that I have is very slow, non-intuitive, and generally a huge pain in the **bleep** to work with - I would think that a slick tech company like Blackberry would have a far better program than this "Blackberry Manager".. I am impressed with the Blackberry phones but dread using that Blackberry Manager every time I need to (such as when putting anew ringtone on my phone).
While trying to fix an "App Error 523 reset" problem, I came across a (seemingly) very helpful post on this forum. However, I got stuck on step one because I have not yet used the Desktop Manager, and cannot figure out how to get past the initial DM welcome screen with my broken phone.My phone won't currently connect to DM because the phone can't properly start up. I need to get into Desktop Manager to access the Application Loader to fix my app error 523 problem.
When I launch Media Manager on my PC, I get a message that file "About_RIM_Background.png" is not found, and the application terminates. I found the file is present. What can I do to get pictures off my BlackBerry and into my PC?
After recently updating the Desktop Manager to 5.0.1, the Redirector no longer operates. When opening it, i get the error message."Desktop Redirector has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry..." I've unistalled Destop Manager, reverted back to 5.0.0 and I still have the same issue. This was and is currently setup with my Outlook 2003 (SP3) exchange server to forward my work emails, and it worked up until I updated to 5.0.1 last week.
I'm new to BlackBerrys, I got a 8520 the other day, I saw the app world an thought great Download this have all these beautiful Apps. When i come to download App world it says "It doesnt have the right software"
I do not have a service plan, Is this to blame? I live in the UK, Im on Orange. My software is up to date, Can anyone help?
I have tried several times to update the BlackBerry App World software on my Blackberry Curve 8520. But the update has not happened.I have connected my mobile to the desktop and Connection to smart phone is successful. It did show my PN on the Browser. Updation of the App World Software just goes on without any info that it is complete. I left the device for the whole day.So I am unable to download any software on my blackberry device.
I've recently updated my Blackberry to Verions 6.0 but I now can't view my downloads on the Blackberry Apps world as I keep getting the same message - We cannot connect you to Blackberry App World. Plase ensure that your device is connected to the wireless network and try again. I am connected to the wireless interenet as have checked this numerous times so totally confused and totally frustrated
I can't connect the blackberry to the desktop manager, it doesn't recognize my phone on the computer, but that happened when I updated my desktop manager to the next version. Because before that it worked very fine.I tried to change the configuration on the desktop manager but it didn't work out. My computer doesn't recognize my phone as an usb device either.
When downloading the blackberry desktop manager,the form asked of country and city,but it showed loading countries without it loading,now I can't download the desktop manager so as to connect my smartphone to my laptop
I bought a new blackberry, installed the OS from the Black Berry Website, but the desktop manager had no applications on it. My blackberry did not have blackberry messenger and notepad/memopad. I was able to download blackberry messenger, and that does show up on my desktop manager now, but I haven't found a notepad/memopad to download. Can anyone offer suggestions as to how I can get a notepad on my blackberry?
I have a Curve 8330 and cannot get the Desktop Manager to connect with it. This was a frequent problem for a long time until the latest DM upgrade. Suddenly, now the same thing is happening. DM just shows "connecting" but no connection takes place. I have uninstalled then downloaded and reinstalled v6 but all in fain.
i am unable to sync with my laptop (with new 9330/curve 3G) as Desktop Manager says my BB isn't connected. i am using the cable that came with thenew 'phone.the laptop can access the media on the 'phone, the laptop recognizes that the deivice is connected.
I live in the Netherland Antilles and had downloaded BB App World before. I could download only the free apps (not the one's you had to pay for) which was ok with me but never had a problem.However, I downloaded a few days ago the BB App World new version 2.0 and since then I get the message " your country is not supported yet".Anyone out there can please explain to me why the old version worked perfectly and the new version does not?
So, I've bought a brand new Curve 8530 from Koodo Mobile, it's running OS v5.0.0.654, and I can't seem to be able to attach my blackberry to any email address at all. I've tried a number of addresses and providers, short reboots [alt+rshift+del], battery pulls, updates, and shouting, but none of them seem to make my phone want to allow me to use email.
In addition to this, I can't seem to get access to the blackberry App World at all either. I've tried the same methods as above, in addition to uninstalling, and then reinstalling App world using the desktop software for windows. Am I missing something, or has Koodo locked out my main reason for purchasing this wonderful device?
If you've got any ideas on how to solve either of these issues, please, let me know, as I've racked my brain, and these forums, and I don't seem to be making any progress.Curve 8530 OS v5.0.0.654 on Koodo Mobile
Can you add contacts using the Desktop Manager software? I'm really, really lost on how to enter them without having to type them in with the tiny little keyboard.
My phone asks me where i want to charge, Usb or media sync. and my computer asks if i want to open the files but really all i want to do is use desktop manager. Ive tried the Device manager method, ive uninstalled and reinstalled i dont know what to do?
I have bb 9380 curve which has 7.0 OS, i want to update it to 7.1. I have downloaded 7.1 device software and installed it in PC but when i try to update this through Desktop Manager it shows me " There is no update available for your divice" can i update?