BB Curve 8500 :: Email Do Not Show Images - Any New Notifications From Facebook
Jun 3, 2010
two issues:
1) When I have an email, whether my personal or work, and the email contains images, they don't show up on the BB. I know within each e-mail I can ask for the images to show but is there an option somewhere for it to always show? I don't want to have to ask for the images on each e-mail.
2) At the top of the screen, I have the Facebook logo and the the number 2 right before it and it won't go away.I do not have any new notifications from Facebook-I know a red star comes with those to alert me to that.
I've got my email and facebook set up on my phone, but how can you get it to alert (with a ringtone, chime, etc)? It must be so easy, I just can't get it figured out.
I changed my number because I moved, and now I am not receiving email or facebook updates. I can "send" emails etc but nothing comes to my phone. What do I need to do to fix this?
I was using Facebook app since the first time I use my BB. Ussually, when I got notification about someone messaging me on FB, if i click on the notification item, it'll take me to the FB message screen where I can reply the message right away. But yesterday it's change, when I got notification that someone messaging me, when I click it, it only show me the email of the message like this : And I should open my FB account on browser first to reply it.Someone could tell me what's wrong with this and how to change it back to old setting where I can reply my FB messages straight from FB app?
I am not receiving any e-mail or facebook notifications on my blackberry curve 8530. took the battery out and also ran a Diagnostics Test that said I was connected. When I tried to run e-mail setting it said "having trouble connecting to server".
I could not seem to find the right postings to help me with this.I attached a simple small .jpg file and sent it to the new Sprint 8530 BB phone to use as a desktop background.The attachment is a 'Winmail.dat' file. I have downloaded the file to what I thought to me the picture folder but it does not show up.
1) Is there a setting that would automatically show the attached pics like on my old Tmobile Blackberry? (Like an 8320 series)
If I have to 'Download images' manually everytime, I am taking this thing (actually 3 of them) back to Sprint and going back to T-mobile.
I have a feeling I will be getting to know you all pretty well since all of my questions have no direct answers in any of the literature that came with my unit.For this post, I am wondering how I can filter or turn off the notifications to the email, facebook notifications that seem to come through continuously and at this given point and time confuse the heck out of me. I am only used to reading text messages. Now I have alerts going off for Email, Facebook, Texts and Blackberry messenger.
My contacts are there. But when a person calls there name does not show up there number just show. Then once im done with the call there name shows in the call log.
I stopped getting notifications for facebook and my e-mail. I tried to take the battery out, wait for 5 minutes, then turn it on again, but it didn't work. What can I do?
In the past few days, the following things have happened.....
-Email notifications no longer show up on my lock screen or the email tile. They used to, now they don't. All the setting are unchanged. -I get notifications that my phone is running out of storage space. I'm using 6GB out of 32, AND I have a 32GB card installed. -Battery drains like someone shot a hole in it. Even plugged in to the USB port on my computer, it's slowly dying. This, of course, makes the back hot to the touch. -I can't attach pictures to text messages anymore.
I'm not enrolled in any preview program, I didn't install anything strange, I didn't receive any notification updates, just business as usual until things went bad.
If your answer is going to be "hard reset" or something
Been searching here and cannot find the answer...I apologize if I missed something, but been going back and forth through the forums and online...Updated the Facebook app to latest version (1.8....) when I updated other apps/OS on my phone (8900, OS 4.6.1). Prior to that I think I had downgraded to 1.5 (or 1.6) to be able to upload photos consistently (didn't work with any "newer" version, so went backwards). With that version running...lacked features, but ran fine and photos were uploaded every time (FB started compressing them again, which is why I opted to try the update to 1.8) notifications were working properly gmail account on BB (only email associated with handheld) has FB emails set to skip inbox, mark as read etc. when you view on the web. Notifications came through FB app on BB (red star and alert) just fine, AND were "hidden" in BB messages folder. You could navigate to them, but didn't clutter the inbox. I am VERY confused about the settings on this 1.8 version. Right now I get notifications on the app (red star, can read through app), BUT they also stay in my gmail inbox on the handheld which obviously takes up a LOT of space and don't want to have to constantly delete them. I do NOT get notified of a new email or anything, but want these hidden as they were in previous version.I WANT the emails to go to my gmail account they way they had been, I just do not want them to show up on my BB in the gmail inbox. Tried settings in options menu and doing via FB on the web, but can't find the right combination. Only see people with opposite problem of NOT getting notifications through FB app on BB, and I don't want to mess anything up.Can someone please help and explain what may fix this to go back to hiding the EMAIL version of the notification JUST on the handheld without disabling notifications through the app or with my web email?
i had tmobile and switched simple mobile .with this company you must use opera mini to connect to the internet .i can connect using opera mini but my apps like facebook won't connect .how can i change the browser from bb to opera.
I get constant email, and would prefer to have my blackberry set so I don't see any notification icons visually for facebook and email. Currently, I have to click 'mark prior unopened' in order to erase the yellow mail icon with the red star -- so that the icon doesn't show up in the status bar.
I'd prefer to not see this notification at all. Same with facebook notifications. Haven't found the settings for these.
Is there any way to set the Bold 9700 so I don't see any visual notifications for email?
i just got the new bb curve 2, and i absoloutely love it, but for some reason, when i get a facehbook notification it does its regular vib/ring mix, but then every 10-20 seconds it vibrates again and it continues until i check the message, ive been woken up way too many times in the past 2 days because of this... does anyone know how to solve it?
I was uploading pictures to facebook yesterday and my phone froze...trying to get out of my seat,the fone dropped and the battery came out..i put it back in and it's been rebootong for almost 12hours...i dont know what to do.i wish there was a software to download and then plug up my phone and run it to fix. i need it on asap, because i'm losing my mind and money...also,i haven't backer-up my files on my phone,but i have an email address registered to the phone.what can i do?
I cannot seem to clear my facebook notifications from my taskbar once I have looked at them in facebook. The icon still stays on the taskbar, just without the astrick next to it.
This might sound like a silly question but i've set up facebook on my blackberry which is fine, then my mom brought the same one and asked me to set up hers aswell for her, and somehow on my moms i managed to do something that made peoples facebook pictures come up as there contact photo in her address book, but now i cant figure out how to do it on mine! lolll. I have the curse 8520,
Device info Bell Mobility Curve 8530, OS (platform
Apps and free space File free: 117980906 bytes Battery pull did not fix the issue.
I've had my Curve BB for over a month with little to no problems (it stopped 'pushing' to my custom email a couple weeks ago, but I researched and resent the service books, etc. and it worked fine after that). Now, however, it has dropped/removed my two custom email icons. Poof. Gone. One minute they were there, the next, gone. I've already checked to make sure they weren't hidden. They're not. I went into email setting again and it no longer even showed them as having been set up - one of them being my home email that is pushed to my BB and the second being my BB email itself.
I am having problems with the email on my blackberry - every time I reply to an email, I get sent the original email (which I am replying to) to my phone again. Does anyone know how to stop this?
i have a blackberry curve 9300 that was worning fine, untill i made the last upfgrade for teh new facebook version a few days ago. since the new FB version, when i get facebook notifications, they don't show on top of the screen (under teh clock) like teh bbm and the what's app notifications. now, for facebook, i only get teh red notification fot on teh folder where FB iis and on teh FB icon. nothihng on top on teh main screen like it used to.
i have been receiving facebook notifications, in the form network notification written on top of the screen from past many days ...these notifications are titled as network notifications....these notifications are neither in the form of messages or email and they disappear once i see them....i have not subscribed for any text notification on Facebook but still i am receiving these notification at odd times during night..
For the past months, whenever I post or update my status on FB I usually get the image of the BB logo. Lately, it doesn't show anymore. What do I need to do to get it back?
Why does my facebook application not always send me notifications of facebook messages I have received?I get most of my normal notifications but hardly ever get the notifications of a facebook inbox message.
i have removed all unwanted notifications from my facebook mobile app but they are all still in my messages folder on my handset and i cannot delete any of them.
I am using a Blackberry 8310. I'd like to know how I can automatically download email images. At the moment if I click the image link it opens as a separate file. But I need to see it in the body of the email as I am testing HTML email designs for mobile phones.
i have download images automatically = yes, i have enable html email = yes.however, for every email i receive with images, they are blocked out and i have to do 'get images'.how do i set 'get images' as a default for all emails. i don't want to have to do this from inside each email i get, it's so annoying.curve 9330
Many of my emails contain images.I've got my email settings to 'download images automatically' yet whenever an email has images they appear in white with the black lines box around. 'menu click' on the image + click 'get image' and the image downloads and the bleeding can i get it to show all images without clicking that one every image in an email.