BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 Connecting To Internet

Mar 1, 2010

I have a curve 8330. If my phone is not connected to any BES server, do I have to specify my TCP settings under advanced options in order to connect to the internet? Or will it connect without the APN information set?

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 No Updates Available

Aug 19, 2010

I was trying to update my BlackBerry Curve 8330m, and it says here that my BlackBerry is compatible with version 5.0, but I tried from Wireless Update and it said there were no updates available. I also tried from the update page and it told me the same thing.

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 Computer Not Recognizing?

May 24, 2010

I have two issues here on my 8330.First one is from day one, when I connect to the laptop, the BB does not show up as a drive at all. All my other phones (not BB's) have shown up as a drive where I can open folders within and drag and drop. Why can I not do this with the BB?Most recently the device manager is not recognizing my phone either, I plug it in and it shows an error with the USB, saying the device is not recognized, and in the device manager, I have a yellow exclamation mark saying 'unknown device'.

I have researched these issues online and can't find anything that will solve either of my problems and I'm getting extremely frustrated. At this rate, I'm ready to get rid of the BB and go for something like the iphone if I can't get this working properly. Seems to be more trouble then it's worth

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 Deleting E-mail

Jan 20, 2010

I have a Cellular South 8330 that I activated on 12/10/09. Everything was great until it started deleting e-mail by itself on the handset. I went back in to the store where it was purchased and was told that I needed a memory card so I bought one. Same problem occurs. I went back to the store and was told that I had to save everything to the card. The salesperson changed a setting on my phone and told me I would not have that problem again. Same problem occurs. I was then told by a former Cellular South employee that I needed to clear the event log. Same problem occurs. I have even posted this issue on blog section of the Cellular South website. No response. I had the Curve with AT&T for two years and never had that problem.

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BB Curve 8300 :: Uploading A Video To 8330

Feb 6, 2010

How can I put a video on my 8330 phone? I want to convert a movie, and don't know what format to use.

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 Wants To See All Messages In One Folder

Jan 2, 2010

I had gotten my blackberry 8330 at Christmas. From then to now, whenever I would send an sms, receive an sms, get an AIM message, get a myspace message, send anything of mms, receive mms, it would ALL appear in the same folder, the "general messages" folder. Now, when I get a message, i have to go to the sms inbox, or the sms outbox to see them. I do not want my messages categorized, so can anyone help me find a way to put all of my messages back into the general folder like before.

When I get a new message, I go to messages and it says there are no new messages. When I go to "view folders" then to my sms inbox, there it is. I would like to see my messages on the "main" message screen, without ever having to go to "view folders" .

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BB Curve 8300 :: Is Virgin Mobile 8330 Capable Of 3G?

Aug 3, 2010

Is the Virgin Mobile (canada) Curve 8330 capable of 3G?

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 Does Not Charge Using Wall Cable

Aug 30, 2010

I am having a problem with my phone and is that it does not charge using the wall cable. It does charge with the USB cable when connected to the PC (for now).The cables are the ones that came with the phone. The USB port of the phone is fine. I tested the cable and it works properly.I think that the OS v5.0.0.438 is causing the phone not to recognize when it is connected to the wall.

I am worried that it is a progressive issue and then the phone will not charge at all.Can anyone tell me if there is a fix for the USB driver of the phone for it to recognize that is connected.

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 Can Delete All Text From One Contact?

Jan 29, 2010

I have a BB curve 8330 from Verizon.. Lets say I text 10 people and I want to delete the texts from just one of those contacts.. Can I do a mass delete with out getting rid of all the other texts with out having to delete them one at a time?

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 Computer Will Not Detect BB. May Be A BB Problem.

Jan 14, 2010

Device info


Blackberry 8330 smartphone (CDMA)


Apps and free space

After battery pully and clearing cache: 33800486 Bytes

No computer in my home will detect my BB Curve 8330.

I have a Mac and a PC. I have tried both Desktop managers. My g/f has the exact phone and both computers and desktop managers will detect her phone. I have tried all posted solutions (clearing cache. hard reset, checked the mass storage device). Rebooted both computers. The one thing that my USB cable will do on my Mac is charge my phone. There is no "Do you want to enable mass storage... " when I plug it in to the Mac USB.

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 No Video Format For Phone

Jan 11, 2010

I tried to watch a video on and the following message comes up:"no video format for your phone".There seems to be no other issues with the site (thumbnails and article is clear).Is there any way I can watch videos from this site (or any site that gives this message)?

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BB Curve 8300 :: Keyboard Lock And Unlock For 8330

Jan 29, 2010

I need a way to lock and unlock the keyboard. I have searched a number of websites for an answer to my dilema and it seems several methods are mentioned but none work for me. I need to lock the keyboard when phone is in my pocket.

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 Voicemail Message Recording

Apr 21, 2010

I have a blackberry 8330 curve with service from alltel. I had originally recorded a message for my voicemail on my phone. i was wondering if anyone knew if it could be changed back to the original factory recording.

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 Address Contacts Dropping Randomly

Jan 5, 2010

Has anyone has this issue with their 8330? I will put new contacts into my address book and some will delete randomly.

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 Deleting Email Off Both & Home Computer

Sep 2, 2010

I currently have a Blackberry 8330, v4.5.0.186 (Platform used to be prompted to delete emails off both my blackberry and my home computer's Windows Mail. I think after updating the Blackberry, this option was no longer available, which requires me to read emails on my Blackberry and then to have to delete them off my home computer.

Does anyone know of a way that I can restore this function to my Blackberry?

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 Phone Stops Playing Sounds

Feb 10, 2010

I just bought a Curve 8330. Had it for about a week, maybe less. Everything was fine until a couple of days ago when the sounds stopped working. Ring tones, incoming text message beeps, etc. just stop working.When I go into the sounds options to preview ringtones, etc. and click play, the play button goes from play, to stop, immediately, regardless of how long the tune is supposed to be.The only thing I've found to fix it, is to pull the battery.

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 Unable To Add Work Email Account

Jan 13, 2010

When I did the email set up wizard, I thought my phone would only be for personal do didn't choose the enterprise email server option. Now I need to add my work email account which is through Outlook and cannot do so properly. What steps do I need to do in order to get this email set-up or to be able to change my email settings to have both an hotmail and outlook account set-up?I have a Blackberry Curve 8330

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BB Curve 8300 :: Curve 8330 Camera Won't Zoom In

May 21, 2010

I have had this bb for about 8 or 10 months camera has worked fine till last week. Went to use it and it will not zoom in.

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BB Curve 8300 :: Transfer Contacts To A Curve 8330 On A BES

Jan 7, 2010

I'm a BB newbie but recently received one for work. My problem is trying to transfer the contacts from my old cell phone (Sanyo SCP-7050) to my new Curve 8330. I took it to my local Sprint store and they said the contacts can't be transferred because the BB is registered on a BES. The Bluetooth connection won't work either, I assume for the same reason.Am I out of luck or is there some other way I can get the contacts into my BB? I have the contacts stored as individual business card files (.vcf) and was hoping there is a way to use the micro SD card to load them on somehow.

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 Media Card Format Fail On Several Good Cards

Mar 17, 2010

I've done a bit of digging, trying to find a solution to my problem before I posted, but most posts in the vein of a Media Card unrecognized/unable to format trail off into "is your SD card bad?" with no response following. So here's where I stand:

My phone: Blackberry Curve 8330
My Carrier: Verizon
My OS: v4.5.0.175

2gb media card has been used in phone since purchase in July '08. As of 2 weeks ago, phone no longer reads media card. Media card is recognized by phone (meaning phone detects whether card is present or not). Error message of "Media card cannot be read. Verify that the memory card is formatted." Attempts to format via phone fail immediately. When plugging into computer via USB (with Mass-Storage Enabled), Blackberry device is recognized, but no media card is present. A greyed-out drive ( I: ) appears in My Computer, but is inaccessable and cannot be checked, opened, or formatted (Error message; "Please insert a disk into drive I: ).

Attempted solutions:
Have used 3 different media cards: 2gb Sony, 2gb PNY, 8gb. Each card tested via SD adapter and all read correctly in My Computer: can move files to/from, checkdisk, and reformat. Have formatted all via PC. Each card gives same error "Media card....formatted" as stated above. Hard reset (battery pull) has no effect. Have removed battery for 48 hours (in case there were any stubborn capacitors, or something like that). Have turned Mass Storage, Encryption, and Media Card support On and Off, removed and reinserted card with each parameter changed, no effect (I can give you the list of all of that, but you get the idea. I'm decently thorough). Rolled back the OS to previous version (via Desktop Manager), problem still exists. Re-upgraded to current version, no change.To sum up, the phone works fine, but the media card may as well not be there. It's not the card(s), and I don't think it's the software, given that I changed the OS up and down, so I'm assuming maybe hardware. I'd appreciate any suggestions, and if you need any further info, I'll do my best to provide.

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BB Curve 8300 :: Curve 8330 V5.0 Can't Update

Jul 12, 2010

I've been trying to update my phone for about 2 hrs now and i can't seem to get it to work. I've updated my desktop to v5.0, but everytime i click the link on the website it tells me i have the current version. i checked under "about" and i have v. HOW DO I GET V5.0? oh and i have verizon if that matters.

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8330 / Unable To Read Selected Emails Using Outlook Web Access In Browser

Mar 31, 2010

I'm unable to read individual emails when using the Outlook Web Access site in the internet browser window.I am using this to check work email and would rather do it this way (over the internet) than using the e-mail client that is part of the device. I'm able to log-in to my inbox and see everything I should see, however when I try clicking on an individual email to read it, nothing happens. I've tried clicking on the sender's name, the subject line and everything else on the line for that email. When I do that nothing happens.Am I doing this wrong? Is there somewhere else I'm suppose to click? Is there possibly some setting that needs to be turned on or maybe one that is on that should be unchecked?Any help would really, really be appreciated.

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BB Curve :: Internet Not Working In 8330?

Dec 7, 2011

when i try to connect to the internet it says unable to connect to the internet please try again later

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BB Curve 8300 :: Multiple Problems On Multiple New 8330

Jan 19, 2010

In september I bought an 8330 curve. It worked great, and other than a few small things (not comfirming bbm contacts) it worked awesome, solid, never unstable. The screen started to have bubbles on the inside of it, so I took it in on warranty, and was given a new one AFTER I was sent home to make a backup. I get the new phone, came directly home and reloaded the backup. The next day, it started randomly rebooting. Even if it was just sitting there.

Sunday it shut off and when it tried to restart it just went to JVM error 102. If you reset it or did a hard reset it would always go to JVM error 102 when it tried to boot. I was out of town, and use my phone for work, so I was tickled pink, since its supposedly brand new.

Monday night they give me a new one AGAIN because nobody at the store can seem to fix it or figure it out. I go home, reload my data, wich is now a week old, and within a few hours it randomly starts rebooting agian. Then it wouldnt start, just flash the red LED, wich it did regardless of how many times I tried a hard restart. Eventualy this morning after 8 hours of flashing the red LED, I did a hard restart and it work.

I don't download apps. I use the phone, text, email, and I email pictures to my boss. Its the main reason i have a BB, so I dont get killed on MMS message charges, I just have unlimited email and I send the pics on email. The odd time I browse. And I don't do any of the things ppl talk about on crackberry where they are farting around doing things they arent supposed to and thier phone crashes. Any idea why my "new" curves keep doing this? 3rd one in 5 months, and 2 of them in the last week.

Apps? The ones that come on the phone from the factory. I live in terror that any thing else will brick my curve. I even talk nice to it.

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BB Curve :: 8330 - How To Upgrade OS Without Using Internet Explorer

Jan 5, 2012

How exactly do I upgrade the OS on this phone without using internet explorer (I have Google Chrome and Firefox)?

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BB Curve 83xx :: 8330 Only Get Email Push When Using Internet

Mar 28, 2010

Just started having this problem in the last week. My 8330 won't give me any of my new emails unless I "wake it up" by using the internet. The minute I surf somewhere it'll pop up every single email since the last time I used the net. So for example, I go to bed, and the next morning it won't be showing me any of the emails I received overnight (and I get several every night). If I use the internet to go to to a website, they all come through, bam bam bam.

Also, brand new problem. Just now I tried uploading some things to twitpic and they still haven't gone through. I sent two twitpic emails to my account over an hour ago. Both outgoing emails have clocks beside them (not marked delivered). Twitpic worked 10 hours ago... what is going on?

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BB Curve 83xx :: Boost Unlimited Internet On 8330

Apr 12, 2010

i have reset IT policy via crack utility, wiped file system, wiped apps-reloaded firmware, successfully loaded "combined 3" service books using instuctions from this forum-but cannot get internet-i am using the paid version of cdma workshop and have access to programming menu, have reset spc to "000000"-the phone is making and recieving calls-just no internet.

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BB Curve 83xx :: 8330 Can't Access Any Data Or Internet

Mar 9, 2010

And I seem to only be getting 1x signal, no evdo signal so I can't access any data or internet. Anybody know what the problem might be?

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BB Curve 8300 :: Have Metro PCS And Internet Radio?

Apr 13, 2010

I have a blackberry 8330 and my carrier is Metro PCS---I've tried to get Pandora but naturally it doesn't work on my phone, or with my carrier or something----does anybody else have Metro PCS and internet radio??? How did you do it?

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BB Curve 8300 :: No Phone Service - No Text - No Internet

Jun 5, 2010

I was having trouble accessing most websites (although I could get email via the university system where I work), so I tried the wireless upgrade/update that was suggested. After I did that, I lost everything - phone, text, and Internet. My calendar is wiped out, as is my contacts. When I try to "turn on" mobile services, it does not turn on. Verizon is not even listed as my service provider. It is as if it cannot find a service provider and therefore, will not make a connection.

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BB Curve 8300 :: Apps That Need To Connect To Internet / Except BB Browser

Jan 29, 2010

I had downloaded Opera mini 4.2 and iheartradio and slacker radio and they all worked perfect for the past 3 days and then all of a sudden they do not work. I get timed out of logins and even google maps app on my phone wont connect. The only app that will connect to the internet is the BB browser (the one that looks like a globe with halo around it). There are no other apps running causing a clog up. There is 6.8GB open in memory, so im stumped????? Someone please help me Im racking my brain trying to figure out what would cause this. The last time it worked was in the morning listening to slacker, then went to lunch tried to get on Opera wouldn't connect, so i got on BB browser, from then on it wont connect with any other app.

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