BB :: Both Bolds Suddenly Losing Battery Life
Mar 12, 2012
Ok, so I have two different bold's in my house, one is a 9700, one is a 9900. In the past 24 hours both of them have suddenly suffered an extreme battery drain. Does anyone know what's going on? Both phones always have their wifi turned off. Also - the 9700 is with Telus, and the 9900 is with bell
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May 7, 2012
Over the last 2 days my iPhone 4s has been very warm (when not charging) and the battery drains out in less than 12 hours while in sleep mode.
Can this be corrected with a firmware restore or is this a hardware issue?
Windows 7
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Apr 20, 2012
why is my iphone running out of battery so fast?
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Oct 25, 2012
I finally broke down and installed the Atrix HD update yesterday. What a mistake. Prior to installing the update, I could drive from home to work and have the battery drop from 100% to 95% in about 20 minutes or so (which, is terrible as well). Today after installing the update my battery went from 100% to 87% in the same 20 minutes. I can't believe that an update that was presented good for battery life actually makes it worse! I can say however, that the performance of the phone is better (touch responses, less laggy, etc, but I am sure that is at the cost of battery life). Other than a hard reset is there anyway to get this update off of the the phone?
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Jul 24, 2010
About 10 days ago, my Samsung R451C (Straight Talk) battery went dead. I thought that was odd, since I generally got four or five days service out of it before needing charging. So I put it on the charger and charged it up, and about six hours later the phone was dead again.I then purchased another OEM Samsung battery. Same problem; the phone needs recharged after five or six hours. Also, while fiddling with the phone, I noticed that I can no longer shut the phone off by pressing the PWD/END button--it shuts off and then immediately reboots back on.I called Straight Talk support and described my phone's battery life and power button symptoms. The rep immediately stated that Straight Talk would send me a replacement, making me wonder if there's a hardware or firmware problem in the phone they know about. However, the catch is that I have to send in my phone first and then they'll send the replacement, about a 15 day turnaround, according to the rep. I really don't want to be without a phone that long, so I'm looking at alternatives. Anyone have any experience with this sort of phone behavior before and have any suggestions for things I might try before sending the phone in for replacement?
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May 7, 2012
My battery life has suddenly decreased, it will not last even 24 hrs
Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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Dec 31, 2011
I bought my Blackberry a month ago and the battery life was pretty good (3 days). Then the other day I downloaded a few apps (dictionary, flashlight and barcode scanner) and also added a lot of music onto the phone. Now the battery life just goes after a few hours. I've turned off Bluetooth and WiFi. I don't know what is sucking all the life out of my battery. I haven't browsed the internet or talked on the phone. It just sits there doing nothing and the battery goes dead.
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Feb 6, 2012
I've had my blackberry curve 8520 for quite a long time but in the last couple of days I've noticed that its getting quite hot and I'm worried about this? Also one morning I noticed my blackberry battery was on half but I left it of for most of the day and turned it on for about four hours but in that time it had died. The next day it was fully charged by 10 am and by 5 pm it was dead. I don't understand why its doing this, I've never had this problem before and I haven't made any changes. I have the same amount of apps and songs and I had before this problem and I hadn't used any apps or listened to any music this day so it just doesn't make sense.
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Feb 15, 2011
I am suddenly experiencing vastly reduced battery life on my Bold 9650. It sounded the low battery alert in the middle of the afternoon on Friday and at around 8:30 p.m. today. The phone was off all day Saturday and was plugged into the charger from Friday night until the middle of this afternoon. This makes no sense to me, because I barely used the phone Friday or today, and as recently as last week, it was showing a good charge when I'd plug it in at 11 p.m. after a fair amount of usage through the day. Even on days of heavy usage, I've been making it until bedtime without the low battery alert. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to track this down without buying a new battery?
One difference in the last few days is that I have been home (some kind of human virus) all day, but I live a block from the cell tower, and my wifi signal reaches throughout the house pretty well. I thought that Friday's problem might have been interference from a wifi tablet, but I have scrupulously kept them apart today. Bluetooth is on, but that's normally the case.The battery is relatvely new, bought within the last six months from a vendor on Amazon. It appeared to be identical to the factory-installed battery, which lasted about a year-and-a-half.
Background apps that have been running on both days have been Blackberry Messenger, Facebook, Password Manager, BHive Tasks, Google Maps, Google Search, and Evernote (which says it last synched on Nov. 27th). Nothing unusual.
Phone: Blackberry Bold 9650
Carrier: Verizon
OS version: 6.0 Bundle 3084 (v6.0.0.719, Platform
No Enterprise service
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Aug 28, 2011
I juz notice my new bold 9700 is suddenly blackout after 50% battery life.
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Nov 30, 2012
I had my red 920 since 11/9 and it has been great until this Tuesday. Previously the battery was great and after full charge it usually showed battery life 1day or even longer. This Tuesday I used camera a lot. The handset did get warmer because of flash and focus assist lamp. After that night the battery darin rate became really fast. After one overnight charge 100% battery only shows 9hours and drain rate was like 10% per hour. why this occured suddently? Do I need to reset the phone to factory?
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Aug 11, 2012
I have a Sony Xperia Ray that recently starting draining the battery very quickly. I used to get around 36hours use out of it before charging but in the last week I been only able to get 3 - 4 hours max before it is completely drained. I purchased another battery and upgraded the Android OS to the lastest version but am still experiencing the same behaviour (short battery life).
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Feb 18, 2010
I've had the S2 for a couple of months now. This week am in Vegas at a trade show and since arriving, the battery life is maybe 75% less. I checked to the limit of my ability to see if there is anything running that is not normally running, but find nothing.
I understand that there is a way to check what apps are running other than going to each app to check, but I don't know how to do that.
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May 6, 2012
Suddenly my battery life is hour 4 hours and my phone is hot to the touch. What is happening?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.1, Hot phone, no battery life
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Apr 30, 2010
I’ve got a BlackBerry Curve 8900 (ATT, running, and have had it since Oct. 2009. Battery life has always been OK - 24 to 48 hrs. between recharges.
Today though, after pulling it off the charger this morning around 8:00 a.m., I’ve noticed that I’m down to about 5% charge by 2:30 p.m. I have made no phone calls today, and have only sent/received a couple texts and rec’d two emails. I've never used a holster, have downloaded no apps, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are both off. No keys appear to be sticking. Absolutely nothing, to my knowledge, of any significance has changed on the phone since October, yet all of a sudden --literally, overnight --I am experiencing this greatly diminished battery life. The only even remotely precipitating factor I can think of is that I did a battery pull yesterday, after deleting some old photos and emails.
I’ve searched the forum, and most of the suggestions are along the lines of “turn off bluetooth/wi-fi/update OS,” but as noted, I never used those anyhow, and the OS has always been good to me.
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Nov 8, 2012
for the last few weeks my january bought 9630 was suddenly losing all the charge,but after rebboting it again regained its charge(i use the stock theme) this week my phone would suddenly reboot without any reason, yesterday my phone turned itself off(i just had charged it completely) and wouldnt turn itself on, i tried reinserting the battery and charging it, when i plug in the charger it shows a LED light and then shows an empty battery logo with a cross on it. what do i do?
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May 9, 2012
Why has my iphone 4 suddenly started losing internet connection whenever I leave my house?!
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
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Feb 18, 2012
I posted about a problem with my battery losing up to 30% battery on reboot but got no answers so am hoping somebody will test their phone for meWhen my battery drops to just below 50%, if I reboot by pressing and holding the power button for about 8 seconds, on reboot, my battery has dropped to as little as 13%, even if there was 48% left prior to rebooting.I originally thought this was happening after tethering but it has turned out, it does it regardless of how much or how little I use the phone and even without tetheringI am on stock 2.3.4 XEU, manufacture unlocked and wondered if some kind soul would be kind enought to see if they can replicate the problem.It needs to be the 9100, complete stock and not rooted really as I am trying to determine whether it's a hardware issue or software issue.
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Mar 24, 2012
I have already read enough of this great forum post, I hope in the future to helpbeginners like me, one day we had to IOS (formerly had a Galaxy S2) and now we are more than comfortable with my 4s!I have the cell phone constantly charging, either in the Dock, when I go to bed, Through The cable in my university (when I'm in class or on the computer in the Library), this because the phone if consuming battery (I have the iOS 5.0.1) and hate running out of battery (no phone) when I'm away from home.Then the doubt (I've already searched in many forums) is whether this is detrimental tothe battery of the phone, or simply when the iPhone detects that is loaded, just stops receiving load and nothing happens:
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1
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May 14, 2010
So had my N900 for a little over a week now and overall I'm pretty impressed. Great phone, but still very much a work in progress. One of the main issues I have at the moment, other than no turn-by-turn navigation (sorry, had to mention it), is the battery life - or lack of!
On an average weekday I use the phone to send a few texts (no more than 10), scan the news sites (no more then 20-30mins total) and catch up on my RSS feeds (again, no more than 20-30 mins total). I'm not using the media player at all and I may make one or two short calls.
Bottom line is that I'm struggling to get more than 6 hours battery life out of it. I know smart phones are thirsty, but I don't even get to listen to music on my way to or from work!Here's what I've already done to reduce battery consumption:
Removed active widgets (such as ForcaWeather) from desktops and replaced with web shortcuts.Reduced screen brightness to 2 barsDisabled GPS & Network positioningDisabled IMDisabled BluetoothI've heard some mention reducing the amount of active desktops, but I think that kinda defeats the object of having a N900. May as well buy a lesser phone if you need to strip out all the functionality to get though the day. I'd be satisfied with 8-10 hours medium use. At the moment I'm getting around 6 hours at light use - got to be something I'm missing.
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Feb 9, 2012
know the battery capacity of the XOOM (MZ601), mine is 3260mah Reason for the question is my xoom, replaced about a month ago used to give me 5 days life, now its 2 days, and thats just scraping in.... No SD card, same apps, same usage pattern
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Feb 16, 2010
I gave my sister my old curve its about 1 1/2 yrs old. the day i gave it to her the phone worked just fine but after she flew back home the battery would only last her a few minutes. i told her to try a new battery but it still has not changed anything. i even got her to upgrade to 5.0 just to see if it would make any difference but it doesnt.
she barely uses any apps, and mostly uses the phone for emailing.on standby it will every 10minutes or so the battery life will go down by 10%, and after a few texts or a minute or two on a call the phone will just die. she can pretty much just use it when its connected to a power source.Seems like a phone issue but there is no warranty on it
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Dec 13, 2011
Okay, so I'm on the move a lot, travelling to and from University each day which can take anywhere between 1-2 hours getting there and getting back. I'm always on my phone during travelling as there isb't much else to do and I like to keep in touch with friends. I use Facebook and the internet a lot on their and I understand this is why my battery runs down so quick. Using it for I'd say 3 or so hours and the battery is done, I usually take my usb cable to uni so I can charge it ready for the journey home. Is there anyway I can get the same usage out of it and not drain the battery so much? I am thinking of getting a new battery first off as I'd say the current one would not be able to achieve good life againt, but is there long lasting batteries I can get?
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Jun 27, 2012
Just purchased iPhone 4S and it's sucking the life out of the battery. I've read several posts to turn items off to save battery life and nothing seems to be working.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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Feb 23, 2010
How would i determine what is causing battery power loss. The phone is 3 months old and within the last 2 days only has battery power for 6 hours. Is there an easy way to determine what applications are running without having to check each one. I have tried resetting the factory settings,but it indicates that there is an application or call that needs to be closed. There is definitely no call running so it has to be an application.
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Dec 27, 2011
how to stop Texas Hold-em from running in the background. I cannot figure out how to actuall close it and I think that is why the battery is draining so quickly.
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Jan 14, 2014
Having issues with HTC One's battery losing charge overnight? While off! It just started happening to me, I get home from work, fully charge phone after I power it off, get the green light indicating full charge and turn it on the next morning only to find that it has lost about twenty percent of it's charge.
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Aug 5, 2015
So this just started today. I just unplugged my S6 from my charger, after charging it from heavy usage a few hours ago. I boot it up, and a minute later I notice that my battery has dropped by 2%. A few seconds pass and now the device was at 97%. I was puzzled and was wondering if my battery life was getting bad.
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Sep 18, 2015
I have a weird issue that's been happening sporadically on my Verizon S6 (stock, 5.1).
On about 3-4 occasions now, I've turned off the phone at night, and the next morning, when turning it back on, I've experienced a loss in battery percentage. I.e., Charged phone to 100%, turned off phone overnight, turned on phone in the AM and battery percentage reads 75%.
Last night, it happened again, only I shut the phone off with about 75% battery. When I turned it on again this morning, my battery percentage had decreased to about 62%.
It's odd, and have never seen this before. This has only happened after the 5.1 update, so not sure if its related to that.
Why would a phone that is turned off be using battery power?
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Mar 18, 2012
I upgraded my iphone4 to ios 5.1 and my battery is losing1% every minute!!! what can I do? is apple aware of that??
important- I'm only doing basic things with the iphone, I dont even use it for mails and still.....
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
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Apr 4, 2012
My battery on iPhone 4 is losing charge even though it's not been used to do anything. This just started happening over the last two days.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
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