My Device infoCarrier: Digicel HaitiModel info: BB Bold 9900 OS OS version: 7.0 Bundle 1672My IssueMy BB keeps restarting the reboot process on reaching less than mid way through the reboot status bar.t all started when I noticed that my BB is not responding to the press of any button or touching the screen. I immediately did a hard reset by pressing the alt+right shift+del buttons. On doing this my BB started the reboot process, the reboot status bar came up and on getting to approximately 20% completion, the phone restarts booting again. It continued doing the same thing over and over. I tried removing the battery and waited for over 5 minutes before inserting the battery and yet it continued with 20% rebooting then stops and restart booting again.
I also tried removing my SIM card and the external storage card and yet it didnāt work. I also tried Putting my BB onto a known-good wall charger (not USB via PC).With the BB powered up, I removed the battery. Wait 5 minutes, with the BB still on the charger. Then Still with the BB on the charger, insert the battery and yet it
My Blackberry bold 9900 keeps on rebooting. The problem occurred when I switched on the phone after a 6 hour flight. I have removed the sim, memory card and battery but noting doing. It keeps rebooting.
I recently changed from a torch to a bold 9900 and i love the phone but for no apparrent reason it just reboots 2 or 3 times a day this is a problem as on a few occasions I needed to make calls and have to wait for the boot screen to finish.
my bold 9900 keeps rebooting, changed the battery cos tot it was the battery issue, but no changes. it just loads the black berry scram and goes off den starts again.
My Bold 9900 started rebooting this morning like it was powing up after being off and now it keeps doing it over and over. The Blackberry logo shows up on the screen with the status bar creeping along at the bottom. When it gets to about 3/4 across it shuts down and then starts all over. I removed the battery for about 10 minutes and then reinstalled it but it keeps doing the same thing.
I upgraded my blackberry 9900 using my phone to 7.1.0 1149 and since then my phone kept freezing and yesterday it kept rebooting, and when I put it on charge it gets really hot, so my friend advised me to downgrade back to your old software which I did but the phone still keeps rebooting itself!
Device info Carrier: MTN Model Info: Bold 9900 OS Version: 7.1 Bundle 1149 (v7.1.0.342, Platform Apps and free space Free Space: 172222060 bytes
Did a battery pull fix your issue? NO
Phone switches off by itself, the red LED light flashes once and goes off completely and then the phone reboots. It does this randomly whenever I use it. Its started when I went on Facebook. I hardly ever go on Facebook. I've had the phone for 8 months and its never done this before.
I had a problem with the BB protect automatic back up but that seems to have been resolved after the OS upgrade.
My bb bold 9900 keeps rebooting, ALL THE TIME! So as soon as it turns on, 3 seconds after i see my wallpaper, it turns off and restart again... I basically don't have my phone anymore.
I noticed that it happens when it connects to the mobile network because i managed to turn it on inside the tube (underground) where there is absolutely no network, and it works, but as soon as i got out of the tube and it was looking for signal, it turned out again.
I am BB 9900 user. Last week I had an update of 7.1 OS. After installing the OS I found that when ever an update comes for any software either it is BBM or any other it gets stuck while reboot. The bar stops at about 60-70 % progress and does not go further. Every time there is an update and after it ask for reboot it hangs itself. I have to pull the battery out every time and then it boots properly.
Ever since upgrading to the latest software 7.1.0 Bundle 1149, my Bold 9900 is consonantly rebooting. Usually after a phone call, it decides to reboot. So annoying. Its also extremely slow and the battery life is awful. Its only about 6 months old and constant problems.
I live in Germany, I often roam especially into Austria - crossing the border no issue, phone switches to an Austrian network. 10 days ago I got a replacemnent phone, flew to the US, and the phone started on landing, and constantly reset - no comms possible, apart from a few minutes after 1 day - then that was it until I arrived back in Germany IT WORKED PERFECTLY WHEN I GOT BACK TO GERMANY- I swopped the phone at the weekend, for a brand new one, as I neede to fly to Jordan today, I arrived, same situation as when I arrived in the US - constantly rebooting - after it let me put in the pin and password on landing. I read thru the forUms, and took out the sim and memory card - same reboot (battery was gone in about 1 hour, from full to nothing due to this reboot process I guess).
I upgraded my 9900 but since then, it hasnt stopped rebooting. its been over 3hrs of constant rebooting. I tried removing the battery it kept rebooting. At one stage it went back to the "backing up data" screen and re-backed everything up. Note that I did the upgrade on the device without using the desktop.
i've tried everything possible.. even tried updating it but it doesn't give me a view other options at all.. the only thing that shows up is a box to fill in my email id and a message saying there are no blackberry device software updates available .. this is really frustrating i jst got my fone 2 weeks back and its just gone off now..
Each time I try to back up my Bold 9900 it takes forever and sometimes back up is completed with errors. I guess I'm doing something wrong. I upgraded to software 7.1 and I'm using Desktop software 7.0 now. It is the back up of RMS Databases record that takes a whole day to complete.
My calendar entries disappear after 90 days even though I have it set to keep "forever". Recurring appointments, birthdays, tasks, all stay forever but not appointments. I do not do any calendar syncing to either gmail or outlook. I rely on my BB for tracking and saving my appointments and recently realized (when I really needed it) that my appointments were not there. Memory is fine and I'm running OS6.What do I set to make the appointments stay forever?
I have a Bold 9700 and I just upgraded my OS a few days ago. Ever since then my phone takes a really long time to charge or shows the sign that it's charging but it is not. Only when I put through the USB cable to the computer that it charges normally. I don't know what the problem is? If its charging normally through the USB then I guess the battery is functioning fine, right? so what is happening?
I'm a newbie trying to download the flashlight app: [URL]. I keep getting stuck at the point where I'm being asked to download the latest version of appworld....then it takes forever and then what's downloaded has no name...just a version number. Last night is just sat there "downloading" - I left it overnight and it was still "downloading" in the morning!
My Blackberry Bold 9900 is not turning on.Details: A battery pull has not fixed my problem.I tried using another 9900 battery, however it did not work.My battery does not work on other 9900 devices.There are no signs of moisture, nor has there been contact with water.The LED light doesn't show, nor does anything on the screen.
Yesterday i installed an app from called Dictionary. i already had it installed but wanted to perform an update cause u cannot copy and paste the corectly spelled word directly into wherever u originally mispelled it. Anyway i performed an update, Bold asked me to reboot, now the phone boots half way, then restarts.over and over and over and over. Im back down to my Pearl. Is there any way to salvage this situation without me having to erase and reinstall everything from scratch? Is there a"safe mode" i can boot into on the phone and manually remove the app cause i have a feeling thats what's causing the reboots.
hey guys my bold has rebooted at roughly the same time for 3 days in a row now. At around 6:10am (withing 2-3 mins each time) ive looked at my phone while driving to work and see that its rebooting...I bought the phone a few weeks ago and dont know if it has been going on the whole time but is there a fix or known explaination for this ?
i tried to update my curve but now it keeps rebooting and then saying linking java and the rebooting again. i tried to connect it to blackberry desktop software but i cant because it keeps rebooting.
I have had my 9790 for 3 months and about 2 weeks ago I updated the os to 7.1. After I did this I started to have this issue where it would start to reboot on its own, sometimes once a day, sometimes 5 or 6 times in a row and it would drain the battery. Also I noticed the battery level on the screen isn't reflective of what the battery level actually is, it would go from full to red in seconds. its really drive me crazy.
I would do a battery pull and it would be back to 80 or 85 percent. I bought a new genuine blackberry battery to see if that was the issue but still same problems. I wiped the device and re-installed the original os from desktop manager twice and the problem is still there, very frustrating, any one have the same issue and managed to fix it?
i was downloading blackberry protect in my Bold 9780 from app world and suddenly the device started rebooting by itself again & again....while rebooting the process of reboot reches upto 60% or 70% than it againg start the reboot it would kind enough if anybody can help me with this problem as soon as possible....& i also dont have backup?
Three weeks ago I got my BB 9790 and I am very happy! Only thing is, it keeps rebooting (about 3 times a week) . I have changed phones 3 times now (within 8 days I get a new phone) but I have the same problem each time. Probably a software thing? Are there any others that have the same problem and maybe a solution?
I have had my 9790 for 11 months and about 1 month ago I updated the os to 7.1. After I did this I started to have this issue where it would start to reboot on its own, sometimes once a day, sometimes 5 or 6 times in a row and it would drain the battery. Also I noticed the battery level on the screen isn't reflective of what the battery level actually is, it would go from full to red in seconds. I would do a battery pull and it would be back to 80 or 85 percent. I bought a new genuine blackberry battery to see if that was the issue but still same problems. I wiped the device and re-installed the original os from desktop manager twice
I installed a couple of apps and tried opening them but they gave an start up error.So I restarted my device and now it shows the blackberry sign and the loading bar and then just reboots itself. I have tried removing the battery and attaching the wire and tried to update the phone but it's of no use. this as I'm travelling right now out of country and I cannot show it anywhere else except my country or my warranty will be become void.