BB Bold 9700 :: Application Memory Not Coming Back
Feb 27, 2010
My 9700 application memory is in around the 80 mb range and i can't seem to get the application memory back up. I've tried deleting a whole bunch of applications that i don't use anymore and nothing changed. Can anyone help me get my application memory back up? My phone seems as if it's a bit slower.
mine has around 120mb free wheb purchased new. is this about right. i thought it had twice that? i assume the system takes a bit of it? but then i saw a Internet video and the guys bb is loaded with apps and still got 130mb free. search in Internet "blackberry 9700(onyx) over review". why is that? makes me wonder. is it cuz his is a tester model?
I accidently removed the battery from the phone while it was still switched on. When the phone reset itself, I lost all my media (photos & mp3). I tried to put my mp3 music back onto the phone from my PC using the desktop manager but an error message pops up telling me I only have 2.8mb of memory. How do I get my memory back?
After I upgraded my app world, my app memory usually decrease automatically whenever I browse or play games on my phone. I need to reset my phone so that the free memory will be in its original state. What to do so that my memory will not diminish automatically.
As I was talking on my relatively new Bold 9700 it just completely died! The battery was charged but the screen and everything just went black. It will not power on. I have removed the battery and put it back in and the only response to that it the red LED light coming on for a few minutes then coming off.
I received an SMS message in January. I've deleted it several times, but it keeps coming back. Any idea why this is happening and how to get rid of it?The message originally contained text. Now it's empty, but it's from the same number and has the same date.The phone is running the standard os 7.BlackBerry 9900 BOLD ( (CHINA UNICOM)
I have this BlackBerry Bold 9790, after buying the device, I uploaded a song album to the media folder. After some days I deleted the folder, but it keeps coming back...I deleted it from the card, deleted it using the computer, but somehow it is still there, other music folders are easy to deleta and never shows up.
Need help.. What is application memory and device memory? How much application memory and device memory does the 9780 and 9790 has? Can't decide which one is better.
My sms are not coming through, I have had friends send test sms and I am not receiving them, its been like this all day.I've tried battery pulls and there's nothing thatll make it work.
Here is my problem: if I receive an sms from someone, any other sms sent to me afterwards will appear as if they were sent from the 1st person. i.e. the contact number or name of the others will not show.thus if I also compose an sms, it will show the contact number of the 1st sms received. I can only send to another contact if I delete that 1st sms received and then compose a new one, after which the newly selected contact will show.
Before I remember finding a graph that showed the memory usage and what was on the media card, but either I forget where it is or its not on the new .442 OS.Can someone please help me out, I did a search and came up dry.
would this not make sense for rim to add in a software update, for us to be able to use a memory card as virtual memory? or use a small portion of memory?
I have Bold 9000 and my application memory has never gone further than 20mb. the only third party apps I have installed are whatsapp and copter, and add-on bbm. I have read various topics on this, solutions never got me further than 20mb. This issue makes my device go really slow firends have more than 5 apps and their device runs fine.
Hey guys, how do I get more application memory? I am down to the red zone, but funny thing is. I have a 4 gb micro sd and 898mb free for device memory. Is there anyway to allocate it somehow?
My application memory always comes down to 5-7 mb within a days usage(after hard re-boot, taking out battery stuff). I have only downloaded FB application and google maps. maps I use occassionaly while FB is always on. I have deleted all games but it doesnt help. Once application memory falls below 10mb handset slows down.
I have a BB Bold 9000. I get a message that the application memory is full. I have deleted almost everything I can but still receive it. From the available size vs amount used it appears true. Can this memory be expanded?
I've only had my Blackberry since mid-December, and have very few apps, but phone says my application storage is either extremely low or has no space left. My phone will run quite slow at times, and I have already had to do a battery pull a handful of times because my phone froze. I am running OS6, having updated almost as soon as I got the phone. Are there any known memory issues for the 9700, either while running OS6 or in general?
how can I increase the "Application Memory" of my BlackBerry 9000(Bold) device?
Whenever I am installing any new app it is consuming the application memory of my device. Can I install the new application on Device Memory which can be expanded I think.
I have blackberry bold 9000 with os I only install 2 app in my blackberry but I have 4.3 mb app memory. I wanted to restart my blackberry after restart I got 10mb memory ???? Blackberry bold have 128mb memory but why only 10mb
I am trying my best to delete unwanted application but then too the application memory on my phone is not reducing. I am left with only 5 MB of space and can't do much with that.
I have upgraded my OS to 6.0 so practically 50% memory is blocked there.
I wanna know if their is any way of increasing the application memory on an at&t bold 9000. Its hardly 128 mb, and after installing the latest OS 5, I hardly have 15 mb left for apps.I can't even install some required OS upgrades of 35 mb cause of it. And after a few hours of usage the phone starts hanging and I have to do the battery pull thing.I have about 800 mb of my device memory free.
I have had my blackberry for a month now I have only download 3 apps and 2 I deleted but for some reason my application memory keeps getting smaller everyday without me really doing anything. Is there something going on that I don't know about.
I upgraded my OS to an official version 5 around 3 months ago and ever since I did that, my application memory seems to be really crap. Initially I had around 26-30mbs of application memory right after a Quickpull but now I only have around 2-4mb of app memory. It's really frustrating as using my usual apps such as Viigo, Facebook, Msn, Google Maps etc have become a pain and almost impossible to load. And I haven't installed any new applications in case you were wondering.
I have contemplated to downgrade my OS back to version 4 but was wondering if anyone here has encountered this problem and could offer any sort of solution.
I recently installed a couple of apps through "App World" and then decided I didn't really like then and deleted them. Before installation a battery pull would get me to 29.5MB after the install/delete a battery pull only gets me 27.0MB. So how do I get the missing memory back?
I have a problem of size with the application memory on a BB Bold 9000. I have almost closed everything, and the memory goes beetween 0.0 ko and 3.1 Mo. This affect the calendar with the past automaticely erased. What can I do to recover the size of 100 Mo.
Signed up to the forum just for help resolving this issue. I'm currently running OS4.6, trying to update to OS5. I know that the 9000 application memory is SO limited that one has to remove all applications before attempting the update.
So here I am, a completely blank BB Bold, no applications, photos, texts, contacts, etc. I still receive the error message on BB DTM that says I need to remove another 3mb of data before I can continue with the update - but there is literally nothing else I can remove. I'm running DTM on a Mac - I hear that may be cause for some problems as well?