BB Bold 9700 :: Synchronize Email Hacked - How To Change It?
May 10, 2010
I have a question. In my address book for my contacts it says synchronize using: That email address has been hacked. How do I change it? I would guess this would also get rid of the multiple address book contacts for each person also.
Dear Blackberry users: How do I change the password for my email account? It seems I am not prompted to enter a password when I want to check email on my device. I have a Bold 9700.
When i first got my bb9700 i added my hotmail account and everything was working fine but i deleted my mistake and now when i tryed adding it again i get this msg sent to my phone. If you use an email client (e.g. Microsoft(R) Outlook(R), Mozilla(R) Thunderbird(TM), etc.) to access your messages, change your email client settings to leave your email messages on the server. If the email client does not leave email messages on the server, the BlackBerry(R) Internet Service may not be able to deliver them to your BlackBerry(R) device. To leave email messages on your email server you may need to complete the following steps:
1. In your email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.) on your computer, under Tools or Mail > Preferences. 2. Select your email account. 3. Locate advanced, server settings or options. 4. Select the option to leave email messages on the server.
Refer to your email client help for more information. Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network I cant find my own email icon on my blackberry screen but some of my msgs still get sent to my blackberry msg icon. im not that good with blackberrys and computers
I have a Microsoft outlook email account at work and we have to change our password every two months or so. I changed mine this morning and went to change it on my blackberry but it won't take the new password. It comes up with the following: "Please verify your email account information. The information you provided is incorrect" What am I doing wrong?
I can't sychronize my BB 9700 with Outlook. Same error message in a window that says Intellisync. Message is: "Function OpenFolder failed". Things worked fine yesterday. I tried reloading the software from the CD, then downloading updates, then re-booting the computer.
I think that my iphone4 was hacked via email. I did make the mistake of clicking on a link in an email. I then noticed that the phone would not switch off so I restored it from the cloud. Once I had done this I was asked to enter my password for my iCloud account. In addition to this I was asked for a password for a mystery hotmail account. I then reset the phone to factory setting which seams to have solved any problems. Is it possible to hacked and iPhone via email if the phone has not already been jailbrocken.
I don't know if this is the right forum for this, but I woke this morning to see my Yahoo email icon back on my home screen. Has anyone else gotten it back? And lastly, how do I change it back to a stock BB icon?
I am trying to figure this one out. Can my Blackberry be hacked.My husband recently received a spam email that appeared to be from my yahoo account. The interesting part was that the other names on the "sent" to list were other email contacts of mine. That's fine but I don't keep a contact list on Yahoo. And I have 1000's of contacts in outlook.The mailing list on this email was much more selective. When I examined my blackberry, the emails that are currently cached in my blackberry were the only email addresses used in these spam email distribution lists! So it looks to me like my blackberry emails currently on my blackberry were somehow hacked and the addressed extracted from these emails this possible?? there were only about 10 email addresses in this spam email. And there was no record of any "sent" spam messages inside my Yahoo account. So it doesn't look my yahoo account was compromised
My email accounts are getting hacked continously from past 5 days. I have accessed my email accounts from 2 pc's, one from my home pc and one from my office pc, and this are hotmail and yahoo email account. I have also configured my email account on my blackberry 9800 torch. Surprisingly, when first time my email account was hacked I received information about my account from alternate email id, and I safely reset my hotmail password but am still able to receive email on my blackberry. So, if I had reset my email address then in my blackberry 9800, shouldnt it ask for password to login to the email, since i reset it. The same incident has happened for past 3 times and I dont have clue whether its the blackberry (RIM) service problem or the Vodafone carrier that I am using, since vodafone might be getting all the information related to my email account and its password, when I login on blackberry?
I recently opened an attachment on my iphone 4s which came through my email account - my email account is now compromised and have had to change all of my passwords into my email account. How can I run a check on my phone to ensure that any of my other accounts, ie amazon etc have not been compromised. is there a virus checker for Iphone 4s?
My yahoo email was hacked into as I opened an email on my Blackberry 8530 curve. They were able to change my email password, steal and delete my contact list, send all my contacts and email saying I was in London and desperately needed $1500 and set up an alternate email in Yahoo so that if some questioned the email requesting money they would reply it was really me. Is there anything I can use to protect the Blackberry phone from this type of thing from happening.
My friend wants to upgrade his phone from 9000 to bold 9700. With his current 9000 hes got a lot of BBM contacts so he is asking if he upgrade his phone his PIN will also be change?
I just got a 9700 yesterday and I am in Canada. I don't see the "I want to reate or add an email address". I can't seem to find the solution to that. Couple other questions I have. I don't have a data plan, can I still use BBM and download all the apps ? Also do I need to set up an email account to download apps and use BBM ?
I have problems trying to sync my lotus notes calendar to my blackberry via USB using the Desktop Manager. The error message is: "Lotus Notes Connector returned a Notes Kernel Error (code 16643). See notes API documentation doe more details".
I update my bold 9700 with the OS6 (official) and since than i can't change the theme's.I can't see any theme's on my phone.......and i follow the standard steps. is this a wellnow problem?I download the official theme from bb app world ( spring theme roots of spring) and these are normaly working for OS6.
I'm trying to recover my bbm contacts list by email but when they send me the confirmation email saying it will happen automatically, nothing happens. I created my BB ID with a different email account? If so, I would like to change that email address to the bbm's.
I've seen a few post that sort-of answer my question, but none seem exactly right. I have a Bold 9700 and use a BIS to retrieve my personal email from my ISP's POP server. I don't use BES. When I'm at home or at work and have direct access to email, I'd like to turn off my bb email client. How can I do that?
In one post I saw the recommendation Messages > Options > Email Reconciliation > Wireless Reconcile -> set of Off. Is this enough? (I have my BB set up for wi-fi connection when I'm home, in case that makes a difference.)
I hope someone can help because I'm losing the will to live over this one!
Device info Your carrier: o2 UK Model info and OS version (Go to Settings, then Options, then about): Blackberry 9700 v5.0.0.321 (platform Apps and free space File free before and after a battery remove/replace. (Go to Settings, then Options, then status): 128872013 bytes Did a battery pull fix your issue? No
I bought a SIM free BB 9700 to use with my 02 SIM card. I applied the unlimited BB tariff and proceeded to set up four email accounts into the device which are all for my small business. I waited to do this until I knew the O2 bolt on had been applied correctly.I set the accounts up via the BIS server website which sent them down to the device; seemingly correctly.
I received email correctly for that day and could send as well with everything syncing with my IMAP servers and Outlook.Next morning - no email delivered to the device and I was unsuccessful in sending emails as well from the device to addresses.I tried to send down the service books - I sent them but no change.I got my four email accounts working again correctly but had to delete the accounts from BIS and recreate.I could then receive email correctly for the rest of the day and could send as well with everything syncing with my IMAP servers and Outlook.
Next morning the same thing happened - no email delivered to the device and I was unsuccessful in sending emails as well from the device to addresses.I then did a complete device wipe.When the device rebooted it seemed to synchronise with the BIS and then my accounts worked again for the remainder of the day.This morning - the same thing happened - no email delivered to the device and I was unsuccessful in sending emails as well from the device to addresses.
I have now created my @o2email address and applied my long standing address to the 9700 and they work fine - at the moment (we'll see about tomorrow!) to see if they fail as well.I have sent test mails today from the @O2 account and hotmail to each other and also to my main small business account from my BB. The @O2 and Hotmail emails arrive both on the device and (hotmail) on outlook and the main business account arrives on outlook BUT the main business account email does NOT arrive on the device.
I cannot seemingly send anything from my business addresses anywhere (from the device) with the only outgoing addresses that work being the @O2 and @hotmail accounts on the BB - unless I do a device wipe or delete the accounts and recreate.Emails sent from the BB from either @O2 or @hotmail arrive on the BB but not anything sent to the work accounts sent from @O2 or @hotmail from the BB - although the emails sent to the work addresses WILL appear on my outlook...
Speaking to O2 has been tough and they are blaming the server people who host my small business domain and such, although I think it is more than that though I could be wrong.My server people insist it isn't their end, saying they can see from the logs that RIM seems to stop checking for emails at times they detailed when the device stopped receiving emails from one day to the next.
I'm trying to set up my personal email on the 9700, but it seems that i have only one option, Blackberry Enterprise Server option. Is that suppose to be that way? I don't seem to have the " I want to create or add an email address" option.
Im using a Bold 9700, v5.0.0.442(Platforms Carrier: M1(Singapore)
I searched and searched and searched but I couldn't find a way to change the in holster settings. This is what I have tried so far: Profiles>Edit normal> ?? No holster settings ? options>Password> Lock Handheld Upon Holstering
Just picked up a Bold 9700 today. So far, I've been impressed with the phone itself. One thing I'm wondering though is can the application icons on the bottom of the main (wallpaper) screen be changed for other applications? This is the default theme that came with the phone, btw. I've seen screen shots of this theme with different application icons. I set up 2 emails on my phone and now my phone has the Messages icon, 2 email icons, SMS/MMS icon, Contacts icon, and Calendar icon. I'd like to be able to switch these around if possible. For instance, I only want to see the "overall" Messages icon, and replace the 2 email icons.
I think most of ppl here konws than t mobile`s 9700 using different 3g frequency, it wont work with fido`s 3g network, I`m think using software to change my 9700`s vendor ID to rogers, is this gonna changes 9700`s 3g frequency? any one done this before?
Sorry if the answer to this is elsewhere. I finally found out the reason why my UMA does not work.As I got the handset from a third party (Carphone Warehouse) - the Vendor ID is 301. It needs to be 142 (Orange) for Oranges UMA to work.I have no reception at my house, which is the whole reason I bought a blackberry.Does anyone know if I can change the Vendor ID of my handset to 142 so that the UMA will function? Or, do I have to replace the handset with an Orange branded one?
I'm wondering if there is a way to synchronize email from the BB with outlook: I mean, if I read an email on my laptop outlook it still appear as not read on the BB.