BB Bold 9700 :: Music Player And Radio Best For Phone
Apr 2, 2010
I myself have Slacker Radio its pretty good I don't use it often anymore since I just added my music from my windows media player.....I was wondering besides slacker what other radio broadcast for the bold? And do they have sports? Espn? And if so which one's are free?
I've been having issues with my bb, while bbming and listening to music via the media player, minutes and even sometimes seconds after putting a song on my BB freezes up and reboots itself. I searched the forums for the exact same issue and didn't come across a thread. If anyone has any ideas or possibly a link to the solution feel free to toss err in.
so here's the scenerio, in a public place (school, anywhere, with people), you have your headphone on while listening to music on your bold 9700's music player (loudly, may i add).Receives a phone call, (your phone now has the screen with incoming call showing, you can either answer, or ignore). Obviously not much option here you answer the call, unplugs the headphone, the music player goes on pause(or you can unplug first, the music pause first, then answer), after the conversation, before you have time to plug your headphone back, your music unpauses itself and is playing LOUDLY through the phone speakers, which is kind of embarassing, even for couple seconds.I tested a couple times by calling myself, and i find no options to get around this.anyone else got this prob? does anyone know how to get around this? should I buy a new media player app?
The battery life on my phone has been amazing. HOWEVER today I had about one bar left on the battery indicator and my phone just shut off unexpectedly when I was on a phone call. I couldn't get it to turn on so I did a battery pull and it did. Then... when I turned it back on it said "Power to Low for Radio Use".I'm a newbie to the BlackBerry world so: Do our phone just shut of with no warning? Is the "Power to Low for Radio Use" a normal thing? I would think there would be some kind of low battery warning before our phone just dies.
anyonme knw how i can install flash player on the 9700 so i can watch you tube and iplayer.also on the 9700 when i try going on iplayer i get a message saying that im not from the uk which i am and im on a uk based network orange is there anything i can adjust so iplayer recognises that my ip adress is from uk
Lately each time I drag and drop music or videos to my phone using mass storage, my music player won't show it. There's nothing in recently added and I tried refreshing it, but it showed me 'General:System Error' and stopped refreshing. I checked in my file manager and the songs are still there.
The song title and artist does not display when streaming music from Nokia Music on my Windows Phone through my car stereos' bluetooth connection. It also does not allow me to skip songs using my car stereo.
The Zune music player on my Windows Phone has this functionality.
I just bought this device, love it so far. When I use a Google Voice command like, "play Madonna", it defaults to Sound Picker and doesn't play any songs. I noticed Music app is not even listed as a choice. See pic.
Is there a way to have the stock Music app as one of the choices instead of Sound Picker?
So you know normally you will get a message when your battery is low that says "Battery too low for radio use" and the radio comes off. Well twice that stopped happening. Battery was low but instead of getting the message, my phone just cuts off like if the battery is dead. Any explanation as to why this is happening? It happened two out of two times.
I use my 9700 as my IP modem on T-Mobile and have been for a few months. Lately my download speeds seem to have been slowing. Is there anything that I can do, either to my laptop or my BB to speed things up? Eve Radio has begun to stop/start.
Some of the mp3 files I synced from my computer somehow cannot be played on the BB music player. While I can see the songs listed, trying to play them will get the error message "Cannot play media. The content is missing or not available". However, I can nonetheless go to the File Manager to play those songs.
My Music player not opening. I formatted my phone memory but still getting the problem. when i restart my phone it will open but after few minutes start troubling again,when i try to play some files the phone freezes. Anyone experiencing this problem?
When playing music, the phone will lockup and then reboot. It doesn't matter what music player I use (factory, Real Player, Winamp). It doesn't matter which memory card I use (8 gb, 16 gb, 32 gb).
I have done a system reload approximately 5 times. Its done it in Android 2.2, and it has done it in 2.3.4.
Generally it will reboot within the first 10 minutes of play. After the reboot, it could play for a couple of hours before rebooting again. I've never gone more than 1 hour before the first reboot.
I have had a couple of different Podcast players, and have never had a lockup. I'm using BeyondPod right now.
I just bought a 9700 a week ago and am already having a small problem! As of yesterday, whenever I open and use my music player and select shuffle and repeat all, the player will only play 2 songs, and then stop- not playing anoter song, and not shuffling to the next song. Furthermore, when I's listening to a song and press the menu button, I see on the menu list, that besides the shuffle and repeat options there is this "{2}" which I assume, means to play only 2 songs.
If anybody could advise me how to get the player back to it's old fab way of shuffling all songs and playing them throughout, rather than just 2 songs then stopping- i'd be eternally grateful
I am mystified. Sometimes when I am listening to podcasts on my 5800 the phone will interrupt the programme to receive a phone call. And sometimes it simply tells the caller that I am engaged. I don't understand it, but would prefer incoming calls to override the podcast playback.
After upgrading my N8 to Belle, the following scenario happens:
Bluetooth headset is connected, music player is not running (or any other application, for that matter). When a phone conversation ends, or a missed call is received, the music player starts by itself. Note: I do not press any buttons on the headset or the phone.
The HTC Music player cannot find the songs that I downloaded from Google Play Music? I can't find them either using ES File Explorer although they always show up in the Google "Play Music" app. I've configured the songs that I downloaded from Google "Play Music" to download to the phone and they show as "Pinned" in the "Play Music" app. Lastly I confirmed that the music is on the phone by playing them with "Play Music" while the phone is is airplane mode. I want the default HTC music player to play these songs since that player is available from the lock screen and blink feed.
I have had my Atrix for about a month. The phone is fast and responsive which is really great after having a dog slow phone before this one. But I have a love/hate relationship so far. One big issue is that my music player will not keep playing, it will randomly stop playing and I half to restart it. Also sometimes the music player will cause the phone to reboot. This problom used to be really bad but I found a bug causing some of the Problems.
1. Removed Battery and waited a few minutes to reinstall battery. No change still reboots after a few minutes of using the Music Player
2. Tried downloading another music player PlayerPro to use instead of the default one. No Change still Reboots
3. Next I tried doing a Factory Data Reset. Now the default music player played for about an hour for the first time.
4. Redownloaded most of the Apps I had (At least the ones I could remember). Music Player still playing.
5. Started modifing a couple of the OS Settings>etc... Player still playing
6. Until I got to the setting Settings>Applications>Development>Check Stay Awake while Charging. Now the phone rebooted two times in less than 15 minutes while playing Music. Went back and unchecked the stay awake setting and the Music Player is playing again.So can this bug with this Stay Awake while Charging option please be fixed. I hate for the screen to cut off while I am reading a book. I can plug it in and leave the screen on as long as I want.
7. Now the music player is playing but still after 1+ hours of play time Randomly the music player will stop and/or Reboot the phone.
does anyone have a problem with lowering the volume when playing media player ?? because sometimes when i did lower the volume it's like i did track down.i had this before and after the upgrade, i'm using .442 now
Since updating my OS the audio files that i often transfer to my curve will crash the phone except for the very bottom file on the "all songs" menu inside the BB music player. It is the strangest thing, and very problematic. I have loaded random music files on and switched priority and it is always the last file on the list that works and everything else above will cause the crash. To help clarify some info. The music files are from an itunes playlist and they are all spoken word that range from 5-7hrs each and i have from 2-4 of them at a time. BB desktop manager is the method of syncing and the method of updating the OS as well.
When I am streaming a music on my XPERIA Z2 phone using THROW option onto my HP laptop, immediately xperia z2 bluetooth player pops up in my laptop showing progress of music but sound does not come from the player that is frustrating because everything with this throw option is ok except this sound issue.
I thought there might be some issue with my laptop so I tried my phone THROW option with other laptop also, there also the same problem is occurring. Other android phones like Lenovo, MI1s, even they do not have this THROW option, this problem is not occurring when I am streaming music from these phone onto my Laptop having simply turned on bluetooth in these phones.
Up till a few days ago I had no problems using You Tube. Now it won't work anymore.Everytime I try to watch a video on you tube, it says "loading." then I get a screen pop up saying "Error occurred while attemping to play media player"
I have been having a blast exploring and customizing my 9700 over the past few days and last night installed a 16GB microsd and began the process of transferring some of my music to the device via the Blackberry Media Sync app on my pc. Transfer went just fine and all files show up on the card, however when I use the Media Player on the device and select by "Album" or "Artist" the tracks are listed alphabetically rather than by track number. It's not a huge deal except when I want to listen to a particular album in track order (The Wall is just made to played that way, isn't it? ). I have looked around for a menu option or something to list by track, but have had no luck. Does anyone here know how to do this? Also, if I connect to my pc via "Mass Storage Mode" and drill down to the album folder in question the track number shows up in the windows explorer folder and all my mp3 files are saved in a "Track Number" - "Songname".mp3 format.
I've been using a C902 for sometime and I had to reflash the phone about 3 times the version it had when I first bought the phone even enabled me to play and add .amr files in the media center. I really found it useful because the I could even fast forward or rewind my recordings. I can't remember the version I had then. My current firmware version is- R3EG004.
And I can't play my recordings through the music player and the phone really slows down when the music player is running in the background. I tried the update service option in the settings tab and said that the phone is running the latest software. Please everyone, I would like to know which firmware version has less lags and the best tweaks. This really is irritating because it slows down a lot when listening to music. So please help me to know the most preferred firmware version.
My music player has disappeared from my Media Player folder. I did nothing to delete it. It was working fine I closed it and when I went back to media player it was gone. find it or download a new one. I have a Torch with the latest software upgrades.
so I have a GB 2.3.4 Atrix 4G, and usually, it plays my music and takes pictures fine. But every so often (it seems everyday), I wind up rebooting after, when trying to player music, it says "sorry, this type of file is not supported," even tho I've been playing them all the time. Also, when this happens, the camera and camcorder also happen to stop working, saying " (or blur)" unexpectedly closed. All my songs are MP3 or MPEG4, and usually all play.
Why is this happening on an update? What can be done to prevent it? Are there apps I need to keep off the "auto-end list?" Does rooting a phone bring this on (via pre-install method)? Or is this a common glitch? I have also complained about the way the music player doesn't have an "all songs" option for the player. Personally, I think a blur 5.0 needs to come out already.