Atrix :: Remove Facebook Link From Motoblur Account?
Jun 6, 2011
How does one remove a facebook account (or any other social network account) from the motoblur account. Such accounts do not appear as seperate items in 'settings' > 'accounts' and opening the motoblur account (on the phone) merely shows the linked email address and password (unlike all other accounts it cannot be edited in any way).
My CLIQ is ready to go I think. I have had tons of issues, but this is the final straw. Now my facebook and twitter accounts don't appear on the phone anymore. I have added and removed the apps several times. I reinstalled the CLIQ software twice. But I can't fix the issue.
When I go to accounts, facebook and twitter are not listed. So I click on add an account, and the next screen tells me that both programs are already connected associated with my phone.
The status and happenings widgets don't recognize the accounts. I can't remove them. I can't add them. They are just in CLIQ limbo!
So I just got my new Motorola Atrix and i love it. Except for one problem. The facebook does not seem to be working. When I first booted up the phone and linked my facebook account the social network widget did not work at all. it synced all of my contacts initially and used profile picture from facebook which i though was really cool, but then it just stopped working. All the photos are gone and the social networking widget still does not work. I tried going to my social networking accounts and facebook was not there. when i go to add another account the facebook icon has a green check next to it and when i try selecting it says that i cannot add another facebook and there is no way to delete it either so i can re add my account.
According to the Atrix support page, to delete a Motoblur account I must contact my provider. My provider is AT&T and they told me they have no access to my Blur account and are therefore unable to delete it. So:
Did the CSR I reached have the wrong answer and should AT&T be able to delete my account, and if so to whom should I direct my inquiry?If not, how DO I delete the account? I already have been given the "create a new account" advice, which is obvious, but I don't care for having accounts of any kind lying around dormant. If Moto is forcing me to have an account to use this phone they should provide a way to delete it - after all it contains stuff like my e-mail information, ...
I just bought Motorola Atrix 4G, actually I bought it without any service or data plan. I paid regular price for it, but I can't create MotoBlur account, device error messages says that there is a problem with the internal device clock. I'm using normal AT&T pay as you go cards with 3G coverage.
If I swap two Atrix phones, I assume that swapping the SIM cards won't change the MotoBlur account that each phone is configured for. So, how do I change which MotoBlur account an Atrix is linking to?
I recently rebooted to factory settings my Motorola Atrix (UK) - Android 2.3.4.Before resetting it, Motoblur was correctly retriving Twitter and Facebook messages. I was able to update both services status and leave comments on friends' status and messages.Following the factory reset, Motoblur can only post my status updates, it doesn't retrieve twitters from whose I'm following and Faceebook friends updates.Motoblur application is fully enabled in Facebook settings page.
Just want to know if there could be any other way in linking the contacts with my facebook account because there's no motoblur feature for defy here. Do i need to install a third party app to be able to link it?
I recently shutdown my facebook account. I cannot seem to be able to remove from my Atrix tho. Also, if I try to delete a contact that was imported though facebook, I get a message that says "cannot delete files from read only accounts" Is there any way to get rid of facebook and all of the facebook contacts on my Atrix? Or, do I have to reset my phone to factory?
I've noticed that facebook got rolled into the pre-installed apps list. Which I'm only guessing is necessary because My Music and My Photos are so heavily integrated with it... But what about the users who really don't want/use these features?I have all of the sharing features turned off...because I don't have a social networking account synced to my phone. However, I notice that the facebook app is always running, and consumes anywhere from 40 to 80 mb's of ram.
I inadvertently activated the AT&T address book when I first got the Atrix 2..not knowing that I even had an AT&T address book account.I called AT&T and they deleted the account and any associated contacts with it on their end,however, they had no clue how to remove the account from the phone and said it was a Motorola issue.I deleted all contacts off my phone and now my contacts are just synced with Google(all AT&T address book contacts are gone) but the option to sync with AT&T address book is still an option in settings.The account shows up with a "locked" symbol next to it.
I am trying to add facebook account on my atrix 2 but I get message "internal error". I have been trying this for some time but I always get this message. Facebook for android app works fine on the device.
Updated my X10 with latest 3.0.1 update couple of days ago.Configured SE Facebook sync for Albums in Gallery and Calendar to sync.Now I am Unable to remove the SE Facebook sync from the General Sync Settings list !!! Every time I choose Remove Account it disseapears and appears immediately.
I removed my Facebook account from my Motoblur account listing and tried to add it under other accounts but it does not show up at all and thus no contacts get sync'd or anything though I can still use the facebook app. Do I have to login to facebook under motoblur accounts in order to get the contact syncing?
When attempting to update the account credentials in vlingo for Facebook, I'm told the user information could not be fetched and to try again later. I've tried on many occasions and haven't been able to resolve the issue. Any suggestions on how to get vlingo to authenticate against Facebook?
Getting this error when they try to add a new account / update old account on Gingerbread? Trying to update my facebook password. Keep getting the error : "Error Adding Account. There is a problem with the clock on the device. Please contact customer service".
just today i did a factory restore to my phone running the 2.3.4 software and after reboot, where i had to give my motoblur data, i first set up wifi, than put in my account and password and did log in, it took unusually long ont eh progress bar and once it came al msot to the end it said there are issues signing into motoblur and i should retry, tried that twice to no avail, the only option i had was to turn off the phone, once i turned it on it already skipped to the location consent, with allegedly being logged into my account, but it wont load my settings from motoblur (ie the launcher setup or the speed dials in the dialer). I havent tried with a different account, since i wanted to get my settings back?
I got a Motorola Atrix 4G from the states. I brought the phone to the middle east and tryed to set up the phone. But when i try to link up my moto blur account i get a message that says that "moto blur service is not available right now try latter" and i think that its due to my ip address.
of a sudden I couldnt go beyond the MOTOBLUR setup screen, I have all credentials correct but i get this message:"Logging into MOTOBLUR..." The progress bar reaches somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of the way, and I get the following error message:"Error Signing Into AccountThe request timed out waiting for a response. The account may have been incorrectly created."
my motoblur cliq when off, and when i turned on restart screen apear, but it says that "your phone already has an account associated with it", but i can log on in my pc with the same account.
I have a Motorola Backflip Anadroid phone that I used to register my blur account and I am trying to log into it when screen log in appeared before getting into my phone. I am not able to log into the account.
I think I skipped the motoblur registration when I switched my charm for first time. Even if I did enter something,I am sure I did not register my device as there was no internet connection available on phone. I donot find any option to create the motoblur account through my device. How to create Motoblur account for my device?? I have tried restore to default factory settings but it didnot ask for motoblur registration on startup.
I purchased motorola defy plus few days back and since that day i'm not able to create an account with "motoblur",I've an active data pack in my phone still no solution everytime i try to create one my phone says"An error Ocurred please try later",I'm currently in bangalore (India),my operator is vodafone.
I've had a problem where my facebook contacts were no longer displaying pictures and when happenings had picture posting; they were not being displayed. I finally figured out today that it had to do with me setting up my Facebook account to use https for security logins. Once I've changed my facebook account to no longer use the "https" and deleted and readded my facebook account on my cliq all of the contacts displayed the pictures again. Prior to trying this, I had reset my phone a few times, deleted/readded the facebook account and this is the only thing that finally worked.
how to have the photos be displayed on my phone and have the "https" set on my facebook account.
I did a factory reset on my atrix today and could not log onto my blur account, both on my phone and online. On my phone, I get the error message, "An error has occurred. Please try again." Logging in online, I get the message, "There was an internal error. Please try again later." I have search on the fourms and found no definitive answers. Live chat was no help either. I would rather not have to create a new motoblur account.
so since about the 26 or 28th of June, the Motoblur Social networkng has not been working on my phone. I have called AT&T & they are replacing my phone under warranty, but not sure I even want to keep it if the same thing is going to happen with the next phone...
I recently upgraded to GB, lost all my phone numbers in my contacts, but thankfully the special app worked and I retrieved them. I want to sync with gmail, but I must of choose the wrong default option, when you add a new one, it asks you gmail or motoblur, always use this choice.
I added a contact and it looks like its a motoblur contact, when I go into accounts motoblur has a lock symbol next to it (odd).
anyhow to the questions:
1) How do I change add contacts to use gmail, now that I do not have a choice when adding new contacts.
2) Is there a qucik guide to remote wipe.
3) Someone mentioned they used motoblur to find their phone, how can I do that?
4) How often does my contacts/books etc sync with gmail, can you increase/decrease it?