I say it's slight, but it is very noticeable. This does not happen with all of my music, but it is very annoying non the less. It ruins the whole listening experience.
My iPhone 4S sometimes stops playing music by itself while I am playing music. This occurs while my phone is on standby/locked mode; that is I am not using any apps.
My iPhone will not play my music through its built in speaker or headphones, but it will play music when I connect it to my ihome. Also my ringtone will play so I know the speaker is not broken. When I try to play music it does not give me an option to adjust volume and the buttons on the side will not adjust the volume either.
whenever I try to play music on my iPhone 4, the music stays at 0:00 and never plays the song. This even happens when I'm not wearing my Beats and when my phone isn't connected to an iHome.It works fine on iPad and MacBook Pro.
When I go to the music player and select a song to play, I get a message that tells me to plug in my headphones. The issue is that my headphones are plugged in. I didn't have this issue a week ago. I was listening to my music just fine. I have rebooted the device several times already. The weird thing is that I can hear the boot up sounds through my headphones, as well as notifications. I just can't play music. I have the same issue with the FM radio.
All of a sudden my iPhone 4S has stopped playing about 50% of my music. Moreover, it shows a different album cover than the song that is actually playing, that is when I can find a song that it will play. Very annoying.
Has anyone experiencing music playing problem since upgraded to IOS 5.1? Whenever I play my music it will just stop by itself and I have to constantly press the play button again to restart it.
I started facing something weird today with the Music.app on my iPhone 4 running iOS 5.0.1. The music from the Music.app stops playing as soon as I leave the app. This happens if I try to switch to another app, or press the home button or even lock the screen with the app in the foreground. It automatically starts playing as soon as I reopen the app. When the screen is locked, double tapping the home button brings up the iPod controls. But the play button there doesnt respond and the same thing happens with the play button from the multitasking tray too. It's as though the Music App can no longer play in the background.
i didn't need to but accidentally restored my iphone4 to three months ago.i recently got a new iphone4 since my old one stopped working correctly.now that i have updated it sound does not work at all.i tried it with my earphones and sound doesnt come out with those either. i also tried Internet, and it worked, but no other sound works on my iphone4.
Songs start playing spontaneously ever since I did an update to my iphone 4 and have the "music" icon instead of the "ipod" icon on the phone. I stop the music and make sure the music app isn't even open but the songs just start up by the themselves anyway. Help. this makes the battery run down and is very embarassing when I'm in the middle of a meeting!
My iPhone 4s has ceased playing music via the speaker, though the ringer and speakerphone still work, as do the headphones. When I attempt to play music, I am given the choice of the Dock Connector (which is selected) or the AirPort Express we use to relay our wi-fi signal from another part of the house. I first noticed the problem trying to play a potty training app for my child - we could see the video but couldn't hear the sounds or songs.
Playlist stop playing during runs, not the headphones, tried 3 different ones, and problem persists when on speaker. Sometimes plays 1 song, or 2 songs, on a good day I get 3 songs until it just stops playing sound. Stays in the playlist, just stops.
I just did the new ISO update and sinsce then I can not play any music.It shows all the files says it playing but the mintue bar (where it shows were the song is progressing)isn't moving.Ive backed up,and re synced and still nothing
I just got my iphone and don't even hardly know what an app is. I suppose if you compared it to an icon on a computer I might better understand.or not. Anyway I downloaded some itunes music and started it playing and I don't know how to close it/make it stop.And other things I opened I get the feeling they are still open and running in the background. How do I shut them down when I don't want to be using them?
I updated to 8.1.2 this morning and now my phone won't play any music unless I bought it in ITunes. My music is all still there but when I click on a song/album it just skips/scrolls through until it gets to a purchased song. This includes the stupid U2 album and Holiday sampler that I KEEP DELETING AND IT KEEPS COMING BACK!
I currently have an iPhone 3G that I bought from the launch day here in 2008 I would love to give my old iPhone to her next week so that she can be able to use it as an iPod Touch and download and buy games.
Is there a way to do that so she doesn't have data on the iPhone 3G but she can use it to play game and listen to music and video ?
Recently upgraded to iOS 5.1 on my iPhone 4 - since doing so, music stops palying randomly while in sleep mode - thought it was the headphones, so tried another pair and the same thing happens... On a 32 minute train ride this morning, I had to press play at least 12 times.
My iPhone 4 not 4S is not playing Music through the internal Speakers, it only play thru Headphones or external speakers. It was working OK for over a year and just started this . Is this just a setting or something else. I do connect to external speaker frequently but never had problem before , just unplugged the jack
My speakers aren't playing any music, when I am in a call the other person can hear me but I can't hear them, so I know my microphone is working. Also my alarm, when I set it only vibrates. No sound is coming out of my iphone! It is not on silent, or in silent mode, I have double checked.
Recently my Iphone 3GS is having problem when playing music. There is no sound from the built-in speaker. However when making/receving calls the sound from the speaker is fine. I noticed that when I press the volume up/down button, there is no volume level indicator position on the screen, the circular button is missing (attached is the screenshot of the situation). However when a headset speaker is plugges in, the volume indicator level appears fine.
I had try restoring the iphone as a new iphone using my mac (from itunes) but the situation persist.