Xperia Z2 :: Media Volume Not Working
Sep 8, 2015
i have this problem of my xperia z2, its kinda weird coz the volume rocker works when i press it up and down so i can hear the ringtone volume go up and down, also with the alarm, but when i play anything in media, video, audio or youtube, even when i put the volume at max it doesnt seem to play anything, basically everything works except for the media volume, especially with calls, i cant hear the person im talking to coz it seems like the media volume is stuck on mute event if i turn it to max volume, tried rebooting, safe mode, cache wipes, etc.. everything.. I not gonna post here if its not the last resort. Android 5.1.1 xperia z2 user btw
also i already tried the diagnostics tab, the loudspeaker and ear speaker doesn't seem to pass, but when i reboot it i can hear the speakers working, even when i asked someone to call me i can hear the ringtone ringing except when i answer the call i wonr be able to hear anything
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Apr 24, 2015
I've just got my z3 and updated it to the recent update. Now before this update I was having a play around as you do and I got to admit I really like the phone and is functions. So I went ahead and updated the software. After doing this I noticed that some of the functions that I really liked, for example the mute function has disappeared. No problem I found out you can just use the volume key to do this. However I have been reading about the whole volume setting operates both message and media.
So my question is, can these be separated as in you set the volume for messages without affecting your media volume or do I have to keep adjusting the volume each time I'm finished watching or listening to a media file in order for me to hear my message notifications?
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Aug 29, 2013
Sometimes when using Spotify, I have no sound and the volume buttons on the side of my Z5 compact do not activate the mediavolume. Instead they activate the ringtone volume. If I then open the volume menu and raise the media volume the actual volume still doesn't go up. I only have this problem when using Spotify. If I open another app like youtube for instance the volume works properly. If I restart my phone the volume problem in Spotify disappears.
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Jun 5, 2011
The volume adjuster on the side of the sensation will not adjust the volumeInstead it has decided to start adjusting the media volume instead. No media applications are running. This does it on the home screen, browsing on line, in the market etc etc.lso, battery life? I can honestly (no exaggeration) sit there and watch the battery count down 59...58... Dud battery? Cant seem to make mine last a whole day without it dieing. I'm using task killers etc to make sure no apps are running that i dont want running whilst it's in my pocket etc
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Nov 7, 2014
Just got a Kenwood car stereo put in my car with Bluetooth, USB and calling support for phones. The calling feature works just fine but when I try and stream Pandora I can't hit play. It stays there, no sound and wont let it play. I hit the play button, it blinks as if it has been touched but then doesn't turn into the pause button and doesn't even start attempting to play music. If I go to Bluetooth and uncheck the media box and check it again it will start playing but three songs later or so and it stops playing, back to the original symptoms. I tried bypassing Bluetooth and using the USB but that audio gives me the same problems.
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Jan 24, 2010
Since upgrading to Version 5.0.1 neither the media manger nor blackberry media synch now work. the media manager always prompts to install and downloads but then does nothing. The blackberry media sync gets so far after launch the gives an error message. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling a number of times but cannot get the media manager to install so cannot now get any media off my phone or on to it. Any ideas anyone?
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Apr 23, 2015
My power button suddenly stopped working this morning. I think it may have worked once with a really long delay... But since then I have to tap my screen a few times to wake it up. I'm worried that if my battery ever runs flat I won't be able to turn my phone back on.
Then I have realised my volume and camera buttons dont work either. They definitely all worked yesterday.
I'm really not happy with this phone. I look after it properly, it cost me a lot of money not long ago, its kept in a protective case and has never been dropped etc. I spent more money than I could afford on a phone thinking I should buy the best I can and I shouldn't have a problem with it being Sony, but so far I have been disappointed with it.
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Oct 28, 2015
My previous phone (HTC One) was able to control applications like Spotify with the volume buttons on the side of the phone even when the phone was locked. I can't for the life of me figure out a way to convince this device to do anything other than volume control with the volume rocker. I'd just like to use the volume control with short clicks, but if I do a long press it doesn't something else (this may have been a feature of Cyanogen that I was using previously?).
I'd like to use a Long hold on up and down to Next Track / Previous Track for Spotify. Right now if I do this, instead it just blows out my ear drums by maxing the volume quickly. Are there apps that allow me to customize what the volume rocker does in specific states?
Also, does this phone not intelligently recognize the difference between headphones being plugged in vs plugging it into an Auxillary jack? That was something else that worked well on my One as well.
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Jul 26, 2015
I have a Verizon S5 and the media volume keeps muting itself. I turn I back up and then a few minutes later it mutes itself again. I downloaded volume blocker and it's working but it still continues to tell me that "volume has changed, tap to save".
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Dec 22, 2010
The default media player has a volume control that I do not remember how to adjust.
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Nov 29, 2011
I've been having some problems lately with the volume output through the headphone jack when I and using the media player. I found that it is sometimes very quiet, and the only fix I have found so far is making a call (I usually just call my voicemail and hang up right away, after the call is done the music volume picks up), however this does not work all of the time.
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Apr 22, 2011
Does anyone else have trouble with the volume down rocker when listening to or watching media? The volume up always works, but sometimes the volume down doesn't.
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May 25, 2010
My names is Jon and I'm new here I just purchased a Blackberry Curve 8330 (Boost) and I don't know how to turn the volume down or up while playing, when I press one of the keys it skips to the next song or previous but volume I just can't find
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Jul 14, 2015
the media volume (for the Music app) suddenly started dropping to mute continuously. i've had the phone in my hand (not touching any volume controls) and watched the volume level drop repeatedly.. i raise the volume, it drops again. this has happened about 6 times since yesterday, i'm completely baffled by this.what's worse, the volume has also gone all the way up to max, so i'll be listening to music when all of a sudden it's blaring full blast in my ears and i have to rip the ear phones out.
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Oct 22, 2015
Why does media volume revert to silent most mornings instead of staying at volume i'd normally have it at. I also use Dolphin as my browser and even if I left a page open on that and come out of the app without exiting fully that reverts back to the home screen as well. It might be grand most of the time and then at least a couple of times a week it will have reset to home page for some reason.
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Apr 6, 2012
When I go to bed every night and I have to lower the volumes on my phone, I have to go to IPod to lower the media volume. Is it any easier way to do it?
I don't want do use the vibrating switch because it will vibrate during the night and I don't want that to happen. If I turn the vibration off, then my alarm app wont go off.
It's unbelievable how Android phone allow you to change volume individually on each app and IOS devices don't. If Android can do Apple can do too.
Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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Apr 29, 2012
I have the OEM Motorola Car Dock connected with the combined USB audio/power cable. Whenever I dock my Droid 4, the media volume changes to a default setting (somewhere around 90% of max if I had to guess) and cannot be changed with the volume buttons.
This is a huge problem for me as it causes distortion from my car speakers; I need the media volume to be less than ~70% to prevent this.
If I connect the phone via the 3.5mm jack instead of USB, the media volume can be adjusted normally and I can avoid the distortion...but that requires two cables instead of one and I'd have to connect/disconnect the 3.5mm cable every time I am in my car.
tl;dr Is there any way to change the media volume setting when using the USB port for audio output?
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Aug 25, 2011
When my music pauses for an email or text notification, it starts back at a much lower volume.
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Apr 2, 2012
For some reason I occassionally cannot get the volume to increase in media, such as Netflix. My solution has been to close the app and reopen.
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Feb 26, 2010
does anyone have a problem with lowering the volume when playing media player ?? because sometimes when i did lower the volume it's like i did track down.i had this before and after the upgrade, i'm using .442 now
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Jan 13, 2010
I have noticed this problem for awhile now. I did a search on the forum and noticed that others are having the problem but I don't see a solution. When I set the volume on the track I am playing either to a low setting or a high setting it always resets itself to what sounds like about 65-75% of the max volume.For example, if I set the volume at max with audio boost, it will lower the volume. If I have the volume set to 30%, it will increase to the "standard" setting.This only seems to affect the headphones (aux jack), I tried it with the external speaker and it stays the same. I have tried it with audio boost on and off, and have enabled and disabled enhanced audio.This is a terrible problem, it renders the media player almost a hazard, especially if you are riding a bike or driving a car and have to play with the volume between every song.
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Feb 10, 2014
Tasker or any other program to automatically turn the media volume to max? This is convenient as I want the volume maxed out when I connect to my cars bluetooth (otherwise I really have to crank up the stereo volume), but I don't want media volume on max when not connected. In the past I have used one of two apps (Tasker or Bluetooth Connect & Play). Both of these apps are having issues adjusting the media volume when they worked perfectly on my pre kitkat phones. Sometimes it works correctly and maxes out the volume, other times it doesn't change it at all.
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May 4, 2015
I am already extremely hard of hearing and need every bit of extra volume. I can reset media volume as long as the bluetooth earpiece is not turned on, but as soon as I turn it on, it resets to a little more than half way up. how to change this?
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May 14, 2012
Recently, when I unplug my headphones, the media volume level indicator briefly comes up and shows that the media volume has been set to zero. I can't imagine why this is happening.
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Nov 26, 2012
I've noticed this happen several times before, but if I'm connecting/disconnecting to headphone jack or bluetooth, all media volumes will go silent (resuming a podcast, music, etc), and turning up/down the volume has no affect. The only fix I've found is to pause everything, go to the homescreen, turn the phone volume (which appears automatically) down, then go back into the app and press play. However, sometimes I can't turn the phone volume down on the homescreen because only the media volume appears, even after I close the media apps (even from the recent menu from holding the Home button). Even going into Menu > System Settings > Sound > Volumes and adjusting everything there made no difference. I had to make a phone call, hang up, then go back to the homescreen, turn the phone volume all the way to mute/vibrate, then turn it back up and go back into my media app and the media sound would be restored. It's really frustrating and considering how often I use media apps and how often this happens, I'm considering ditching the Razr Maxx and getting a non-Motorola phone.
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Jun 28, 2011
When I have the headphones (standard, no controls) plugged in and media playing, the ringer will only ring at the level the media is set at. You can move the slider back and forth but it will stop increasing the volume for the ringer when it gets to the media slider setting. If I increase media slider, the volume for ringer will increase. It will go lower when reduced below media setting. The volume for the media setting seems to be a cap for all volume while headphones are inserted. It must be a bug in GB because Verizon was able to reproduce it. I need the phone to ring loud when under these specific conditions as I get called to go to work, it HAS to be able to wake me up. Ive performed a full factory reset and asked if I can go back to Froyo without a root and, no dice.
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Jan 2, 2013
My phone received the Jelly Bean update which is awesome and it runs very smoothly. The only issue I am having is when listening to music in Pandora or Songza and i get a notification, the volume is approximately half until the song changes or i exit the app and restart the app. Also, if the phone is on silent or vibrate this does not happen.
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Feb 2, 2010
I specifically use my media player, and slacker radio through my chatterbox xbi2 bluetooth on my helmet while riding. About a month ago, I had my blackberry plugged into my truck via headphone jack, and the song volume kept reseting itself about 3 bars lower than max. I changed NOTHING. Since that day, I've had the same issue when streaming my music through my chatterbox via bluetooth with both media player, and slacker. Normal phone speaker seems to work.
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Jun 28, 2010
Have you guys notice that the volume on the media playr isn't loud enough, compared to the tour?
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Feb 12, 2010
I have noticed this problem for awhile now. I did a search on the forum and noticed that others are having the problem but I don't see a solution. When I set the volume on the track I am playing either to a low setting or a high setting it always resets itself to what sounds like about 65-75% of the max volume.For example, if I set the volume at max with audio boost, it will lower the volume. If I have the volume set to 30%, it will increase to the "standard" setting.This only seems to affect the headphones (aux jack), I tried it with the external speaker and it stays the same. I have tried it with audio boost on and off, and have enabled and disabled enhanced audio.This is a terrible problem, it renders the media player almost a hazard, especially if you are riding a bike or driving a car and have to play with the volume between every song.
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Sep 16, 2010
How about the in-call volume and speaker volume in coming update 2.3?
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