today when i searched an application in the andoid popped up a window saying "error connecting to the server retry"..then i went home page of android maket, from there i clicked all applications..then again it shows the same message..i tried many times..then i just tried the browser to ensure internet was connected..internets connected..but donno why that problem occurs with markt..i updated the software before 2 days due to battery life problem..should i update it again?
i tapped android market on my x8 it says "set up a google account" so i created an account and then it says "this might be a temporary problem" but everytime i do it again it says the same thing ....... and also in my pc when i go to android market and tried to install some apps it says that "There are no Android phones associated with this account" so how can i put my phone in my google account?
I am using the X8 and it has 2.1 version of Android OS. I dont have any wifi network. I want to access Andriod Market through internet so that i can install some applications and games etc. How do i do this? Please help. Also i want add some apps at 4 corners of phone. How do i add?
I'm unable to access in built apps of android market and gmail...whenever i sign into my gmail account, the following error comes: "Can't establish a reliable data connection to the server" Is there any solution?
I bought a new Xperia X8. When ever I checked with others they all said you can download apps from android market. So i thought i have to go to web address and download my apps.But unfortunately I was wrong. I realised that is not how I should do and found that my phone came without Android Market app on it. where I can download Android Market app. Right now I have to use Third-Party android market which I do not trust completely, but I have no choice.
my phone & had it for a week or so have used the android market before & downloaded some applications which are all good but last night it came up with network error has occurred retry or cancel & return to the preious screen? im trying to access the android market 1.6 & my new application for downloading music which were both working fine earlier in the evening now they arnt?
Everytime that i try to use the Android market it comes up "Sorry! The application market ( has stopped unexpectedly."And now that i have tried to update the phone to the latest software it wont let me
I've got an Xperia X10i running Android 2.1 update1, Baseband Version 2.0.49,Build number 2.0.2.A.0.24, Kernel Version 2.6.29 SEMCUser@SEMCHost#1 which since I got it, the Android Market has never worked.I am able to go through the list of apps but when I choose an app to download it freezes at the "Starting Download" phase, when I try to cancel the download, I get the message "the application market (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again".
I already combed through several forums and tried things like clearing the cache etc but the problem still persists. Recently I read from an official android forum that the connection to Android Market is established via Google talk, I noticed that I did not have google talk, I installed it and it functions okay but the problem still persist. How I can resolve the problem...its no point carrying and Android phone without android market.
I bought my Xperia X10 in Abu Dhabi, now I know that the Android Market is not available in the UAE for certain reasons, I am just hoping that someone might have found a way around this.I do not want to flash or root my phone.Isnt there any other way of installing the market manually?
Can I install something from android market via PC?I mean, I used USB to connect x8 with PC, then I install what I select from the PC to x8 Can I do it?
i have an x8 since december and suddenly my market will not work. it keeps saying " a network error has occured" although im connected to mobile internet and my other online apps are working ie.... facebook and Internet.
i cant seem to find the icon. And i cant download any application to my phone. when i google they keep asking me to go android market. n i cant trf any file to my phone. -.-
I have recently bought an SE Xperia x10i from saudi arabia(i reside in india now)....But it doesnt have any android market in it.It doesnt even have any app installer or file browser so that i could download .apk files and install in my phone? What should i do?What can i do to get Android Market in my phone?
I made all the Google accounts activations. But unfortunately I don't have Android market icon. I found that my customization number is 1240-8044, firmware revision - 1.1.A.0.8. Operator I use is a KZ KCELL (MCC-401, MNC-002), what is the problem with access to Android market?.
Installing NON-android market apps/AT&T How do I install non-android market apps on myXperia X1 from AT&T? There does not seem to be abn option to allow this under settings. I cant evebn install sony apps.
I have got my SE Xperia X10i two months ago. I am still not familiar with its advanced features. I have updated the phone to Android 2.1 (Firmware: 2.1-update1, Kernel:, Build#: 2.0.2.A.0.24) and I have downloaded many free apps from Android Market. They all worked fine but recently I have downloaded Google Reader from the MARKET. The download seems to have got stuck at 26% and there is nothing I can do to stop it.
I have tried the below:1. Switched off the data traffic but the download did not stop and it is shown in the notifications.2. Restarted the phone not less than 5 times but the download seems to resume.3. Killed the market service in the Manage Applications section, but download does not stop.
- Click on Android Mkt icon. - It said "Setting up your E15i". - Already have a Google Account, entered the username/password. - Signing in... took a long time. - It said "Can't establish a reliable data connection to the server,....., call Customer Care".
I validated that both the wifi and 3G data connection are running ok (I can browse the web using the Browser). But still Can't connect to the Google Android Market place.
i just got my xperia play today en i got everything working 3g,wifi etc.The only problem is i cant download anything from the market, it just stays on starting download while downloading through external sites is working fine.
I'm trying to dowload applications from 'market' and when I click on the application and press on Install I get the 'Accept permiossion' prompt and then press 'ok' . On receiving the 'Item downloading'n message I assume that everythiong is ok but that's where the process stops and my applications seem to be in a frozen state of download without ever actually downloading.
I've visited the Orange store in Leicester today and waited 40 minutes for an 'Expert' to tell me that the fault lies with Android 2.1 and if I download 2.2, everything will be fine. Oh how I wish. Clearly 2.2 is not available as a download for the X10 and I'm now at my wits end as to know what to do apart from taking a large sleddgehammer to the phone!
loading apps from Android market.I had many Australian related app sites prior to updating to Gingerbread 2.3.3 on my X10i Now when I log onto Market, it says the apps I want to reload are not compatible to my phone ?Also I had ituneradio for streaming and that seems to be missing and I also created a different account with Google to try a work around.
My x10 doesn't have an android market pre-installed, it has slideme market instead. I tried to install android market but it failed and says parsing error. Please help. Also, software updates from the PC companion is not working. What should I do?
While downloading anything from the android market the downloading starts and stops automatically whithout showing any message/error.I am not able to download anything from the android market.what to do now??
Whenever my WIFI is on, my gallery where the images and videos are located won't display. But when I turn off my WIFI, the images and videos display seems fine. Any idea what could have caused this and how to fix it? I won't be able to share photos, videos since I can't view them whenever my WIFI is on.
Also, my Android Market App where you tick going to the Android Market site is not working. It just says loading. Of course this is with my WIFI on.
Just thought I'd share a load of great emulators I've found for SNES, NeoGeo, etc. written by ExPlusAlpha (not sure if it's one guy or a team).I guess that a lot of these are ports of Open Source emulators, so they're free and the ones I've tested run very smoothly.I've tried various SNES emulators over the last few months (inc. SNESDroid and SNESoid) but the SNES 9X Ex is by far the best I've found, and it's free!For some reason these emulators are not on the Android Market so your need to go to to download.Definately worth checking out.