Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Facebook Pictures Are Not Attached To Contacts?
Dec 4, 2010Since the small update my facebook pictures are not attached to my contacts like they used to be before. Not changed any settings.
View 3 RepliesSince the small update my facebook pictures are not attached to my contacts like they used to be before. Not changed any settings.
View 3 Replieshow to sync facebook pics with contacts, even though your contacts have nicknames? I have tried the facebook app "sony ericsson contacts" and it doesnt work. Tried to merge contacts manually on the phone but then my contacts shows their facebooknames and not their nicknames.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe Timescape app on my mimi pro no longer displays the pictures for my Facebook contacts
View 3 Replies View RelatedI used to have the contact pictures in my phonebook as the pictures that my friends use as their facebook profile picture. This is not now happening and I can't re-set it. I did remove my facebook account briefly from my phone, as I'm experiencing trouble using fb on my phone.
I'm sure there must be a simple way of putting the contact pictures back, but I've tried everything I can think of and nothing seems to work
On Outlook, I've attached some pictures to some of my contacts (pictures o their faces).I sync these contacts to the new E6 phone, operating Symbian AnnaWhen someone calls me, or when I call someone, these pictures show up on the phoneThe problem however, is that a grey box that says "Calling..." pops up on top of the picture with the name and the phone number in the box. Roughly 40% of the picture is blocked on the bottom side. The weird thing is that there are a few of my contacts whose picture floats ABOVE the grey "Calling..." box. These are the exception though. Most of my contacts with pictures have half their face covered by this box.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen i synced contacts, the facebook contacts are not coming as phone contacts. So i cant use these contacts in many apps since they are not phone contacts. How to copy all contacts to phone contacts?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have had my Xperia mini now since sept but i have noticed recently that when one of my friends/contacts changes their profile picture on facebook it does not change on my phone! i have tried syncronising it but it still not changed.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a sony ericcson xperia x10, and i know most of my friend's with android phones have their facebook contacts in their address book? I just wanted to know how i get the facebook contacts in my address book and have previous contacts pictures in the address book.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I send a facebook message directly from contacts?If the Xperia can sync contacts with FB, naturally I assume that it can use those contacts.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhenever i transfer a music track from another phone to my Xperia min 10, a photo is getting attached to it as an album cover art.I have deleted the photo from album. But still that is happening.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI had to get a replacement HTC one and for whatever reason, a lot of my contacts are not syncing to my Facebook pictures.
I've noticed that most of them have a little icon beside it, what it means
I have checked my Facebook settings and resynced, I have tried a few things with no luck.
I was trying to link my mom's contact to her facebook profile, and so I added her full name-- Kathy Jones. However, my phone auto synced her to another facebook contact... Katie Jones. On her contact card, I added my mom's cell number and email address, neither of which is the same as Katie's. However, my phone autosynced it with Katie, adding in her phone number and email address to the contact card. AND, because it is a facebook contact, i'm told "facebook contact information is not editable on this device" It's not a dealbreaker, just annoying, as the wrong photo shows up when my mom calls, and I'm afraid that one day i'm going to accidentally select the wrong number/email address.Is there anyway to unlink these? I don't want to disable all facebook syncing, as i like being able to quickly access profiles of my other contacts, and have photos connected to them. I'm just looking for a way to manually tell my phone that these two people, despite having the same last name and similar first names are not, in fact, the same person.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to make Facebook pictures the default for contacts on Lollipop?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just upgraded from a Droid X to a Droid 3. On my X my facebook pictures automatically populated my contacts.
That is not the case with my Droid 3.
1) I've added a Facebook Account
2) There was no pre-installed facebook app so I downloaded and installed the Facebook App from the Market.
No pictures in my contacts although my facebook contacts did appear (in text form). I did wait a day to see if they'd come down. Next, I removed the app and the account. This time around I switched the order...
1) I installed the Facebook app from the market
2) I went to add and account. There was a small facebook icon and a large one. The large one looked "new" so I tapped it. The screen when blank for a second and then back to the account icons.
3) I chose the smaller facebook icon and was prompted for my login.
Facebook is listed as an account, but still no pictures in my contacts.
I was cleaning out my contacts list, and for some reason all of my contacts got wiped. After I put them all back in, their profile pictures and information from Facebook was not being pulled down. All authorizations and permissions are set for this to be ok. Why this isn't working?Â
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a new Tour 9630 (5.0) and I can't seem to upload and save pictures that have been sent to me on email-as I could with my older Tour.When I view the attachment pictures there is no prompt to save.This had never been a problem with my older one.Is this a common problem.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a Galaxy S5 with lots of pictures attached to text messages. When I attach my phone to my PC and search for those pictures, I cannot locate them. Only see the camera shots I took in the DCIM subfolders.
Want to download them to my computer to print.
After updating to Belle and upgrading the Social client to 1.5, it seems like Social has overwritten my previous hand-picked contacts pics with profile pics downloaded via Facebook. Is there a way to revert to my old pics, and is there a way to stop Social from doing this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedTypically I would go to Settings > Accounts > Facebook and then choose sync with existing contacts but in the facebook account settings there are sync options, just says sync now if I choose the menu button. I'm trying to get the Facebook pictures to sync with my contacts.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI can't link all my face book profile pictures to my contacts on my 9900.Only the contacts , that own a black berry can be seen. I have Blackberry services activated, could it be conflicting with the settings
View 9 Replies View RelatedSo I've had this phone for about 5,6 months with different problems over the course of my time with the phone.Was wondering if anyone has had the same problems and if there are any solutions. So first, sometimes my phone will randomly delete contacts from my phone and place them in the "hidden" folder. I haven't hidden them, but I've gotten text from people and be unsure who it is,but then find out it is someone that I know and who has been in my phone.Also, since my contacts are synced with facebook,it will randomly delete the FB picture to my contact so instead of it showing their default picture on facebook in my contacts, it just shows the blank face. In the past it has deleted the picture and will eventually come back after a coule of days or weeks but currently it has deleted multiple of my contacts pictures and has yet to come back. I dont know if I am accidentally hitting something or if there is a way to prevent this but it is aggravating. Also, sometimes if I go to send a text message, say for instance to Sally Sue,I'll click Sally Sue, send the text but then in my messaging folder it does not show the name "Sally Sue" nor does it show their picture, but just the phone number alone as if I texted someone who was not inputed in my contact list.It eventually goes back to showing the name but it still annoying nonetheless.The last issue is with the gps sattelite that will not shut off and for whatever reason prevents me to use facebook on my phone.I've read that this has been an issue with others in the past and tried some of the suggestions people offered.I have uninstalled FB, reinstalled in, callibrated my phone, taken out the battery, turn on/off, etc and nothing works.Under settings in the securty tab, it is always checked next to GPS Satellites on. I will uncheck it, but it never stays that way, it will always go back to being checked and I can never use my FB app as it will open for like 2 seconds then cut out.
View 2 Replies View Relatedbeing able to post pics to my facebook from my Xperia X10, I was able to do it just a month ago, but will not let me lately
View 4 Replies View Relatedis this normal? or maybe I'm just missing some steps..I cant upload multiple pictures to Facebook all at thesame time in one uploading.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have currently installed the official 2.1 version on my X10a and I have an issue with timescape. On the facebook tiles there are no pictures, just blank/generic tiles with the updates. Emails, SMS and call log all work fine but not fb. Is there a setting I am missing?
View 9 Replies View RelatedRecently I have noticed that my facebook contact pictures o my phone (ray) has not been updating. Thought it was my phone so I have removed facebook and facebook inside xperia from accounts and sync and even clear the data from facebook in appications.
Readding the accounts, facebook is syncing up but I do not get any pictures, the photos/interest info is there when you view my contact but the picture is not there.
Is anyone having the same issue, there a bug in the recent update?
I want to save pictures from my friends facebook page to my phone but i cant
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have no trouble accessing facebook via wifi but cannot get the app to load when the wifi is turned off.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a problem logging out from the facebook on my Xp mini is there someone who can tell me what I have to do.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSince the lollipop update the xperia with I went into setttings and added the account ffacebook doesn't show a an option when trying to post picturesor it but I don't get an option anymore to post with xperia for facebook, just the facebook.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI got the X10 mini about 9 months ago, and upgraded the OS to Android 2.1 as soon as the upgrade was made available. Since the upgrade, I have been unable to view photos properly using the new and improved Facebook app that was installed as part of the upgrade.When I'm using Facebook, it will display thumbnails correctly for each photo, but when I click on the thumbnail to see the photo properly, it will display a pixelated fullscreen version of the photo for about 2-5 seconds which then disappears, leaving me with a 'broken image' symbol and a loading swirl which just stay there indefinitely. Strangely, if my phone goes into sleep mode, when I unlock the screen the pixellated version of the photo is showing again, but will again disappear after a few seconds.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have just got a Sony Ericsson xperial x10 mini pro and i'm not sure how to download facebook android
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