Xperia X10 :: Copy Microsoft Outlook Contacts From Pc To X10?
Oct 29, 2010I need to download/copy all my microsoft outlook contacts from my pc to x10.
View 3 RepliesI need to download/copy all my microsoft outlook contacts from my pc to x10.
View 3 RepliesI successfully set up the Exchange client on my E72 and can receive and send mail but I cannot find my contacts that are on our server at work via Microsoft Outlook. Phone support at Nokia was not helpful - very frustrating. My personal contacts synch with the E72 fine from my Mac using Apple Address Book and Sync. Am I correct in thinking that I can maintain both my Microsoft Outlook work contacts and Apple Address Book contacts at the same time? I thought the E72 was capable of this.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to copy and/or sync contacts from Microsoft Outlook to an iPhone 4s?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't seem to be able to sync my contacts to my Microsoft Outlook (2003) from my N8. It worked fine with the N85. I get an error message from Ovi Suite that neither Calendar nor Contacts could be synced but the Calendar does get updated. Unfortunately not the contacts. When I go to Sync Options and select Outlook for contacts and calendar I get a message from Outlook that it cannot connect to the Exchange Server, but I don't use Exchange server, I use a private e-mail account. I have tried to set up the account again as per the Ovi Suite error message (Error 83860004) but nothing. Of course also restarting Ovi Suite.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMicrosoft outlook contacts do not sync with the device 9780 when i use the organizer in the BB desktop manager.In the organiser the task, calendar and memos sync have ticked check box but for Contact it is not highled and ne check box?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I transfer my contacts from Microsoft Outlook 2007 to Nokia C7 phone.
View 5 Replies View Relatedhow to copy contacts from outlook to my iphone?
iPhone 3G, Windows XP Pro
how do I copy/transfer my contacts to outlook on my PC
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor reasons that trace back to a problematic update of OS X a few months ago, I lost all the contact i had in Outlook for Mac 2011. Is there any way to transfer/copy contacts from my iPhone into Outlook? I tried syncing thrugh iTunes, but that accomplished n
iPad 2, iOS 5.1.1
I have asked this a couplr of tyimes but have not received a reply that works. Can anyone tell me how to it it please?Transferring to my Curve required additional software from syncamatic , apparently theu don't have it for the Playbook and the desktop software doesn't do it, you can see contacts using BlCVKBERRY bRIDGE BUT HAVING TO CONNEcT EVERYTIME just to send emails to contacts is rediculous, there must be a way to do it...Please help. ( the manual is wrong there is no button to transfer contacts!
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhat print app do you use? can all my contacts from outlook- be copy to gmail account? how do you delete downloads?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I sync outlook emails from Microsoft outlook to my Ipad 3?
Info:iPad, Mac OS X (10.6.8), syn outlook contacts frm mac 2ipad
I have an Xperia Z5 (E6653) and I have a microsoft office 365 (business version) account that manages all my email, calendar & contacts. I setup the account through the built in "gmail" app because the contacts & calendar would not sync at all through the native mail app.
The problem I have is that I can see & call my exchange contacts with no problems, they sync fine from the server, but I can't make any changes to the contacts via the phone's native "contacts" app, the edit symbol is there but when i tap the symbol it takes me to the next sreen (edit screen) and from there the screen is basically useless, all the details are grey and un-editable *screenshot attached* ....
When i synced contacts, the facebook contacts are not coming as phone contacts. So i cant use these contacts in many apps since they are not phone contacts. How to copy all contacts to phone contacts?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen will Blackberry Desktop Manager be able to sync with MS Outlook 2010? I spent £100 on the latter yesterday after discovering that Windows Calendar can not be synchronised with my new Bold 9700: the sync process ends with a Microsoft Outlook Connector Error message: "No available message stores". Burrowing into Blackberry's on-line support, it seems the most likely cause is BDM - 5.0.1 - trying to connect to an unsupported version of Outlook. (Article ID KB15564).
The result is no contacts or diary on my expensive new smartphone, which is disappointing beyond belief, since Outlook 2007 etc. seems no longer available.
Currently I have 2 email address that I use on my iPhone - Hotmail and Optusnet. I use the Optusnet email through Microsoft Outlook on my home computer. How do I set up my iPhone so that all reminder/ calendar entries from Outlook come up on my iPhone?
iPhone 4S
Every time I make a copy of my contacts, the phone doubles it
View 7 Replies View RelatedDoes the Blackberry Torch software have its own Address Book which I can sync my device to and make changes on the PC without having to use Microsoft Outlook?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs There anyway to synchronise my calendar and contacts in Outlook 2011 for Mac with my blackberry torch. I am running bb desktop manager 2.0 for Mac and this gives no options other than to use ical and Mac address book. I am able to synchronise contacts with address book using the sync services on outlook, and then sync that with my bb, but it takes a while and loses some info on the way. There seems to be no way to use the outlook calendar.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy computer successfully syncs with my N900, but I cannot see the notes anywhere. Is there something I am doing wrong or is there a bug in the system. The calendar and contacts work perfectly.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have recently received about 20 new PIN addresses and was hoping there was a method of adding PIN's into my Outlook Contacts, however I don't find this as a field I can add in my Outlook Contacts. Do I have to resort to only inputting PIN addresses through the device? Seems a bit low tech!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am having difficulty syncing my I3gs phone calendar to my PC's Microsoft Outlook 2003 calendar.I installed Google Calendar and tried following several pieces of advice from various information sources.
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1
My iphone 4s notes will not sync to microsoft outlook
View 3 Replies View Relatedthe synctronisation stopped midway with an error message ...failed and check documentation and it has a reference of Ox83860061.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've just got a blackberry curve 9300 and have an email account on Microsoft Outlook on a PC at home and am trying to get it to sync so that I can check emails while I am away from home - one of my primary reasons for getting a blackberry.It seems as though I need to use an Enterprise Account but I can't seem to get anywhere - every time I try to 'set up' an email address it's asking me for an email address & password which won't work and it's not giving me an option to go for an Enterprise Account.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to know how to add my blackberry email account to my Microsoft outlook on my PC
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just ordered a Droid x2 and I'm looking for some software that will enable synchronization between Microsoft Outlook for my calendar, contacts, tasks and notes. what desktop software works for this function?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just got my new X10 mini today, but my memory card from my old phone (W595) doesn't fit in the new one!?
View 1 Replies View Relatedany way we can copy "gmail contacts" to "phone contact"??Is it useful to copy contacts to phone or can we keep on using the gmail contact and keep the phone contacts empty?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just acqired a Nokia Nuron 5230. I want to synchronize with Microsoft Outook in my PC.I check the user guide.It does not have specific instructions for synchronizing with Microsoft Outlook.I tried the synchronization guide, but it seems that the instruction is for synchronizing to a server.It ask for a contact database.I put in my outlook .pst file, but it doesn't recognize it.Does anyone have step-by-step instructions on how to synchronize 5230 with Microsoft Outlook?
View 5 Replies View RelatedFor some reason PC Suite will no longer synch my Calendar from Microsoft Outlook. I have uninstalled and reinstalled both Outlook and PC Suite, but to no avail.I'm using Windows 7, but, as I've said, it was all working until this week. The phone (Nokia 6220 Classic) is linking properly with my laptop via Bluetooth as my text messages?
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